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Chapter 2311 Angels and Angels

Shade asked curiously, and Miss Elise shook her head slightly:

"It smells very dangerous. I'd rather not get to know it. If I don't discuss this issue, I thought I was going to experience a dangerous battle this time. I didn't expect you to really have a solution."

She did not check the meaning of the cross sword, just like Emilia did not dare to touch the sword. Every angel-level relic needs to be treated with caution. Since nothing will happen to Shade holding it, then Xia should be allowed to

De holds it.

However, although this is a powerful weapon, even if it is in his hands now, Shade has never thought of using it himself.

He already has enough relics around him, and [Night Watch] is more suitable for him. Excessive greed will lead to disaster, and Shade understands this very well.

In order to prevent the "Light Chaser" from returning again, the three of them did not stay here any longer. After Shade touched the "Lord of Immortality" to turn back time and restore the angel statue, Miss Eleser "locked" it again

In this ruins, the three statues and the stone platform were hidden again.

The little unicorn finally even touched the rune chains lightly with his horn, which seemed to make the seal more stable.

On the way back to the city, the three of them also discussed the reason why the "Light Chaser" appeared so suddenly.

He must have come here for the contents of that metal box. What was in that box was not clear yet, because the box itself was also a kind of mechanical lock.

The "Light Chaser" probably sensed the location of the box in some way, but was unable to break through the rune lock set by the elves of the fifth era, so it has been waiting for the opportunity to crack it. This reminded Shade of what he had seen in the tavern a few days ago.

John Flynn provided clues when he met with the captain.

Although the "Light Chaser" who investigated the elven legends failed to break through the seal on his own in the end, the arrival of Shade and his team today unlocked the mystery and allowed him to sense the situation here.

"That Light Chaser can actually move in space."

The elf girl riding the little unicorn sighed, and the girl with blue eyes answered her with a smile:

"In the distant Fifth Age, high-level witches and above have more or less mastered some spatial movement skills. In this era, Emilia, although spatial movement is rare, it is definitely not extinct. For the Ten

As far as the Three Rings are concerned, although they are only mortals, they are also the top mortals."

In order to prevent the thirteen-ring warlock from being tracked, the three of them circled around the outside of the city. Instead of returning to the farm, they went directly to the seaside. Then, under the surprised gazes of Emilia and the little unicorn, they rose up from the bottom of the sea.

That ship, the "Brilliant Messenger" that Shade saw in his final adventure in the "Sunless Sea".

But compared with the ship that flew away from the Sunless Sea with him, the cruise ship at this time was obviously larger, and the imperceptible dragon scale patterns on the surface of the ship's hull were also denser.

"What a big boat."

The three of them boarded the deck with the unicorn, and of course, the two horses were also brought up. So the cruise ship slowly sailed towards the deep sea, and the pure white beast also ran around happily on the deck, Ai

Milia also looked around in surprise:

"The largest ship I have ever been on was a double-decker icebreaker when I participated in the college's Far North expedition. Can we go inside the cabin and have a look?"

She looked expectantly at the blue-eyed girl, who smiled and nodded, so the elf and the little unicorn entered the cabin together.

After sighing slightly, Miss Eleser looked at Shade who was standing on the deck and looking at the scenery of the land that was gradually moving away:

"The last time you boarded my ship was in the last era."

"Well, wasn't it half a month ago, when I was in coma after transforming into a dragon for the first time?"

Shade corrected, and the blue-eyed girl said angrily:

"That doesn't count. Anyway, how do you feel about seeing this ship again after a thousand years?"

Shade thought for a while:

"I still like the rudder, the steering is really fast."

Miss Elise was stunned for a moment before she realized what was happening. She retracted her feet under her skirt slightly, and then patted Shade gently:

"It really turns out that you really remember our encounter completely."

The "Brilliant Messenger" did not carry Shade and Amelia away. Instead, it transformed on the sea and turned into a small cargo ship named "Golden Storm", and then flew openly and openly on the moon.

Docked at Bay Harbor.

According to Miss Eliaser, the "Golden Storm" is her officially registered vessel to facilitate her presence in various ports around the world.

In addition to the cargo ship "Golden Storm", she also has the small cruise ship "Panelis", the Kasenrik armored cruiser "July Flower", the pirate ship "Don't Cry Death", and the large deep-sea fishing ship "Tuna"

", the identity of the Delarian Far North exploration ship "Firewine" and others.

From this point of view, Miss Elisa has indeed done a lot of things in the hundreds of years since she woke up.

