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Chapter 2036 The alien race in St. Byrons

After Father John finished telling the story, he watched Shade absorb the cutting blade with a card.

So far, Shade has harvested a "butterfly card" in Tobesk, Coldwater Port, Fort Midhill, Huntington City, Randall Valley and Green Lake. One card for each region seems a bit coincidental.

But it doesn't matter for the time being, after all, the world is so big, and the current six cards are enough for girls in the sixth ring.

After the relatively cheap antiques were traded, the "lucky" items that Shad wanted were next. In fact, the "golden apple" that Shad gave to Iluna last month can increase luck, and it can increase for a long time without side effects. But

Of course Shade will not take back the gift he gave, and of course Iluna's eighteenth birthday gift must be more formal.

So far, Shade has come into contact with many items that can increase luck from Father John, such as the "Golden Rabbit Leg" from Old John's friend, such as the "Oak Lucky Potion" from the "Hermits in the Forest". And this

What he took out once was even more astonishing, it was an iron rod.

"I really can't imagine what this thing has to do with luck. A relic?"

"Yes, a relic."

Old John nodded:

"Secretkeeper-level relic [Sudden Destiny].

Being hit hard on the head by this thing can temporarily increase your luck. Of course, you have to make sure that your skull is very hard before using it. Ordinary people will definitely not be able to bear it. This relic will definitely bring luck when it takes effect for the first time, and then as the

The more times you use it on the same individual, the probability of being haunted by bad luck will become greater and greater. Therefore, I do not recommend you to use it a second time. It should also be noted that in addition to the bad luck just mentioned, the negative characteristics may also be incurable after use.

of persistent migraines, so you should use it with caution."

"Sudden fate"

Shade has also come into contact with relics that can be effective when hitting the head with a stick. It was the clerical relic of their team [The Tamer's Memory Erasing Rod] that she used when she first met Iluna.

"If I hadn't known you a long time ago, I would definitely think that you were making a joke on me with this relic. Father John, how can I sell this relic?"

"Sell? Of course not, but it can be rented."

The old man showed a philistine expression, and Shade nodded:

"Of course, you can make an offer. I won't take it away now. I'll come back to get this relic when it's needed."

"It's really strange. I found that you haven't bargained much when you came to my place in the past month. Did you inherit another large inheritance, or did you finally make a living by relying on the duchess?"

He asked curiously, and Shade thought for a while:

"Then I'd better negotiate the price. It really can't be wasted. How about a rent of 1 pound?"

"Detective, you're not just here to joke with me, are you?"

Shade did not intend to try to go to the Moon Bay area immediately, of course because there were still some things that had not been dealt with. The normal time key was already available for use, and he had kept the black time key this month, and after using the black time key

, he can see the long-haired Luvia again, he really wants to see her.

But the most important thing is to report to Miss Denist about the clues he discovered from Laplace Klein Howard's book.

But when Shade returned home with little Mia, the first thing he saw was a pile of gift boxes stacked in the hall:

"Oh, it's their gift."

Last night's program list was said to be a gift for Shade. In fact, no one will forget the real gift. Shade checked it and found that there were not only birthday gifts from the girls who could come around, but also birthday gifts from Bernard.

Miss Nice, Miss Aurora, Miss Sylvia, Granny Cassandra and Sister Devlin from the New World all sent gifts.

He even saw a gift from Miss Rita Swift and Margaret, which he opened and found to be a tie and a trench coat.

【Look at the bottom.】

After receiving the prompt, Shade moved all the boxes away and saw an envelope without any markings on the carpet. After opening it, he found a color photo inside, which was a black and white photo colored with paint. Dressed as a maid.

Tifa in a long skirt stood by the window, smiling and looking in the direction outside the photo. The sun was shining, the years were quiet, and the beauty was still as beautiful as ever.

Xia De blinked his eyes and turned to the back again, only to see the cursive letters written - [Happy Birthday, Xia De].

He couldn't help but smile, and "she" in his ear also sighed:

[This is the real witch’s method. If Agelina Cavendish is really one of the witch’s chosen ones, then she may have to fight with your maid.]

"I don't see Agelina being able to beat Tifa in any way. This is not looking down on Agelina. Wait a minute, when did Tifa become my maid?"

【When you think Mia is your cat.】

The gentle smile is still the same as before.

Because he had made an appointment with Miss Denister in advance, Shade went to St. Byrons at exactly two o'clock in the afternoon.

