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Chapter 2115 Witch and Elf

The old man behind the counter looked at the anchor for a moment and then returned it to Shade:

"It is an obvious magical item, and it belongs to a certain good god. But we cannot judge from more information. The power attributes of the old gods who left in the fifth era are not something that we who live in the sixth era can know.

But since the god has left, the fact that this item can still have such a powerful power shows that the great man must still have very devout believers in this era."

So Shade had a new guess about "Miss Elisa". At first, because of the anchor, he thought she was involved in an old god related to the ocean. But after Miss Lisa and her daughter, she learned that

The task was just to fulfill the little girl's wish, so Shade understood that she should be related to a certain god related to "wishes" and "children".

Combined with the fact that the old god who appeared in this Time Key mission is the "Giver of Dreams", Shade is almost certain at this time that Miss Eleser is a believer of that old god.

Of course, the matter of the time key is not what needs to be dealt with now. It is important to help Emilia get rid of the curse first. Those tadpole texts were interpreted by Shade and pointed to No. 19 Diniel Street in the south of Tobesk. To the south of the city are the nobles in the city.

Shade had never been to this address before. It was only when he and Amelia got off the carriage that he saw that it was a large manor. The white walls blocked passers-by's sight of this deep compound.

It seems like this is not a place you can enter casually.

Emilia also saw that this place was difficult to enter, and looked at Shade hesitantly. Shade hesitated for a moment:

"I'm going to find out whose house this is. If there's no problem, we'll try to sneak into it."

The word "infiltrate" made the elf girl's eyes light up, but before Shade could take action, another carriage coming from a distance stopped behind them:

"Good morning, Shade, what are you doing here?"

A familiar voice came, and Shade and Amelia turned around at the same time and saw the red-haired duchess looking at them from the car window.

Shade breathed a sigh of relief, but the young elf was surprised by the appearance and temperament of this beautiful lady. She turned sideways and hid behind Shade, but still thought she was hidden and quietly looked at him.

"I'm here. I want to go in here."

Shade pointed to the manor behind him, and Miss Carina raised her eyebrows:

"Then get in the car and go in with me. Do you remember the funeral you attended with me last month? My brother, Duke Rhodes, left this house that belonged to him to Aunt Nymph's little daughter.

, but she doesn’t live in Tobesk, so she rented this house to me so that I could have a place to hold banquets in Tobesk city. You know, I don’t like to hold banquets in manors outside the city.”

The manor guards opened the door for the duchess, and Shade also greeted Amelia to board the carriage. The elf girl followed Shade timidly, and sat next to Shade so cautiously that she did not dare to look at Carina.

Miss, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the black-haired maid beside her. She was immediately shocked by her beauty and figure and was speechless:

"Is this a human being? It turns out that elves really have their limits."

"Emilia, this is Duke Carina Cavendish."

Shade did not forget to introduce him, and Emilia came back to her senses. She was a little frightened in front of this powerful duchess, of course because the other party was looking at her.

"Hello, Duke. I know you are mentioned in "Hamilton's Detective Stories."

Everyone in the carriage laughed. In that detective novel, Dorothy not only paired "Detective Hamilton" with a "blonde journalist lady" as a partner and romantic partner, but also created

He hired an aristocratic woman whose name was not mentioned but who was extremely powerful in the city as a helper.

When the "Detective Hamilton" in the story was about to be imprisoned after a certain incident because of a frame-up that seemed to kill the criminals, the unknown aristocratic woman was mentioned for the first time and came to help. In the subsequent investigation

He is always able to provide information about nobles.

There is never a positive description of her in the book, and she only appears a few times. Most of the time, she is contacted through a black-haired maid. Even her name is probably "that lady" out of Lesia's "malice".

People in Beske City who have read "Hamilton's Detective Stories" all know that "the lady" in the book is based on the Grand Duchess Carina Cavendish, so it's okay for Emilia to say so.

It is said that because of this half-hidden mystery, "Steambird Daily" received more letters from readers expressing support for "that lady" than for the "blonde reporter lady" portrayed by Dorothy.

In short, the group of people entered the manor. Miss Carina came here to confirm the situation of the manor, and it was just a coincidence that she met Shade.

Although the original owner of the manor has passed away, there are still enough servants working here.

Shade asked Emilia to wait in the study, while Tifa talked to her there. Shade went to the reception room alone with Miss Carina, and the witch teased her as soon as she opened her mouth:

"Shad, have you changed your taste recently? That girl is a pure-blood elf, right? She looks younger than Agelina."

