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Chapter 2052 Childhood Wish

 Flames danced in the five pairs of eyes. The most important guarantee for their survival here was the light in the brazier, but at this time everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

"Of course I didn't light it."

Professor Evans shook his head hurriedly:

"I thought it was lit by the girls who arrived earlier."

Miss Malone is an ordinary person, so this naturally has nothing to do with her. Miss Theresa and Miss Maxim, who arrived first, also shook their heads:

"It wasn't us, we were also attracted by the light of the fire. If it weren't for the light here and the waves being so big, we wouldn't have noticed this floating board."

Although the purple-haired maid, Miss Maxim, had been shivering from the cold, she still provided further information:

"When we first arrived, I tried to light more new flames before I passed out, but the flames and light were completely suppressed here."

As she spoke, she opened her palms that were almost bloodless:


Even sparks didn't appear. Miss Theresa and Professor Evans also tried it, and sure enough nothing happened. They seemed to feel colder, and Miss Theresa was almost completely pressed against Shade's body.

On his body, Shade felt as if he was leaning against a huge piece of ice.

Although Miss Malone was not a witch, she had a box of half-wet matches on her body. With the consent of the other four people, she threw the match directly into the brazier in front of her, and then everyone saw that the matches and the paper box,

They didn't mean to be ignited at all.

Professor Evans hooked his fingers, and the matchbox flew out again. The dried matchbox was intact.

"Silver Moon."

Shade said softly, and light like grains of rice appeared again on his fingertips. Except for the flames from unknown sources in front of them, this was the only light that everyone could "ignite" at the moment. They all looked at that ray of light, and the cold air they exhaled made the already abnormal

Moist air forms hoarfrost.

"We still have to find our own way out of here."

Shade finally said to them, and the witches all agreed with Shade. Professor Evans couldn't help but be curious, trembling and asked how Shade came in, but Shade casually prevaricated:

"I went through a strange door and fell into the sea."

This is not a lie either.

Soaking in the seawater will attract very dangerous things, and the seawater will absorb the spirit and physical strength. Flying into the sky will cause even greater panic. The twelfth-level witch masters the way to open the portal, but with Sha De

As I thought, this area of ​​confusion in time and space does not support opening the portal:

"This place is very similar to Lost Lake."

Miss Teresa trembled and said in Shade's ear. Her breath touched Shade's cheek. Shade even felt that his skin was about to freeze. Their situation was very wrong. Even though it was very cold here, it shouldn't be.

The performance was so exaggerated.

Shade gently held her in his arms. The witch struggled symbolically for a moment, and then fell into the heart-warming warmth.

"Has Miss Violet ever told you what exactly Lost Lake is?"

The girl wearing glasses felt the warmth of her arms and shook her head gently:

"My aunt said I didn't know it yet. She only said it was the 'border'."

Professor Evans didn't know what he thought of, and his face became even more ugly.

"I do not understand."

Miss Malone raised her trembling hands and said, seeing everyone else looking at her, she timidly pointed to the floating board under her:

"Why can this board float here?"

Shade also recalled:

"When I swam over just now, I definitely didn't see any other shipwrecks on the water, not even floating luggage or corpses."

Professor Evans also recalled:

"Just now, the four survivors of the shipwreck mentioned that when the shipwreck occurred, everything was sinking rapidly. This floating board should not be the wreckage of the ship we thought."

"Speaking of which, where did the blanket you are wearing come from?"

Shade asked again, and then the ladies looked at the blankets wrapped tightly around them, and then remembered that they also found this by the fire when they first came to the floating board.

There were four blankets in total, and it happened to be the four of them who came here. It seemed like someone had prepared these specially for them.

The ladies were silent for a while, and Miss Teresa, who felt her soul warming up, remembered something again:

"When we climbed here, I seemed to have encountered some strange indentations on the edge of the floating board, like writing or something, probably around here."

She pointed to the edge of the floating board. The surging seawater kept rushing towards the floating board, so that except for the current location where everyone was, all other areas were wet.

"You guys take a rest first, I'll go over there and take a look."

Shade said, not daring to get up and could only climb over. Miss Teresa grabbed the hem of his clothes and followed him:

"I'll go with you, I remember the location."

She just didn't want to stay away from that warm feeling.

