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Chapter 2134 Afternoon with the Witch

"Since you mentioned the dragon, Shade, I think there are not completely no clues here."

Professor Manning smiled and said:

"I did not leave any written records of the excavation of the ruins back then, but I was not always busy with work during my time in Yuewan. Yuewan is an ancient city. Thanks to its location, it has been a big city in all eras.

, so I took the time to investigate the local legends and stories before leaving the place. If I remember correctly, an old boatman who went fishing once told me that he and his ancestors once went to the harbor at night

I heard the roar of the dragon."


Shade sat up straight:

"The old boatman."

"She should have passed away. I bet you can never find out this news now. Yuewan Port has also changed a lot in recent decades. Many of the traditions of the past have disappeared. The people who have lived here for generations and the stories passed down orally

They all escaped. Can this help you? I remember very clearly back then, the old boatman said that on a thundering night, it is possible to hear the roar of a dragon in the port. The louder the thunder, the better, and the thunder on a stormy night is the best.

.But I’m not sure whether he heard the thunder or the dragon’s roar.”

The professor said, seeing an ecstatic expression on Shade's face:

"It's really a big help. Do you still need thunder? I don't know if the artificial lightning meets the requirements."

Originally visiting Professor Manning, he just wanted to find clues about God from the ruins of the past. Shade really didn't expect that this visit could actually obtain more direct information. Although the professor said that this was just a local rumor,

But almost as soon as Shade heard this information, he instinctively felt that this was the target he was looking for. His sixth sense for divinity had always been quite accurate, and he knew that he had finally found the target.

As for directly creating thunder, it is not a difficult thing for ring warlocks. The difficulty is how to create thunder but avoid being hunted by the church. However, Shade still preferred to wait for natural thunder, so he said goodbye to Manning.

After teaching, he went to the Prophet's Association to ask Luvia for help.

Predicting the weather is a basic training for astrologers and prophets. Although Luvia herself has never been to Moon Bay, this does not prevent her from being a key training target of the association and being able to easily obtain information from other places:

"Is that the weather forecast? Just wait here while I go to the third floor to apply for query permission."

About half an hour later, Luvia came back from the third floor and saw Vice President Mark in the divination room who was talking to Shade about the new series of decks. The latter saw Luvia coming back and left the place very wisely.

And Luvia also brought the information that Shade wanted:

"This is the weather forecast for the coming week from the Yuewan City Prophet Association."

This information also includes today’s weather forecast. It seems that the association knew a week ago that today would be a snowy day. Of course, it will only snow and not thunder today, but it seems that before the end of this week, Yuewan city limits

The weather inside will not be very good.

Especially starting from noon on Sunday, there will be a large-scale thunderstorm in the Yuewan area. This is the most extreme climate change in the Yuewan area since the beginning of summer this year, and it will definitely affect the pier.

"Is it Sunday? Today is Friday. It seems that I have to prepare in advance."

"Are you going to do something dangerous again?"

The purple-eyed girl asked him softly, but didn't say much:

"I'm going to your house tonight. Don't you want to experience the power of the stars? I know you have an important card game to participate in. I'll wait for you at home."

I originally thought that since Luvia was going home tonight, he wouldn't have to take care of little Mia's dinner. But I didn't expect that the cat suddenly had some strange thoughts today. When Shade came home in the afternoon

, the cat, who had had a full nap, naturally followed Shade when he went to the basement. When Shade was about to touch the statue of the ancient god with his hand, he realized that the cat was following his feet as if it were natural.


It rubbed against Shade's trousers, obviously trying to follow Shade's wishes. This made Shade wonder if there was something in Yuewan City that was attracting the cat. Or maybe it just liked the snowy weather.

As expected, the snow was still falling in Moon Bay. Since there was nothing to do, Shade didn't want to take little Mia to the autopsy room, so at around three o'clock in the afternoon, he met the blonde witch who was processing meeting documents in the study at Belindel Manor.

There was heavy snow falling outside the window, and a fireplace and bonfire had been lit in the warm study room.

The current Speaker of the City Council is from the Eddington family, but the Belindel family still plays a pivotal role in the Council. The family's daily affairs are handled by the countess, but although her maids and followers are not in number

Dodan is quite capable, so the witch will not waste too much time on daily affairs.

"Good afternoon, Miss Belindle."

"Good afternoon, what a beautiful cat~"

As soon as she raised her head, she was attracted by the cat on Shade's shoulder who was looking around curiously. Its legs were snow-white, and its body seemed to be covered with a soft orange blanket. Its big amber eyes were bright and bright.

