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Chapter 2379 'Light Bulb Man'

As soon as the figure that had been transformed into a human form of white light touched the door of the shop facing the street, the door was immediately melted into light.

The silver cat heard the frightened screams coming from the store, and knew that there were other people in the store.

The cat jumped off the roof lightly, and before it landed in the air, it turned into a stream of red light composed of red butterflies and flew into the door of the tea shop, which had a big hole melted out.

The light blade turned into yellow moonlight flew directly out of the butterfly, but passed through the white light humanoid and left a huge slash mark on the wall of the shop. If it weren't for Shade's strong control over "Moonlight Slash",

Strong, this wall may not exist after this blow.

The fat owner of the store had already fled upstairs, and Shade, who had returned to his human form, also saw clearly what this thing was.

Its whole body is glowing, and its original appearance as a human can no longer be seen. Nothing can be seen under the light. The only difference from a normal human body is that this thing's neck is abnormally long, and its head is also abnormally long.


His head was slightly drooped due to excess weight, and the light on his head was stronger than the rest of his body, as if there was a gas light bulb hanging at the end of his neck.

Although Shade's attack just now was completely useless to it, it still gave up chasing the fat boss and turned around and pounced on Shade with open arms.

Shade stood still. When the white light humanoid approached him, the "darkness" activated by the "Disaster Card - Shadow of the Deep" enveloped the two "people". The weird luminous humanoid was immediately swallowed up by darkness.

Then it completely disappeared.

"New monster?"

After the humanoid disappeared, only some small, shimmering, rhombus-shaped translucent crystals were left on the ground. Those crystals came in all colors. If they hadn't been glowing, Shade would have thought they were a handful of colorful candies.

The luminous diamond-shaped crystal bears traces of elements, and is obviously a precious material that will appear whenever a major event occurs.

Of course, the witches on the ship had already taken action. When Shade boarded the "Brilliant Messenger" with a heavy heart and entered the cabin, Luvia simply explained the situation to him:

"I used divination to do a simple positioning, and I was basically able to determine that the location where the 'Edge of Life and Death' is activated is in the north of the core block of the city. I will return to the manor later and confirm with Bella again, and we will definitely get accurate results.

Based on the information and experience accumulated during the Middle Fort period, we now need to go deep into the Edge of Life and Death and first clear out the accumulated undead souls inside, and then we can use rituals and other methods to re-seal it."

"The church also knows about this sealing method, and it should not be as busy as during the Fort Midhill period. But the most difficult thing about closing the edge of life and death again is that it takes time to prepare for the ceremony. What I am worried about is that this time the edge of life and death will

If it is turned on abnormally and mixed with abnormal sunlight, who knows what will happen?"

Shade said worriedly, taking out the glowing colored rhombus crystals and explaining what happened on the way here.

Luvia didn't know what those monsters were. She just nodded and looked at the dazzling dim light outside the porthole:

"There's still an hour and a half before the night begins. Let's wait and see. After the sun goes down, we don't know what will happen to the moonlight yet."

At 6:30 in the evening, after a quiet explosion came from the largest banquet hall in the "Glory Messenger", the entire ship actually rocked twice on the calm sea.

But this was not an attack. There was another clear sound of glass breaking, and a spiral golden and black two-color vortex appeared on the east side of the banquet hall.

A sizzling sound appeared together with the vortex, and in the wind blowing in the vortex, the black-haired space witch Miss Emma Sylvia walked out with a smile:

"Successful! The semi-solidified portal, in the next month, Bella's manor basement and here will always be connected to each other! Thanks to Bella's manor closing all defense and counterattack rituals today, and Miss Elisa and Vanessa

It’s also a big help! Come on, the manor has prepared dinner, let’s go there to eat.”

The interconnection between the manor in the city and the ship at the pier not only means that Shade can take fewer steps when going out in the future, but also means that the position of the [Witch Council] can be transferred at any time.

This time, the two-way semi-solidified portal can be opened so smoothly by Miss Sylvia. On the one hand, it is due to her hard work over the past week and the fact that she has been promoted to the eleventh level. On the other hand, it is also due to the two fortune tellers who selected the portal.

The most suitable time and location.

After all, luck also plays a large part in opening the portal safely.

The group of people on the boat returned to Belindel Manor before dinner that day. As for the results of the church's inspection of Belindel Manor, of course there was no result. After all, the Countess had never thought that her place would be searched.

And when the sun sets and the abnormal sunlight completely disappears, the slightly glowing mist is almost immediately dyed silver by the moonlight. The mist spreads throughout the city, and tonight's Moon Bay is quieter than any night in the past century.


