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Chapter 2026 The Hope Diamond and the Witch’s Pocket Watch

"I appreciate your attitude very much. As for the end of the world, it seems that the Prophet Association has known about it for a long time, and the Five Gods Church is by no means unaware. Although the specific time and situation are not yet clear, but the

The great witches of the fifth era are also busy investigating this. In addition to the above, there are more people preparing for this. What's more, "" and the end of the world still need to be investigated. But "" is definitely related to this, pursue

The Chosen One is still the most important thing we can do."

Shade shook his head, and this time he finally stood up holding on to the back of the chair. Aurora wanted to help him, but Shade refused:

"What needs to be prepared now is to face the conditions brought about by the deterioration of the world's environment. For example, the low temperature this summer will cause a significant reduction in food production in autumn and winter."

"This is indeed a trouble, but now that it has happened, we can only look forward. As for the end of the world, I agree with Shade. As long as the majority of the thirteen chosen ones are on our side, no matter what happens in the end

No matter what happens, we will not be the weak side."

Meghan agreed.

"Then what else did Miss Feliana say? For example, what did she ask you to do in the sixth era?"

Miss Aurora asked again, and Shade nodded:

"Let me unite everyone who can be united, no matter who the other party is, let me."

After hesitating for a moment, he finally said:

"Master the Witch Council as much as possible."

The serious atmosphere just now was suddenly broken, and the four beautiful ladies all chuckled:

"Isn't this what you've been doing?"

"Miss Feliana also said that the Witches' Council shoulders important responsibilities, and it is important to unite the Council. From this point of view, the secrets of the Witches' Council are not small, but I can't ask Miss Isabella."

He deliberately mentioned the great witch of time, but he still did not choose to tell about the meeting with the lady. The matter of [past life] involves Luvia, so he cannot tell it easily, and besides, the time was destroyed

It's the world's secret. Even Shade doesn't know what will happen if you tell it.

"Speaking of which, do you know about [The Diamond of Hope]?"

He asked again, and the knowledgeable Megan nodded first:

"The unknowable relic [The Diamond of Hope] looks like a crystal clear diamond, about the size of half my hand."

As a woman, Meghan's hands are not very big.

"The diamond has a total of 58 facets and is crystal clear. Even in a completely dark environment, it will always reflect light from an unknown source. The relic has only one characteristic: when people facing desperate situations look at it, it will show them hope.

.This does not mean creating an illusion, but really pointing out a way for people."

But Miss Adele Isabella asked Shade to ask in "Misery", and he didn't even know what language it was.

"Even in modern times, we can still see descriptions of this diamond in many ancient stories. Sometimes it is jewelry, sometimes it is a diamond on a crown, sometimes it is a treasure in a dragon's treasure chest, and sometimes it is...

An even more bizarre state appears.”

Miss Aurora also said:

"The Oracle Association is currently searching for the unknowable relic [The Base of Destiny]. It is rumored that if paired with the [Diamond of Hope], it can predict and divine all the secrets of this world. Of course, this is just a rumor, and no one can

I have never tried to match these two relics. Shade, is this what Miss Feliana mentioned?"

"That's right. So where is [The Diamond of Hope] now? Is it contained, or has it been lost long ago?"

Megan and Miss Aurora both shook their heads to express that they didn't know. Miss Carina thought for a moment and shook her head. Instead, Miss Benanis said hesitantly:

"I seem to have heard someone talking about this relic a few years ago, but I'm not sure. Give me some time and I'll write to investigate. But it will take some time, at least two or three weeks."

"It's okay, don't worry, it doesn't even matter if you can't find it."

The [past] Miss Isabella, like the dead Laplace Howard, both believed that the long-haired Luvia was not a good person. Shade did not comment on this. Before he investigated the truth himself,

I still choose to believe in Luvia. The most I can do is think more about it when encountering problems.

Feeling the pocket watch in his sleeve, Shade suddenly asked:

"Speaking of which, does Miss Isabella, the great witch of time, have any unknowable relics on her body?"

Although this question is very abrupt, it can be understood as an extension of the topic of "unknown-level relics". The witches all shook their heads:

"Any unknown-level relics cannot be carried casually. No matter how powerful the Speaker is, he would not do such a thing. However, there are some low-level relics on the Speaker."

Miss Benenice paused:

"Sorry, this involves the Speaker's private information, we can't talk about it."

"I understand, I'm just curious, does your Excellency have any high-end time relics on him?"

"Of course there are, the hourglass that briefly pauses time, the unknown amount of sands of time, the apology that temporarily reverses one's own state, I can't say more."

Shade smiled again to express his understanding:

"But I noticed that you didn't mention pocket watches. I originally thought that the Witch of Time must have pocket watch-like relics on her body."

