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Chapter 2395 Story Characters and Audience

Although this is indeed a good idea, Shade believes that there are also problems:

"Miss Sandel's soul is only petrified, but it still exists. This is indeed feasible. But we don't know what caused the illusion against Miss Sandel, and the power of this illusion is really powerful enough to reverse the ancient god's magic.


The lady smiled and said:

"When Granny Siam and Miss Knight encountered the illusion, we were both present. I saw some traces from the illusion. I can use our tribe's unique secret method to summon a fog, just like the above

Like other demons, it actively invites illusions."

Shade listened very carefully. He knew that this lady was going to use the power of the gods:

"Are there any conditions required?"

"Of course, to construct a real fantasy, you also need some actors. Grandma Siam Nord and Miss Knight, you need to play the roles in the fantasy."

"no problem."

The old elf and the female knight immediately nodded in agreement. Of course they also wanted to rescue Miss Sandel.

"And you, of course you also have to play a role in the illusion."

The saint with golden eyes said to Shade again, but after Shade nodded, he added with a smile:

"Of course, you have a more important task - since it is a fantasy, it is natural to have a background story. Since the purpose of weaving the fantasy is to bring Leah Sandel back, then in the fantasy, you need to complete such a task: let

The soul of this mermaid princess is like gold, blooming in the mist of chaotic consciousness."

This was obviously some kind of description. After thinking about it carefully, Shade continued to nod:

"I understand that the soul of the stone has temperature and the fixed soul form can become active again because of the quality of will."

He already had his own plan, and even thought that if it still didn't work, he would try to use a "soul whip" on the mermaid girl in the illusion. Shade thought it was best not to do this.

The fire crackled and burned, and the wind in the desert made almost no sound. The silver shimmering gravel rolled with the wind under the swaying shadows of the people. The cat head protruding from the stranger's chest yawned, and then

He curled up lazily back into Shade's clothes.

And in this tranquility that almost made people sleep, the people surrounding the fire listened to Shade finish telling the story he had weaved.

"how do you feel?"

After Shade finished speaking his thoughts, he asked several other people in the small camp.

Grandma Siam Nord nodded:

"Nice story, but what role do we play?"

Miss Meister's smile is still mysterious and quiet:

"Any character who appears in the story can do it. You have experienced illusions, and we need you to support the new illusions."

"Then I will be the witch of the deep sea."

Mother-in-law Siam Nord then said, not caring that this was a "villain", while the female knight thought for a moment before speaking:

"Can I play roles of different genders? Can I be the prince?"

Her temperament is indeed not suitable for any other major female character in the story. Fortunately, this is the fifth era, and the "prince" in the story Shade will tell can of course be a woman.

"No problem, then I will be the human princess who is very lucky and eventually marries the prince."

The saint also chose a role for himself, and then looked at Shade:

"how about you?"

"There seems to be nothing left among the main characters, right?"

The story is not complicated, and Shade happened to be in Dorothy's opera:

"I don't want to play another mermaid princess. As for the mermaid king, I don't think it's suitable for me either."

The light brown-skinned lady then asked softly:

"Think about it carefully, what exactly is missing from this upcoming 'drama'?"

Shade immediately thought of this question:

"Narrator? Audience?"

So the Saint stretched out his right hand in front of him, and with just a slight touch, the white fog surged in from all directions, wrapping everything except Shade and the bonfire.

The elves, female knights and saints also disappeared into the fog. Shade did not try to see through the fog of the "God of Mists". He placed his left leg across the sand and his right leg on the sand, sitting in front of the fire and staring.

That flame.

After waiting for a while, the foreigner's steady voice told the not-so-old story:

"A long time ago, there was an ancient mermaid kingdom deep in the sea. The king and queen of the kingdom gave birth to seven princesses, and the youngest among them was the most beautiful. The innocent and beautiful little mermaid played with the fish in the sea all day long.

Accompanying dolphins and whales, weaving the most beautiful silks with octopuses and sea crabs.”

The sound of gurgling water came from the fog, and part of the dense fog dispersed. Shade looked up and saw that he seemed to be sitting on the bottom of the sea. Above, in the almost completely transparent water, Shan appeared in the form of a human body and a fish tail.

Miss Del, was laughing and swimming with a school of red and white striped minnows.

Water plants swayed on the ground beside Shad, and sea crabs and shrimps crawling on the seabed moved slowly, but they all avoided the bonfire and Shad next to him.

