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Chapter 1978 The Inherited Cards

 The fire spread from the cracks in the ground to the entire giant tree in just a few breaths, naturally attracting other people. In addition to the people fighting on the edge of the island, the thirteen-ring warlocks who were idle

, they all stopped what they were doing and looked up at the burning giant tree. They all understood inexplicably that everything tonight would end with the burning of this tree.

The burning bloody giant tree and the towering green tree growing behind it seemed to symbolize something.

"What does it symbolize?"

Outside the town of Green Lake, Higgins, the elder of the "Apuna Library", looked up at this scene, his old face also red by the firelight. Next to him, Granny Natalie of the "Guiding Light Monastery" asked.

He also looked at the president of the Prophet Association, "Mr. Crystal" Adelaida Lenormand, who shook her head regretfully:

"What a pity. In the end, I didn't get to see Laplace Howard. In fact, the association has a lot of things it wants to know from him, and I don't know how the Godcaller will deal with him."

The statue symbolizing the ancient god of space, and the time key symbolizing the ancient god of time, are two forces entangled together. And the "Mystery Lock-Tree Kiss" they support happens to come from the ancient god who also has the power of time and space.


The believers of the old gods once helped seal this place, and now, the outsiders who have inherited part of the power of the old gods have fulfilled a similar mission.

In the sea of ​​​​fire under the old lighthouse, the tired Shade withdrew the "Staff of Yggdrasil", looked at the blazing bonfire symbolizing the "Kiss of the Tree" seal under the statue of the ancient god, and then looked at

To Sister Devlin:

"Sister, you get rid of the [Bottle Door] and this sea of ​​fire here. I'm going to find the fortune teller now."

The nun nodded slightly, then watched Shade touch the statue and recite the incantation before disappearing here.

In the familiar white mist-filled space, the only path not covered by thick fog was a series of dilapidated wooden road signs.

[Outlander, you have entered the "space maze". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Original Crack":]

[Existing space landmark: 8.]

"St. Teresa's Square, under the sea cliff of Coldwater Port, the old tower of Mount Sikal, the Vineyards of the White River Valley, the Lighthouse of the Island in the Pantanal Lake, the Church of the Forgotten, the Temple of the Night, and the Green Lake Hotel."

As for the ninth road sign at the end, it naturally represents the "Green Island Hills Lighthouse".

After establishing a new road sign, Shade withdrew from the white mist. Then, without using Sister Devlin to separate the sea of ​​​​fire, Shade summoned the life ring and used the "time and space" spiritual runes to illuminate the direction the statue of the ancient god was pointing.

A hidden passage emerged.

After walking out of the hidden passage, he returned to the basement of the lighthouse. Shade wasted no time and headed all the way to the north of the island.

Obviously he did not cover his figure, but none of the ring magicians who passed by him on the island saw him.

He saw the giant tree with a green crown growing next to the lighthouse, the burning blood-red tree and the falling ash, branches and leaves; he passed by the Edwards old house, which is now completely closed, and also passed through the only

Green Lake Town is a town where a few descendants of the townspeople who were taken captive to the island survive.

Finally, Shade came to the forest path and walked back to the old pier in the opposite direction from when he first landed on the island with Megan.

The rain had stopped long ago, and the brilliant sea of ​​stars hung upside down above our heads. The black vortex in the center of the sea of ​​stars was now only the size of a palm in Shade's eyes. Behind Shade, the burning giant tree almost reflected everything on the island.

But the fly ash from the giant trees will also nourish Green Island, giving the land new vitality and vitality.

Next spring, the island that has calmed down after the disaster will probably usher in a new era of its own.

And when the firelight reflected Shade's back red, "she" in his ear reminded softly:

[Please note that although you can use "Mystery Lock-Bell Tower Lover" to fuse girls who are willing to devote their sincerity to you when your own spirit is sufficient, it is not recommended to use it with the same person frequently. 】


The falling ashes made the sea of ​​stars seem to turn red, and the beeping sound of burning could not hide the tenderness of "her":

[The brilliance of divinity is too dazzling, and their souls cannot bear the ray of light that does not belong to mortals like you.]

Shade nodded to express his understanding:

"Mystery Lock - Bell Tower Lovers can only be used as a means of abnormal times, right? I understand."

He stopped and turned back to look at the dazzling red giant tree on the path in the forest. The firelight caught his eyes. Turning right into the forest was the Green Lake Hotel. If he continued forward, he would reach the pier.


"Actually, I had another option tonight, but I didn't use it."