The large library of the college seems to be so quiet at all times. The red-haired sorceress is sitting on the sofa in the open space under the huge planetarium in the center of the library, drinking tea. The coffee table in front of her is filled with things that she can never finish.

various files.

The two students who helped arrange the ceremony got up and left. When Miss Danister saw Shade looking at one of them, she smiled and said:

"Why, are you also interested in male students?"

"Of course not, the one just now is"

Shade turned his head and no longer looked at the student with the tail behind him.

"Yes, Dragonborn, his bloodline comes from the green dragon. Why, you have even met the elves in the academy, why are you curious about Dragonborn?"

She casually stated important information about the academy:

"Currently, among the students in the college, only 43% are pure-blooded humans, while 18% are pure-blooded students of different races, such as Emilia, the elf from the Yuexi clan you met.

Miss. The remaining students are mixed-race students, and the proportion of 39% is slightly less than that of pure-blood humans. As for the college professors, humans like me are in the minority. Professor Garcia from the School of History, who is familiar with you.

, isn’t it just an elf hybrid?”

She thought for a while and added:

"Actually, my great-grandmother was also a mixed-blood Elf, but when it comes to my generation, the bloodline is not shown at all."

"Perhaps the power of the red moon is the manifestation of the elven bloodline."

Shade guessed, but the sorceress shook her head regretfully:

"My great-grandmother came from the Storm Chaser clan. Like most elves, they worshiped the ancient god 'Father of the Infinite Tree' instead of the minority who worshiped the ancient god 'Silver Moon Sage'. However, I was promoted to the Thirteenth Ring and became

After I became the librarian of the college, those distant elven relatives of unknown generations were very happy to have a relationship with me. Okay, I'm a little off topic."

She shook her head, but Shade still wanted to continue the topic:

"You know, I met the second principal of St. Byrons, Miss Fiona Drago, in the past. She is a dragonborn."

"Yes, although this principal is not as famous as our college founder Miss Myrna Feliana in today's era, Miss Drago has also made outstanding contributions to the establishment and stable operation of the college. According to

According to the college information, the land under our feet was obtained because of her."

She suddenly remembered that Shade had submitted a report about the principal, and that he had inquired about the origin of this land many times at the beginning of this year. Then she recalled the contents of the report that was now considered to be of high value, and "

The ancient witch who once appeared next to the "God Caller", so the red-haired sorceress pursed her red lips and rubbed her right leg with her left leg under her skirt:

"Speaking of which, what do you think of the Dragonborn principal?"

Shade immediately understood the real intention of this question:


He blinked and finally decided not to pretend to be stupid or lie, but also not to say anything related to the past:

"Her perfume smells very good."

Miss Denister burst into laughter:

"This answer is really your style. Okay, okay, are your curiosity satisfied? Let's get back to the topic of today. My elective course is over. The spell you submitted about the mixed use of March's power

I gave the law practice report very high marks. So what happened this time?"

"I found some valuable clues from, I mean, Godcaller's cursory glance at the notes left by Laplace Howard."


She changed from the posture of leaning on the sofa to sitting upright. Shade asked to use the poem manuscript pages and sent over a part of the notebook contents he had copied directly.

So Miss Danist asked the students to go to the Student Management Office and directly retrieved the notebooks that Shad had just sent. The person responsible for this "task" was Emilia, the elf who Shad occasionally met at Miss Danist's place.

, when she came to deliver those notebooks, she smiled and winked at Shade.

Miss Denister, on the other hand, was looking at the contents of the notes while listening to Shade's introduction:

"The information provided by the Godcaller last month was correct. The complex sun, moon and star ritual array that is the core ritual of the 'Edwards Den Magic' was indeed created by him based on the pattern on the back of the Rhodes card. This idea is based on

The fortune-teller defected to the Seer Association before it appeared, but the time when the ritual patterns were completely constructed and perfected was probably between 1803 and 1805, which is about fifty years ago."

"It's very interesting. The ritual matrix on the ground of the Night Temple in Randall Valley, and the ritual matrix I found in the Karas Mountains, were formed much earlier than fifty years ago."

Miss Danister said and Shade nodded, so it is certain that the remaining symbols on the two ancient ruins are related to the long-haired Luvia and the "past life". Since the Night Temple allows him to travel through time in violation of regulations

, then the high tower in the Karas Mountains, theoretically speaking, should also be the back-up left by the long-haired Luvia for herself in the next sixth era.

This chapter has been completed!
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