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Chapter 2238 Sparrow Hamilton’s Notes

This time the countess' divination went very smoothly. Even though she didn't know much basic information, based on her understanding of Sha De, she knew that things related to this man were definitely not trivial, so she made it for the first time in front of Sha De.

I guessed the truth:

"This is the house of the Ace of Gray Gloves, the Gray Eagle?"

"Yes, but that's not entirely true. We usually call such a house a safe house."

Shade corrected:

"During the [Collection of Dice Stories], you knew that I had relations with the secret service organizations of both countries, so you shouldn't be surprised that I know this place, right?"

The witch blinked:

"I'm not surprised that Gray Eagle's safe house is in a place like this. You know, he is also a legend to me. When the nobles of Yuewan wanted to seek independence, Gray Eagle successively murdered many important people.

At that time, I was still a little girl who didn't understand anything. To me, he was the same as those big bad wolves in fairy tales who kidnapped disobedient children."

She said with a smile, and then felt incredible again:

"Speaking of which, that Gray-Headed Eagle actually died? When did this happen? There is no news about such a big matter within Kasenlik? Wait a minute, I remember hearing about Gray-Headed Eagle some time ago

What about the news about the eagle? Although it is just a rumor, all kinds of evidence show that the gray eagle is still active."

"Yes, you are absolutely right."

Shade nodded, still looking at every closed door on the second floor:

"The gray eagle is indeed dead. It died last summer."

"Then why."

"The Gray Eagle is indeed still active. Someone has inherited this code name and is active. And that person -"

He turned to face the Countess, who pointed to Shade hesitantly:

"It's you?"


Shade nodded and continued to observe the doors, while Miss Belindel took a deep breath:

"Yes, I find that I am not very surprised. After all, compared with other things, the identity of an ordinary person is nothing. So, does your coming to Yuewan this time have anything to do with this identity?"

"It has nothing to do with the grey-headed eagle. The grey-headed eagle actually shouldn't appear in Moon Bay. He has other tasks. Oh, I found it, here."

He walked to the broom room, removed all the things inside, and groped on the wall of the narrow broom room.

"Did you murder the gray eagle?"

Miss Belindel asked again curiously, and Shade immediately shook his head:

"Of course not, but he did die in front of me. No one knew about his death at the time. He made arrangements for his funeral before his death. I will go to the cemetery to visit him on the New Year's Day and other days.


At this point, Shade was startled, and then realized that he had actually forgotten to visit Detective Sparrow in the cemetery on the anniversary of his death. Shade suddenly felt regretful, and at the same time, he wondered what he was doing at the time, how could he treat such an important matter

Everything was forgotten.

[You were probably "busy" attending your birthday party at the time. Those girls were not easy to deal with. 】

"She" reminded him with a smile, and Shade understood why he had forgotten such an important day. Of course, Miss Belindel was behind him at this time, so she could not see his expression.

Soon, Shade found an area that could be pressed on the wall of the broom room. As he exerted slight pressure, an extremely narrow passage appeared on the innermost wall of the broom room.

Even standard-sized people like Shade and Miss Belindel have to turn sideways to walk in there, and behind the passage is a secret room about the size of a cloakroom. It is helpless to build the secret room so small, it is too big.

A glance at the secret room will tell anyone who is interested that there is a missing area in the house.

Just as Shade once thought, Detective Sparrow sent people here to deal with it before he died. The small room contained a small bed, chairs, small tables and numerous bookshelves made of metal pipes and metal plates.

Today, the furniture is still there, but some of the materials and documents on the bookshelves have obviously been destroyed.

There were sparse traces in the files that should have been placed closely together, and the remaining files, after Shade and Miss Belindel looked through them, were all investigation reports on the seven major families in Yuewan City, as well as some of the files in Yuewan City.

Transcripts of confidential Bay City City Hall documents.

"There is actually information about my family. Let me take a look. Oh, this is a photo from my eighth birthday. Can he find this kind of photo?"

The witch was greatly surprised. When she saw Shade stretching his head to see, she pushed his head back:

"When I was a kid, it was different from what I am now. Anyway, I'm not allowed to watch it."

She put the photo back into the file and decided to get rid of all the information after seeking Shade's opinion.

These remaining information are absolutely precious. Gray Eagle was able to collect such detailed information back then. In addition to his own contribution, the entire Gray Gloves organization must have also put in a lot of effort.