The three people and the little unicorn quickly led the horses back to Belindel Manor. It was already half past three in the afternoon. However, Shade did not stay at Belindel Manor for a long time, but took the [Angel's Right Arm]

】Leaved immediately.

The silver cross sword was wrapped in a piece of linen stained with human blood. This was how the sword was contained.

After taking a nap, the cat threw the glass slipper home, said hello to the Cavendish ladies at home, and then quickly went downstairs, heading from the basement to Huntington City.

Lesia and Miss Carina looked at each other in the study room upstairs:

"He's always so busy."

After coming out of the wine cellar at the White River Valley Vineyard, Shade rode non-stop to the east of Huntington City. Under the "guidance" of little Mia, he finally made it before sunset and entered the Cherubim again.

of lake.

At sunset and dusk, the water surface of the Cherubim Lake turned dim. He led the horse onto the grassland of the island in the middle of the lake. Shade let the horse graze freely, and then patted the little head of the cat on his shoulder.

, then holding the [Angel’s Right Arm] wrapped in linen, he gently stepped onto the lake in the center of the island.

The lady holding the staff was still waiting for him under the boulder in the center of the lake. Shade nodded slightly to show respect, and then held the linen cloth forward:

"Ma'am, I'm here again for guidance."

The angel holding the staff smiled and nodded:

"I know why you came, and I know what doubts you have in your heart."

The left hand without the staff was placed on the linen cloth, and the cross sword wrapped in it shimmered again until it floated, suspended between Shade and the wise angel.

Cat looked at this scene curiously, and Shade asked:

"So, this sword is really the right arm of an angel?"


She replied in the affirmative:

"But not the one you think."

Shade breathed a sigh of relief. He was thinking about the "Angel of Death", which is the source of power of Priest Augustus. As expected, it was not such a coincidence. As soon as he obtained a relic related to angels, he immediately started talking to the Angel of Death.


Moreover, when he was in Middleburg, the angel arm bone that was implanted in Joey Barton's right arm by the [Truth Society] would not be so easy to find a new arm bone even if the structures of angels and humans are different.

Thinking again, although there are not many angels of the ancient gods, there are not only three or four, so it is normal that this thing has nothing to do with the "angel of death":

"So if I give this sword to Priest Rat Augustus, will it exacerbate his current psychological problems? You know Rat Augustus, right?"

The lady holding the staff nodded again:

"It will exacerbate his problems."

"Then I won't give it to him for the time being, then if I want to help"

"This is the test I give you."

The angel smiled and interrupted Shade:

"As a wise man, guide Rat Augustus to see his own heart clearly. This is the test I will give you this time."


This was also the strength that Shade lacked. He nodded:

"I understand. In fact, this is what I want to do. If Priest August loses control, even I will have a hard time stopping him. Thank you for your help again."

He lowered his head slightly and thanked the angel for his help. Although she only answered two questions, Shade couldn't think of anywhere else to find the answer except here.

"No need to thank me, I'm glad you can seek guidance from me."

The lady holding the staff tapped the cross sword floating between the two people with the long staff in her hand. For a moment, the element of miracle overwhelmed the element of whisper. Shade also clearly saw dense golden runes surrounding the relic, but it was only a moment.

Flash by:

"The amputated arm comes from the angels of the hanging judges, the ancient gods in charge of [balance]. We also call them 'judges'.

That was in the middle of the Second Era. Although the ancient gods left, some angels still resided in the mortal world. The owner of this amputated arm went to war with a powerful being in the mortal world. Although he defeated the enemy, the aftermath of the battle was still

It also destroyed a kingdom with a population of millions."

Shade nodded:

"Can't angels save this disaster?"

"Even angels cannot turn back time on a large scale in the material world after the World Tree withers. And resurrecting the dead from death is something that was strictly prohibited after the end of the First Era. So the judge wanted to punish

I cut off my right arm and turned it into this cross sword to protect civilization."

The lady holding the staff said, and the sword was entangled in light and shadow under her long staff, but in the end it returned to Shade without changing anything:

"Your justice is recognized by it, and this relic is also willing to accept you as its owner. However, although you can use it, you are also at risk of being affected by its extreme ideas and gradually losing yourself in the pursuit of justice and killing evil. Please be careful.

Use it, it is no more suitable for you than [Night Watch]."

"I see."

Shade held the sword again, and was surprised to feel that the sword became more comfortable to hold. Then he realized that the angel in front of him had given some kind of blessing to the sword.

This chapter has been completed!
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