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Chapter 205 Red Moon Witch Denister

 Although the crystal in his hand was the address of the college, but before Shade could take a second look, all the words on the page were cleared, and a big number "3" appeared.

The four people beside the wall held their breath, but they were all very excited:

"Shadow, get ready!"

Dr. Schneider reminded loudly.

The number "2" appears.

Shade hurriedly took out his house key and threw it against the wall along with the pages in front of him and the messy pile of things in his pocket.

The number "1" appears.

"If I come back late, remember to help me feed the cat."

He shouted loudly, and then the crystal in his hand exploded with an astonishing white light like a bomb exploding. In the room with the doors and windows closed, a strong wind suddenly rose in the light. The four doctors subconsciously closed their eyes. After a few seconds,

The light disappeared together with the strong wind, and Shade, who was originally standing, also disappeared.

The paper picked up by the wind fell in the air like snowflakes. What disappeared with Shade was one-fifth of the coffee table in front of him and half of the sofa behind him. Both seemed to have been precisely cut, with abnormal cross-sections.



The doctor sighed, looked around the room as if it had been struck by a storm, and murmured in a low voice:

"This movement... is much smaller than I thought."

(Little Mia is running...)

It seemed as if it was forced into a round ball by an external force, and then rolled rapidly in the narrow pipe. Then it seemed like it was stuffed into the muzzle of a gun, and then it was pushed forward by a huge force.

Bizarre hallucinations unfolded before his eyes. The strange hallucinations made Shade unable to tell the difference between real and fake. He saw a giant black octopus dancing its tentacles under the dim sky, the sun was falling in the doomsday scene, and a giant black hand fell from the sky and was destroyed.

In the material world, there are strange scenes of Miss Louisa and Miss Bayas hugging each other and kissing, etc.

"Miss Louisa doesn't know Miss Bayas at all. What am I thinking?"

His chaotic mind felt like it was going to explode because it had received too much information at once. But soon there was a sense of solidity under his feet again. Shade just felt his body swaying and saw the picture in front of him.

Fixed, space jump ended.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath to suppress the feeling of vomiting that comes with the dizziness. At the same time, the air flowing in from the nasal cavity forms a new sense of smell. The air is dry and slightly cold, and paper and ink are diffused.

Unique taste.

Shade liked the taste very much.

Opening his eyes, there was no doubt that there was a large library in front of him, and there was actually a solid wooden floor under his feet. He stood in the open space in the middle of the bookshelf group, and the tawny wooden bookshelves placed at random heights extended from the front to the far distance. They were rising and falling.

They are low and not neatly arranged, but there is an inexplicable sense of order.

On the bookshelf closest to Shade, there is a brass nameplate with "History (Fifth Era 1~100)". Books are filled in the bookshelf, and words from various eras are marked on the spines to indicate the information of the books. In knowledge

In this age of wealth, just the visible part of the library in front of you is enough to buy the entire Tobesk.

Looking up at the sky, the curved ceiling high in the middle and low on all sides seemed to be as high as a four-story building. Shade was standing directly under the ceiling at the highest point, which should be the center of the library. The sound of footsteps coming from everywhere was like

It shows that this place is in use. Perhaps just a bookshelf or two away, there is a real school magician of St. Byrons.

The temperature in the library was lower than that of Tobesk in midsummer. He took a deep breath again and let the cold air flow into his lungs, allowing his spirit to completely return to normal.

The space between the bookshelves where he was sitting was generally circular. Not far from Shade, three middle-aged men in blue robes with the St. Byrons school emblem on their chests were busy rolling up the books placed on the tripod.

Huge brown parchment scroll.

With a quick glance, Shade saw the map outline on the paper scroll with severely faded ink. However, the part of the coastline he saw seemed different from any place he knew, and it was not even the New World.

The shape of the coastline...

"Mr. Hamilton, please follow me. Miss Denister is waiting for you."

The two men wore brown leather gloves and continued to "fight" with the map that was constantly squirming to be unfolded. The woman among them spoke to Shade in very skilled Drarian language. She was tall and looked to be forty years old.

