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Chapter 2126 Reasoning

Miss Malone's story ended here. Shade blinked, feeling like he was listening to some erotic novel. Miss Malone's face had turned red as if she was about to bleed. Instead, it was Teresa who was leaning against Shade.

The lady seemed very interested in this:

"You said you didn't steal anything, so did the beautiful girl with you steal anything?"

"Of course it's impossible, she's been with me all the time!"

"I think what Miss Teresa means is, is that blue-eyed girl really the owner of that room?"

Professor Evans asked on the side, and the maid Miss Maxim also nodded:

"Jewelry boxes, clothes, notebooks, drawing boards, dressing tables, it is said that these things have been touched in the room of the lady who lost the items. Isn't this you. The lady who lost the items was traveling alone and would not have any companions in the room.

.It should not be such a coincidence that the two rooms in the first class cabin happened to be decorated with the same things."

Miss Malone pursed her lips. Although she was the only ordinary person, she was still very stubborn:

"She can't be a thief!"

Shade then asked:

"Speaking of which, what's the name of the girl with blue eyes and golden hair?"

Miss Malone was startled, then lowered her head:

"have no idea."


Miss Teresa, who was holding Shade's arm, was puzzled, then blushed and said:

"So, what did you call her when you were dating?"


After speaking, he looked at Shade again:

"The matter between me and her has nothing to do with the sinking of the 'Brilliant Messenger'. I'm sure of this. We were together the night the ship sank. Why are you forcing me so?"

Shade does not have a hobby of forcing others to reveal their privacy:

"Based on the current situation, it can be assumed that you have nothing to do with the sinking of the Radiant Messenger. Now let's get back to the topic, ladies."

Miss Teresa, Miss Maxim and Professor Evans all had no objections. The professor even comforted the sobbing Miss Malone, while the latter still looked at Shade with red eyes:

"You promised, and I answered your question. You must protect me on this sea."

Hearing this, Miss Teresa immediately grasped Shade's hand. Shade nodded again:

"Of course, I promised that I am honored by my honesty. This is an honor. But please allow me to ask the last question, have you heard of this name - Angel Elisetris?"

The girl described by Miss Malone had blond hair and blue eyes, which was different from the black-haired, blue-eyed girl Shade encountered in the Moon Bay of the Sixth Era. But for extraordinary beings, changing hair color is a very simple matter.

The four ladies all shook their heads. Shade was just trying to ask, so he didn't have high expectations. He was not disappointed at this time. It was just a waste of time. In addition to hearing Miss Malone's private past, it seemed that he also

No other information was obtained.

"What I just said is the truth!"

Miss Malone's voice attracted Shade's attention again. She pinched the corner of her skirt and seemed to be in a better state of mind:

"It's true that we saw the first mate and the captain moving things together on the ship. We really saw it. Although I did use this topic to divert your attention just now, this information is not wrong."

Seeing everyone looking at her, she blushed again:

"And not only that, we also encountered a lot of strange things that night.

During the dinner, a sneaky sailor entered the kitchen where everyone was busy. He was wearing chef's clothes but was definitely not a chef; in the steam engine room at the bottom of the ship, we saw someone painted strange patterns on the wall; the casino on the ship today

There are very few guards at night, fewer than on any night since we set sail; there is also the ship's theater, and the bosun, who used to go to watch the show every night, did not show up tonight."

"You guys really went to a lot of places."

Shade sighed, then was glared at by the blushing girl.

"So, the captain, first mate and boatswain were plotting something on the night the ship sank, and some of the guards on the ship were their accomplices; someone entered the kitchen and seemed to want to poison the food. Wait, there are only four of you.

This is not the reason why I survived."

Shade looked at the four ladies:

"Miss Theresa, Miss Maxim, Professor Evans, you are witches, and your resistance to drugs is much stronger than ordinary people. As for Miss Malone, you didn't eat at night, so it's okay. But you didn't eat that meal at night.

Are you the only one who wants to eat? Isn’t this unreasonable?”

"No, that makes sense."

Maid Miss Maxim said:

"In order to celebrate the halfway point of the journey that night, both the first-class and lower-class dinners were sumptuous, and free ice cream was provided. The sailors also specially informed that there would be a performance during the dinner. As far as I know, most of the people that night

All the passengers went to the restaurant, and there were probably only a few dozen people who didn't go. Jumping off the ship and escaping also required luck. Among the dozens of people who didn't eat dinner, only Miss Malone survived. This makes sense in terms of probability.


