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Chapter 2080 Extra Action Round

 Neither the [Light Worshipers Training Group] nor the ring magicians of [Dawn Church] could understand what happened this time. Although many things that conflict with the basic rules have happened since the beginning of this story, it will not proceed like this

This is the first time that any judgment has been passed directly.

Only the witch looked at the parchment roll in her hand and the newly displayed content, and she knew the reason:

[Occupation - Wise Man: A wise man recognized by ancient gods and angels. Once in each game, the first [Intelligence] judgment will be passed directly with the maximum value. For each subsequent [Intelligence] judgment, if the confrontation fails or the judgment fails, 40 will be obtained.

Point out career advantages.]

"The wise man. Recognized as the [wise man] by ancient gods, angels, and current angel-level relics."

The narration in the hoarse voice continues:

"The [Outlander] who solved the puzzle obtained the key clue from the coroner, but was required to open it on a high roof."

"My question is, what is 1 plus 1?"

At the door of the police station, Mr. Ptolemy Albert asked seriously. Shade asked him to test with puzzles just to comply with the rules of "Dice Stories", and Mr. Ptolemy Albert was indeed very


"I think if the calculation is correct, it should be equal to 2."

Shade thought for a moment before replying.

"Very good, congratulations on passing my test. Now I will give you this important information, but it cannot be opened now. Yes, it must be opened in a high place such as a roof."

Mr. Albert solemnly returned the ball of paper in his hand to him.

After Shade thanked him, the two also said goodbye to each other. Shade listened to the sound of the dice beating in his ears and knew that in the second round of the third round, [Detective] was trying to persuade the priest of the church to use [Stealth] again.

The Silent One successfully entered the police station and obtained the information that Shade had just received from Mr. Albert.

There are still two rounds of actions left in the third round. According to the progress of the story, the next step should be to continue exploring the Police Department, or choose to leave early to meet Freeman Hawthorne or go to the lower city to inquire about the situation to get the upper hand in the next round.


But after listening to the description of the story in his ears, Shade left the door of the police station and entered a deserted alley. At the other end of the alley, the [Silent One] who also left the police station had also appeared at this moment.


"[The Silent One] attacks [the foreigner]."

When the woman from the [Light Worshipers Training Group] said this, the witch was not surprised at all. Currently, the [Foreign Traveler] has too much advantage. Rather than catching up in subsequent investigations, killing and silencing is indeed the most direct method.

But the witch did not relax her vigilance because [The Silent One] was only a first-level warlock. On the contrary, the opponent dared to launch an attack even though he knew that the [Foreigner Traveler] was of a high level, which showed that the enemy must have his own support.

"I have the right to take the initiative."

The woman in a long black dress said to the witch:

"Miss Amethyst, Your Excellency Light Chaser originally thought that the biggest enemy this time was the church. Unexpectedly, the local fortune teller in Moon Bay really lived up to his reputation. We were surprised that the 'character' you chose would be so powerful, but this time it is

We win, please cooperate with our actions in the future. If you are willing, on behalf of Your Excellency Light Chaser, I can invite you and Miss Charlotte to become one of us."

The witch shook the dice in her hand:

"How do you want to cheat this time? Do you want to take out the old sacred emblem, or do you still have coins in your hand?"

She already has a way to win in her mind. The strength judgment bonus coefficient provided by the cheating character's special ability "Power of the Earth", coupled with the strength points of the seventh-ring sorceress, even if the Silent One has

There is no need to worry about other special bonuses.

Without knowing the magic list of "Miss Charlotte" and using basic spells such as "Fire" at most, getting up close unexpectedly and then using the "Strength" judgment to defeat the "Silent One" is comparable to using divination to try to trigger

Thaumaturgy that you don’t know is much simpler:

"I did a divination this morning, and today is my lucky day."

"Miss Amethyst, if you believe in the divination results too much, you will fall into the trap of fate. The battle round begins, initiative, and [Silent One] sneaks! Due to the special initiative status, there is no need to judge this time to succeed directly."

"Oh, using illusions?"

Under Shade's gaze, the one-ring warlock at the other end of the alley summoned his life ring, and then used illusion to sneak in. The opponent's illusion should not have been hidden from Shade's eyes, but it disappeared no matter how Shade perceived it.

Can't even feel it:

"I thought he would take out some kind of magical relic and kill me in one fell swoop. What does stealth mean? Want to get close?"

"Want to get closer?"

