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Chapter 2225 [Blood Sorrow]

Because there were outsiders present, it was inconvenient for Mr. Bernhardt to explain to Shade that in fact, when he summoned the gods at Fort Midhill last autumn, if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't find the sword, that sword would actually be the best one.

Ritual items symbolizing "vampires".

"Are you sure that the sword is local? I know more than half of the people in this city, but I have never heard anything about it."

Mr. Bernhardt asked. John Flynn across the table put down the wine glass he was holding. The wooden wine glass hit the table and made a "dong" sound:

"Sorry, we can't say more about the source of the intelligence, but there is a high probability that the sword is local. This is certain."

Shade did not ask the group of people from the "New World Mutual Aid Association" why they were looking for the vampire's "Holy Sword", but in his opinion, this undoubtedly meant that John Flynn and his group also knew about the "Sword of Light". Although

It's impossible to know as much detail as Shade knows, but he must know something.

The information that the four people continued to exchange after that no longer involved such confidential matters, but only related to the movements of the cultists, the whereabouts of the [Light Worshipers Training Society], the secrets of the seven major families, and even the situation of the local church.

They settled the matter at the Spider Hotel for lunch that day. After they had settled the matter, they handed the handwritten notes back to each other to prevent them from being used for divination. The two people from the [New World Mutual Aid Association] left first, and Shade could see that.

Herr Bernhard was preoccupied, so he left in no hurry.

After Mr. Bernhardt figured everything out, Shade followed the silent vampire seed lord and went with him to the sewer autopsy room, which was only a few hundred meters away from the Spider Hotel.

The autopsy room was very deserted on Monday afternoon. In fact, it was deserted every day, and it was especially deserted at night. The only person working in the autopsy room at this time was Mr. Ptolemy Albert, who was still wearing the same clothes as when Shade first met him.

Wearing a brown burqa, he turned his head and glanced when he heard the sound of opening the door:

"It's you, wait a minute, I'm almost done with this body. This unlucky guy came home from an affair, and was pierced through the heart by an angry woman with a table knife. Tsk, tsk, it's all broken into pieces like this. It's really rare.


Schade and Mr. Bernhardt did not wait long. Mr. Albert, who had washed his hands, met them in the office. The coroner also saw the gloomy look on his compatriot's face, and when he heard that Mr. Bernhardt

The problem seems to be far beyond his expectation:

"Ptolemy, do you know that [Bloodmourne] is in Moon Bay?"

The coroner's expression changed drastically:


His eyes widened and he shook his head blankly. Mr. Bernhardt tried to read the clues on his face, but could not see anything.

"The Order has been searching for that sword for nearly a thousand years since it stabilized in the Sixth Era. Although we have long been silent and have no intention of competing with humans for the material world, you will not fail to understand the importance of that sword to us.

Understand. What do the compatriots in the Yuewan area want to do? First they cooperated with the heretics to desecrate our bloodline, and now they hide this sacred object. Do they want to establish another religious order?"

Of course, the coroner did not dare to admit Mr. Bernhardt's serious accusation. But he recalled carefully that he had settled in Moon Bay for more than ten years, and he had never heard of any of the [Blood Sorrow] in the local area.


Shade didn't speak the whole time, just watching them talk about the local people in Moon Bay. Before leaving the autopsy room, Mr. Bernhardt also handed over the list of people he suspected of cooperating with the [Dragon Eater Order].

Albert, in the hope that he can pick out some suspicious objects.

By the time Shade and Bernhardt walked into the sunshine again, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and the latter still looked worried. They got on the carriage at the corner of the street, and the middle-aged vampire seed Lord asked Xia De.

After asking "Do you have time to go to the river for a walk?", De asked the coachman to drive the carriage to Herring Street, which was quite close to the current location. The coachman probably could only earn the starting price.

After getting off the carriage, they stood side by side in front of the railings on the river bank, looking at the wide river and the "Yuewan Bridge" that was about to be completed further downstream:

"Mr. Watson, it seems that the water here in Moon Bay is deeper than I thought."

Shad said:

"If you say this while holding a cigarette in your mouth, it will probably be more attractive to girls who are not experienced in the world."

Simple jokes are very helpful to adjust the atmosphere, Armand Bernhardt sighed:

"[Blood Sorrow], [Blood Sorrow], why is it here?"

While he was sighing there, Shade briefly explained the matter about the chosen one and the "Sword of Light", but the vampire seed lord didn't care about this. He also had no ambitions and had always avoided being involved in...

