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Chapter 2120 The Blessing of the Sea

"According to Miss Elise, the battle between gods at the beginning of the fifth era was the battle between the god of the ocean and the [Dragon-eating Demon]. No matter whether either side left anything behind, they should be fighting against the dragon and the dragon.

Ocean related.

Walking towards the busy trestle, stop at the far end of the trestle and look at the sea:

"Dragon, I only have [Red Dragon Power] and gloves; in terms of the ocean. The guardian of the fishmen - the divinity of the Lord of the Scarlet Spiral, the controller of the ocean storm - the divinity of the furious storm, the original drowned person - the deep sea drowner

The divinity of the Lord of the Dead has been swallowed by me."

Shade preferred to call them the "Three Evil Gods of Coldwater Port", and the cults of these three evil gods seemed to have appeared in the Moon Bay area, but they were not very common.

Holding the gloves and using the [Power of the Red Dragon], he then closed his eyes and listened. As expected, he heard nothing. Then he let his mind go and felt the ocean in front of him.

Although Shade has never mastered any power related to the "ocean" except "water walking" and "underwater breathing", it is probably because he really has this talent, or the ocean itself does not exclude him.

One could only hear the rise and fall of the tide, and then the sound of the rise and fall seemed to turn into sweet music. All the senses except hearing seemed to have lost their function, and when Shade's soul gradually forgot the sounds in his ears,

His soul touched the tide in front of him, and the water accepted Shade's soul.

The divinity of the ocean gods has entered the souls of strangers one after another, and the souls that have been contaminated by the breath of the sea are also regarded as companions by the ocean. The ocean, which is infinitely larger than the human body, does not allow "small" souls to compete with it.

Integrating into one, instead caressing him gently, surrounding him with joy, and finally almost appearing in front of Shade, who had his eyes closed, showing a vague humanoid appearance.

Shade couldn't describe what he was feeling at this moment, and he couldn't tell what the blurry figure was. The sound of tide and wind blew gently by his ears, and the almost whispering sound finally turned into an understandable sentence.


"Please save Moon Bay."


He wanted to hear it more clearly, but the current surrounding him and the feeling of being almost one with the sea at that moment disappeared like the ebb of the tide.

When he opened his eyes with an unusual sense of disappointment, he was immediately squinted by the dazzling sunset in front of him. The sun sank below the sea level, and the light of the setting sun reflected on the sea was still brilliant. He seemed to have stood here for a long time, realizing that this

At the same time as this happened, the noisy sound from the dock sounded again like a theater curtain being drawn up.

[Outlander, you have been exposed to "miracle" and "enlightenment", and you have some insights into the "ocean". 】

After a slight pause, the gentle voice continued:

[Outlander, you have obtained the temporary status "Blessing of the Sea". Within two months, you can move in the ocean and coastal areas, your physical and spiritual recovery speed will increase, and your luck will increase. 】

"The sea is gentle, right?"

Before Shade could think about these gains, another slightly familiar voice sounded in his ears, and he realized that while he was standing on the trestle "in a daze", someone actually came to his side.

Turning his head to look, Miss Elisa with black hair and blue eyes, or "Miss Glory", turned to look at him with a smile.

The setting sun dyed her beautiful long black hair with orange luster. She tilted her head slightly, and then winked at Shade:

"You know, when you smile at girls, you are actually casting a charm on them."

But the way she looks at this moment is clearly showing off her charm.

"Good evening, Miss Elisa, I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

Although Shade was startled for a moment, he immediately responded with a smile. But he realized that the other person didn't seem to want him to laugh, so he suppressed the smile again.

The smile on the blue-eyed girl's face is even more obvious:

"I'm not avoiding you on purpose. Why are you so surprised to meet me again?"

She clasped her hands behind her back and turned her head to look no longer at Shade, but at the evening sea where seagulls were circling:

"People in many areas believe that life is born in water, so it must return to water. The intention of death has always been inseparable from water. At the same time, people living along lakes, coasts, and rivers are more or less

They all have passed down some traditions about water burials. And the sea is really beautiful."

The girl with her hands behind her back faced the sunset, her long black hair swaying slightly in the wind. Her long skirt was rustling in the wind on the pier, and her waistline highlighted a figure that Agelina could not even imagine.

"The sea is indeed beautiful, but it is also very dangerous for ordinary people, especially during shipwrecks and storms."

