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Chapter 2326 The Cat and the Sun

After throwing away the golden box that had been turned into a toy, Shade was actually very curious as to how Miss Gothe's family had received this set of armor before. Judging from the appearance of the outer packaging, this thing was definitely not good at all.


"Mia, get ready to go."

He waved to the cat, turned it into a toy, and put it into the chest pocket of his shirt.

With the lesson learned last time, Shade did not wear a coat this time, but directly held the clothes full of toys. He turned around and waved to the worried Luvia, Lesia and Miss Carina.

, he took the key, which had cracks on its surface, and pointed it at the door of the study:

"May the World Tree protect me in time."

After a click, the keyhole was turned, and behind the opened door was the endless white fog. Shade waved his hand behind him again, getting ready to face the scorching sun, and then stepped into the fog door.


Stepping out of the fog, the blazing sunshine still made Shade narrow his eyes, who was mentally prepared. Coming from a dry and cool home to this steamer-like place, the harsh environment was highlighted even more intensely.

The wind is carrying heat, and the golden-like gravel rolls slowly on the sand surface with the wind. The undulating sand dunes under the scorching sun have no end at a glance, and even the scenery of the distant sand dunes is distorted by the heat of the air:

"Although Grandma Siam Nord and the others said that the probability of dark night here is extremely low, why can't I encounter it?"

In just a few seconds, the sweat on his back had soaked his clothes, and the sweat on his forehead also fell down his cheeks. Shade patted his chest to make sure that the cat doll was still there, and then quickly walked towards the person he was facing.

Run in the direction.

Because it was so hot, he didn't realize that the cat doll on his chest was also getting hot. But it didn't matter, because he himself was getting hot too.

The feeling of dry mouth appeared faster than expected. Without the blessing given by the sun altar, even Shade couldn't move under the sun for too long. But fortunately, he was prepared this time.

It felt like the journey was not very far. Shade, who was dizzy from the heat, soon saw the familiar half-collapsed temple in front of him.

Apparently it was Miss Knight, the female knight who was waiting for Shade at the door, who was the first to notice him.

She turned around and shouted something behind her that Shade couldn't hear clearly. Then the old elf Grandma Siam Nord and the mermaid Miss Sandel also appeared at the door. Last among them all, and the tallest one, was the one with the smile on her face.

Miss Meister, a desert "dancer" with light brown skin and an inexplicable smile.

Everyone seemed very happy. Miss Sandel waved her hand to say hello to Shad. Granny Siam Nord even ventured out of the door and took a few steps into the sunshine, pulling the dizzy Shad into the temple.

When Shade entered the shade, he didn't even say hello to them. He immediately sat down on the bench, then took out a water bottle and poured it on his face. He breathed heavily for a while before he recovered.

"Are you okay?"

The blue-haired girl blew three pearl-white bubbles at Shade. The bubbles exploded on top of Shade's head, bringing a new sense of coolness.

"It's okay now. It's amazing that you guys have been able to persist here for so long."

I don't know how long it has been since Shade left last time, but it seems like they haven't changed much.

The few boxes that Shade brought last time are still piled up against the walls inside the temple, but they look much worn out. The temple is still the same, the windows and doors have long since disappeared, leaving only the door frames and window frames.

At the entrance of the temple, rows of stone seats extend inward. Looking towards the end, the sunlight pouring in from the gaps in the ceiling illuminates half of the altar and the entire wall of this ancient building.

"The [Dragon Feast Order] can exert such a strong power by relying on the ancient god's sacrificial ground. If I can get this place to the sixth era and so on, I don't have the [Supreme Sunbinder] by my side.

The unknown eldest son."

He shook his head violently, and Granny Siam handed Shade another bottle of green potion. Shade sniffed it and drank it in one gulp without asking what it was.

In the faint smell of mint, a refreshing feeling emerged from the inside out. Shade sat upright and looked at the bottle in his hand in surprise. The old elf said with a smile:

"After you left, darkness fell here again. Miss Meister and I took advantage of the dusk and darkness to go out and explore a nearby smaller ruins, and rushed back here before dawn.

We brought some knowledge from the ruins of that small village, including the formula for this potion. The material requirements are very simple, and this is a potion for villagers in the desert to avoid heatstroke."

"This potion is very useful and tastes good."

Shade, who regained his energy, stood up:

"Long time no see, Grandma Siam, Miss Meister, Miss Sandel, Miss Knight."

The old elf smiled and nodded. The light-brown lady was still smiling. The blue-haired mermaid responded excitedly. The gray-haired female knight gave Shade a knightly salute like last time.