[Use Mystique Cinderella to transform Iluna Bayas into the image of the cold and mature Thirteen Rings Chosen One in the past and the Sixth Era that you saw in your memory?]

As expected, "she" understands Shade best.

"Yes, but I am worried that this will also attract the power of doomsday. I am even more worried about letting Iluna bear memories that do not belong to her. Let me bear all this. If it is not necessary, I will use [Mystery Lock·

The power of Lovers in the Bell Tower.”

We walked through the forest path and finally saw the dock by the lake. We wasted some time trying to maintain the seal of "Tree Kiss" in the sea of ​​​​fire, and it was now close to three o'clock in the morning on Thursday.

The rain has stopped and the fog has cleared. Only scattered red butterflies are still dancing under the starry sky along with the sparks and fly ash blown by the wind.

The green lake returned to the same normal water color as the outside world. Although the rocks protruding from the water still existed, they no longer looked so scary under the starry sky.

The scenery by the lake is very good, and you can see the starry sky when you look up. The church ring wizards who were cleaning up monsters by the lake did not appear in this water area. Therefore, they sat cross-legged at the end of the pier pier without being disturbed, alone.

Laplace Klein Howard looking at the stars.

The footsteps of Sha De coming here did not disturb the man who was very depressed just by looking at his back. Sha De stood not far behind him, frowning and looking at this lonely figure. Neither of them took the initiative to speak. For a long time, divination

Jia finally turned his back to Shade and said:

"The state of never meeting each other between Lecia Cavendish and Dorothy Louisa is not something I can completely solve. But I do know how to stop the gradual fusion of their souls."

His voice was old and tired:

"First of all, they must be determined enough not to want to merge with another person. This depends on you; secondly, only the power of gods can permanently interfere with this natural phenomenon, but now they are the chosen ones. This

The problem no longer needs to be considered; finally."

From his pocket, many playing cards flew out with the backs of Rhodes cards but blank faces. Only the last three cards were not blank:

"The first ones are the alchemy cards I researched and produced, which can seal creatures and objects to a limited extent. Look for items related to stories that can be enlightening forces for magicians, such as fairy tales, legends, fables, poetry originals or related items.

Items. Seal them in cards, and then let writers and princesses use them regularly to use the power of enlightenment to slow down the mission entrusted to them by civilization and the world.

Only a few of these items can help them, and these cards will tell you which ones can.

In this way, they can also become stronger due to the resonance caused by the enlightenment elements. Although they have to use these alchemical items frequently throughout their lives, they are lucky enough compared to losing themselves."

As for the last three cards that are not blank cards, one of them is an angel-level relic [Poetry Card], which can be used to call heroes from the past to help you; one of them uses ancient words to write the specific details of those alchemy cards.

How to use it; on the other one, there is a key pattern:

"Before tonight, I destroyed most of my dangerous and blasphemous research materials, knowledge and diaries. The remaining ones include my divination notes, the method of making alchemical playing cards, the research and application of the Philosopher's Stone, and a small amount of

The property, potions, and alchemy materials are all in the family’s old mansion. It’s not the real island, it’s this island. My son Slos knows where the door is, and the key is the last card in your hand.”

His voice became hoarse:

"Those information should be useful to you, or at least to the people around you. As for [Poetry Cards], the power of time is so fascinating. I don't think I need to remind you of the dangers of this relic. You yourself are very


Shade looked at the thing in his hand with a complicated expression. There were many chosen ones or other enemies who were hostile to him. Among them, enemies with complicated situations, such as Joey Barton, were not uncommon. But only the one in front of him had his back turned.

Looking at his fortune teller, the stranger felt for a moment that the other person was not a bad person. Of course, it was only for a moment.

He arranged the cards, put them all away, and asked again:

"Can I ask you a question? The pattern on the back of the Rhodes card and the Wanxiang Impermanence card is similar but different from the sun, moon and star ritual matrix. I saw it recorded in your book. So where does it come from?


This question was the reason why Shade first set foot in the Green Lake area.

The fortune teller shook his head:

"I don't know why you are curious about this. The ritual matrix is ​​my most proud achievement after leaving the Seer Association. I created the ritual matrix based on the symbols on the back of the Wanxiang Impermanence card, which condenses my knowledge of divination.

Most of the results of astrology and ritual science. Tonight’s Edwards Den magic is based on it as the core of the ritual.”

"What? How is that possible?"

This sentence almost blurted out, but even though he held it back, Shade still couldn't believe the answer.

PS: This chapter's picture "Rhodes Card Back" (first edition).

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