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Chapter 1946 The Fulan Brothers and the Manor Sword Fight

 Mother-in-law Cassandra disappeared suddenly, without finishing the last sentence. But Shade was not worried about the safety of the doctor and the priest. He probably guessed that the doctor's coffin could also be used as a

A special surface vehicle, so the two decided to try to break through the barrier between the two islands.

With the doctor's luck, Shade was worried that they would get lost in the fog; but with Priest August's reliability, Shade felt that maybe soon, he would be able to see the two members of the team appear in the coffin.

in front of him.

After the contact with Granny Cassandra was over, the girl in the hotel came forward as usual. Miss Hayley Aurora steamed Shade's clothes, and Tifa brought the potion.

This time Shade's outing time was very short, so Lecia and Dorothy asked Shade what he had encountered without any worries. On the contrary, Shade discovered that although more girls who were originally unconscious were awakened in the hotel, they needed to

More and more people are taking rest and healing.

"The monsters around are getting stronger, and their perception ability is also getting stronger. Every time there is an earthquake, the blood in the fog outside will be thicker, and they will become stronger. I have a feeling that this island is coming alive.

come over."

Lesia worriedly explained to Shade:

"Although the hotel can still be maintained now, your bonfire can ensure that at least the first floor is safe, and there are enough healing potions. But judging from the current situation, there will be no problem here within an hour. No matter how long it takes, there will be no problem.

It’s hard to say. After all, we don’t have many high-level warlocks.”

Lecia and Dorothy were both five-ringed people. They knew that their level was the lowest, so they didn't bother to join the battle. They just summoned the princess holding the spindle and the match girl holding the basket to act as a guard at the door. And because there were no

Participated in the battle, so Lecia is responsible for the distribution of supplies here, and has the best understanding of the current overall situation of the hotel.

"Don't worry, it won't be that long."

Shad said:

"Don't worry about anything, leave everything to me. Maybe things will be over in the first half of the night. When tomorrow dawns, we still have time to spend the remaining half of the Red Butterfly Day."

The root of the tree had just been given to Grandma Cassandra and passed to the outside of the island. The big tree under the island has the most direct connection with Edwardsden's magic. If people outside the island can figure out the root of the tree as soon as possible

It's a secret, and you should also be able to learn how to get to the island.

Now everyone is racing against time. Shade even believes that Laplace Klein Howard, whose identity has been in the Edwards Mansion, should also be counting time. He wants to use Shade and who knows where

Iluna helped him complete the last part of the ritual, but Shade and Iluna were actually using this to gain power.

It is still unclear who will win and who will lose in the race against time, but it cannot be said that either side is at a disadvantage yet.

More than thirty minutes have passed since the entire Green Lake Hotel appeared on the island. People from outside the island are about to arrive, and the Edwards family dinner is about to begin. Shade guesses that he probably doesn't have many times left before he can return.

The opportunity came here. So after a short rest, he once again left the hotel under the farewell of the girls.

Entering the forest along the already familiar road, although the monsters wandering in the rainy night and fog became stronger, because Shade's connection with the island became deeper, he was able to bypass them more quickly.

After a battle, they quickly passed through the forest and entered the town again.

On the way, they encountered two more supplies sent by the church from outside the island. Among them were alchemy dolls that could spontaneously attract monsters, which made Shade's progress more convenient.

As for the town in the thick fog, there were still no pedestrians on the road. When they arrived at the location where the cross collapsed and the blood tree rose, the kneeling townspeople were still there. Shade just bypassed them and went straight to

The road south of the town leads up to the hills.

Because he had already encountered something in the town once, he thought he would be able to walk directly to the door of the Edwards mansion this time, and then be forced to find keys or invitations. Unexpectedly, at the end of the originally straight road, he found another

The way is blocked by a manor that shouldn't exist.

The manor happened to be blocked at the intersection leaving the town and leading to Edwards' old house. The gate of the manor was open, and the firelight from the window of the house could be seen in the mist-filled courtyard, as if to welcome Shade's arrival.

"Just now it was the Edwards brothers and the Green siblings. This time it's the Fulan brothers' turn, right?"

Shade did not choose to take a detour, so he entered the manor with his long sword and entered the open mansion along the central axis of the courtyard.

Just as he thought, entering the building, there was a splendid banquet hall. Men and women in formal dresses and long skirts all gathered together, watching two people in the crowd competing with each other.

It turned out to be the Fulen brothers. The two brothers, wearing left and right monocles respectively, were dueling each other with a stabbing sword at the moment. Their postures were quite standard, but they had no armor on their bodies, and their attacks were quite ruthless.

