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Chapter 2029 Detective Hamilton’s Summer

 Of course, in his spare time, Shade did not forget to visit his friend who helped him in Green Lake, which refers to Captain Rades.

On the day Miss Carina and Margaret were assassinated, Captain Rades led the team to create friction and conflict at the border, thereby firing the second shot at the end of the Green Lake negotiations. The first shot was fired by Shade

.After that, Captain Rades was relieved of his military duties and temporarily transferred back to Tobesk City.

On the third day of the month of Sunshine, Shade took a bottle of wine to visit the captain in his rented apartment, but found him packing his luggage.

"Good morning, detective. Don't be surprised. The new arrangements have been made. I will leave Tobesk immediately. I will no longer work in the Army."

"What? So anxious, but"

"Don't worry, detective, I'm now a member of the Navy.

He turned around, smiled and shook his newly received uniform at Shade, and then asked Shade to look at the medal box on the pile of debris on the table:

"From now on, please call me Major Rades."

The middle-aged man's eyes were shining, and Shade was also happy for him:

"From captain to major? Congratulations, sir. From now on you will be called Major Rades. This is really not easy."

"Yes, it's really not easy."

Thinking of his ups and downs in the past two years, the former "Eight-Gun Captain" couldn't help but sigh:

"My promotion and decoration are not ordinary situations, so the military department first asked me to go to the Navy to stay for a while, and then let me return to the Royal Army next year or the year after that. At that time, no one would care where I, a major, came from.

That’s it.”

"But the job of the Navy should be different from that of the Army, right?"

Shade asked, and the major nodded:

"Yes, I still have a lot to learn, but this is already good. This time I was arranged to go to the west coast to join the Coast Guard. This is a very good job. It is said that I can spend more time at the dock than on the boat.


He turned around and stretched out his hand to Shade, and said seriously:

"Anyway, detective, I really appreciate you this time. Otherwise, I can't imagine how an officer like me, who has been captured before and has no background, can obtain the rank of major before officially being discharged."

Shade shook hands with him. The sun shone on the two men's clasped hands. Shade shook his head:

"I still hold the view that you chose the future for yourself, and I just gave you a chance. See you in the future, Major Rades. I hope that next time, we can meet in a strange city when we look up."

"Goodbye, Detective Hamilton. I'm also looking forward to our next meeting. You are my forever friend."

He gave Shade a hug.

Major Rades left the city by train that evening. He came back in a hurry and left in a hurry. It seemed that all he took with him was his order of appointment and dismissal and a new medal.

Shade said goodbye to his friend at the train station and watched the train leaving for the west coast. He was still feeling the impact of his arrival on everyone he met.

After bidding farewell to Captain Rades on Tuesday, Shade received a letter from Miss Mia Gold from a remote town on the east coast early on Wednesday morning.

In fact, he had already packed his luggage and cat, and was ready to leave at any time. After receiving the letter that morning, he even planned to tell Luvia not to forget to come and raise the cat for her while he was away.

Water the flowers on the windowsill.

But when he opened the letter at the breakfast table, Shade saw a piece of news that was like a bolt from the blue:

"What, plague?"


At ten o'clock in the morning, Shade, holding the letter, appeared in Miss Carina's office in Yodel Palace. He was sitting on the sofa, Tifa was pouring tea for him, and Miss Carina was behind the desk.

Talk to him while looking at the document:

"Where do you mean the plague?"

"Are there many plagues lately?"

Shade was confused by her:

"I read the newspaper before coming here, and I just saw the news about the spring flu. Miss Gold said in the letter that when she organized the excavation of the family's old courtyard for enjoyment, she found many corpses that looked horrible and did not look like human beings.

Then a plague spread in the town. This was different from the plague in the ancient town last winter. This time it was more terrifying. Now the entire town and all roads in the surrounding area were blocked, and no one could

In and out.”

He was quite worried about this:

"The outbreak of the plague has spread to Astra City. Although the train ticket I bought can still be used, even if I arrive in Astra City, I will not be able to move on. I am worried that she will not be able to move forward in the courtyard.

Something strange was found in it, which caused the plague."

"Don't worry, it's not that scary. Tifa~"

The maid took a document from the table and handed it to Shade. The duchess continued:

"Since the beginning of this year, inexplicable plagues have broken out in various parts of the Old World and New World, but recently the situation has suddenly become more serious. The Tobesk area is still fine because it can be controlled, so in order to prevent panic,

There is no big coverage of this kind of thing in the newspapers.”

What Shade has in hand is the Delarian Health Department's report on this plague with strange origins:

"The main characteristics are low-grade fever, plaques, herpes, ulcers on the skin, sensitivity to light, physical deformity, mania at night, fear of water, weakened immunity to other diseases, mental mania, and in a few cases, thirst for blood."

Shade quickly looked through the files and saw some black and white photos, and couldn't help but frown:

"Is this a variant of leprosy? Or are vampires declaring war on the church?"

"Oh, Shade, don't think so complicatedly. The church's investigation shows that at least for now, this is really just an ordinary plague, but it exhibits some special characteristics."

The duchess behind the desk put down the documents in her hands and looked at Shade on the sofa not far away:

"Your travel plan probably won't work. These plague-prone areas are strictly controlled by the church for fear of other problems.

Since this trip has to be postponed again, then you can stay in Tobesk. Aren’t you going to have a good rest? Just forget about these things. Maybe the plague in the town will subside next month. I didn’t receive it here.

There are reports that the plague is out of control in Astra City, so things are still under control."