Looking at Miss Sandel's expression, the smile is clearly a bit stiff and unnatural. Not to mention that compared with professional opera singers, even the smiles that ordinary people pretend to be are more normal than this.

Her smile is like a sculpture that has been artificially shaped, and the swimming posture of her body is manipulated like a puppet. And thinking about it this way, looking at Miss Sandel's state at this time, it even feels a little weird.


However, Shade learned one thing from this, that is, mermaids living in the deep sea do not just use shells and water plants to cover their upper bodies. Fairy tales are indeed lies, and mermaids also dress appropriately in the deep sea.

Clothes woven from special materials.

The familiar scenes of ocean life did not seem to elicit any response from the petrified soul, so the story around the campfire continued:

"Father and mother always said that the world above the sea is dangerous for the little mermaid. But the adult sisters always told the little mermaid excitedly that the world above the water is so bright and colorful, and those who walk on two feet

The ships built by humans are amazing.

The clever little mermaid princess can always imagine scenes she has never seen from these stories. So every night when she sleeps, the world on the sea will always sneak into her dreams. She thinks and thinks and hopes and hopes.

, finally, the little mermaid princess could not resist the temptation, and quietly went to the water alone one day."

A richer scene appeared in the water in the fog. First, seven beautiful mermaids gathered together to talk. After a quick scene transition, Miss Sandel, a fish-tailed woman, struggled to swim upwards.

But in fact, her height did not change, but the ocean scene in the fog continued to move downward.

Shade raised his head and looked at this scene, watching as a bright and exaggerated light gradually appeared above the puppet-like Miss Sandel.

And when she touched that light, the scene was completely filled with sunlight for a moment, and then turned into fog again.

But the surrounding sounds did not disappear, but the original sound of gurgling water disappeared, and instead the sounds of seagulls and cruise ship whistles were clearly heard.

The white mist dispersed again, allowing a clear sea scene to appear before Shade's eyes.

Miss Sandel emerged from the water with "surprise" and looked at the sky, the sun and everything on the sea with "excitement".

The whistle sounded louder in the distance. She was first "scared" by the huge cruise ship, and then quickly hid under the water.

However, she did not swim away or retreat into the deep sea. After cautiously discovering that the ship had no ill intentions towards her and did not even notice her, she slowly swam under the cruise ship on the seabed.

After swimming with the cruise ship for a while, she popped her head close to the side of the ship, and then smiled as she watched the tall human creations in front of her, which were as tall as the hills on the seabed, slowly moving forward on the water.

All her expressions and postures were so weird that the sunny scene seemed like a ghost story. As the fog dispersed, Miss Knight dressed in men's clothing appeared on the deck of the tall cruise ship.

This gray-haired female knight was originally capable and handsome. She was now wearing a black formal suit with short gray hair hanging loose. Although she could still tell that she was a woman, it was obviously completely different from how she looked when she was wearing armor.

She was holding a glass in her hand, standing in trance behind the railing of the deck and looking into the distance. Suddenly, accidentally, the wine glass in her hand fell into the sea.

So the "Prince" grabbed the railing with one hand and leaned out of the deck to look down. Then he saw the mermaid in the sea covering his forehead with one hand and holding the wine glass with the other, looking up half confused and half angry.


She was still a little angry at first, but when she saw the sunlight spreading down from the top of the "Prince" so that the edges of the originally handsome face seemed to be glowing, Miss Sandel immediately blushed. Of course, this

His expression was also very weird, as if he had applied too much blush directly on his cheeks.

After she smiled shyly and looked at the "prince" who was looking at her for a moment, she put the wine glass in the water. The water ball wrapped it and flew upward until it was caught by the "prince" again.

When the "prince" looked at the sea below again, the figure of the blue-haired girl was no longer there.

The "Prince" scratched his hair in confusion, then turned around and walked towards the cabin.

The scene froze, and Shade, who was sitting alone by the campfire watching this scene, continued:

"In the mermaid kingdom that returned from the sea to the deep sea, no one knew that the little mermaid had briefly come into contact with the sun and the human world just now. She hid what happened just now in her heart, but the prince quietly slipped into her at night.

In the dream, the familiar fantasy dream of the ocean was driven away.

She heard about the ship from her sister, and therefore knew the identity of the "prince". So the little mermaid longed, longed, longed to go to the sea again to see the prince just now.

The sunshine deeply attracted the girl under the sea. Finally, she made up her mind and followed the route in the horror stories told by her mother in her childhood memories to the most terrifying abyss in the deep sea."

This chapter has been completed!
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