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Chapter 2419: Non-Absolute Justice

Chapter 2420 Non-absolute justice

Mr. Lean quite cleverly changed the topic from "family conflicts" back to the criticism of the luxurious life of the aristocracy, and then encouraged everyone to participate in this topic.

During this period, Shade and Matilda rarely took the initiative to speak. Instead, they whispered to each other in low voices. Everyone can also understand that they are easing family conflicts, but in fact the conversation went like this:

"Is it necessary to say such a thing?"

"Well, it's probably necessary."

This can also be regarded as a small "revenge" by the maid for the "improper" behavior of the strangers in her own manor.

Looking at Xia De's slightly embarrassed expression, she felt in her heart that she seemed to be a little too much. At the same time, she felt that the man in front of her no longer seemed so distant.

He is no different from ordinary people. He also has his own embarrassments and various moods. In fact, he is not special at all.

Then the two "priests" in robes organized a variety of activities for the people participating in the rally. In addition to sharing their daily lives, they also included recruiting volunteers to help distribute leaflets tomorrow, visit elderly people living alone, and help organize

Other group activities.

As a family participating in the activities for the first time, the "Holmes" certainly did not take the initiative to sign up for these activities. However, the two were happy to interact with other people. Matilda's tips on knitting sweaters and tips on planting summer flowers were quite popular among housewives.

our welcome.

Of course, the process of the rally also included a session where different families took out their unused items for exchange and donation. At 1 p.m., when the rally was coming to an end, Mr. Parsons, who lived on the edge of downtown and ran a grocery store, was very worried.


"I don't know when this weird fog will clear up. My neighbor has already planned to temporarily move out of Yuewan City. But he can find relatives in the countryside to stay. I have no relatives here."

During the "chat" just now, the shop owner said that he came to Yuewan alone to make a living when he was 20 years old:

"And because of the fog, delivery carriages from outside the city are reluctant to enter the city, and there are many fewer guests than usual. I know that it will not take a day or two to dispel the thick fog, but this matter should not be blamed

Those factory owners? The newspaper also said that this was caused by the polluting exhaust emissions from those steam factories."

These words immediately aroused people's agreement, and the lives of everyone present were more or less affected by the luminous white mist.

Shade originally thought that the two priests would support people in condemning the factory owners, but Mr. Lean looked at the ring wizard Mr. Ronan, who said cautiously:

"Actually, we are also investigating the cause of this heavy fog. Judging from the current results, the so-called 'polluting exhaust emissions' are just an excuse to hide the truth. The truth is that the strange sounds that came out one after another some time ago were called "Kingdom" by the newspaper.

Just like when the navy tests new weapons, the truth is covered up."

It is also difficult for him to explain this matter clearly. After all, he cannot talk to ordinary people about the distortion of world power.

People could not understand the hidden meaning of these words, so they denounced the city hall and the Kingdom for always concealing various things. They complained about the high salary of civil servants, satirized the delay in completing the Yuewan Bridge, and attacked the lack of transparency in government work.

Almost everyone spoke.

Mr. Ronan was obviously at a loss, and he did not expect people's reaction to be so violent. But fortunately, there was also Mr. Lean here. This tall man spoke again to deflect the topic, and he successfully changed the subject before the meeting ended.

, let people once again begin to discuss how to unite to deal with the next possible disaster in Yuewan City.

"People are easily led."

The outsider who was watching this scene said in his heart, and then looked at Mr. Ronan:

"And in the extraordinary world, some things are indeed different from those in my hometown. An interesting world and interesting civilization."

After the meeting, many people stayed and wanted to talk to the two priests alone. After all, there were some things that couldn't be mentioned in public.

So Shade and Matilda also stayed. Shade fed little Mia with the cat food he brought with him while waiting.

But unfortunately, when it was their turn, it was Mr. Lean and not the ring warlock Mr. Ronan who talked to them alone. The blonde girl looked at Shade, who shook his head slightly to indicate that she didn't have to worry:

"Mr. Lean, you also know that this is our first time to participate in a rally. Actually, sorry, please forgive my bluntness, although I have seen your leaflet and the introducer has also talked about what you have done, but I still

I don’t understand, what exactly do you want to do?”

Before Mr. Lean smiled and wanted to explain, he quickly said:

"I know you are helping the poor and organizing people to unite against unfair things. I work on the docks and have seen what you do. It is indeed amazing, but helping others and organizing poor people to unite,

It should be just the means and not the result.”

