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Chapter 2299 The Fourth Holy Sword

Miss Eleser said something very remarkable and gently squeezed Shade's hand:

"I don't even know what I am. Dragon? Definitely not. Ship? It doesn't seem entirely right. Maybe, I'm just a fairy born in the sea.

But now the ladies from the fifth era are not with you. It seems that the witches from the sixth era are not very good at taking care of you. I think I can't leave you anymore. In a moment, I would like to introduce Bella Belindel to

I know you, I can live in Belindle Manor recently."

Shade nodded immediately:

"Can you tell them who you are?"

"Of course. The Witch Council should welcome a being like me. Speaking of which, the auditor qualification of the Council that Miss Violet gave me back then should still be in effect now."

She sighed softly and then looked up at the moon. Shade also looked up at the three-wheeled moon:

"I'm actually very curious now and want to get answers from you as to how Miss Violet and Miss Theresa are doing now. But I know that if I ask you, you will only say that you don't know what happened after falling asleep.

Things, so I won’t ask.”

But she said:

"If you ask, I'll tell you the truth."

"No, I won't ask."

Shade shook his head, looked ahead again, and saw a grape trellis at the end of the path:

"Don't talk too much about the fifth era. I want to find the answer myself. But you should know about "". After all, Miss Violet was also one of the Witch Emperors who left the poem."


The blue-eyed girl nodded:

"Do you know about the Sword of Light?"

"Of course, there are at least three holy swords appearing locally today: Night Watch, Sword of the Wind King and Bloodmourne."

Of course, only Shade's [Night Watch] is angel-level, the other two are inferior.

"As far as I know, there is at least one holy sword locally that meets the conditions for drawing a sword."

She gently touched Shade's right arm:

"Do you still remember what the measure of angel-level relics of this era is?"

The measuring object of each level represents the most dangerous relic of that level. For example, the measuring object of the sage level is the Philosopher's Stone.

"Heart of the Evil Angel. But I remember it's not a sword, right? It's a squirming piece of meat in the shape of a deformed black heart."

Shade asked, Miss Elise nodded, and walked under the grape trellis with Shade:

"The relic I'm talking about is related to this. [Evil Angel's Heart] is said to be really the heart of an angel, and the angelic relic [Angel's Right Arm] is also said to be really the right arm of an angel.


"[Angel's right arm]?"

The information on high-risk relics itself is a source of contamination, so it will not be opened to the public at will. Shade has never heard of this relic:

"Judging from the name, this doesn't look like a sword."

"The angel-level relic [Angel Right Arm], its most famous characteristic is that this sword seems to be a living thing. Even if it is found and owned by someone, it will suddenly disappear one day. When it is discovered by people, it will always

It appears in the form of the right arm of an angel stone/gypsum statue or other creation, but this relic will not be detected in any way until the right arm of the statue is removed."

"Is this also a containment method?"

Shade asked, and Miss Elise nodded:

"Once the right arm is tried to be removed, the entire statue will be activated because of the right arm. At that time, the petrified angel is equivalent to a complete sage-level relic, or a incomplete angel-level relic, and its power will not be weaker than the same one.

Angel related [Weeping Angel].

After defeating the animated statue, the right arm will fall off on its own and transform into a cross sword. Most people can use this sword before it disappears again."

She gestured in the air with her free left hand:

"It's about this long, and its shape is very similar to a cross. I don't know exactly what effect this sword can have, but its power should not be as powerful as the angel-level [Night Watch]."

Shade nodded:

"What angel does this sword come from?"

Miss Elisa thought for a moment:

"I don't know, there are too many related legends."

"So where is the sword now?"

The girl then smiled and winked at Shade:

"Can you dance with me later? No, this is not an exchange. I will tell you whether you invite me or not."

"Whether you tell me about the sword or not, I will invite you."

Her blue eyes stared at him, and then she took Shade's hand and walked with him towards the entrance of the manor.

Dancing is often the most important part of a banquet, and as the protagonist of this banquet, Margaret must of course participate in the opening dance, at least one dance.

According to the established rules, if she does not bring a dance partner, the young people from the seven major families in Yuewan will try to invite her.

It’s just that Shade didn’t know what method Margaret used. When he and Miss Elise returned to the banquet hall where the ball was about to begin, before Shade could introduce him, as he walked through the garden, his clothes automatically turned blue.