Up and down. Only the corners of the eyes are slightly raised, giving people a very fierce feeling.

Shade nodded while looking around, trying to imprint everything he saw in his mind. The woman's voice in his ears had already told him that there were traces of the four elements almost everywhere in this space. This place is really a holy place.

Byrons, that magical academy hidden in the far north, really exists.

Then he followed the woman, walking along the narrow aisle in the bookshelf toward the interior or exterior. Seeing that Shade took one last look at the huge map, the woman explained to him:

"[The Broken Old World Map] is a relatively safe one among the angel-level relics contained in the academy. Its containment method is simple, and its negative characteristics are relatively uncomplicated. It should not be expanded for more than 30 seconds at a time.

Something went wrong.”

"What happens if it exceeds thirty seconds?"

Shade asked, listening to the light sound of his shoes on the wooden floor. But when he walked between the bookshelves, the wooden floor turned into stone tiles. It seemed that the floors inside the library were not of the same material.

"If it exceeds thirty seconds, the map will randomly teleport the surrounding items to any corner of the material world. Mr. Hamilton, this may not sound serious, but once it exceeds thirty seconds, the scope will become increasingly larger as time goes by."

Big, and the effect lasts all the time. Combined with the fact that the map is not affected by any magic or spell, do you know what this means?"

The woman asked, taking Shade to the right at the corner ahead. Standing in the aisle between the bookshelves was a boy who looked younger than Miss Bayas. He glanced at Shade curiously.

"Once it exceeds thirty seconds, no one can get close to the map, because once they get close, they will be teleported. It is also impossible to use extraordinary abilities to roll up the map, so the map's range of influence will become larger and larger."

Shade replied, looking randomly at the surrounding bookshelves. Most of the books he saw so far were in Delarian or Kasenric, and the characters in these two languages ​​were actually very similar.

Occasionally he would catch a glimpse of books with strange words. After making sure that the contents of the books around him were safe, Shade would try to decipher them. For example, there was a "Pink Book" on the bookshelf he just passed.

Among the books on the entire bookshelf, the only one is pink.

"This relic is kept by the School of Library Management. The last time it was used in this way was more than thirty years ago. This time it was taken out at Miss Danister's request. It is said that the map was a product before the Third Age, and was used in the Third Age.

At the end of the Fourth Age, a serious out-of-control event occurred, which directly changed the topography of the material world, causing the main continent in the Fourth Age literature to split into the east-west, north-south continents of the Fifth Age, and the central...

Here we are."

The woman suddenly stopped at the end of the bookshelf in front of her and signaled Shade to continue walking forward.

After crossing the bookshelves, there was another open space among the bookshelves. Shade suddenly felt that the library here was actually more like a maze, hiding countless years of precious knowledge.

The woman turned and left behind Sha De. Sha De took two steps forward and saw a coffee table and four couches placed in the open space. The coffee table was made of glass, with scattered books stacked on it, and the couches were all

It's a dark fabric sofa.

The red-haired lady wearing small glasses is sitting on the sofa waiting for Shade. She has a soft expression and beautiful face. She is holding a book in her hand whose name cannot be seen clearly because it is too far away.

Unlike the unique red hair of the Cavendish royal family, her hair color is not bright, but can be considered dull.

I don’t know whether it’s the influence of the high-level warlock’s power or the effect of the relic [Eternal Youth Leaf], but she looks to be less than thirty years old. But according to the information that Shade has heard, her age should not be younger than...


"Good afternoon, Mr. Hamilton. From the look in your eyes, I seem to see that you are thinking about something rude."

Delarian is equally proficient in speaking, and his tone has this teasing flavor.

"good afternoon."

Just taking a few steps forward and not even sitting down, the woman's voice in his ear was already reminding Shade of the strength of the other party.

He nodded slightly to show respect:

"Miss Denister."

"Red Moon Witch" Daniste, the librarian of St. Byrons Comprehensive College, is the first thirteen-ring warlock Shade has seen in this world. The woman with a soft smile in front of him is the strongest mortal in this world.

one of those.