Sure enough, the disguise spell is not effective against level 12 witches either.

"It's a pure-blood elf, but don't get me wrong, this is a student from the academy for summer internship. We happened to meet you and we ran into trouble."

Shade briefly talked about the curse of the letter. Naturally, Miss Carina also knew about this relic:

"Is this kind of thing also appearing in Tobesk? It's true in the past few years. You and the elf lady will have a cup of tea with me, and I'll ask Tifa to find out who sent the letter from here."

As he spoke, he came closer to Shade and sniffed, and looked at him suspiciously with his beautiful big golden eyes:

"I didn't smell the scent of that elf girl. Are you really just friends?"

The corner of Shade's mouth trembled:

"Please don't think of all the girls of marriageable age around me as my close friends. There is another thing. I need Sirius' help."

He also talked about the fragments of the poem and the story of Hawthorne whose memory had been erased. Miss Carina was very concerned about the possibility of the "light" candidate appearing in Moon Bay. Miss Belindell obviously hadn't had time to speak in the parliament yet.

Li said. As for Shade's request for help from Siris, she also promised to tell Miss Benanis at the next meeting.

So the two returned to the study room. Emilia, who was smiling and talking to Tifa, saw Miss Carina coming back and immediately stood up nervously. She seemed to be a little afraid of Miss Carina.

Since the sender's address is this manor, and considering that the rules require that the address cannot be false, then the person Shade and Amelia are looking for must be a servant who lives here.

So Tifa took the duchess's personal maids to inquire, while Miss Carina continued chatting with Shade and Emilia in the study. She did not show that she was a ring magician, but Emilia

Still afraid of her.

Not long after, the black-haired head maid sent back the news. Although the target was found, the manservant committed suicide in the Auxerre River in the city three days ago. Fortunately, his belongings are still here.

So Shade got up and went to check the things left behind by the male servant who committed suicide. The young elf girl tugged on the hem of Shade's clothes and wanted to follow him, but was stopped by Miss Carina:

"Let the detective investigate on his own. We can just wait here. Men should concentrate on their work. Shade understands this very well, right?"

She gave Tifa a look, and the maids gathered around Shade and left without giving Shade a chance to call Emilia.

The nervous blond elf had no choice but to sit there holding the tea cup, lowering his head and not knowing what to say.

Miss Carina asked with a smile:

"You seem a little afraid of me?"

"Your temperament is very similar to that of the librarian of our college."

Emilia said softly, it seemed that if Miss Carina teased her again, she might really shed tears with red eyes.

Shade didn't leave for long, and soon came back with another letter. It was a curse letter received by the manservant. Although it was burned, he used "Breath of Time" to pour out the ashes in the brazier under the bed.

Successfully restored other parts of the letter except for the stamps.

In this way, although Emilia could not personally get rid of the person who wrote to her, they could still continue to trace upwards.

Seeing Shade coming back, Emilia grabbed his sleeve as if she had found a savior and refused to let go. The evil-minded witch looked at this scene with a smile:

"I didn't expect that the servants of this manor would do this kind of prank of mailing curse letters. Shade, can you give me the address of this beautiful blonde girl? I will visit her in person after a while and give her an apology gift.


"No need, really no need."

The young elf immediately shook his head, and the smile on the witch's face became even wider:

"But I still have to make up for it. I will send the apology gift to Shade and let Shade give it to you. Detective, I have something else to do next, so I won't participate in your 'detective game'. I wish you a good time."


She wasn't worried at all that Shade couldn't deal with this relic.

It wasn't until she was driven away from the manor by carriage that Amelia's nervousness eased a little. Looking at the surrounding scenery from the car window and reaching the street, she patted her chest and admitted to Shade:

"Is this the aura of the Duchess? It feels almost as oppressive as Professor Daniste."

"Carina is actually a very easy-going person."

But Emilia doesn’t believe it:

"There are no nobles in the academy. Well, I can be considered a noble, but the concept of nobles among elves is different from that of humans. Shade, I didn't expect you to know such a powerful person. I heard from Mrs. Sangmei at the hotel that that woman

The Duke is your lover."

"Cough cough, cough cough."

Shade coughed to cover up his embarrassment. Although almost everyone in the city didn't know about this, Shade still couldn't adapt to Emilia saying it like this.

This chapter has been completed!
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