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Chapter 2400 Choice and Return

"No matter what, without that lady, we really wouldn't be able to reach this point. Although I still don't know what He is going to do here, but it doesn't matter."

Shade shook his head and reached out to touch the Oasis Heart that Miss Sandel held very solemnly. After feeling the elements and abundant vitality in it, he formally waved goodbye to the two of them:

"Grandma Siam, Miss Sandel, the journey must come to an end. Go back, I will always keep this journey in my heart."

The old elf on crutches came forward and hugged Shade. Miss Sandel was a little embarrassed, but finally hugged Shade:

"Goodbye, strange man! I hope your journey will go farther and farther, and I hope you won't lose your way in the fog!"

Just like what Shade said, the journey will eventually end. After "losing" two companions one after another, there is one less person on the way home.

They all wanted to say a lot to Shade, but in the end, Grandma Siam Nord blessed Shade in the Elvish language and then stepped through the fog door, and the boxes floated past one after another. The blue-haired girl who was walking at the end turned around and turned to Xia De desperately.

De waved and finally took the step out.

Then the fog door left by the gods disappeared, leaving only Shade and the cat with its head sticking out of his chest in this silent sea of ​​sand.

Time had come to an end. He looked at the nearby Sun Temple and the nearby bonfire. Finally, he extinguished the bonfire and took little Mia into the temple again.

When all five people were present, the interior of the half-collapsed temple seemed a bit small, but now only Shade entered it, and the place felt a bit empty and scary.

Outside the door is a sea of ​​sand with silver moonlight floating on it, but inside the door there is only moonlight shining from the cracks in the ceiling. The moonlight illuminates the altar at the end of the temple and the wall deep in the temple.

So while the white mist was already wrapping around him, Shade quickly walked a few steps and came to the altar.

The altar in the "day" state seemed warm, but when I reached out to touch it, the altar at night was freezing cold.

Perhaps because all his familiar companions had left, Shade felt inexplicably melancholy. He did nothing but put his hands on the altar, closed his eyes and faced the moonlight:

"The sun~"

Soft sighs echoed in the temple where no one was left, and the silent sea of ​​sand remained unchanged. The wind and sand blew and covered the footprints left by the five people, just like those passing memories. The moon sets and the sun rises, and the sunshine that rose in the beginning once again

When the altar in the temple was illuminated, all traces of their existence disappeared.

But this sea of ​​sand is still peaceful.

(Little Mia is running)

After leaving the "Golden Sand Sea", because the time key had been completed, Shade appeared directly in the thick white mist.

This is the "Time Corridor", a special space independent of normal time. When Shade, who was holding the cat in the fog, raised his head, what he saw was still the huge transparent tree that seemed to connect heaven and earth.

There was obviously no wind here, but the tree crowns still made a rustling sound. The sound of the wind soothed his heart and temporarily calmed the emotions that were agitated by the end of the story. The wind of time can always heal everything, and this pair of foreigners

It also applies to people.

This time Shade did not immediately look for the falling leaves, but looked at the glowing box on his left.

After touching his pocket, the "golden lion armor" disappeared.

Xia De didn't need to express doubts, "she" smiled and said:

【You have obtained additional information.】

[Outlander, this set of armor you took away from the past has been transformed into an extraordinary item. But since it was brought to the past by you, you can make the following choices: ]

[1. At the cost of not using the normal time key for the next month, bring the armor back to your point in time; ]

[2. Give up this armor that may disrupt time and obtain an "Eternal Leaf" that does not contain any information; ]

[3. Leave the armor in the "Time Corridor", and you can conditionally take it back to the past during the normal use of the time key, and store it in the "Time Corridor" again after completing the task. 】

Although the "Eternal Youth Leaf" is very valuable, it is a gift given to Shade by Miss Gothe after all, so Shade will not consider the second option.

As for the third option, although it sounds very good, and you can turn this armor into "exclusive equipment" during time exploration without paying any price, Shade feels that this is not necessary at all.

The armor doesn't help him much, and in time exploration missions, there aren't many occasions where he needs to fight directly.

"If you don't use the key for a month, take it back."

Shade said, and then pressed the cat that was trying to get out of his clothes back into his clothes. Then he looked up at the giant transparent tree, looking at the two people from deep in the rustling canopy.

A piece of lush green leaves slowly overlapped and floated downwards.

He raised his right hand high, and the leaves fell into his palm.

