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Chapter 2082 Throbbing under the sunset

 As for daring to appear directly in front of the witch behind her at this moment, it was naturally an accident [Collection of Dice Stories] that disrupted Shade's previous plan to conceal her identity. Now that she already knows so many things about herself, rather than letting the great witch of fate

If you make random guesses or even misunderstand Sha De's identity due to investigation and get into trouble, it's better to take advantage of this opportunity and show up directly.

Moreover, he not only felt that the witch behind him would not retaliate, but also because he believed that he had initially frightened the other party.

Shade did not keep playing with the dice. After relying on "her" narration to understand the funny expression of the witch at the moment, he put the relic back into his pocket, still holding on to the railing and facing the lady behind him, and said:

"Madam, why don't you keep moving forward? I've been waiting for you for so long, and you seem a little rude."

His voice woke the blond witch out of shock, and she unconsciously stared at his back and murmured:

"Man, how is it possible that you are that pervert?"

"What? Pervert?"

Shade turned to look at her in surprise. He didn't expect that he would receive such a comment. After all, he knew everything except what was written on the parchment roll.

And because the illusion was cancelled, his true face showed up, and the movement of turning his head allowed Bella Belindel, the "witch of fate", to see his face for the first time.

"Sure enough, he is a man. Wait, why are he so handsome?"

The surprise in her heart disappeared for some reason when she saw that face. In fact, the stunning look back at that moment with her back to the sunset actually made her heart beat faster:

"As expected of Charming 96, isn't it?"

I didn't understand what my reaction was. I put aside the feeling that my heart had stopped beating just now and tried to make a serious expression:

"I mean, who the hell are you?"

Thinking that he had saved her just now, and thinking of the special fate he had, even though she knew that the person in front of her was a man, her face still turned red. Miss Belindel still kept a distance from Shade, while Shade looked at her with strange eyes.

Look at her:

"What a strange question. Didn't you have a lot of fun playing games in the afternoon? Speaking of which, I was involved in this matter because of your influence. Why are you interrogating me now with the tone of treating a prisoner?"


The witch thought this was sarcasm, but at the same time she understood that during the "Dice Story Collection", the person in front of her knew exactly what was going on:

"Who are you and what is your relationship with Vanessa?"

Looking at that face, the throbbing feeling in her heart became stronger and stronger. Although she didn't want to use such a serious tone and wanted to invite the other party for a drink, in order to safeguard the common reputation and interests of the witches, she still suppressed her strange feelings.


"First of all, I know you must care about this the most."

Shade stretched out his left hand to her. The lady with the fat-red birthmark on her eyebrows hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and reached out to hold his wrist, and then looked at the palm of her hand in disbelief:

"How can it be?"

I wanted to draw a card, but then I remembered that the person in front of me seemed to have a special destiny talent that interfered with divination. So I pursed my lips and looked at him, but I didn't know that my expression was particularly cute.

Seeing that the other party calmed down, Xia De continued:

"I know you have a lot of doubts, but my relationship with Miss Benanis cannot be faked. When I first came to the Moon Bay area, I heard that 'Miss Amethyst' has extraordinary divination abilities. Why don't we play a game?"


Then he wiped his face again and let the illusion disguise himself again:

"I'm going to ask some questions about myself, Miss Belinder, and you will divine the answers. I can give you three chances. If you can divine even once, I can answer all your questions now. If you guess wrong,

Sorry, please go ask Miss Benanis yourself."

He shook his head slightly:

"This is not to avoid your questioning, but to give the right to answer to the lady."

The corners of the mouth of the great witch of fate trembled. The dark clouds in the sky in the evening unexpectedly dissipated. The young man who put one hand on the railing and turned to look at her, bathed in the sunset light, made her feel particularly charming:

"Do you know what you are talking about? If your gender and appearance are consistent, your existence means something to us."

"Just think of it as my reward for saving you and helping you, okay?"

Shade asked again, then blinked:

"I saved him twice, once for the story collection, and once for the arrow just now."

Miss Belindel tried hard to control her face from turning red. She agreed with the other party's point of view in her heart, but she refused to admit defeat at all:

"It's true that I got you involved in the dice story collection, but if you want to blackmail me for this... Humph. But if you really think that I couldn't divine your position and gender just now, then I really can't divine anything, then

That's too naive. Vanessa and I were at the same level at least a month ago."

She took another step forward, glanced at Shade quietly, thinking about the information she had just learned about him on the top of the tower, and stood with Shade in front of the railing along the river:


She reread the word, looked at Shade at close range, and made Shade look at her at close range. The fat-red birthmark on her forehead effectively distinguished her from other witches, and her fair skin had that

A trace is not a flaw at all. According to the language of a foreigner's hometown, that birthmark has a finishing touch of beauty.