Shade knew what Miss Sandel was excited about. His time was precious and he did not waste it reminiscing about old times. Instead, he went to take out the toys in the coat he was holding in his hands.

Miss Aurora had just arrived at Moon Bay, and Shade hadn't had time to ask about topics like "Modern Mermaid Recipes" yet, but he at least remembered to bring a lot of seafood this time.

The most indispensable thing in Yuewan City is seafood.

Miss Sandel was very happy to organize these supplies with Miss Knight. Miss Meister still sat aside and did not reach out to help. The old elf was also sitting, but she was explaining to Shade what happened here after he left last time.


In addition to encountering the dark night again, which allowed them to gain some gains from their exploration, the old elf also re-read the half-stone tablet and the information on the parchment that Shade and Miss Meister brought back from the temple ruins last time.

Translating those texts from the early fifth era was not difficult for this elderly elf, and she was very surprised to find the content hidden on the parchment after using ancient technology to configure the manifesting potion:

"The third of the compass fragments you brought back actually has the ability to resonate with the positions of other compass fragments."

The old elf put the piece of metal in his hands and held it:

"But this resonance has a distance limit and can only point in a general direction."

As she spoke, she softly recited the incantation written on the parchment. Then, two light spots actually appeared on the surface of the fragment. No matter how Granny Siam Nord rotated the metal fragment, the light spots always pointed towards

same direction.

"Where are these two directions?"

Shade asked.

"One direction is roughly the mausoleum with the knight statue we talked about last time, but this desert has a strong ability to confuse space, and you can only be sure when you arrive;

The other direction is probably far away. You see, the light spot is shaking. When you bring back the second compass fragment, you should be able to accurately determine the direction."

She said and handed the fragment into Shade's hands. Taking it with her and setting off would obviously make it easier to find the target.

"Okay, let's set off as soon as possible, mother-in-law."

As he spoke, he wanted to contact the "Altar of the Sun" to obtain blessings, and then go out to explore the ruins, but when he saw the dazzling sunlight, he thought of another thing:

"Oh, I almost forgot about it."

Shade took out little Mia's doll, covered it with clothes and shook it gently, and then the furry cat head came out from under the clothes.


The cat with wide eyes looked at everything around it ignorantly and carefully, and barked at Shade very gently. It soon wagged its tail, got out from under the clothes, and then looked at Xade very excitedly.

surrounding environment.

Shade's previous worries seemed to be unnecessary. Little Mia had no intention of not adapting to the environment here.

The cat's meow also attracted the attention of others. Of course Siam Nord's mother-in-law, who was sitting with Shade, was the first to see it:

"What a beautiful cat~"

She praised, and even wanted to reach out to touch her, but of course little Mia avoided it. It followed Shade's arm and moved up to Shade's shoulder very quickly, as if it wanted to have a better look at it from a higher place.


Miss Meister, who was sitting next to her, also looked at the cat and praised it with a smile, but she had no intention of reaching out to pet the cat:

"Such brilliant hair, so beautiful."

Miss Sandel and Miss Knight were sorting things by the wall, and when they heard the cat meowing, the mermaid girl, who was holding a dried fish in her mouth regardless of the image, turned her head first and looked over, and then happened to meet little Mia's eyes.

Shade didn't know what the cat's psychology was, but it actually gave the blue-haired girl a threatening "meow~", which shocked Miss Sandel and almost dropped the dried fish in its mouth.

on the ground.

Judging from the fact that she was actually frightened by the cat, this girl's mental state is indeed very unstable.

As for Miss Knight, she didn't have any special reaction. As long as it wasn't a monster, having an extra cat here wouldn't make her lose her composure.

"Why did you remember to bring the cat?"

Grandma Siam Nord asked curiously, watching little Mia looking around on Shade's shoulder.

"This cat has been identified as having very little [Son of the Sun] blood. I want to try to see if it reacts to the sunshine here."

Shade said as he picked up the cat and stood up:

"I'm going to the altar to get blessings. Grandma Siam Nord, please decide who will go with me this time. I need someone to lead the way."

Then he walked towards the altar deep in the temple, but Shade did not immediately go to "praise the sun". After standing at the edge of the shadow in the room, he said softly:

"May the sun bless my Miss Gold's cat."

Then he quickly stretched the cat towards the sunlight, but before little Mia could react, he quickly hugged it back into the shadows.


The cat felt that it was shaken violently and its beautiful amber eyes widened. The time just now was too short, and the cat seemed not to be affected at all.

(End of chapter)

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