On the bell tower, the witch also made a similar judgment. She was happy at first, and then shocked. Because what she wanted to do was to fight the opponent in close combat, but the opponent must have a reason for doing this:

"[The Foreign Traveler] does not cast spells this round, and concentrates on waiting for the opponent to take action. If it abandons its actions this round, [The Silent One] will no longer have the right to take initiative in the next round. The [The Foreign Traveler] can take action at the same time as the [The Silent One]."

The reason why [Reconnaissance] was not conducted to find [Silent One] is because if you don’t act in this round, the opponent’s first move advantage can be offset in the next round. Moreover, you have to act multiple times in the battle round, so you won’t have to act every time because of the opponent’s

Due to the first move advantage, he is at a disadvantage. The advantage brought by [Stealth] is limited to this action.

"[Detective] tries to persuade again."

Mr. O'Connor announced again, and then he rolled the dice in a hasty manner. After confirming that he still failed, he and his companions behind him looked at the two ladies at the table with great interest.

Their "duel" will determine the direction of the story. Although the investigation progress is just over halfway, if "Miss Amethyst" wins, it means that the investigation can be carried out safely. And the people from the [Light Worshipers Training Association] win.

, which means that the [Detective] also has to worry about such a head-on battle.

"The [Silent One] and the [Outlander Traveler] who met on a narrow road noticed each other at the same time. The [Silent One] recognized the traveler who had been investigating at the Parsifal Club, and the traveler also realized that the Ring Warlock in front of him was the eavesdropper just now.

The successful stealth made [The Silent One] disappear from the sight of [The Foreign Traveler]. The chilling wind in the summer afternoon blew through the alley, and the quiet air with murderous intent seemed to freeze everything. The second battle round.


Although this action was equivalent to [Silent One] and Shade taking action at the same time, the woman in a black dress was the first to reveal the content of the action:

"The distance is close enough and within shooting range. Miss Amethyst, the biggest mistake you made was to let [Silent One] get close to your girl. [Silent One] used thaumaturgy - light magic!"


"Adele's time stands still!"

Of course, the witch at the top of the clock tower could not know the decision that Shad made in the alley far away. After all, the witch did not see the name of the thaumaturgy when he used [Praise the Sun]. The witch chose the "weak" thaumaturgy because of the woman in the black dress.

Surprised by the skill, and even more surprised was the hoarse voice’s additional supplement to this round of battle:

"Perform [Light Spell] resistance judgment. If the resistance to 'Abnormal Power-Light' reaches 1000, you can be immune to this attack. Otherwise, make a lucky judgment. If it succeeds, you will be seriously injured, if it fails, you will die immediately."

"Wait, what kind of lighting technique is this?"

"Judgment paused! The bell rang and the gears stopped! [The Stranger] got an extra action round. This round of action is the exclusive action round of [The Stranger], and [The Silent One] cannot make any resistance."


Surprised, she turned into a woman in black skirt:

"Why is the extra action round time paused!? No, that Miss Charlotte, is it the 12th ring or the 13th ring?"

After playing the game for more than two hours, the calm woman finally stood up from the chair in shock. The equally surprised witch quickly gave her final instructions:

"Extra action round, [Outlander] uses punches determined by strength."

"So, goodbye!"

In the alley, Shade avoided the faint light that just appeared on the fingertips of the still stranger. He just observed the other person for a while, wondering why the other party needed such a high resistance and immunity to use [Light Technique]. At the same time, he had bypassed

Go behind the other party.

Instead of taking action after lifting the miraculous function of stopping time, he stretched out his hand and punched the man in the back who had not said any words from the beginning. The fist did not pass through the chest, but the witch's clang sounded in his ears.

Bang ~ At the same time as the sound of throwing the dice, [The Silent One]'s heart and other internal organs were shattered inside the body.

When the corpse fell to the ground, the faint light emerging from the hands of [The Silent One] also disappeared. The confused Shade squatted down to check the body, and at the top of the bell tower, with the words "[The Silent One] failed the physical resistance judgment, the character died"

When the announcement was made, the woman in the black dress clutched her chest and groaned, and then she fell to the table with bleeding from her orifices.

The man behind her wanted to help her. Although she didn't know what the situation was, the witch did win. She smiled calmly and said:

"The number of extra combat actions is over, and time is flowing again. In the third round of the third round, due to the death of the enemy, while [The Silent One] used the light spell, I chose to let the [Foreigner Traveler] jump to a higher room.

Go ahead and read the note you just got from the coroner."

Because we just entered the battle directly, the clue has not been read yet. Although the time consumption of "jumping to the high roof" is different from the instant thaumaturgy, because they are both the same action, I laughed very happily.

At the same time, the witch had more thoughts about other people's followers, and quickly received feedback from the information.

This chapter has been completed!
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