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Chapter 2055 Under the Sea

 As she pounced, the coldness even made the air rustle with frost. The eyelashes, cheeks, and hair were covered with white frost, and the "evil ghost" whose face turned completely blue stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to I want to strangle Miss Theresa to death.

But she was still blocked by Shade. The silver moonlight sword she held in one hand blocked her hand. The sword's blade was dim, but the runes that had been hidden in the light in the past were clearly revealed.

Holding Miss Theresa in his left hand, Shade held the sword in his right hand and looked at the girl with frost on her face. She staggered back two steps, and then pounced on the two of them again. The sword light was not bright, but it was It penetrated her easily. Then little bits of light spread out from the false body. The girl who seemed to have regained her composure looked at her hands and showed a sad smile to Shade:

"I look ugly now, don't I?"

"I don't know exactly who you are, but Miss Schultz Theresa is really beautiful."

The girl who had turned translucent nodded bitterly:

"Can you give me one last hug?"

Shade thought for a moment, the moonlight sword dissipated, and he held her in his arms with his left hand. The false body finally dispersed into light spots and disappeared completely, and the transparent and pure white soul shrank in Shade's arms. He looked blankly at his body on the other side.

When the soul and body held hands, amidst the violent coughing, blood finally appeared on the pale face of Shade's body "fished out of the sea". Miss Schulz Theresa also opened her eyes. , and then hugged Shade with a painful expression and his body trembled. The soul returned to the body, and all the discomfort from the body rushed to the soul in an instant.

Coupled with the fact that her soul and body are already weak, she is not even used to the feeling of "alive" now:

"I seem to have had a dream. I dreamed about playing with glass balls in the past. I dreamed about meeting my aunt for the first time. I dreamed about the runes course. I dreamed about it."

The weak voice was not easy to distinguish. Shade carefully held her and sat next to the fire. Then he looked at the other three people. The frost on the faces of the three ladies disappeared at some point. They looked at the fire blankly, It’s like I have no idea what just happened:

"Sir, what did the gods say?"

Professor Evans asked tremblingly.

The ordinary girl Miss Malone and the maid Miss Maxim also looked at him. Shade hesitated for a moment while holding Miss Theresa who was gradually recovering:

"God is fishing, using the bait you provide, to find out the truth about the ship's sinking, and then send you out. I will assist the gods, and you can just wait here."

Although the specific situation is unclear, the sinking of the "Glory Messenger" is most likely related to the four people present. The idol is giving them a chance to be rescued, but this method is really weird. Since they don't know yet , his body had already sunk into the deep sea together with the ship, and there was no need for Shade to reveal this.

Everyone just said that when the Radiant Messenger sank, everything around it was sinking rapidly, and they probably "died" together at that time. However, the souls floated up under the guidance of the gods, and whether the fishing gods It's just for their wishes and dreams, Xia De can't judge yet.

The story this time is not difficult or even dangerous, but it is full of doubts and extremely complicated.

Of course, Shade is not worried about the state of his soul now. "She" can monitor Shade's physical state in real time. Moreover, when the tree father asked Shade to come to the past, he was only to witness the story and provide some help to people in the past, not

Let Shade face the danger.

"Fishing? Thank you, sir, I'm counting on you here."

The purple-haired maid moved her lips and whispered softly, and Shade then made the request:

"Using your items to fish requires passing some illusion-like tests. Professor, Miss Maxim, Miss Malone, please think carefully about what wishes and wishes you have had in the past. I don't know if you just saw it.

, the past wishes from fishing need to be fulfilled. I am not very knowledgeable, so I don’t know what kind of pasts and struggles you all have. In fact, I will leave here later. If you have any problems, I can go there.

Find a solution outside."

"who are you?"

Professor Sarah Evans finally asked the question that she had been holding back in her heart. Miss Theresa, who had just woken up, held Shade's shoulders and answered the question for Shade:

"Shade is the person chosen by His Majesty Violet, and he is the person closest to His Majesty."

She squeezed Shade's hand gently. In addition to Shade, she also understood the current situation and knew that the three companions were not completely real. There were too many things in the dream of the deep sea that she did not want to recall, but about her childhood

, the dream of girlhood and the conversation a few days ago was like a nail, firmly stabilizing her spirit.

"I don't have much time."

Shad said:

"I only have one question now, why does this god want to help you?"

He turned around and glanced at the god who had started fishing again. The god had not used the remaining three baits. He didn't know if he could really catch anything when fishing with an empty hook:

"Have you ever had any involvement with this great man?"

"When I was a child, I probably prayed to this god."

Miss Teresa whispered, and the other three people also gave similar answers. Miss Maxim, the maid, even clearly remembered that she heard the legend of this god from her grandmother, and once naively believed that as long as she was pious,

If you pray, you will get trees growing with candies.

"Candy tree? This condition is easy to achieve."

Shade said that the thaumaturgy [candy making] can turn any object that Shade considers to be food into candy. Although he does not eat trees, he can turn the fruits on the fruit trees that grow apples into apple candies.

