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Chapter 2297 Inspection Letter and Moonlight

Shade glanced at the noble lady who was talking to Miss Belindel again:

"Watch what she does? I don't even know her."

"Her reputation locally is not very good."

Mr. Bernhardt said softly:

"I'm not the kind of person who likes to speak ill of people behind their backs, but her private life is really messy."

"Don't worry, although I am, I am not that kind of playboy."

Shade assured, but unexpectedly Mr. Bernhardt shook his head:

"I'm not asking you to care about yourself, I'm asking you to care about Earl Belindel. That Miss Angora Rice likes girls."

Shade suddenly realized, and the Vampire Seed Lord raised his eyebrows:

"It's not uncommon for nobles to have special hobbies. If she only likes one person, no one will say anything. But she is not a dedicated person, and Count Rice has troubled his brain a lot about this."

"I will be careful, but your relatives are really good. The captain is a gambler, Lady Jude is a foodie, Baron Chandler is greedy, and Miss Rice is obsessed with lust. Can you remind me in advance what the shortcomings of Marquis Morson are? ?”

Mr. Bernhard thought about it carefully:

"The Marquis is a relatively normal person. He doesn't like to play cards. His family is harmonious and there are no rumors of having a lover. He is not keen on luxury goods and does not have the same hobbies as Mrs. Jude."

"But what?"

Shade said, and Mr. Bernhardt shook his head slightly:

"Yes, but this Marquis likes hunting very much."

"That sounds normal."

"Hunting is normal, but it is said that he likes to kill his prey with the cruelest means. The specimens and heads hanging in his home are all made by him.

Relatively speaking, this is nothing. I just heard that, yes, I heard that I am not from Yuewan after all. I heard that anyone who hunts with the Marquis and sees him handling prey will never dare to go with him again. Went hunting."

"The Marquis is murderous."

Schade then came to the conclusion that Herr Bernhardt did not object to his point of view.

It was not until half past eight that Marquis Molson finally appeared in the banquet hall.

However, as Mr. Bernhardt was, it was difficult to initiate a conversation with him, so Shade first introduced Miss Belindel to Mr. Bernhardt, and then when Marquis Molson came to see the countess, Bernhardt The gentleman just shook hands with Marquis Molson and came to an astonishing conclusion.

"Not him either."

Standing by the window, the panicked Armand Bernhardt's hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, which was a manifestation of his inner panic:

"How is it possible? I have checked all the local people with higher bloodlines, and only these five are the most suspect. How is it possible that there are no suspects?"

"Either there are people of the same race locally that you don't know about, or your detection method is not trustworthy."

Shade and him looked out the window at the night view of the manor. It had not rained or snowed in Yuewan City in recent days, and the temperature at night had become much more normal. At this time, many people were walking in the courtyard of the manor:

"As for what to do, try another method. Please wait for me. I'll be back in a few minutes."

With that said, he walked towards the corridor and quickly returned to the banquet hall as his "cousin". Amid the ambiguous smiles of the ladies, he called Miss Belindle away alone and replaced her with Miss Belindle ten minutes later.

The stranger at the party dressed up and found Mr. Bernhardt again.

The two of them were still standing in front of the window looking at the night view of the manor courtyard:

"Among the five people, one has a very strong anti-divination method. Although the method you use to detect the source of blood is not divination, but since there are anti-divination methods, there should also be anti-blood tracing methods, right?"

Shade asked. Mr. Bernhardt did not ask how Shade came to the conclusion, but nodded in agreement:

"Who is it then? Captain Rudolph or Baron Chandler?"

Shade looked at him in surprise:

"You are really sharp. It's not Captain Rudolph, he is really afraid of getting involved in trouble. It's Baron Chandler. The fortune teller who helped me divine said that the anti-divination rituals on his body were definitely not to hide his tax evasion.

Set up to keep tax evasion secrets.

Besides, you don’t have to rush to find him now, I heard from the maid at the manor that he had left the manor twenty minutes ago.”

"Did we disturb him?"

"No, we successfully fooled him, he should be very proud now.

He left because of personal matters. His factory was on fire. The person who came to report said that it was related to the "Eternal Light". It was probably because the organized workers finally couldn't bear it anymore. I don't think he did it on his own in order to escape.

Things, look to the southwest, your dark vision should be no worse than mine, did you see the fire?"