Miss Belindel took the initiative to say to Shade:

"Princess Margaret asked me to dance with her just now, but I think it would be better for Her Highness Margaret to dance the opening dance with the young gentlemen."

As he spoke, he pushed Shade in the direction of Margaret. Neither Earl Eddington nor Earl Hawthorne actually objected to Miss Belindle's proposal.

So when the violin sounded, Shade, a strange man who obviously looked like a northerner, entered the dance floor with Margaret first. Others quickly followed, and Shade hugged Margaret.

Her waist swayed to the soothing dance music and she asked softly:

"I'm very curious as to why Miss Belinder agreed."

"She is thanking me for sharing Teacher Sylvia's business profits with her."

The blonde princess said with a smile, slightly raising her head to look at the man dancing with her:

"Don't talk about it now, I can only dance with you once this time. Please pay attention, otherwise I will be angry."

"Yes, yes, my lord, as you wish."

The great witch of fate was sitting on the sofa next to the wall, looking at them, and then turned to look at Miss Eleser sitting beside her. Her black hair and blue eyes could only make her eyebrows have a beautiful reddish color.

The countess with the birthmark paid a little attention. Her eyes only shrank in surprise when she glanced at her front, and then asked pretending not to care:

"Good evening, I just heard him call you Miss Elise. What is your relationship with him?"

The black-haired girl smiled and replied:


"That's it."

She nodded slowly. The fortune teller's intuition told her that there was something quite wrong with the girl in front of her. The countess decided to tactfully inquire about the other party's identity to show respect for Shade's friend:

"So when did you and him meet?"

Miss Eliaser recalled;

"It was probably more than two thousand years ago. The year 5180 of the Fifth Era."

The witch blinked and sat upright:

"I'm not kidding."

"Yes, I'm not kidding either."

The black-haired girl looked at her and felt more and more that the witch of the Sixth Age was so interesting:

"I still retain the qualification to attend the parliament given to me by the Witch Emperor of my time. I remember that this qualification has always been there. Do I need to go to the parliament to verify it now?"

The smile on her face became more and more obvious, but before Miss Belindel spoke, she said again:

"No, not now."

Turning his head, he looked at Shade dancing with the blond princess in the crowd from a distance:

"I am only willing to show up now that he has mastered half of the witches in the council. After all, I don't want to listen to other people's words. But whatever you want to do, Earl Belindel, please do it after this banquet is over. He promised

If you want to invite me to dance, please don't interrupt this.

I've been waiting for five hundred years, so it should be okay for you to wait for one night, right?"

Although the witch was indeed surprised just now, she had already recovered. It was not like she had never seen an older woman before:

"I was very patient and he was my male partner, and he agreed to dance with me."

He closed the fan in his hand with a snap and handed it to Miss Matilda who had not spoken much all night behind him:

"Matilda, go get Vanessa and Emma. What are they doing? Do they have to wait until the second half of the dance to come out?"

While instructing his maid, he took another look at the graceful girl:

"Let them come down now, yes, now. Tell them, if they don't come down now, they will be snatched away in a while, and I won't help them get them back."

So, when Shade and Margaret, who was smiling happily, came to the sofa surrounded by the royal maids, Miss Sylvia, Miss Benanith and Sirius also appeared.

They sat together with the Countess of Moon Bay and Miss Elisa. Although the atmosphere was a bit weird, Shade thought it was still within the acceptable range.

He still sat next to the countess, and Margaret sat next to Mademoiselle Bernanise.

Miss Elisa smiled and said to Shade:

"I told them my story. According to the witches' understanding, I seem to be regarded as a very old blue dragon now."

This statement is actually not wrong, and compared to "ship girl", "dragon girl" or "dragonborn girl" is obviously easier to understand.

"There are always strange people around Shade. It's not surprising."

Miss Sylvia accepted this quickly. After all, compared to Grace and Helen, a pair of genuine "relics", at least Miss Elisa was still a normal dragon or dragonborn.

"Relics" cannot be regarded as intelligent life, but Shade can still attack them, so Miss Eleser seems too normal.

Miss Benenice and Siris also had similar views, so only the countess was still unable to accept it:

"I always feel that you have a very unique way of looking at the world compared to me."

This chapter has been completed!
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