After dinner, Luvia and Miss Elise stood on the second floor terrace, watching Shade standing in the thick fog in the manor yard and breathing in the white mist. Little Mia was held by Tifa, the black-haired maid

Standing behind Luvia, the cat's big amber eyes were also looking at Shade below.

Both purple eyes and ocean blue eyes could clearly see that as Shade breathed, the light emerging from his body also flickered.

"Is he absorbing the moonlight?"

The blue dragon girl asked in surprise. Megan, who was walking over at this time, also glanced down:

"It seems true. I know that Shade's affinity for moonlight is similar to that of the legendary Holy Son of the Ancient God, but can he even absorb this abnormal light?"

While still a little worried, Luvia comforted her:

"Shad didn't know you when he was adventuring in the Randall Valley. Have you forgotten how the changes in the earth were solved? He completely swallowed the power of the earth's distortion, and then had a fever for a whole half a month. With

Compared to that time, do you feel that the current moonlight, which can easily drive ordinary people crazy, can have any effect on him? At most, it is easier for him to perceive the moon."

While speaking, Shade also stopped his "breathing" movement, turned around, turned into a group of red butterflies and flew up to the terrace, and returned to human form in front of the girls. All four girls noticed that this time the red butterflies

There is obviously a bright silver stripe on the butterfly's wings.

"If I had never been to the Lijin Sand Sea, my feelings might not be very obvious. But after I was forced to absorb the domineering sunlight of the Lijin Sand Sea, I have become very accustomed to this abnormal light."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, and a ball of silver moonlight that was completely different from the previous holiness and tranquility appeared in his hand.

Megan frowned slightly:

"The smell of death."


Shade said simply:

"After the moonlight and the power of death merged with each other, the light itself took on the power of distortion. This feeling is very similar to the dark moon, but it is not exactly the same. This kind of light can be fully utilized by me. Remember that I developed

'Moonlight Wheel·Third Form'? It's a move that requires unfolding the light curtain to absorb the moonlight to accumulate energy. The current environment is very suitable for me to use this thaumaturgy. And under the abnormal moonlight at night, as long as I am willing to absorb the special light

, the recovery speed of my spirit has at least doubled."

"Even if you can absorb it, it's still dirty stuff. It's best not to absorb it."

Luvia said softly, but she only said:

"There has been no other movement in the city. It seems that there is no fighting. What is going on? Could it be that the church's team has reached the edge of life and death?"

"Bella hasn't heard any news about this yet, but the kind of monsters that Shade encountered have already appeared frequently in the city."

Megan said:

"The Church of the Five Gods named it the 'Light Bulb Man'. This thing is a monster that has never appeared before. It is a twisted force formed by the fusion of fog, death, and light that infects the human body. It can not only melt the entities it touches.

For the sake of light, even when encountering fatal danger, he can escape by throwing out his big glowing head and exploding it.

The power of this thing's head explosion itself is close to that of a nine-ring warlock's non-sublimated word state, and the light that explodes is the purest 'special light'. The good news is that humans who were directly melted by the special light in the past will remain.

Extremely strong light pollutes the surroundings, but the light after death of this thing is not strong. The darkness caused by the relics and high-ring thaumaturgy can be cleared. By the way, the nemesis of this kind of 'lightbulb man' is the [Shadow Ball] and other magical things.


"What about the materials I brought back? Miss Aurora studied them and said they are excellent substitutes for light-type rituals."

Shade asked again, but Megan shook her head slightly;

"This monster has just appeared, and the church doesn't know anything about it."

There is a curfew in the city tonight, but Miss Belindell still takes Miss Matilda to find out the news. Originally, Tifa was going to go with her, but because of her northern appearance, the last person to follow was Hayley Aph.

Miss Laura.

Apart from them, the other great witches and witch apprentices have all gathered in the manor, even Margaret is there. After all, the bishop of the local Peace Church personally came to the door and told Margaret not to go out tonight.

Therefore, Margaret took an early rest, and then Miss Sylvia opened the portal and came directly with Emilia, Agelina and the little unicorn.

The newspapers in the evening did not have time to report the important news of the "luminous fog" in the city, but after nightfall, people in police uniforms running on the streets shouted loudly on every street, "There is an optical smoke leak in the city.

Close the doors and windows of each household and do not turn on the lights. Do not go out, and do not open the door to any strangers. Mental patients who have gone crazy due to optical smoke are now fleeing the city."

(End of chapter)

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