He sighed softly and looked at the knight sword he held in his left hand. He finally nodded towards the giant tree. After the golden box floated to his side, Shade turned around and walked towards the depths of the thick fog behind him.


【Outlander, you have returned to the present time.】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree":]

【Infinite time will protect you.】

Just walking out of the restaurant door of Belindel Manor on Monday morning, Shade saw Luvia and Miss Belindel retreating to make way for the glowing armor box to land. Just now in the desert and

I didn't feel it in the fog, but now that I've returned to reality, the light of this box is really amazingly bright.

"Welcome back, Shade, although you were only gone for three seconds."

Luvia took the lead to walk towards Shade, gave him a warm hug, and then curiously checked the box.

Naturally, the countess came over in a reserved manner, but in front of Luvia, she was a little embarrassed to hug Shade. This was probably the biggest difference between her and other witches.

"How's it going? Can you see anything in the fog I walked into?"

After temporarily suppressing the melancholy caused by Miss Knight's departure at the end of the story, Shade asked the great witch of fate, who shook her head:

"I can't see anything. This is indeed the power left by the ancient gods. Do you want to tell us a story? And why do I feel that you are stronger than before?"

Although they had just had breakfast, for Shade, who had just opened the mystery lock with all his strength, it would be good to eat something more. Little Mia agreed with him the most.

The breakfast prepared at the count's manor every morning was definitely not the right amount, so the countess ordered Miss Matilda to bring a new breakfast to Shade.

The three of them sat down at the dining table, and Shade told the last story of the "Golden Sand Sea" while eating.

They all knew what happened twice before, so they listened to Shade talking about a group of five people heading towards the depths of the sand sea as night fell, and then ventured into the body of the worm corpse. The mermaid girl sacrificed herself to block the falling stone door.

Shade gained new spiritual runes after comprehending the story. Finally, Miss Knight was promoted to a witch and completely destroyed the worm with one sword.

"This kind of adventure is really exciting. We in this era have no chance to experience it. However, an ordinary girl can be promoted to a witch."

Miss Aurora, who only appeared in the restaurant halfway through Shade's story, held her face in profile and sighed:

"There is a difference between your description and the appointment of contemporary witches. We cannot become witches by ourselves, but rely on the power of the council. And you also know that we all become ring magicians first, and then we become witches.

You must be qualified to become a witch's apprentice and finally become a witch, so there is no need to directly work part-time as a ring warlock while obtaining the witch level."

She said to Shade, who had a life ring suspended behind him, while Luvia carefully counted Shade's spiritual runes:

"The Seven Rings now have five spirit runes, Blasphemy-Dragon, Enlightenment-Flesh, Enlightenment-Mermaid Princess, Whisper-Red Butterfly, Whisper-Prejudice. Now we still need the 'Miracle' and the Word of Sublimation spirit runes. If your sublimation

The Word Spirit rune happens to be of the 'miracle' type, so you are actually only missing one."

"Take your time, don't rush this."

Shade shook his head:

"The effect of the myth lock this time really surprised me, but it seems to be useless. More than one person has told me that in the sixth era, the material world no longer allows mortals to conduct large-scale time manipulation, even if

It probably won’t work inside the mystery lock either.”

"But small-scale time manipulation should be possible. Although it consumes a lot of money, it at least gets rid of the restrictions of the Breath of Time."

Luvia was very optimistic, and "she" in her ear said with a smile:

[Due to the special nature of the mysterious lock, even if you change the time in violation of regulations, it will only extend the unusable period of the time key. 】

Shade raised his eyebrows and asked Miss Aurora:

"Is there any record of Miss Sandel among the mermaid population?"

The great witch of light thought for a while:

"The mermaid tribe you described as the ancient mermaid should not be large. Her mother is only eleventh level. This is the best evidence. It is basically impossible for such a small and medium-sized tribe to leave records. The mermaid civilization and

The civilizations of the races on land are different, and they are not too keen on recording their own history."

Therefore, if you want to find Miss Sandel by just one name, it is actually better to go to St. Byrons or Zarath Academy of Literature and check the current list of students from the Fifth Era.

Of course, if you are looking for Granny Siam Nord, just ask Emilia to ask the elders of her clan. The elves of the Yuexi Clan are very keen on recording history, as long as the story about Granny Siam Nord is not lost in the changes of the era.

, then there is a high probability that some information can be found.

PS: Picture of this chapter "Little Mia is running"

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