In this case, of course, this trip can only be cancelled. In the letter, Miss Gothe described that the town was in a state of emergency again, and the residents of the town all evacuated together with the help of her and the town's chapel.

Even if Shade really wants to break into the blocked area, Miss Gold may not be able to receive him. And taking a cat to such a dangerous place is obviously not a very appropriate move.

Shade wanted to go home and write a reply to Miss Gothe, but was left behind by Miss Carina:

"Can't you write a letter here? You write it now and I'll ask the maid to mail it for you. It's almost lunch. Come eat with me later and I'll make a reservation now. I heard from Tifa that you recently got a

A very beautiful pocket watch?”

The maid's face remained unchanged. Shade immediately thought of Miss Adele Isabella's pocket watch, and then realized that it was a "luminous pocket watch."

Once again unable to visit Miss Gothe, Shade was disappointed, but even if he was disappointed again, he could only accept this reality.

So, the leisurely life continued like this. After receiving Miss Gothe's letter on the third day of the Sunshine Moon, Shade did not experience any more adventures for the next three weeks.

Reading and studying, experimenting with alchemy and potions, dating girls at home, at the racecourse, at the opera house, in the mountains, on the island, and occasionally accepting commissions to find lost cats and dogs. Time in early summer seemed to slow down because of this, and

The temperature this summer has indeed remained at a very low level just as the Chosen One on Earth said.

Shade still remembered that on a snowy morning, he received a gentleman who had been robbed not long ago. After half a week of investigation, he assisted the police at Ridwich Field in arresting a group of people who were planning to rob De

The bold gangsters of Larion National Bank.

Shade also remembered that one evening when he and Dorothy were walking cats on the streets along the river in the university district, they accidentally met Dorothy's fan. After chatting with the lady who lived in the north of the city, Shade

Therefore, I received a commission to investigate the haunted house of the lady’s neighbor.

Of course ghosts do not exist, but cultists who carry out their activities in secret do exist. In the end, with the efforts of Shard and the Blackstone Security Company, the cultists who tried to initiate subversive activities in the northern slums of Tobesk were all wiped out.

Although a priest of the [Tyranny Club] fled to the Coldwater Port area in advance before being captured, intending to go to the New World to hide, he was still shot to death by an unknown person in an alley of the Coldwater Port dock area.

At that time, this scandalous cult case made the headlines of "Tobesk City Morning News", "Telarel River News" and "Kingdom Morning News" for two consecutive days.

The photo of Mr. Tobesk with the "Model Citizen Medal" was taken with Mr. Tobesk, but due to his and Miss Carina's wishes, it did not appear in the newspaper in the end.

As a result, the famous detective of St. Teresa's Square once again became famous, and Dorothy's "Hamilton Detective Stories" also sold out again. Therefore, the generous Count Favner of Tobesk City invited Shade and Dorothy

Attend the reading salon he held at his country manor, and after Dorothy discovered that many of her writer friends would be there, she agreed to attend.

So on that night when there was a sudden snowstorm, 16 people who were trapped in the manor and unable to return to the city experienced a thrilling disaster. An unknown gunman shot and killed a poet outside the window during dinner.

, and then committed crimes continuously throughout the night.

When the city police arrived at dawn the next day, four bodies were already lying in the manor, as well as two guests who had been shot and injured.

Among the four corpses, two were murdered guests, one was a servant who was killed in the afternoon, and the last one was a murderer disguised as a servant. In fact, after the death of the second guest, Shade relied on "the past".

He discovered the murderer by listening to the rapid beating heart sound" and the "Echo of Blood", and even found evidence by relying on the "Echo of Blood". But in order not to be suspected by others, he only secretly rescued the next two people.

A guest who was shot later pretended to rely on careful reasoning to investigate the identity of the murderer.

The murderer's cause of death was that after he was caught, he smashed his head with a chair leg. Everyone present could prove that Detective Hamilton had no choice but to kill him in self-defense and to protect his fragile female companion, Miss Louisa.


Later, after investigation, it was found that the reason why the murderer sneaked into the manor to kill was that he hated the owner of the manor, Count Fafner. Subsequent in-depth investigation revealed that he was actually the illegitimate son of Count Fafner who did not even know about it. Due to the death of his mother and his treatment of

He did such a thing because he was unwilling to accept his fate.

If Shade didn't fight back, he would kill everyone in the manor, force the count to commit suicide, and then forge a suicide note to blame the count for everyone's death.

This case involving Blizzard Manor, aristocratic scandals and detective stories spread throughout the city almost instantly, providing interesting topics for people who spent the cold summer of 1854. Even the editor of the "Steambird Daily"

They also urged Dorothy to adapt the incident into a story as soon as possible and publish it before the popularity of the case subsided, but the writer refused in the name of "respecting the deceased."

In fact, she just didn't want to rush the manuscript.

Although Lecia smiled afterwards and said that no one would dare to invite Shade and Dorothy to a country manor for vacation in the future, Shade thought it was nothing:

"It's just a case of ordinary people. It's not like I encounter relics wherever I go. This is not bad luck."

"Yes, my knight, everything you said is correct. However, I like your name to appear in the newspapers often."


In the princess's green eyes, Shade's face was reflected:

"Every time I see your story in the newspaper, it makes me feel that you are always by my side. After all, you don't come to see me often, and I can only know about my beloved by reading the newspaper.

Knight, what are you doing?"

Then she saw the guilty expression on Shade's face with satisfaction, and knew that she would have many sweet dates in the near future.

This chapter has been completed!
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