Although he is small in appearance, he is particularly pitiful because of it:

"Is this the cat you raised? Did you bring it to Moon Bay? Although I knew you had a cat in [Dice Stories], I didn't expect it to be so beautiful."

She put down the pen in her hand, stood up and walked towards Shade. The one who led Shade in just now was the blond Miss Matilda, and in addition to the head maid, all the maids in the corridor outside the door also looked at her.

Towards the cat on Shade's shoulder.

"This cat is indeed very beautiful. Everyone who has seen it praises it so much."

Shade has never been shy about praising little Mia's appearance, but he didn't say that this was actually not his cat.

Of course, Miss Belindel wanted to pet it, but she was dodged by the agile cat. So far, little Mia only likes to be held by Shad and Tifa. As for wanting to touch it casually, this is only for Shad.


Miss Belindel also seemed to want to take a break from document work. Now that Shade was here, she ordered the maids to prepare afternoon tea and snacks. She seemed to be in a particularly good mood, and even talked about the wonderful scenery in this manor.

I have a lot of cats, but none of them are as beautiful as the cat that Shade brought.

Because he was worried that the witch would really find other cats, which would irritate little Mia, who always hated the same kind, Shade did not continue to struggle with the topic of pet cat breeding and how to correctly identify the cat species of little Mia. He took out the waistband

He turned the pistol around and placed it on the coffee table in front of him:

“That’s what I’ll be relying on for the night.”

"[Faded Memories]? The sage-level relic that Vanessa got from Sister Megan?"

She was quite curious and picked it up to check. Shade nodded:

"Yes, I still have contact information with Miss Benenice and the others. This was just delivered at noon."

The blond witch did not ask what method could be used to deliver the relic remotely, but instead inspected the bomb nest with great interest:

"Speaking of which, do you know what price Vanessa paid to exchange this relic from Megan and the others? I know that Megan and Audrey are very wealthy and have a lot of good things in their hands, but they don't do it easily.

Would you give a relic of this level?"

This question was not easy to answer. Shade could only say vaguely:

"The relationship between Miss Benanith and Miss Edwards seemed to have become very good during the Green Lake incident, and this relic may be a symbol of friendship."

"How good of a relationship do you have to have before you can give me a sage-level relic?"

The blonde witch asked casually, put the muzzle of the gun against her forehead, pulled the trigger, and then fired another shot at the wall. A picture immediately appeared on the wallpapered wall, which was viewed from a first-person perspective.

Looking at the snow scene in the early morning.

"Could it be that the relationship between Vanessa and those sisters is so good that they sleep in the same bed? Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't make such a joke."

She noticed the expression on Xia De's face at this moment, and immediately apologized. But she didn't know that what Xia De was thinking was actually:

"That night at the Green Lake Hotel, after the awakened Agelina was taken away by Miss Carina, the ones who opened the portal to my room were Miss Sylvia, Miss Benanis and Sirius. Megan and

Audrey, I am not with Miss Bernice for the time being. Oh, what am I thinking about."

The countess didn't seem to have any intention of going out in the afternoon. She chatted with Shade about her recent findings in the investigation, and listened to Shade's analysis of the connection between the "Eternal Light" organization and the headless serial murder case. She even took out the divination card,

I wanted to do a divination for the cat lying on Sha De's lap, but unfortunately I didn't get Sha De's consent:

"Probably another result of the sun or something."

"Why do you think so?"

"I have a friend who is very good at fortune-telling. Yes, it's the one I mentioned last time who thought I was definitely not the chosen one. She divined for this cat, and every time it was the sun."

"If you have a chance in the future, please let me meet that female fortune teller."

Miss Belindel was immediately aroused to be competitive.

In short, everything went well on this Friday afternoon. The witch, Shade and the cat welcomed the sunset in the warm study. Then she invited Shade to have dinner at the manor, and after dinner she and Shade walked in the snowy courtyard together.

We walked away and talked about the Witch Council’s preparations and response plans regarding the possible appearance of the chosen ones of “Light” in Yuewan City.

Of course, others don't know what the countess and this man who suddenly appeared recently are doing. Mrs. Belindel, who also lives in the manor, is the witch's mother, and still sees her daughter and the man in the snow-covered courtyard.

While taking a walk, I found the head maid and asked about the situation:

"What is the relationship between Bella and this gentleman? Isn't he a guest sent by Her Highness Margaret to supervise the business?"

"Madam, he is"

The blonde maid found it difficult to answer this question, and from the attitude of the head maid, the old woman also got the answer:

"That's it, Matilda, Bella, what does she think of that gentleman?"

The maid also found this question difficult to answer. After all, she couldn't say that her master had fallen in love with this man.

This chapter has been completed!
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