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Chapter 2355 'Night Banquet'

The two fortune tellers nodded together:

"Yes, there is no doubt about this. The consciousness in the notebook is believed to be the owner of the notebook, 'Richard', but further investigation into him was not very smooth.

It is currently known that [Richard's Notes] originated in the middle of the Fourth Age, and its hidden ability to kill indiscriminately made it infamous. No one is completely righteous, Shade, no one.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to solve this relic. Although you can investigate the identity of the victim to find out the identity of the person currently holding the notebook, once Richard takes possession of that body, he will not hesitate to give up what he has.


"How strong can 'Richard' be with the notebook? The more people he kills, the stronger he becomes?"

"no no."

Miss Belindel shook her head and looked at him worriedly:

"Richard who is hiding in the notebook and controlling the holder is a fortune teller. Finding him is very difficult. What you are doing now to stop him from killing people is one of the ways to lure him out. But there are actually other ways.

Quick way, murder his chosen sinner in his stead, and he will show up to stop you."


The witch tells the secret knowledge that can only be found in the [Witch Council]:

"It's not because you ruined the fate he chose for sinners. This requires you to be guilty of great sins and to use the most cruel methods to deal with sinners. Richard will think that you are not qualified to judge sinners, and your sin is even more serious.

, so he will take the initiative to stop and terminate you, which is a very cruel ritual."

Luvia continued:

"The death curse of his notebook is currently ineffective against you, so once you do this, he is more likely to show up. But don't be touched by him, not through clothes, every time you are touched by him

An extremely difficult instant death decision will be made."

"I heard from Luvia that your instant death resistance is very high, but no one is completely immune to instant death abilities. We don't know what methods you have to deal with him, but remember, never let him get close to you.


The countess also said worriedly. Shade nodded again and frowned at the black tea cup on the coffee table in front of him:

"Paranoid justice will lead to irreparable tragedy. But in fact, I have had questions since I heard about the seventh chosen one. What exactly is justice? Balance, death, darkness, space, earth, knowledge, these are all objective

exists, but justice is our subjective judgment.”

Purple eyes looked at him tenderly:

"Remember, Shade, the characteristics of the seventh chosen one are light and justice. If you can't judge whether it is justice or not, then feel those stories and those actions to see if they can make you feel light and warmth. Justice

Things will be like a ray of light, guiding people to move in a better direction, just like you have always done."

"Louvia, you don't need to praise me like this."

Even though he said this, Shade still had a smile on his face:

"There are other people present tonight, so I won't take [Night Watch] and use [Angel Right Arm]. I'm worried that 'Richard' won't be judged as evil by [Night Watch] at all. There's no need to wait for dinner.

I, I don’t know what time I’ll be back yet.”

"I asked the maid to prepare a supper for you. Do you really want to leave without eating a few bites? You didn't eat at noon."

"No need, after solving this matter, I can get another piece of dragon scale. This is the most important thing."

Then he gave the cat on his lap to Luvia:

"Help take care of it and I'll pick it up in the evening."

Then he kissed the side of Luvia's face, and then kissed the side of the countess's face, and then hurried to the basement.

The two fortune tellers were sitting on the sofa. The blonde countess asked Luvia sadly:

"Has he been like this before? Although I have heard you talk about his past, what is he worried about?"

"Xia De always has his own ideas. Just like what I just said, it is his light that guides us as we move forward."

So Miss Belindel looked at her colleague teasingly:

"The relationship between you and him is really deep."

Luvia smiled and shook her head:

"Bella, if you want to deepen your relationship with Shade, the point is not to have more stories together, or to experience life and death together. He is actually a very easy to understand person. As long as you understand the loneliness and fear in his heart, you don't need to

From the perspective of worrying about him running away from you, little Mia has done a very good job."


Then the cat meowed.

The countess nodded and thought for a moment:

"Let's go, let's not be idle. We still have half an hour for dinner. Before Xi Wei and Miss Elise come back, let's go see what Shade needs. After dinner, continue to study the three dragon scales. If the dragon

The total number of scales is seven, so we should be able to find a better way to locate the other four based on three scales."

Luvia nodded. After the initial discomfort, Bella Belindel discovered that Luvia was actually an easy person to get along with. She probably understood why the witches who knew Shade before her were all treating Luvia badly.

Ya has high ratings.

As for herself, although her heart palpitates occasionally when she sees those beautiful purple eyes, this does not prevent her from thinking that Luvia Anat is a very charming person.

