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Chapter 2138 Stargazing at Night

Chapter 2139 Stargazing at Night

"You are very keen, and I also think those are the eyes of a dragon beast. So the truth seems to be clear: the [Dragon Cult Order] cooperated with local nobles to raise or experiment with creating some kind of dragon beast in the sewers, but due to an accident, it

The death of the prostitute was due to an accident and the failure to dispose of the body in time. Could it be that the legendary dragon that will destroy Moon Bay is not a powerful dragon, but a terrifying and deformed dragon beast created through experiments? "

The witch took a deep breath. This is her hometown and the land where her family has lived for generations. She cannot watch the city be destroyed.

Shade knew what she was thinking:

"Continue to investigate to find out. Next I will investigate the sewer. Even if the other party has moved the secret place that looks like an experimental site, I think there will be no traces left. Miss Belindel, you

Let’s track down the other party’s fortune teller, I’m not good at fortune telling.”

"no problem."

The witch nodded and asked Xiang De:

"Can the memory stored in the relic be released again?"

Shade pointed at the wall and pulled the trigger again, watching the familiar light and shadow appear again:

"It's okay, but look, the picture has become blurry. Oh, there was no vertical pupil in the end. The memory counterattack just now seems to be a one-time thing. I understand. I will let Sirius help deal with this memory. Too many

The key clues have been covered up. If we can completely restore this hidden memory, I think we will definitely gain more."

Although the truth is still not known, this can be regarded as a major gain. However, it was late, and Shade did not stay at Belindell Manor for a long time. Although Miss Belindel seemed to want to discuss tonight's gain with him.

, but Shade still politely left. As for investigating the sewers, the Belindel family still needs to find a map of the local sewers. Otherwise, even with "strong spatial perception", Shade does not think he can find it in the intricate underground.

The place you want to find.

The witch did not send Shade away in person, but ordered Miss Matilda to send Shade to the gate of the manor - Shade refused the carriage.

After confirming that the footsteps had entered the stairs, the blond witch who was sitting on the sofa immediately got up and went to the window, hiding herself behind the curtain, watching Shade talking to Miss Matilda while holding a kerosene lamp

Led by the maids, they walked through the snow-covered manor courtyard towards the door of the manor:

"What was Matilda saying to him?"

The witch holding the curtain pursed her lips and thought, then she saw the man saying goodbye politely to the blond maid, and the maid also bowed to say goodbye to the man. The man who walked out of the gate quickly blended into the night and was no longer visible.

.Bella Belindel, who had always been curious about where "John Watson" lived in the city, so knowing that there would be no results, took out her divination deck:

"Where will he go?"

The fortune-telling card was turned over, and it was "Soothsayer". The suspicious witch suspected that "John Watson" lived in the local fortune-teller association, but she didn't know that because of this divination, she would dream of strange purple colors again tonight.

Eyes. And Shade, who threw the glass slipper in the dark alley, had returned to his warm and comfortable home.

"Luvia is already here."

The place where it appeared this time was the kitchen on the first floor. When I walked to the foyer and planned to go upstairs, I saw Luvia's shoes. Then I found a pair of women's shoes next to the shoes, and Shade also recognized them as the writer.

The lady’s black leather shoes:

"Dorothy's feet are smaller than Luvia's, and Lecia's feet are the most delicate. The age, height and weight of the three of them are not very different, but why are the sizes of their feet different?"

Thinking about this weird question that would be considered "perverted" if he told it, Shade first met the cheerful little Mia who came to greet him in the stairwell. Then he hugged the cat and saw the purple-eyed girl in the living room on the second floor.

The fortune teller and the blonde writer.

Luvia was sitting on the sofa, and Dorothy looked like she was performing a magic trick for her.

There were three teacups on the coffee table. Luvia pointed to the teacup in the middle. After opening it, there was a button inside. After covering the teacup again, Luvia pointed to the teacup on the left. After opening it, there was still a button. Button it again.

Put the tea cup on, this time pointing to the cup on the right, with the button still there.

Dorothy opened all three teacups at once, but there was nothing underneath the teacups.

"So where are the buttons?"

Luvia asked with a smile. Dorothy stood up, hugged Shade, who came over, and kissed him gently. Shade blinked and spit out the button, which was actually a button-shaped candy.


"Dorothy, are you able to carry out space transfer on your own?"

"Yes, although I have learned Raglay's jump, I can only transfer small objects other than myself. I am still practicing."