The lady in front of me does not have much of a fierce temperament. On the contrary, the way she sits on the sofa holding a book is very similar to an ordinary person who has not been exposed to occultism. But the more she looks like this, the more wrong she is. The temperament of the ring warlocks is possessed.

After the spirit comes into contact with the four elements, there will be unusual changes. The lady in front of me should be able to control all her power perfectly.

After respectful greetings, Shade sat down on the sofa opposite Miss Daniste. He didn't quite understand what the other party wanted to do with him, but since he didn't run away when he received the notice just now, he certainly couldn't show anything strange now.

"Welcome to St. Byron's, Chad Suellen Hamilton."

The librarian said softly, but did not give Shade a chance to speak:

"Show me your life ring."

This was Miss Danister's first request after Shade sat down. So she called out the metal ring behind her amid the whistle and roar, but the Red Moon Witch only took one look at it and asked Shade to take it back.

Shade originally thought it was the [little match girl] who aroused suspicion, but unexpectedly the question suddenly changed:

"Actually, I'm curious, Mr. Hamilton, why is your middle name Suellen?"

Her right index finger wearing an emerald ring shook slightly, and the teacup and teapot on the coffee table jumped up automatically, filling Shade with tea.

Then he snapped his fingers again, and the corner of the thirteen-ring warlock's life wheel appeared in front of Shade's eyes. What he could see was one of Miss Danist's core runes [Red Moon].

I felt a little surprised in my heart, but still answered "honestly":

"I have no previous memory. When I am awake, I only know my own name. When I was signing the documents for the disposal of the body to the former detective, I suddenly thought of a word. 'Suellen' was the first word that jumped into my head.


This is not a lie, it is just some omitted details. After all, the woman's voice is talking in my head, and it is indeed "words jumping into my head."

The Red Moon Witch nodded and raised her right hand slightly. The shadows of the red moon, the yellow moon and the silver moon appeared together on her palm. The three moons were almost located at the three vertices of the equilateral triangle, at the thirteenth

The ring sorceress was spinning in her palm:

"We are all people related to the moon. But the meaning of the word Selun is not just the silver moon."

Shade nodded, but did not speak. He thought it would be best to listen at this moment.

"Mr. Hamilton, when you reach senior grades and have a deeper understanding of ancient writing, you will understand that words with this pronunciation have appeared in most civilizations, and they all represent the silver moon. One theory is that in

In the oldest era, the moon in the sky was not three rounds, but one. The silver moon was the first moon."

Hearing this, Shade thought that when he met the [Innocent Creator] for the second time, in the "illusion" created by him to match his story, there was only a silver moon in the sky.

The view that the Silver Moon is the first moon is probably more than just speculation.

The discussion about the moon allowed Shade to get a little familiar with Miss Daniste. But then, she suddenly jumped to the topic:

"We'll talk about the moon later, that's why I came to you. Now, let's talk about your lower fourth ring sublimation words. For talented students, we have always supported checking the "Sublimation Code" in advance

》.As for whether you can be trusted, I don’t think you need to think about it anymore. After all, no one is completely trustworthy.”

She shook the book in her hand and looked at Shade with her eyes. Her tone was still so soothing, just like a normal chat with friends during tea time:

"So what needs to be considered now is, Mr. Hamilton, which core rune do you want to use to participate in the construction of the lower fourth ring of the word of sublimation?"

"It will be all right."

Shade replied that he had inquired with the doctor in advance and that which core rune he chose would not affect him.

"So, do you expect to use the current one-ring spiritual runes to find and build, or do you want to challenge yourself and are not satisfied with the current spiritual runes? In fact, in the construction of the word of sublimation, the meaning is completely consistent. Of course it is good, but it is close

The spirit rune of the spirit can also be added to the build. But I think your enlightenment spirit rune may not work because it is too long."

She asked again.

"Both [Gluttony] and [Echo] are fine. I just hope to be promoted to the second level as soon as possible."

Selecting the spiritual runes of each ring will not have much impact on the future, only the difficulty of obtaining the other three runes in the Word of Ascension will.

"That way, your options will be clear."

The big black hard-covered book turned automatically in Miss Daniste's hands, making a clattering sound.

This chapter has been completed!
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