He took out his notebook and let Miss Teresa, whose body temperature had recovered, take his place and collect wishes from the remaining three souls. He was originally a little worried about whether the normal Miss Teresa was still willing to stay with three abnormal "partners"

Together, but he seemed to underestimate the eleventh-level witch of this era.

Shade then took advantage of the last few moments to return to the fishing god again.

God didn't look at him, and kept looking at the dark sea.

Sitting on the edge of the undulating floating board in the ocean, fishing, with his back turned to the souls waiting for salvation. Even if God is currently in the form of a child, this scene is still extremely shocking.

"God, I want to seek answers from you."

"Of course, I'm happy to fulfill the child's wish."

Shade adjusted his mood:

"How are they going to get out of here? Since you are willing to give them a chance to live a new life, are you also willing to be generous and let them return to the normal world?"

"It's very simple. Didn't you tell them yourself? If they find out the truth about the sinking of the ship, they will naturally be able to continue their lives. Children can't lie, they must do what they say."

God looked at the sea and smiled:

"Of course, if you can really help them discover the truth, I can also give you a gift. The innocent creator is so generous to you, so of course I can't be stingy."

"Thank you for your generosity."

Xia De thanked him softly:

"When I was fishing with Miss Schultz Theresa just now, I saw the last phone call between her and Miss Violet. Could it be that the four of them were more or less aware of the accident before it happened?

Some key information, but failed to piece together the truth?”

He asked tentatively, and God smiled and said nothing.

"Also, why are you here rescuing them?"

Shade originally thought that God would say "for their wishes", but God still smiled and said nothing. Somehow, he suddenly thought of what God said just now, "Children cannot lie", so he nodded slightly.


This time the time was about to end, so he thanked the gods again and then turned back to the campfire.

Living people have to eat, so he left enough food, water and other supplies, and then emphasized again the "mission" to find the truth about the ship's sinking. The task given to Shade by the tree father did not include this, but

Sending living people out of strange places is what Shade has always done.

The three fake bodies had different expressions, and I didn’t know what they were thinking of. But this time, it was too late to ask. Shade took back his notebook and looked at what everyone had collected about his childhood and girlhood.

, those wishes that are difficult to realize and the little regrets left behind:

"No problem, I will find a way to solve it. Miss Theresa, you have to be careful here, and you must not enter the sea water again."

He said to the only living person besides him. Such a single emphasis would not cause the other three to become suspicious. After all, they seemed very close from the beginning. The young blond girl nodded, although she didn't want to let the only one in her heart.

She relied on leaving, but she knew that she could not stop it. Miss Violet said that sooner or later, she would become a great witch independently:

"Come back early, I'll wait for you here."

She hugged Shade gently. Although she had a lot to say in her heart, she could not speak. So she kissed Shade gently. The light kiss with the smell of sea water really tasted novel.

Touching his lips, he put the blanket on her again, and Shade waved goodbye:

"Well everyone, we will see you next time. Please be sure to believe that you are still alive. Only in this way can you be saved."

The three souls also said goodbye to Shade, and at the same time, a white mist that these ladies could not see had emerged around Shade.

He was ready to return to the time of the Sixth Age, but at the last moment, he heard the soft whisper of the god who was fishing with his back to everyone:

"Perhaps you are interested in what is in the water."

So as the white mist gradually became denser, Shade quickly came to the edge of the floating board for the last time. The seawater that was originally completely invisible was illuminated a lot probably because of the existence of the luminous white mist.

So before the white mist completely enveloped Shade and the outsiders left completely, he saw the scene under the surface of the Sunless Sea for the first time.

At the bottom of the deep sea, countless corpses with their eyes open except for the whites of their eyes were densely packed up and down. Suspended in the water, everyone stretched out their arms to touch the water, and the corpses shook unconsciously in the lightless sea water.

Inside, it was like thousands of worms were trembling.

There are countless debris whose specific appearance is unclear floating between the corpses, and the god's slightly luminous fishhook is floating between the corpses and debris, but no corpse or object touches it.

"Just now, I just threw the fishhook among these things?"

In a moment of shock, the corpses seemed to be about to jump out of the water, rushing towards Sha De who was watching them crazily. But the next moment Sha De disappeared, so there was just an undercurrent under the water, pushing the corpses a little bit.


Beside the fire, the three ladies looked at the flames. Miss Schulz Theresa pursed her lips and watched them quietly, then wiped her lips with her fingers.

Professor Evans looked dazed, as if she was afraid of something; the purple-haired maid, Miss Maxim, had her left hand hidden in the blanket as if she was holding something, and her face began to get slightly frosty again; the ordinary girl, Miss Malone, had her lips moving, as if she had been

Whose name is he reciting? His eyes looking at the flames are clearly empty and lifeless.

Everyone has their own secret, and it's no coincidence that they appear here.

This chapter has been completed!
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