"So, what patterns did you see in the steam engine room? If you can't describe the specific appearance, please try to recall the details that can be clearly remembered."

Professor Evans then asked Miss Malone. The professor wanted to use this to infer the purpose of the captain and his party, but unfortunately, as an ordinary person, Miss Malone did not pay much attention to those patterns at the time:

"It was dark in the cabin and I was busy apologizing."

The clues seem to have been interrupted again here, but at least Shade already knows the direction of the investigation. Moreover, he still has an intelligence source that he has not used:

"I don't have much time. I will continue to use the items you provided to try fishing. Maybe the gods will take note of my hard work and give me some tips."

He took Miss Theresa's hand and looked at the remaining three ladies:

"When I go fishing with the items related to your childhood wishes that you provided, I can see some of your memory fragments, and maybe I can dig out some useful information that you haven't realized yet. I'll go fishing for Maxim first.

Miss, then "

Professor Evans didn't care about the order. She was still thinking about the information just now. But Miss Malone timidly said:

"Can you put me last?"


"Last time, Professor Evans and this maid lady provided you with their past regrets. I was unable to give you this information because I lost part of my memory, so if you fish for me, you may encounter trouble that cannot be solved.

, please give me time to think again."

She said this, and Shade then asked:

"So what's the truth?"

"Well, I haven't prepared for you to see the scene when I dated her. Please give me some more time. I promise that I will try my best to recall the night when the ship sank. Please put me to the end. Please


"I see."

Shade glanced at her, and then nodded slightly. The young blond witch beside her was a little surprised. After all, in her opinion, the memory of Miss Malone, an ordinary person, might be the most valuable among the remaining three. But

Since it was Xia De who made the decision, she would not raise any objection.

The item Miss Maxim gave last time was her mother's earrings. The woman who had been bedridden for a long time gave her daughter the jewelry passed down by her mother in advance because she was worried that she would not be able to see her daughter get married; Professor Evans's items

It is an alchemy ring, which was a gift given to her by her former mentor.

These items were still with God, and when Shade said goodbye to the ladies and planned to go fishing, the other three ladies lowered their heads and seemed to have fallen asleep again, while Miss Theresa hesitated and actually followed Shade.


"It's safer if I go with you."


The cat with its little head exposed from Shade's chest meowed, and looked at "Miss Malone" again. It sniffed with its little nose and smelled a familiar smell. But Shade didn't notice little Mia's actions. After all, that was

Cats can't talk.

So Miss Teresa pulled the hem of Shad's clothes, and together with Shad, they half-crouched and half-climbed to the edge of the floating board. As they approached God again, the afterglow of divinity once again lit up Shad's body surface and even his clothes.

, those lights made Miss Teresa feel at ease.

"God, please allow me to explain my speculation about the sinking of the Radiant Messenger."

But before taking over the fishing rod, Shade still made a try:

"The captain, first mate and others sacrificed a whole ship of people in an attempt to summon and control the evil creature in the deep sea - the Seven-Tailed Player."

This is the most likely conclusion based on the current intelligence, and the child-like god glanced at the little cat head on Shade's chest, and then asked him with a smile:

"And where's the evidence?"

"Well, do you still need evidence?"

"Otherwise, if you don't do anything and just keep talking about various possibilities here, wouldn't it be more convenient than using various means to collect information?"

With that said, God handed the fishing rod in his hand to Shade, along with Miss Maxim's pair of earrings. The cat immediately stretched out its claws from Shade's clothes, but Shade immediately slapped them away.

The expression on the god's face did not change, and when Shade took the items, he immediately withdrew his hand.

Miss Teresa carefully hid behind Shade and helped Shade put fishing wire through the earrings and tied them up. Shade hesitated for a moment, then asked again:

"God, may I ask what you caught while fishing here?"

In fact, he thought that the god probably didn't catch anything, because there was nothing extra around him. But he didn't expect that the god smiled and grabbed three colorful bubbles from the darkness in front of him, suppressing the light here.

On the surface of the Sunless Sea, the light of those bubbles was even brighter than the color of the golden afterglow on Shade's body.

"Look, this is what I got."

He introduced Shade to Shade in a showy tone:

"This is a childhood dream. It is the most beautiful thing transformed from the expectations and best memories of childhood by the dead who sleep forever in this sea."

This chapter has been completed!
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