He asked very bluntly:

"[Eternal Light] is not like a simple charity organization. Especially after my wife and I came to attend your rally today, I can deeply understand this. I am very grateful for this invitation, but I

I want to know what the two of us will do if we continue to participate."

Mr. Lean's expression remained unchanged and he nodded:

"Someone has asked this question before, and it is normal. Our goal is of course to achieve equality for everyone. There is no need to say anything too profound. We just hope that everyone can have a good meal through their own labor.

Just like you, Mr. Holmes, you support your family by working as an accountant. Under fair circumstances, even if the performance of the trading company you work for declines, you need to be notified of your dismissal in advance and compensate you for the transition period.

Although we work for others and take other people's money, we also give our own physical and spiritual energy. In this world where the value of physical and spiritual energy cannot be quantified, someone needs to take the initiative to fight for fairness."

Then he started joking again:

"I'm not talking about the managers of the dockworkers' guild. They have become 'little aristocrats' who monopolize jobs."

"Then if you succeed, will you also become them?"

Shade asked curiously, and Mr. Lean thought for a moment:

"Thinking about these things before success is just a waste of your brain. Although you can see far, sometimes you still have to take it one step at a time. I hope it won't change."

"You are a thoughtful person."

The stranger praised him, and Mr. Lean immediately shook his head:

"You haven't seen our Archbishop 'The Devotee'. When he came into contact with [Eternal Light], we were just a mess. He told us what to do. In fact, he has always opposed the use of church structures within the organization.

This will not only make enemies for oneself and easily arouse the hostility of the Zhengshen Church, but also easily make the 'priests' who hold power feel that they are superior."

“So why not make changes?”

Shade said, and Mr. Lean sighed:

"After all, the Archbishop 'The Devotee' is not the founder of [Eternal Light]. Although he is very powerful, I mean very charming, that gentleman has never advocated using violence to solve problems. He has been quietly changing [

Eternal Light], relatively speaking, the church structure is a minor problem."

He also realized that he seemed to have said too much, but he did not know that this was Shade using "hypnosis" techniques to induce him to relax his vigilance with mental power.

"That's the end of the conversation, Mr. Holmes and Mrs. Holmes. We look forward to seeing you next time. Young couples like you rarely join us. After all, most of those who can understand what is wrong with this society have rich life experiences.

middle-aged people."

Shade did not try to continue the conversation. After saying goodbye to Mr. Lean, he took Matilda's hand and left.

It wasn't until the two of them walked out of the "Lark Opera House" and returned to the street that the blonde girl asked in a low voice:

"Sorry, I still don't quite understand, what is the point of investigating [Eternal Light] like this?"

"A relic that may exist, and I suspect that the archbishop of [Eternal Light], the 'Pious Practitioner', is my friend."

Although Matilda was still a little confused, the maid's rules told her not to ask further questions:

"What's next?"

"Let's wait a moment and see where the two priests are going. Our performance just now was pretty good and should not have aroused suspicion. But we can't underestimate them too much. The police have been investigating [Eternal Light]. If they have no clue

Without the awareness of counter-reconnaissance, the organization has been destroyed long ago.”

There was an alley between the Opera House and the clothing store on the left, and the two of them walked there. Because Matilda's sixth ring was one ring lower than Shade's, Shade cast a spell, and while the red butterflies were flying,

The two figures disappeared into the fog at the entrance of the alley.

"Do you think [Eternal Light] is doing the right thing? When Miss talked about them before, she thought they were idealists destined to tragedy."

Matilda suddenly asked again, and Shade turned his head slightly to look at her, whose eyes were very bright.

"It's hard to evaluate whether it's right or wrong. There is no absolute right thing in this world."

"What a cunning remark, 'Mr. Holmes.'"

The head maid said, and then asked:

"Isn't even justice absolutely correct?"

Shade stared at the building again:

"Justice is certainly not absolutely right.

I heard an old story not long ago. Please tell me what if I saved a weak child because of justice, and decades later he became a bad guy and killed an innocent person. The innocent person might curse me like this before he died:

That person at that time, why did he save this bastard? Otherwise, I wouldn't have died.

So was it the right thing for me to save that weak child in the first place?"

He nodded to himself:

"Judging from the scale of time, justice is not absolute."

This chapter has been completed!
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