When Shade saw them, the two brothers' bodies were already covered with wounds. As they moved, blood flowed from the red-stained clothes to the carpet. Looking at the carpet carefully, it was clearly made of fine tree roots.

A blanket of roots.

The onlookers cheered happily, applauded, or loudly encouraged the two brothers to continue the attack. Each of them stood still, no matter how big the movements of their upper body were, their lower body did not move at all.

Finally, Shade discovered the roots piercing the soles of the feet from under the floor of a lady wearing high heels, and realized that the townspeople here were indeed controlled by the big tree that ran through the entire island.

Shade walked through the crowd and came inside. Both the Fulen brothers turned to look at him, but their movements of wielding the sword did not stop at all, as if their heads could no longer control their bodies.

Shade did not stop their movements, but said directly:

"Let them stop. What are you going to do this time?"

"Just wanted to show some family camaraderie."

The voice came from beside him, and Shade looked at Laplace Howard, who was wearing a black formal suit, a handkerchief stuffed in his chest, and a glass of red wine in his hand:

"Your family's family bond is to force twin brothers to fight each other?"

"This is not life-threatening."

The fortune teller said calmly:

"Compared with this cruel world, this is already a very kind approach."

Shade smiled mockingly:

"Let them stop. I will continue to move towards your mansion. What do you want me to do this time? Or use my perfume to feed your family's big tree?"

"It seems you have understood the significance of this."

"How could you not understand?"

The Fulen brothers stopped attacking each other and retreated from the carpet of tree roots.

The fortune teller turned around, took a long sword that looked like a [Night Watchman] from the old man who looked like a butler behind him, and then made an invitation gesture to Shade:

"Do you want to compete with me in swordsmanship? I heard that the Godcaller has excellent swordsmanship. Give me a try. You only need to persist for five minutes. No matter you lose or win, you can continue."

He took the initiative to walk towards the red carpet:

"The time is almost up. This is the last hurdle that blocks your progress. I promise you that after this duel, you will get an invitation letter, and my descendants who you are thinking about will be waiting safely in the family house.

With you."

He stood still on the carpet and turned to look at Shade:

"How about treating this as a warm-up before the banquet? We will discuss many things tonight. If you can beat me, I am willing to tell you some things in advance that you have always wanted to know."

"for example?"

Shade frowned deeply, and the fortune teller waved his long sword and danced with beautiful sword flowers:

"For example, what on earth did Lesia Cavendish and Dorothy Louisa choose to do when they were chosen by the world?"

Shade walked towards the carpet holding the sword. The fortune teller smiled, holding the sword hilt with both hands, and raised the sword:

"Come, let's follow the duel etiquette."

So Shade also raised the [Night Watch] and touched his sword. The two of them each took two steps back. After adjusting their breathing rates, they stepped forward and waved the weapons in their hands.

The quality of the long sword in the fortune teller's hand is certainly not as good as that of an angel-level relic, but it is undoubtedly an extremely strong weapon. The long swords of both sides were intertwined, and although cracks gradually appeared on the sword, it did not break due to this.

And the fortune teller's swordsmanship is really superb. His current body is still not the original body, but his strength is surprisingly strong, even stronger than Shade's. Fortunately, his "superb" swordsmanship is still better than that of Shade.

Not as good as Xia De, he can now be called a "master" in swordsmanship.

They had a tacit understanding that they did not use thaumaturgy, and just engaged in the most classical duel like ordinary people. While the swords were clashing, blocking, dodging and parrying, the surrounding townspeople continued to cheer and applaud.

They not only cheered for the soothsayer, but also cheered for Shade's outstanding attack.

The five-minute duel was not very long. Even if his strength was slightly inferior, Shade still had the upper hand by relying on the convenience of weapons and swordsmanship. There were gradually more rips on the black formal suit of the fortune teller, and the body was not strong enough.

Knowing where the body comes from will also cause blood to flow out.

Although Shade made several mistakes and was defeated by the opponent's long sword, even in the end, he only suffered damage to his clothes and did not suffer any real damage during the whole process. The sword fight between the two sides was restrained and elegant.

There is no ruthlessness or determination to kill the opponent in the sword fight.

But Xia De would not relax his vigilance because of this. At the end of the five minutes that could even be called harmonious and friendly, when the long sword collided with the long sword again, and the sword in the fortune teller's hand changed suddenly, Xia De

De immediately understood that he was finally going to reveal his true purpose.

This chapter has been completed!
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