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Chapter 1991 The Awakening Princess

Judging from what Laplace Klein Howard said when he merged with the evil "Bottle Door", the witches of the Fifth Age should have been prepared for the coming doomsday. Maybe even

The original purpose of establishing the three major colleges is related to this.

Shade hopes to get new information from those ancient witches.

"But what the [Poetry Card] summons is only a projection of the past, not a real person. I have only heard of heroes from the past helping the user defeat powerful enemies, but I have never heard of this card being able to be used in this way."

Luvia frowned slightly.

"You must be careful when using time relics."

Miss Bernice also said, Shade nodded:

"Luvia is right, but I have my own ideas. My low-level words of sublimation - [Reverberation of Time and Space Shake the Sleeping Power], combined with this card and a special location, maybe it can be successful. This thing

I will only use the relic once, and then let the Witch Council help store it."

Shade's words of sublimation require more energy than fully unfolding the Mystery Lock. Not to mention, his special words of sublimation require "an ancient space-time ritual matrix similar to the Stonehenge in the center of the Pantanal Lake."

can be used.

"What special place do you want to be in? Or Stonehenge in the Heart of the Pantanal?"

Luvia asked again, but Shade shook his head slightly:

"That's why I want to ask Miss Carina for help. I want to use this relic in the Witch Council to prevent accidents to the greatest extent."

"That's a good idea."

Miss Carina thought for a moment and agreed:

"The Parliament can suppress most of the relics of time and space. After all, it has its own unique independence. And if it is the great witches who summon the past, they must be related to the Parliament. So if this relic is used in the Parliament, accidents can

Keep it to a minimum. Although there is no space-time ritual matrix in the council, it is very unique and should be able to cooperate with you."

"Assuming that the attempt to relic and the word of sublimation is successful, then who are you going to call? The Ice Witch in the early fifth era? The seniors of St. Byrons in the middle period? Or the Witch Emperor Violet or Se in the later period?

Miss Schulz-Teresa, President of the University of Science and Technology of Germany?"

Luvia asked.

"The founder of St. Byrons, Miss Myrna Feliana. Her time point is relatively not far away, and Miss Feliana seems to know more."

Shade said the answer he had thought of for a long time:

"When using [Poetry Cards], the object you need to call is a hero spread in poetry or epics, and cannot be an unknown person. There is no need to worry about this. The story of Miss Feliana is still circulating even today. As for Miss Feliana

Regarding relevant items, I have a notebook that Miss Feliana has written in her own hand, so that’s no problem.”

"Now that you have thought about it, when are you going to use this relic?"

Miss Benenice asked again.

"Next week. This week I need to deal with the Edwards family, and talk to the guardian of the earth, and Sister Devlin, oh, and Miss Danist. I need one to make sure there is no one in the council

The time is about half an hour to an hour.”

The four great witches discussed:

"No problem, we have chosen a time to tell you. If you need anything else, just tell us in advance."

"I hope it will work out."

Shade stretched and chatted with them for a while. Luvia was the first to get up and rest. She will return to the local Prophet Association tomorrow, and then return to Tobesk City. Shade will go there on the weekend or Monday.

I can see her in the city.

Miss Carina was the second to get up and leave. She yawned and asked Tifa to help her make the bed, and complained that the hotel bed was quite uncomfortable.

Not long after the footsteps of Miss Carina and Tifa disappeared, Sister Devlin, Megan and her group also returned.

The nun nodded to Shade and went to rest. Megan was curious about why Shade was sitting here so late talking to the witches. So she also sat down, or in other words, they also sat down.

The two sisters held hands and felt a little embarrassed when they saw other people looking at them curiously:

"Why are you looking at me all the time? Although one person has become two people, aren't we two exactly the same?"

"It's interesting because they are exactly the same. Do you have the same feelings?"

Miss Aurora asked curiously:

"Don't think too much, I just want to know from an academic point of view, if I poke one of you with my hand, will the other one feel it?"

"like this."

Miss Sylvia smiled and really poked the back of Megan's hand, and Audrey replied:

"Of course there are feelings. In essence, we have always been just one person. Now we are just a birthmark of an individual named Megan Edwards or Audrey Edwards, with a tumor that is the same as the body itself.


"The answer is not romantic at all."

Miss Benenice said, and helped her put it in another way:

"Just like you and me in and out of dreams, you are me and I am you. No one can tell who is real until you wake up from the dream. And for you, probably you will never be able to wake up from this dream.


Both sisters smiled. Miss Aurora thought for a while, glanced upstairs, then stood up and said:

"Shade, are you interested in their state?"

