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Chapter 2369 Whetstone and Bronze Whistle

Dorothy didn't pay attention to Shade's words that no one could understand. She picked up the gray "square stone":

"Seriously, let me see what this is. Is it this? Shade, the friends you know are really generous.

Although it is a one-time relic, it is a genuine sage-level relic. It is said that only eight pieces of the [Grey Mountain Dwarf Whetstone] have appeared so far, and this should be the ninth piece ever discovered."

Miss Carina, who was inspecting the copper whistle, also looked over:

"Is it that relic? I remember that its characteristic is to polish items with the 'piercing' ability, such as knives, swords, spears, and thorns, giving them extremely powerful power. For ordinary items and alchemy items, this enhancement is permanent

Sexual, it may even be directly upgraded to a relic.”

Humans cannot artificially create any items with whisper elements, and doing so is obviously not relying on humans, but relying on relics to create relic derivatives.

"As for the relic, it is given a power beyond itself in a short period of time. Although this item is sage-level, even angel-level relics can be greatly strengthened. Moreover, the inscriptions on different whetstones represent additional different strengthening effects.

, Dorothy, look what's written on the back of this whetstone?"

Dorothy turned over the stone and motioned to Shade to look at it:

"I don't understand the ancient language above, Shade, you can translate it."

"Let me see the Holy Cross and the Dragon-Slaying Blade?"

The Duchess continued to explain:

"Based on the characteristics and experience summarized from the first eight whetstones, the first half of the sentence refers to what type of items this whetstone is most effective in strengthening, and the second half of the sentence refers to the special strengthening effect. Your translation is definitely correct, so

The whetstone in Dorothy's hand can strengthen the weapons related to the 'cross' to the greatest extent, and can also give them special effects on the 'dragon'."

Dorothy, who was also familiar with the properties of this relic, concluded:

"Didn't you just find a cross sword? It's the angel-level [Angel Right Arm]. Is this relic specially prepared for that sword? Just rub it three times, even if the [Angel Right Arm] is not

It is angel level (level 1) but secret keeper level (level 3), and its power is enough to far exceed your [Night Watch] in a short period of time."

"Well, I feel like this whetstone is not necessarily prepared for [Angel's Right Arm]."

[Angel's Right Arm] No matter how powerful it is, it is unlikely to have any great effect on the gods. After all, no matter how powerful the sage-level whetstone is, it is impossible for the sword to have an "unknown-level" rating.

But when Shade took the heavy stone from Dorothy's hand, he had some guesses about its purpose.

The stone is very cold, with words engraved on the back, and the front is the side used for polishing. If you throw it into a pile of ordinary stone bricks, its own simple feeling will make it easy for people to recognize it.

The font engraved on the back not only introduces the characteristics of the relic, which is suspected to be "Forging Holy Cross, Dragon Slaying Blade" in ancient dwarven language, but below this line of words, there is also a line of smaller words:

[The Gray Mountain Dwarf Blacksmith Barrier is of high quality and low price, and there are discounts for large purchases.]

Shade also translated this line to Carina and Dorothy, and they all laughed.

The "ruby" is the philosopher's stone, and the "stone" is the whetstone, but the blood-red copper whistle at the end is not a relic, and does not have any whispering elements on it.

This is an alchemical item. The duchess checked it a little and understood what it was:

"This thing is not valuable, and it is very common. In ancient large-scale wars, many were prepared for long-distance communication. After you blow it somewhere, the stone corresponding to the copper whistle will make a sharp sound. It is also commonly used in modern times.

It can be used for communication, but it is a worthless prop after all, so its range cannot span the entire Old Continent. It is probably about the same distance as the north-south distance of Tobesk."

"Shad, are you going to use this whistle to summon the murlocs of Coldwater Port?"

Dorothy asked with a smile. The smell of the sea on the box and Shade's return from Coldwater Port told them the possible origins of these things. Although she was only guessing, her guess was accurate.

"Yes, these things do come from Coldwater Harbor.

I told you that the gods of the sea and the god who swallowed the dragon were very unhappy because of the migration of the dragon race, and even a divine war broke out in the ancient Moon Bay area."

Judging from the flesh and blood and divinity of the sealed nameless dragon that Shade found, and the fact that the dragons finally went overseas, the ocean gods should have won.

"The conflict between the ocean gods and that god started from then on, so this time I thought about whether those cultists could also help in Yuewan."

In fact, he wanted to ask the three evil gods for help. As soon as Shade arrived at Coldwater Port today, he was immediately approached by a strange guy, and everything was prepared. He did not believe that this was a mortal method. The three evil gods definitely

Already prepared.