"Looking at how well we cooperated this afternoon, you helped me solve a big problem. Tell me, what do you want me to divine?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Shade's wrist again, feeling quite eager to try again.

"The first question is, where is my hometown?"

Shade asked, turning to look at the ship on the Taton River, the witch snorted:

"If you ask that, it's definitely not the Randall Valley."

He took out his special deck with the relic [Odd Painting Divination Card] added to it. After a few simple rinses, he chose the bottom one this time. He just turned over the card, and what he saw under the sunset was

It's a blank.

"It seems that you do have some skills. I will give up on the first question and the second one."

She was happy that the other person's fate was indeed unique. She was not obsessed with it and was very tolerant of the failure of divination.

So Xia De asked curiously:

"Second question, what power am I best at?"

Miss Belindel drew the card again, and this time she saw an orange cat squatting on the card. Of course, the regular divination cards did not have such a card, so the relics played a role again.

The witch who originally thought it was "time" said without thinking:


After she finished speaking, she realized what she had said, and the man standing in front of her actually laughed. She tried her best to bite the inner wall of her mouth to prevent herself from blushing.

"Sorry, although I have a pet cat, it is not my power. Wrong answer. The last question and the last chance. This time it can be simpler: Miss Benenice and I, except for the followers who don't have to answer

Besides relationships, what other relationships are there?”

For witches who cannot have offspring, the most intimate relationship besides "apprentice and teacher" is only "lover relationship". She almost blurted out this answer, but this witch with more traditional thinking also

I don’t believe that the witch of the earth who calls herself a “non-marriageist” dares to do this:

"So, you are a relative of Vanessa? Or, a distant relative of Miss Lassers? They are also related to Delarion?"

She carefully looked at the face of the young man in front of her, pursed her lips to make herself more serious, but felt that the more she looked at this face, the more satisfied she became. But the identity of the witch reminded her of what she had to do, and she knew that she could not be embarrassed.

So I tried to match this face with the appearance of the two leaders of the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe. This time I did not use the divination cards again, but turned around and made a gesture to the maids beside the carriage. Soon, the maids

He came over holding a crystal ball.

This behavior is quite strange on the street, but the big witch can ensure that no one around pays attention to the blocked scene behind the carriage.

The witch's right hand gently brushed the crystal ball in front of her, and the sunset caused the crystal to scatter an increasingly strange light. In the eyes of Miss Bella Belindel, the thick white fog swirling inside the crystal ball gradually dispersed, and then

It showed an extremely blurry scene of a woman dancing on the stage. Because it was too blurry, she could only see the dancing lady shaking her body and shaking her arms. This was not the serious dance she knew.

"What does this mean?"

There seemed to be more and more unclear things today. The frowning witch looked at the picture displayed by the crystal ball without saying a word for a long time. Shade did not urge her, but continued to look at the scenery on the sparkling Taton River:

"The weather is so nice in the evening."

He sighed softly, and then looked at the maid lady holding the crystal ball. There were slight differences between Kasenrik's maid dress and Delrayon's style, but they were both black and white.

Unlike the black-haired Tifa, the girl with witch power in front of her has blonde hair.

"Are you Miss Belindle's apprentice?"

He asked the maid, who looked at her master, so the witch glared at Shade:

"Don't talk to my apprentice."

"Madam, you say this as if I am some kind of pest. What, is there any result?"

The hesitant witch could only guess:

"She is your dance teacher."

"Sorry, wrong again."

Shade, who didn't know exactly what the other party saw in the crystal ball, breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head regretfully:

"So about who I am, please ask Miss Benanis. Or, you can try to force me to answer your question now. Your level has just been mentioned, which means you are definitely better than me. I

Be sure of it."

"I'm not that mean. You helped me and saved me. I won't be that kind of person."

The witch looked at him and said, not really sure that she could defeat the man in front of her. She was not good at fighting head-on, and the power of prophecy had a very poor effect on him:

"You come with me, and I will arrange a place for you to live. You can't leave until I get the exact information from Vanessa. I promise I won't play any tricks."

As she spoke, facing the setting sun, the beautiful lady stretched out her hand to Shade in front of the railing. The setting sun illuminated her arm and the gold bracelet worn on her right hand, but it also covered up her reddish color.


"Man, welcome to Yuewan City."

Shade then reached out and held the hand. Miss Belindel's hand was very small, but also very soft. The witch felt the heat in Shade's palm and touched his hand at close range, with extremely keen perception.

He even felt that the soul in front of him was as powerful as the earth itself.

Under the bright light of the setting sun, listening to the rushing river water under his feet, he smiled as if he was about to melt into the sun. Miss Belindel was not sure what traces she had captured, but she was sure, and it was very clear -

Well, even though he is a man, he is indeed very charming.

This chapter has been completed!
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