He is in trouble, he just can't figure out what the local fellows are doing:

"When it comes to the legendary holy sword, I suspect that there are more than one or two local untrustworthy kin. I don't want to say this, but now I can't even believe Ptolemy. He is an upright person.

People, but I can’t figure this out.”

"Then keep investigating, things are getting more and more interesting, aren't they?"

Shade thought very openly. He put his hands and wrists on the fence by the river, slumped his shoulders slightly, and looked at the ships passing by on the river in a relaxed manner:

"If you report this matter to the Order of Willendale, what will be the likely reaction there?"

"Get angry, and then send me more money and supplies. Our gods have given the oracle and will no longer participate in the affairs of the chosen ones, let alone conflict with the 'God Caller'. So even if there is [Blood Sorrow]

】Information, it is unlikely that someone will be sent over there again.”

After saying this, he briefly introduced the "Holy Sword":

"[Blood Sorrow] is rumored to have been born in the late second era. Its first owner was a vampire who was not particularly powerful. The original story of the sword was related to vampire males and human females.

You can imagine the process, but in the end, after a series of coincidences and misunderstandings, in order to protect their hometown and protect their lover, a human woman sacrificed her soul to appease a man whose name cannot be recorded.

The anger of existence. After the vampire who returned from the trip learned about this, he used the coagulated rancid blood from his lover's corpse to forge the holy bloody sword, and then used some unknown means to actually seal the sword with his hand.

Evil exists.”

Mr. Bernhardt sighed:

"The originally ordinary long sword gained special power, and later it was turned into a relic. After the clan members of the Third Era used it to defeat the ancient evil spirits, the sword became even more famous. But what happened at the end of the Fifth Era

These things made [Blood Sorrow] escape from the control of our religious order. This sword has three characteristics: fighting against evil, fighting against flesh and blood creatures, and creating a seal. Among them, 'making a seal' is the most special characteristic of this sword. I

I think this characteristic is also related to the origin story of the sword itself."

After speaking, he added:

"Among the sage-level relics, its effect is not very strong, but fortunately its negative characteristics are not strong. Just let the sword absorb the user's blood regularly. I have not seen that sword with my own eyes, but it is said that in

On a moonlit night when the red moon is full, holding the [Blood Sorrow], the sword holder can also feel the pain in the heart of the original owner of this sword. How could it be in Yuewan?"

After saying this, the two of them looked at the river together and didn't speak again for a long time. Shade lazily squinted his eyes to enjoy the sunshine, which was not very abundant, and thought about the cat at home lying on the window sill of the living room basking in the sun.


Theoretically speaking, all the vampires in Moon Bay are suspicious, but Shade will not doubt Mr. Bernhardt next to him. After all, Shade knows his origin and identity, and also knows that under the oracle of the vampire god, the powerful

All vampires born in Rendell will no longer interfere with the affairs of the Chosen One.

As a result, there are a total of three holy swords that appear in Moon Bay: [Night Watch], [Wind King's Sword] and [Blood Sorrow]. However, this does not mean anything. There is still a lot of fog hanging in front of us. Outsiders

I can't understand what the situation is now.

Ga ga ga~

A crow flew from nowhere and landed on the treetops of the trees along the river beside the two of them. Mr. Bernhardt turned to look at it. He didn't know what he thought of, but he shook his head in relief. Shade thought of something.

The doctor said that the demon's true form this time was a crow, but obviously that thing would not appear here so easily.

"You're right, let's continue the investigation."

Mr. Bernhardt said softly, imitating Shade's posture, holding his hands together and placing his wrists on the railing:

"The investigation on our kindred will continue. After I have shortlisted the list, we will visit together. As for Ptolemy, I trust him very much, but I will also investigate him additionally. After all, doesn't that kind of thing always happen in stories?

The murderer is actually right next to him."

Shade smiled:

"People who believe in dragons, people who chase light, seven surnames who manage the city, and visitors from the New World. All complicated things are entangled together, and we can only grab a thread to investigate. Take your time, I bet

We are not the most anxious people. And instead of spending a lot of time screening suspicious objects, it is better to identify those who are completely trustworthy. You also understand that it is not convenient for me to let the count intervene in the investigation of vampires, so we also

We need help from your kin."

Mr. Bernhard nodded to express his understanding, and the two of them looked at the river in silence for a while before Shade took the initiative and said:

"Mr. Bernhardt, this city is really beautiful."

"Yes, the City of Fortune is really beautiful."

This chapter has been completed!
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