The fact that these materials can be retained means that the destroyed materials are even more precious.

Shade tried to listen with "Echoes of the Past", and after making sure he heard nothing, he asked the witch to do a divination.

The latter immediately smiled:

"You see, divination is indeed very useful."

Since no cyclomancer was involved, the divination was successful:

"The flames, those documents were burned directly. The place of destruction was in this house, but not here. This place is too closed. No one would be stupid enough to light the paper on fire in the secret room."

After her confirmation, the place where those documents were set alight was the kitchen on the first floor of the house, and the time was at the turn of spring and summer last year, before Detective Sparrow died. Since the house was still running on gas, he came here to process the documents.

Of course, people who use stoves use stoves.

However, when the two came to the kitchen, they found that the kitchen had been cleaned very clean, and there was no possibility that the paper was not completely burned, leaving small pieces of paper to record important information.

"Help me check for fly ash."

After thinking about it carefully, Shade said again. Although Miss Belindel didn't know what he wanted to do, she still nodded in agreement.

Although Shade's "Breath of Time" can turn back time, it is impossible for him to make that book reappear by turning back the time on the table just because a certain book was once placed on the table and now the book is taken away.

To repair an item through "Breath of Time", you must at least have the remains of that thing, no matter how small the remains are, it's just a matter of how much soul is consumed.

Fortunately, although the person who handled the documents did not carelessly leave any unburned paper, the cleaning person was not particularly careful. In the end, they each found a small piece of burned paper under the sewer and the trash can.

of paper ashes.

Shade put the two pieces of ashes together on the stove, then took out the "Lord of Immortality", put it on his right hand and rotated it, then took a deep breath:

"The Breath of Time."

The current maximum limit for Breath of Time to turn back time is three years, so it is quite effective for things that were burned more than a year ago. From the witch's perspective, as Shade inhales, two almost imperceptible

Gray air flowed into his nostrils, and the two small pieces of ashes were reversed in time and restored to their original appearance.

The two pieces of ashes seemed to come from the same item, because what was lying on the stove at the moment was a brown leather-covered notebook. The side of the notebook was fastened with a magnetic metal buckle. After Shade opened it, he saw the inside

As expected, they are all unrecognizable words:

"Encrypted cipher text."

"There seems to be something stuck inside."

Miss Belindel reminded, Shade then flipped back and found a total of 3 photos in the notebook. These photos were all landscape photos, and they were very similar to those that Shade found in the mezzanine of his attic. They looked

It is also the place where Detective Sparrow once visited.

The witch stretched her head aside and said:

"This is Belindre's Big Ben. Look at the banner hanging here. I was a little girl back then. This one seems to be the city of Gondor, the steel capital in the east of Draerion."

Shade knew this city, and Mr. Johnson at the garbage disposal station he connected with in Tobesk once mentioned that Gray Eagle had stolen a batch of smelting records of special alloys for casting steam cannons in the city of Gondor.

But that was many years ago.

"What's the last one?"

He asked again. The first two photos were cityscapes, while the last photo was taken in the mountains and forests. Even the yellowed black and white photo could be seen that the photo was taken at night, and the only conspicuous sign in the photo was

The side of the tall tower hidden in the mountains in the upper left corner.

Miss Belindel thought for a while, and just when Shade thought she couldn't recognize it, she suddenly waved her hand:

"Remember, although I have never been here, I have seen such scenery in my teacher's travel notes. This should be Mount Karas in Delarian. Look at that high tower. It was an ancient building that collapsed last spring.

The ruins can no longer be seen."


Shade suddenly turned his head and looked at her:

"Mountain Karas? That mountain Karas with the ruins of the Moon Tower? Are you sure this photo is the scenery of that mountain?"

Miss Belindel nodded hesitantly:

"Sure. I've never seen you so surprised since I've known you. Why, is that mountain important?"

Of course that mountain is not important. What is important is the ruins of the ancient Moon Tower. Of course, it is now the ruins of the tower. Although the outsider only "awakened" on the shining silver moon in the midsummer of 1853, he has always suspected that he actually

It had already come to this world in the spring of 1853, or this body had done something very important in that spring.

"I never thought before that he actually went to Karas Mountain."

Shade felt a strong sense of disbelief, and then asked the witch:

"Is there any way to divine the specific time this photo was taken?"

This chapter has been completed!
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