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Chapter 2212 Corruption and Dragon Roar

Little Mia lay on the back of the sofa, watching Shade standing in front of the living room window and looking at the square outside. In the morning light, Shade randomly took a leaf and put it in front of his right eye. As the golden light spread,

Following the veins of the leaves and entering his eyes, the first thaumaturgy he mastered was "Corrupted Blood Mist".

"The effect is pretty much what I expected. It's a range-attack thaumaturgy."

Thaumaturgy - Corrupted Blood Mist, corresponding to the "flesh and blood" spiritual rune. Casting the spell requires a very small amount of one's own blood, and the blood mist created has a strong corrosive effect on flesh, flesh and bones. In other words, Shade will need to dispose of corpses in the future.

At this time, the corpse can be completely transformed directly using this miraculous technique.

Of course, since it is a thaumaturgy given by the tree father, it cannot be as simple as "highly effective corpse-converting water".

Shade can create blood mist in three ways, the simplest is to spray it directly from his mouth, and the second is to condense a compressed mist in his hand, and then throw it out to let the mist spread rapidly around.

The most complicated thing is that Shade uses the "right foot on the ground" casting method to guide the blood mist to corrode the earth, and form a "smoke column" to spray out within a certain range. In this way, Shade can permanently

Transform a certain piece of land to have a constant "scarlet corruption" effect, making the land itself capable of corroding and devouring flesh and blood.

And once Shad chooses to use thaumaturgy to transform the land, even he himself cannot restore the land to its original state by "cancel the spell casting". After all, the effect of his spell casting is to "create blood mist", and the effect of transforming the earth is the blood mist itself.


Except for a few thaumaturgic techniques and relics such as the "Power of the Earth and Healing Aura" that Shade himself mastered, there is almost no way to erase "Scarlet Corruption". Regardless of the blood mist or the effect of "Scarlet Corruption"

, will not have an effect on Shade himself. Interestingly, the effect of this thaumaturgy is not only related to the amount of spirit used by Shade, but also related to the strength of Shade's own body.

But more thaumaturgy should obviously be related to the strength of the soul.

"But why did the Tree Father give me this miraculous magic? The Tree Father, like the Earth Mother Goddess, is a god who protects nature. Do I look like someone who will actively pollute the earth?"

Shade didn't understand it at all.

[The use of thaumaturgy to transform the land cannot be called "polluting the land". In this era, only the distortion and filth of the earth itself can be regarded as "polluting the land". Corruption itself is a possibility of the evolution of the earth, and naturally it is also

Not always nourishing flesh and blood.]

"Well, actually, for ordinary people, there is no difference between the distortion of the earth and my scarlet corruption, right? Speaking of which, there are too many thaumaturgy related to the [flesh and blood] spirit runes without realizing it. Am I very good at this?


But no matter what, at least the effect of this offensive thaumaturgy is very good, and since the first leaf corresponds to "Corrupted Blood Mist", then the second leaf is naturally "Thumbacary-Dragon Roar". Shade was full of curiosity

Heart, he put the second leaf in front of his eyes. After a while, he took off the leaf and showed a thoughtful expression:

"It seems a little different from what I thought."

Thaumaturgy-Dragon Roar, when Shade first used the time key of "Sunless Sea-5180", it corresponded to the "Echo" spiritual rune, but now it corresponds to the "Dragon" spiritual rune obtained last week. Consider

Shade was not surprised when he realized that the latter's power was more suitable for thaumaturgy.

However, he originally thought that the effect of this thaumaturgy was to allow him to spray energy from his mouth in human form without transforming into a dragon or using the "Higgs Dragon Head Stone". Although it sounds strange,

But the effect is definitely very strong. But I didn't expect that after mastering it, its effect had nothing to do with Shade's guess.

The effects of thaumaturgy are quite diverse. First of all, Shade, who has mastered thaumaturgy, can control his volume at will from now on. Even without using any force, he can speak so that half of the city can hear him.

.It seems useless, but if you think about it carefully, it may be useful.

Secondly, when Shade opens his mouth to speak again after turning on the thaumaturgy effect, it will naturally have a strong deterrent effect, and subconsciously make people believe it. If this thaumaturgy is shown in the "Dice Story Collection", it is probably for

Shade's "Persuasion" and "Intimidation" skills have a very high bonus.

"That's it, your persuasive ability will be enhanced."

Shade activated his thaumaturgy, turned around from the window and gave an order to his cat

"Mia, become human."

The cat didn't even pay Shad any attention.

"It doesn't look like much."