Miss Writer said, quite regretful about this:

"It's been a month since the incident in Green Lake ended. Although Lecia and I have spatial talents, the progress is not very obvious."

"If this is slow progress, what is the rest?"

Luvia said with a smile, took Shade's coat and put it on the hanger, while Dorothy went to the kitchen to bring the teapot:

"Seeing that Shade is so busy, Lesia and I also want to help him. We know we can't cause him any trouble, so we must at least master the spatial movement of people to convince him to let us help."

The green eyes looked at Shade with resentment:

"Even if he treats us like Miss Sylvia, a convenient tool to open the space door, it is better than us just waiting for news from him."

"First of all, I will not treat anyone as a tool. Miss Sylvia will be sad if you say this; secondly, wouldn't it be nice for you to wait for my good news at home?"

Shade said immediately, and Luvia held his shoulders and asked him to sit down:

"I understand Dorothy's thoughts very well. She just wants to do her best to help you. Along the way, we have received help from many people to get to where we are now. Let Dorothy continue to make progress. Who of us

It’s not your burden either.”

"I want to stress again, I don't treat anyone as a

"Okay, okay, I got it."

The blonde girl said with a smile and sat next to Shade:

"Why aren't you curious about why I'm here so late? Luvia said that she made an agreement with you to help you experience the power of star transfer in the recent period. I didn't make an 'appointment' with you to visit you."

"No. 6 Saint Teresa Square is not only my home and little Mia's home, but also your home. You can appear here at any time."

"Look, our knight always talks like this, and always regards other people's cats as his own by default."

Luvia joked and explained to Shade:

"Dorothy didn't know I was here tonight. When she came at about seven o'clock, she saw the lights on at home and thought you were at home. She went upstairs and saw me and wanted to leave, but I stayed behind. She came

It’s just right.”

Her hand caught Shade's hand and squeezed it gently, with a different kind of smile in her purple eyes.

Shade understood what she meant almost immediately, and went to see Miss Writer again. Dorothy's face was slightly red and she was pouring tea. She was still complaining about the Witch of Moon Bay asking Shade to do the task so late at night.

Lesiya often said this too.

"Don't think too much, at least we will go stargazing tonight."

Luvia gently scratched Shade's palm:

"Go change your clothes, and the three of us will go to the roof to watch the stars."

After speaking, he smiled and said to Dorothy:

"Speaking of which, I've been to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square so many times, but I really haven't been to the rooftop a few times."

"I've almost never been there, but the weather is very good tonight, so the scenery there should be pretty good."

Dorothy also said, and Shade nodded without saying what he was thinking of at the moment.

Luvia with long hair always appears on the roof, and now, the girl with short hair is finally going there. But at least the current era is relatively peaceful, and she is not alone now.

It was also on this night that Shade realized that Dorothy also had a wealth of knowledge in astronomy. The two girls took him and watched the stars together on the roof that night. They watched it very late until the impatient cat came to the attic.

Meowing and urging Shade to go to bed, they ended their stargazing date tonight.

Although it was a date, Shade actually learned something. Understanding the stars is not something that can be gained in a few hours, but although he was unable to use "Adele's Regression Principle", he was quite sure that he had definitely mastered it.

gained some power.

It takes time to slowly experience the return of the stars, the rebound of energy and the reversal of time, but if he uses the "Philosopher's Stone" obtained from Green Island, Shade is confident that he is fully capable of using that thaumaturgy perfectly once.

Of course, this is very wasteful.

That night, little Mia stayed in the closet again, and Luvia thoughtfully used Shade's clothes to help her build a soft nest. But looking at the cat's expression, Shade doubted whether it would hold a grudge against Luvia.


As for outside the closet, Luvia was eager to test whether with the two sorceresses tonight, she could defeat the knight who had never lost a battle without using the [Eternal Leaf].

So on this night, the fortune teller and the writer worked together, but unfortunately they ended up reaching for the bedside table to find the box with the leaves. As for Shade, he compared the sizes of the two girls' feet in the spirit of experimentation.

and softness.

Of course, Shade is very sure that tonight, it seems to be a game for three people, but there are definitely five people participating. Needless to say, the red-haired princess, Shade always felt that when Luvia was confused, Rapunzel had

Brief control over her body occurred.

"So I have always thought that the ring warlock system in this world is really fascinating."


This chapter has been completed!
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