"I'm interested in what you mean by this question?"

"Anyway, I look really good tonight, so why not"

She looked at Miss Bernice and Miss Sylvia again, and then the beautiful female opera singer and the tutor of the Southern Princess also stood up. They pulled Shad up one by one, although

They are all still a little shy, but after all, it’s not the first time:

"Speaking of which, you haven't 'welcome' us to Green Lake yet."

The witches said.

"Wait, what are you going to do?"

Now it was Megan and Audrey's turn to be surprised, they saw signs that something was not right.

"The beginning of this kind of activity was when we taught Shade kissing skills together. You may not believe it, but in the first half year of Carina and Shade's acquaintance, she actually didn't do anything. As for later, this kind of interesting activity became

It became something more interesting.”

Miss Aurora waved to the two sisters:

"Come together, it will be very interesting. We won't break through the last step, but it doesn't mean we can't do other things. The Battle of Green Lake is over, so we should relax."

"But, but, how dare you."

Meghan felt like she was out of breath:

"Would you like to call Carina?"

"She wants to go to bed on her own."

The blond Miss Bernice said, so the big witches dragged Shade to the third floor, and then pushed him to the bedroom where he had just left less than an hour ago.

The door was shut, and the witches, illuminated by the moonlight from the window, surrounded Shade.

"Don't do this, oh, my coat, please don't"

"Xia De, this is not up to you."

"My cat, little Mia, little Mia is still downstairs."

"Someone will take care of it. Really, Shade, do you really care more about the cat than the pretty girl?"

The eyes in the closet saw the "forced" Shade being surrounded by witches. The bloodshot eyes gradually spread, and the conflict between good thoughts and evil thoughts, intertwined in the soul, finally brewed the precipitated...

Long lasting wine.

The silent transformation means the boundary between the ordinary and the extraordinary. In that wardrobe, after the eyes in the door blinked for the last time, Agelina Cavendish finally seized her talent and transformed.

For the talented people who have not yet taken up their jobs.

The joy and bitterness at this moment were intertwined, making the violent ups and downs of emotions in her heart even more difficult to describe. The sweat made the clothes stick to her skin in the small and not very breathable space. The weird wet feeling and wonderful mood made her want to

I wanted to close my eyes, or at least move my eyes away from the crack in the door, but my body was not under the control of my mind.

Fortunately, the next moment there was a knock on the door. Then, the very rude Miss Carina burst in wearing a nightgown and carrying Tifa holding little Mia.

As soon as the lights in the room were turned on, several people on the bed stood up immediately.

"I just heard from my maids that there is a very poor cat meowing alone by the fire on the first floor. Anyone who hears it will be very sad, so I came to take a look."

The cat's big amber eyes looked at Shade pitifully, while the witch's golden eyes sternly glanced at everyone in the room. Everyone stood up, except Miss Aurora, who was sitting on the bed.

The witch curled her lips and said:

"Carina, this is too much."

"I think you are going too far, right?"

She looked at Miss Sylvia, who looked away from her; she looked at Miss Bernanise, the beautiful blonde opera singer smiled at her. Although she did not have the last courage for the time being, she

Everything else was figured out; looking at Megan and Audrey, their faces were so red that they looked like they were going to explode.

The duchess shook her head:

"You guys, really, where did you put the dignity of the great witch? If the witches of the fifth era find out, they will definitely laugh at the witches of this era. But you have something to do tonight, so don't be lazy here.


She walked straight to the corner, and Shade noticed that the [Hide and Seek Wardrobe] was actually placed here. Miss Carina opened the closet neatly, and then pulled out Agelina, who seemed to be semi-conscious.

Shade's reaction at this time was even greater than that of Agelina who was confused at the moment. He suddenly thought of what he had done in the middle of the night:

"Wait, what is going on? When did Agelina get here?"

The blushing little princess was almost unconscious at this moment, so of course she would not answer him.

"Awakening, Agelina has really awakened, the Cavendish royal family has three ring warlocks in the same era!"

Miss Carina showed a pleased expression on her face:

"Sure enough, violent emotional ups and downs will promote the awakening of the ring warlock. This is indeed true."

"I feel for your nieces and nephews."

Miss Aurora said, and then she was forcibly taken away by Miss Carina to give Agelina a thorough examination.

The other ladies were too embarrassed to stay here any longer, so everyone left in a blink of an eye. Fortunately, before Tifa left, she kept little Mia behind so that Shade wouldn't really spend the rest of the night by himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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