"This kind of relic is rare, Shade, you can't pry anymore, otherwise we will not be able to help telling you everything. However, Miss Isabella does have a pocket watch that she carries with her, but that is

Her personal belongings are not relics."

It was indeed not a relic. Shade did not feel the whispering element in the small pocket watch in his sleeve.

After talking to the big witches for a few more words, everyone left the council. Although everyone is not in the same place now, if they want to meet and talk at any time, there will be plenty of time and opportunities in the future, so there is no need to stay in the council.

After Megan and Miss Carina returned to St. Teresa Square with Shad, Megan said goodbye to Shad and returned to Green Lake. Miss Carina also had other things to do in the city today, but she still wanted to do it first.

After confirming that Sha De was fine, he told him to rest at home for the day and not to go out.

"I actually have another question that I want to confirm."

When he was preparing to say goodbye to the duchess in the living room on the second floor, Shade said again:

“Is the name of the Speaker of the Witch Council ‘Adele’?”

Miss Carina nodded, her beautiful golden eyes showing a puzzled look:

"Yes, that's it. I probably haven't mentioned this to you. Did Meghan or Sylvia mention it to you?"

"No one said that."

Shade shook his head and let out a sigh of relief:

"Don't pay attention to my questions. I won't investigate the identity of that lady. I just want to confirm one thing. Don't worry, I didn't meet her. When I was in the parliament, I had some strange hallucinations.

This time there is still some risk, the power of the Witch Council can no longer be easily touched by me."

Miss Carina looked at him worriedly, feeling that Shade was getting more and more worried. What Shade was thinking about was the Adele Isabella he had just met, and the Adele in the present time.

El Isabella is actually not the same person.

The time in the past life was destroyed and everything started over again. Only Luvia with long hair came to the "present". In other words, among all the people who existed at the time of the "past life", only Luvia is still the Luvia of the present.

.Others are more like branches of the long river of time and destiny.

Miss Carina left, and Shade took out something from his sleeve. The cat stood on the back of the sofa, curiously looking at the small silver lady's pocket watch, which Shade held on a chain and slowly rotated in the reflection of the sunlight. The pocket watch was very small, Shade

After pressing the button, he opened the lid with a crisp "click" sound. He held the pocket watch and looked at the decoration and hands inside. Although this pocket watch was just an ordinary item, it was definitely not something that ordinary people could use.


"An item from time that shouldn't exist was actually delivered to me by her like this?"

It seems that Shade still underestimates the [Witch Council]. Neither he nor the [Poetry Cards] have this kind of power.

And this pocket watch will surely become a guidepost to guide the lady and Shade to meet again. But in this way, Shade will have to carry this pocket watch with him at all times, otherwise once the other party succeeds, what he will see is

The statue of the ancient god in the basement is so ridiculous.

"But if you wear it, Miss Carina and the others will recognize it. This pocket watch is really beautiful, and it really looks good as an ornament."

【Do you want to smell it to remember the smell?】

"She" asked softly, Shade stared at himself blurred in the reflection of the pocket watch cover:

"What image do I have in your mind?"

In the next few days, Shade was completely free. He was even punished by the tree father and was unable to use the time key for a month. He even left the calculation of the time key to "her".

Of course, saying he is free only means that he doesn't have to worry about the chosen one. But in fact, he still has a lot to do.

The [Poetry Card] was officially handed over to the [Witches Council] for safekeeping the day after Shade used it. This relic originally belonged to the [Prophet Association], but considering that Laplace Howard did not ask Xia before his death,

De returned it, and Shade himself might use it in the future, so it was better to put it in the hands of the witches. The relic was nominally submitted by Megan, with the excuse that when she was cleaning her island, she found the playing cards lying in the woods.


This reason is impeccable.

As for Dorothy and Lesia's sealed butterfly cards, Shade did not miss the matter either. He took a full day off on Wednesday and went to Huntington City on Thursday to learn from the owner of the White King Club, an unwilling man.

The earl who revealed his name bought the "king's chess piece" mentioned by Miss Sylvia, and the chess piece was successfully sealed by the card.

The antiques in Lecia's hands did not meet the requirements, so in Tobesk, Shade went to find Old John. He originally thought that there would be antiques that met the requirements in the pawn shop, but he tried five items in a row, and the playing cards did not respond.

Old John promised Shade to help him find similar things. After all, this is not a relic, and the difficulty of finding it is relatively low. But Father John himself seems to be busy with other things recently.

Shade intended to talk to him about the rumored Battle of Green Lake, but seeing that John's father was not very interested, he didn't say much.

This chapter has been completed!
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