Of course, at least judging from these three items, their support is not as strong as Shade imagined. If the three of them are willing to play directly, things in Yuewan will actually be much easier. Of course, Shade will also be affected by this.

Worried about whether those three people would be willing to leave here easily after the Battle of Moon Bay.

"If this whistle can summon an army of smelly fishmen and cultists, Shade, does that count as cooperating with a cult?"

Dorothy asked again worriedly, but Shade didn't care about it:

"When the final day comes, the power of sin will be power."

As for Miss Carina, she didn't mind that Shade wanted to cooperate with the cultists. After all, the reputation of the [Witch Council] before Shade appeared was not particularly positive. She just smiled and joked:

"By cooperating with the cultists, you will not meet the requirements of the chosen one. This is very unfair."

"But what is justice?"

The writer came up with this idea:

"If justice is only based on whether the friends around you are cultists, then justice will be too cheap. Of course, there must be something wrong with a guy whose friends are cultists. This subject seems to be very interesting, and Shade gave me a few words a few days ago

The bedtime stories we told were about Lady Jude the Vampire, Marquis Morson and the Heart of a Horse. I have ideas again!"

She suddenly kissed the side of Shade's face. Her green eyes seemed to be sparkling. The blonde girl who was good at collecting topics once again had an idea.

"The situation this time is really serious."

The duchess didn't care about the kiss. She continued to look at the things on the table:

"Xia De, I know you are worried about the evil god's descending. So is it possible to prevent the descending of the evil god in advance?"

"Of course the church and we will do this, but Carina, let's recall carefully, how many times have we successfully prevented the coming of gods since last year?"

The red-haired witch gave the answer without thinking:

"Of course not once."

After saying this, she shook her head helplessly.

But this time, Shade still believed that the possibility of successfully preventing the descending god was not high, or very small, because he had already guessed the purpose of the evil god descending.

The nameless eldest son of the ancient god tried to gain the same power as his father by devouring the flesh and blood of a dragon from the same origin. This was the news that Shade knew when he first obtained that drop of divinity (Chapter 2151).

The chosen one of light is obviously the one in the era when the ancient gods left, and has the power most similar to that "Dragon of Light". Although the arrival of the gods requires preparation by people in the material world, the most important thing is to see

God’s own will. And this time His will is stronger than the previous ones.

In short, Shade put the three items back into the suitcase that smelled of sea, and then sent it to the hidden space in the basement, and took it out when he was ready to use it.

Among them, the "Philosopher's Stone" has the wonderful property of merging with each other. When two Philosopher's Stones come into contact, they will automatically become one. However, Shade has no idea of ​​merging this Philosopher's Stone with the remaining ones from before.

However, he took the opportunity to compare the quantities of the two Philosopher's Stones. Specifically, he took the previous Philosopher's Stone off the cross and took it and the one in the suitcase separately.

Weighing it in my hands, I found that there was slightly more of the former.

A very interesting characteristic of the "Philosopher's Stone" is that its volume and mass cannot be measured by any instrument. The approximate amount can only be judged through the perception of the human body itself.

If you use a balance to weigh, the results of each weighing are absolutely different; if you measure the volume through a graduated cylinder using the water immersion method, you will find that the volume of the stone itself fluctuates within a large range, and there is no stable average value.

This "uncertainty" property has been recorded in the knowledge of ancient alchemists. It was also mentioned on the small copper bell that Shade obtained from the "Black Mist Camp" that recorded the knowledge of the Philosopher's Stone.

He had never used any unit to describe the Philosopher's Stone he held.

The most reliable way to measure the "size" of two Philosopher's Stones is to try to weigh them like this.

People believe that this precious highest crystallization of alchemy also has properties that have not been discovered so far. Therefore, when Shade put away the two pieces of the Philosopher's Stone, he was still thinking about which ancient person it was.

Only alchemy sages can be the first to create this precious material.

"Oh, I just forgot to tell you, there was an earthquake in Yuewan last night."

At noon that day, before leaving home to visit Queen Diana at Yodel Palace, the Witch remembered to tell Shade about this incident. However, compared to other situations in Moon Bay, the earthquake could only be regarded as a relatively minor incident.

After sending Miss Carina away, Shade asked Dorothy:

"Although Luvia and Priest August are not in Tobesk, the study meeting still has to be held. How about we stay at home for a while and set off at one o'clock in the afternoon? The exam just ended last week, and I don't think the doctor is there either.

Something big will happen."

(End of chapter)

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