The orb in her shoulder was slightly hot, as if she wanted to tell her something. Just like in the past, the witch of fate was once again impressed by the woman who destroyed time, but this time it was not because of her ability and charisma, but just because of her foreign country.


"What supper are you going to prepare for Shade?"

When the fortune teller with short brown hair and long blond hair left the room together, the latter was still worried.

"Let Tifa prepare it. She knows Shade's appetite very well."

"Oh, you really feel at ease with Carina's black-haired maid. Luvia, I'm not speaking ill of anyone behind their back. Of course Miss Servit doesn't have any bad intentions, but you have to be careful with her."

"Why should I worry? Isn't it Carina who should be worried?"

"makes sense."

As a result, the corridor was filled with a happy atmosphere, and the Duchess, who was far away in the northern country of Tobesk, had finished her busy day and was sitting in a carriage preparing to return to No. 6 Saint Teresa Square. She sneezed suddenly, and then became confused

A high-level witch like me should not catch a cold.

Night, ten o'clock.

Although the light of March cannot completely penetrate the black fog shrouding the urban area of ​​Yuewan City, the peaceful moonlight can fill the suburbs to the north of the city.

The lights of the Red Heart Orphanage on a hill have been turned off at this time, but in the barn in the rice field not far from the orphanage, there is still a faint light under the moonlight.

The night wind was slightly cold, blowing the treetops and fallen leaves. The moon bay was not particularly bright tonight, so the barn looked a bit eerie.

From the sound of the wind, you can hear the singing coming from the barn. It is a woman's voice. The ancient nursery rhyme carries the meaning of warning children not to go out at night. In this slightly cold night, the sound dispersed by the wind makes the long night

It seems even more weird and bizarre.

Inside the barn, a little blond girl with her eyes closed is lying on a barn stone table covered with quilts. She is wearing a gorgeous golden banquet dress, a pearl hair ornament on her head, and Mrs. Jude wearing blood-colored high heels.

Then sit at the table.

The chest of the dress was completely white, and her specially made-up face showed a delicate and joyful smile. This very upper-class lady formed a perfect image with the messy straw and crude farm tools piled up in the barn.

sharp contrast.

This is a special sense of ritual for this vampire. Twice a month, when the moon is dark, she will put on her best clothes and enjoy a moment of leisure here alone.

Holding the red wine glass with squinted eyes, she sang the ancient and eerie nursery rhyme. The soft and lubricating voice echoed in the barn, and the flame of the old kerosene lamp on the table also made the lady

His shadow trembled on the wall like a ghost.

Although some unpleasant things happened during the day, she did not want to be disturbed by those unseemly things at the moment. This was a night that belonged to her alone, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, eating alone in the most beautiful manner. She could not imagine anything better than this.

Something happened.

The night wind seemed to be stronger, making the leaves of the big tree in the barn yard rustle.

Mrs. Jude raised her head to look at the three moons tonight through the small window above the barn, then smiled and looked down at the sleeping little girl lying on the table, and finally turned to look behind her.

The wooden door of the barn door was originally ajar, but at this moment, a man holding a long sword stood there at the entrance of the door. He faced the light of the kerosene lamp, with his back to the moonlight outside, handsome and handsome.

The serious expression on her face made Mrs. Jude startled slightly, and then she stood up from the stone table, the skirt of the skirt and the decorative tassels on the cuffs swaying slightly:

"What, Bernhardt sent you here to make me obey?"

Shade did not speak, but walked in from the barn door with the long sword in his hand. Black boots, black pants and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, this is not the outfit that should appear in a barn at night.


"You don't think I really can't beat you, do you?"

Mrs. Jude asked with her back to the table. The wind blowing from outside the door made her shadow on the wall tremble even more:

"That day in the alley behind the Cassandra Auction House in the city, I didn't fight you because I didn't want to cause too much noise. Moreover, I didn't have any relics with me at the time. Do you think I was real?

Afraid of you?"

The expression on her face gradually became ugly, because Shade was still walking inward without saying a word. Even before he took action, this momentum had already made the lady in the dress a little uneasy.

As a result, the plump face smeared with makeup quickly lost water and became shriveled, and the sharp teeth protruded from her mouth. She took a step back slightly on her high heels, and then her entire figure gradually faded until she was completely

Disappeared in the flames of the kerosene lamp.

(End of chapter)

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