The constant lapping of the sea water made it difficult for Shade to see clearly what was on the surface of the floating board. He could only rely on groping and the extremely weak light from his fingertips to identify the subtle changes in texture.

Miss Teresa was holding Shade's sleeve with one hand, and she and Shade were soaking in the water and groping with the other hand. They had to be extra careful, as the floating board was shaking quite seriously at the edge, and no one wanted to fall in like this.

in water.

"My aunt and I have been trying to find you for the past few years."

In the wind and waves, the voice of the girl next to her was a little soft. Shade turned to look at her, and Miss Theresa's face turned slightly red:

"My aunt is ready to be promoted to demigod. She has seen her own path to demigod. She said that maybe becoming a demigod can sense the time and space you are in, and maybe there will be a record of you in the Witch Council. This time, still

Are you staying three times?”

"Yes, I will get you out safely before leaving."

The young girl nodded slightly:

"If possible, my aunt would also like to see you again."

Pulling on Shade's sleeve, she pursed her lips and asked in a lower voice:

"You haven't forgotten us either?"

"of course not."

The girl wearing glasses smiled, and then said in surprise:

"I found it! Here it is!"

As he said that, he took Shade's hand and pushed it under the water. Shade also touched those strange carvings.

He asked "her" to help write down those lines with his fingers. After returning to the fire with Miss Teresa, he summoned the illusory bookshelf, took out the books and imprinted those symbols on them. Similarly, it should have been as bright as the sea of ​​stars.

The bookshelves and books also dimmed, as if they had turned black.

Those symbols looked like shells, and Shad's language proficiency immediately came into play, and the erudite professor of Zarath Academy of Literature also recognized this strange text:


"You know him?"

Shade asked in surprise. Miss "Adele Isabella" in the past life asked him to use this language to ask questions to the "Hope Diamond". But the problem is that his language proficiency means that he can see the words.

Recognize the meaning and know the pronunciation, rather than knowing the name of the language to master knowledge.

It is not that he has not sought help from Miss Danister, but even the librarian has only heard of this kind of writing but does not know how to do it.

"Yes, the Mith language is an ancient text from the Second Age. I have only mastered a few words. Give me some time and I will translate them."

The professor said that he was about to take action, but was stopped by Sha De:

"I will interpret it for you. I happen to know the words here. However, can you teach me the language in a comprehensive way, or at least help me translate a few sentences?"

Shade had some doubts. The tree father sent him specifically to learn the Mith language this time.

The writing of the late Fifth Age is a required course in St. Byrons, so there is no big obstacle for Shad to communicate with the four ladies. The strange writing was simply translated by Shad, and the meaning is roughly:

[Lightless sea, dreamless sea. Four childhood treasures, calling for the gift of dreams.]

Miss Theresa, Miss Maxim and Miss Malone didn't understand very well. Only Professor Evans was thoughtful. She trembled and asked Shade:

"That's what it says here, isn't it?"

"should be."

Under the firelight, a smile appeared on Shade's face. He was originally worried about how to complete the task:

"What is written here is the method of calling the gods."


Miss Teresa asked in awe.

"The god of wishes - the giver of dreams."

As Shade said the name of the old god, the flames in the brazier surged upward, allowing the firelight to illuminate a larger area. The light and shadow danced on everyone's faces, except for those held by Shade.

Miss Teresa inside, and the eyebrows of the other three ladies had frosted over at some point.

"So, what are we going to do?"

"Do you have any items related to your childhood wishes? You need four items to call the god. If I understand correctly, then this floating board and this brazier were left to us by the god

.I think if you want to leave here, you probably need the help of that god."

Shade said and looked at them. Everyone's luggage was lost in the sea. They were lucky enough to survive the shipwreck.

But he believed that they must have items that met the requirements, because outsiders did not have childhood in this world, and he could not come up with "childhood wishes".

Sure enough, just as Shade thought, the four ladies nodded one after another.

Miss Teresa huddled in Shade's arms and took off her pair of round glasses:

"This was a birthday gift given to me by my aunt when I was little. I was not a witch at that time, and my aunt was just visiting my house to choose a future apprentice, so she knew it was my birthday, so she gave it to me. Since then,

From then on, I wanted to be a witch like my aunt."

Speaking of which, the last time I saw Miss Teresa at Lost Lake, she was wearing these glasses. She hadn't changed them in three years. It turned out to be this reason.

This chapter has been completed!
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