The third effect allows Shade to master the so-called "sonic attack". This effect Shade has seen on the "Evil Thing of the Deep Sea - The Player of the Seven-Tails". He only needs to make a sound with his mouth to form

Invisible sonic attack, and the range and target of the attack can be controlled by oneself.

For example, with Shade's current level as a ring warlock, he can directly make an ordinary person bleed from all his orifices and turn into an idiot with a "hum". This is different from a mental attack like "mind blast", but a pure

Sound turns into energy. In fact, the essence of sound is the spread of energy.

If this thaumaturgy is in the hands of Miss Benanis or the [Music Order] who may know the whereabouts of Miss Daniste’s teacher, it will definitely play a huge role. Shade can even imagine a certain lady singing loudly, and then the group will be destroyed.

A scene of a large group of monsters.

But in Shade's hands, he felt that he would turn this new thaumaturgy into a new control skill. When fighting human enemies, it would be difficult for the enemy to defend against an occasional cough or "hum".

Even if this magical technique can only cause half-second dizziness to the opponent, for Shade, who has the ability to move in space, it means a huge change in the situation of the battle.

"First it was time suspension, and then it was sonic attack. I have mastered a lot of control abilities recently."

Of course, the thaumaturgy of dragon roar actually has one final effect, which is to allow Shade, as a human, to learn a "dragon spell" through listening that is absolutely impossible for humans to master. This is different from his thaumaturgy of music.

It's very similar to the sound of music, only one record can be made at a time. But the problem is that music is everywhere, and Shade can record it at any time, but he really has no place to find the valuable "Dragon Spell".

The so-called "dragon spell" is a spellcasting system unique to the dragon. It can also be regarded as the talent of the vampire species, an innate ability unique to the dragon. Most of these powers can be achieved through various thaumaturgy and spells.

It achieves the same effect, but there are also some unique dragon spells, which are quite magical even in the eyes of a thirteen-ring warlock.

Of course, before seeing Fiona again, Shade should not have the opportunity to record any dragon spells. As for Miss Elise, Shade, who witnessed her birth process in full, is quite convinced that she is not a dragon at all, so she should

He also doesn’t know how to use dragon spells.

In short, after packing up last night's harvest, Xia De said goodbye to little Mia who was lying on the back of the sofa looking very leisurely, and went to Yuewan again.

Because the story related to the birth of Miss Elise has been completed in the past, Shade thought that as long as he appeared in Yuewan today, the blue-eyed girl would take the initiative to meet him, or even the other party.

It is possible to wait for him directly on the St. George's Stone Bridge.

But in fact, even if Shade entered the city on foot from St. George's Stone Bridge and walked two blocks before getting on the carriage, and after the carriage arrived at Belindle Manor, he walked around the manor three times, he still could not see it.

A girl who is half dragon and half boat.

Apart from doubts, I was also worried whether she had encountered some trouble, but I knew in my heart that although the girl was not a relic like Grace and Helen, she was definitely not weak. In the end, it was the witch in the manor who took the initiative to send the maid to take Shade away.

Called into the house:

"You arrived at the gate of the manor an hour ago, why haven't you come in yet?"

The Countess, who has a fat-red birthmark between her eyebrows, expressed her doubts:

"I originally asked Matilda to prepare hot tea for you to come over. Now the teapot has been replaced three times, but you are still outside. If I hadn't felt an unusual element reaction near my house, I would have thought there was another one nearby.

whats the matter."


Shade noticed this word, and the witch nodded:

"When we attended the banquet on Thursday, wasn't there an unlucky guy who melted into light? A similar thing happened last night, and it was not far from here. It was not indoors but on the street. Although I

Not near there, but I also saw a very dazzling light rising in the distance from the house."

Shade thought of what Miss Denister had said:

"Similar things happened in the past of the Sixth Era, but they were not that frequent."

"Yes, the church checked the records and confirmed that these two consecutive incidents were almost the same as those 'melting into light' events in history. At the same time, the bodies of the 'serial headless murders' that occurred in the city were also re-examined

, it is basically certain that the deceased who lost their heads also encountered the same light. However, the church still suspects that the series of murders were man-made. After all, what a coincidence, it was only the heads that were melted by the light."

Shade sat down on the sofa in the study:

"What happened to the dead man on the street last night?"

"I just heard this morning that the whole person turned into light, leaving only the soles of the shoes and part of the brim of the hat. Not even the remains of the body were left. Since the crime occurred under a street lamp, I think the church may want to consider

, should we call on people to try not to light lights at night? It sounds ridiculous, but this is the most effective and direct way to protect yourself. And the excuse is easy to find - save energy."

The witch also sighed slightly:

"The times are really different now. Darkness has become people's refuge, while light has become a murderer."

This chapter has been completed!
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