Mr. Bernhardt squinted his eyes for a while, then slowly exhaled and drank the red wine in the glass in his hand:

"It turns out it's him. I'll take people to find him tomorrow. No, I don't need your help. Counting Ptolemy, there are quite a few local people who want to find this guy who broke the rules, and now I have members of the religious order.

There is absolutely no shortage of warrants and manpower.

This is our own matter and we will solve it ourselves. Of course, we will definitely get the information you need for you."

The lively banquet should have been a very attractive place, but Mr. Bernhardt left in a hurry after drinking the glass of red wine. Shade thought that he probably wouldn't have to sleep tonight, and wanted to contact everyone in Moon Bay.

It is definitely not an easy task to find the vampires here and prepare for a possible battle with the [Dragon Eater Order].

Of course, although Mr. Bernhardt did not intend for him to participate, Shade still wanted to join in the fun. Since the attack was tomorrow morning, it would most likely happen near Baron Chandler's manor or factory.

Although Xia De didn't know the specific time, it would be no problem to rush there in advance.

The departure of Mr. Bernhardt meant that Shade had completed one of his tasks at this banquet. After bidding farewell to Mr. Bernhardt, he changed back to his "cousin" attire and found his new cousin again.

Miss Belindle.

Walking between the ladies in formal dresses and the gentlemen in crisp suits, Shade didn't feel at all the fear and uneasiness about "dragons and disasters" that is now spreading throughout the city. The soothing music of the piano kept playing throughout the banquet hall.

I thought that even if Yuewan was really destroyed by disaster, the people here would be the first to escape.

At this time, the countess and Margaret were sitting and chatting in the seating area of ​​the banquet hall, surrounded by ladies and a few noble girls as usual.

Such a welcome banquet was not considered a formal political banquet, so Margaret would sit down, otherwise she would usually have to keep smiling and standing for hours to deal with boring conversations.

Of course, Lesia rarely has such troubles, after all, she has too many brothers and sisters.

"It took you a really long time to go to the bathroom."

When Shade sat down next to his female companion, she covered her mouth with a fan and said with a smile. The married women around her all laughed, and Shade explained:

"I just met a friend and said a few words. Ladies, what are you talking about? Do you mind if I join?"

Of course they are not talking about this summer's dressing style. Most of the people who are qualified to sit next to Margaret at this banquet are ladies like Miss Belindel who are involved in politics or at least represent certain figures.

Just now, Margaret was listening to the eldest daughter of Earl Hawthorne talking about the current construction progress of the Moon Bay Bridge. If all goes well, the bridge should be completed before this winter, and then the royal family will be invited to attend the completion ceremony.

After Shade sat down, he actually had no chance to speak. He just held the wine glass and looked at the people in the banquet hall with his peripheral vision.

And before the dance started at nine o'clock, a manor maid finally came to Shade with a letter:

"Sir, there is a young lady with black hair who asked me to give you a letter."

There was no text on the white envelope, only a red lipstick printed where the wax seal should have been. After opening it, there was only one line of words on the letter:

【I'll wait for you in the garden.】

Shade held his breath for a moment, then tilted his body slightly to the side and showed the contents on the letter to Miss Belindel. The latter slapped him angrily:

"If you want to go, can I still stop you? Men know how to fool around. Don't say anything too hurtful when rejecting that girl."

So amidst another laughter from the ladies, Shade took the letter and left.

After passing through the crowds lingering at the banquet, he walked out of the gate and followed the gravel path illuminated by the gas lamp to the back of the manor. He was careful not to disturb the men and women having a tryst among the flowers, and at the same time, he avoided the people who were obviously having a secret conversation.


Finally, in front of the angel-shaped fountain statue in the back garden of Margaret Manor, Shade slowed down and saw the black-haired girl with her hands behind her back and her back to him.

She did not tie her hair into a complicated style like most of the ladies attending the banquet today, but just tied it up with a hair tie. The relatively not gorgeous blue and white dress on her body was hidden among the summer flowers.

The two seemed to complement each other, and the posture of looking up at the moon made Shade feel a little sad for no reason.

He gradually stopped, and he also knew that she felt his arrival. Shade looked at Miss Elisa's back like this, and she let his eyes stay behind her.

The moonlight casts a little light on the black-haired girl from above the fog and clouds. Sometimes Shade thinks about what Chloe, Miss Feliana, and Miss Violet saw in the fifth era.

Is the moon the same as the moon I saw in the sixth era?

In the past, only Grace and Helen could answer this question, but now, there is another girl who can answer Shade's question.

This chapter has been completed!
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