Shade said this deliberately, but Miss Elisa smiled and did not continue the sentence:

"Did you successfully complete the last mission?"

"Yes, a lonely child longs for maternal love. But what she longs for is not much. The bedtime stories her mother tells before going to bed are enough to satisfy her. Children are never greedy, and those small wishes are not complicated.


Shade took out the silver anchor jewelry, and Miss Elise nodded:

"Very good, very good. Then as agreed, let me tell you more information about Moon Bay."

She looked at the sea:

"Not only are you looking for something, the followers of the great one are also looking for the remaining traces of the divine war in Yuewan City for the next plan. Don't ask me what the cultists have planned, I don't know everything.


Shade thought for a while:

"That great one was a witness to the war between gods at the beginning of the fifth era. He should know what was left of the gods at that time. Why are the cultists still looking for it?"

There is no such thing as "amnesia" for God.

"Because it was not the god who swallowed the dragon who sealed those traces."

The blue-eyed girl replied. Seeing that Shade wanted to ask again, she smiled and shook her head:

"I was not an eyewitness to that divine war. I can only tell you what remains of that major event, but I don't know how to get in touch with those traces."

She continued to look at the sea in front of her:

"Such a charming ocean, but I don't know if it will remain like this after the disaster that is about to hit Yuewan City subsides."

"What kind of disaster will Yuewan suffer?"

"Remember? I can only tell you one piece of information at a time, and don't think that I know everything. I'm not that omnipotent."

As he spoke, he suddenly laughed again:

"However, if you want, I can teach you interesting thaumaturgy instead of giving you information next time we meet. Are you interested in transfiguration? I can tell you how to turn into a fish."

Shade hurriedly shook his head. With a pet cat at home, he would never learn how to turn into a fish. Based on Shade's understanding of the cat who was lazy, ate the soft and feared the hard, and although it looked smart, it wasn't actually very smart.

, once little Mia has the illusion of "ah, he is weaker than me", the orange and white kitten will really regard herself as the real master of the family.

"Thank you for your kindness. I'm not interested in turning into a fish. I'll give you information next time."

"You haven't seen the benefit of fish. Fish don't have to worry about sinking before they die. Go ask him about this mission. It has something to do with his children."

The girl with blue eyes turned around and pointed at the man who was carrying two heavy sacks and unloading the goods from the ship. The man was not far from the end of the trestle where they were, and because he had his head down and was busy, he didn't seem to notice the two of them at all.

"I understand, but I also want to ask about the Radiant Messenger."

Shade saw her intention to say goodbye:

"I have some very important things, and I must know the truth about the Radiant Messenger before I can complete it."

He looked at the girl who was close at hand. It was not that Shade had never seen blue eyes before. Dr. Schneider, Helen and Grace all had blue eyes, but only by staring into Miss Elisa's eyes could Shade feel like he was

It's looking at the sea that looks calm on the surface but is actually rough.

The setting sun left traces on her profile, and the girl seemed to be thinking:

"You can accomplish your own things on your own, so why do you ask me for help?"

"But I really don't know why the Radiant Messenger sank."

Miss Elise covered her mouth and laughed:

"How can those of us who live in the Sixth Age know the cause of the sinking of the 'unsinkable ship' of the Fifth Age? If you want to know, you should ask people who have experienced these things."

After speaking, he shook his head playfully:

"I almost forgot, you can't find anyone like that now."

"Can you really not find it?"

"Don't question girls' ideas easily. It's very rude. Those who are blessed by the sea, the sea will also help you. Don't ask me for answers. The answers lie in another direction."

She waved goodbye to Shade in a good mood and walked along the trestle toward the pier. She looked like a noble lady from a well-born family, so her outfit was incompatible with the pier, but no one noticed her. She was carrying a sack.

After the porters blocked Sha De's view of her, she completely disappeared from Sha De's eyes.

"The time key that was supposed to be used this morning to seek answers from the Fifth Era should be opened tomorrow morning."

The man chosen as the mission target by Miss Elise was still carrying goods from the cargo ship docked next to the trestle. If Shade saw it correctly, the ship was full of grain.

He was originally thinking about how to approach and talk to him, but even as a "travel writer" he rashly inquired about other people's children, which seemed very abrupt. Fortunately, things went more smoothly than Shade thought, and Eliza was sent away.

Miss, while he stood there thinking, a boy holding an iron lunch box and wearing a patched gray hat ran over quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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