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Chapter 2423 Melis Book Club

Chapter 2424 Melis Book Club

"Grace! Helen!"

Shade was surprised how they came. Grace heard the sound, turned around and said with a sweet smile:

"Good evening, sir. Helen and I have not seen baby unicorns for hundreds of years. The elf lady just said that this is the population of St. Byrons. Then maybe, when we were in the Fifth Epoch,

It even played with its ancestors."

"Good evening, sir!"

Helen in black skirt also said happily and explained the reason why they came here:

"We didn't know you were injured until Xina received Megan's letter. Before we left last time, we went to the dragon's nest you mentioned and touched the statue, so we came directly. No, we can't leave Middleburg for a long time.

, go back after dinner!”

Shade didn't comment on how long they could stay away from there. The two sisters just wanted to be happy:

"I'm fine, I just have a scar."

"That's not okay!"

Helen had a strong opinion about this:

"It affects how you feel about us!"

They walked towards Shade with the trembling little princess and elf girl looking scared, but the little unicorn who finally "escaped" was obviously relieved.

"Good evening, Cat!"

Grace even greeted little Mia on Shade's shoulder, and the cat just responded with a "meow~", so this cat is much braver than the little unicorn, or it may be because it is not conscious.

to Grace and Helen.

In short, the two sisters each held one of Shade's hands, and then gently licked the scar.

When the feeling of wenreshirun disappeared and Shade looked at his hand again, the blood on the scar had disappeared. The two scars shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, and disappeared completely in half a minute.

"[Blood Sorrow] is not as strong as us! Even before you, Mr. Reunion, it was not as strong as us!"

Helen said proudly, as if she wanted Shade to praise her. Of course, neither she nor Grace would say it. In fact, they only needed to touch the scar, and there was no need to touch it at all.

"Yes, you are really awesome."

Shade smiled and said, this is also true. Humanoid relics are generally stronger than other relics of the same danger level. The [Red Butterfly Twins] who are responsible for sealing the unknown relic [The Narrow Room of Life and Death] are the strongest angels, and

[Blood Sorrow] is only at the sage level.

Not to mention it was just a scar, even if [Blood Sorrow] was here, the two of them would dare to break it directly.

During dinner, Grace and Helen sat next to Shade, one on the left, and next to them were Luvia and Miss Swift, who were not afraid of them.

Because the Red Butterfly girls were on the east side of the dining table, even though Emilia was at the end of the east side of the dining table, the little unicorn still went around to the west side of the dining table to eat during dinner. But fortunately, at least the witches did not

They didn't show much concern about their appearance. After all, apart from the owner of this house, the ladies had seen them when they were in Green Lake.

Shade only hopes that this incident will not leave too many "childhood shadows" on little Leanna.

After dinner, the two sisters took Shade to a remote corridor and talked for a while before saying goodbye to him. Then they returned to Castle Middleton with the dessert that Miss Belindle asked them to give to Cassandra's mother-in-law.

Shade also hurriedly tidied up, and after leaving the cat behind, he followed Megan into the vast night mist. Naturally, he didn't take the carriage because he didn't want to make too much noise.

"Are butterflies delicious?"

Megan suddenly asked, and Shade looked at her in surprise, only to find that she was clearly smiling.

Thick fog enveloped the night sky, the temperature dropped sharply after nightfall, and even glowing snowflakes floated in the fog.

The snowflakes were not dense, but they were very big. Shade caught one of them casually and watched it melt into his hands, while the light on the snowflakes blended into the thick fog.

"It really feels like the movement is getting louder every time."

Megan added, the scarf wrapped around the lower half of her face, and the hood of the lady's robe to avoid the cold tightly covered her brown hair and forehead:

"Although such luminous dense fog only appears in the urban area of ​​Yuewan City, I heard that the light in the entire Yuewan area has caused the food in this area to wither on a large scale. With Yuewan as the center, the Old Continent is suffering from skin diseases

And the number of people suffering from psychosis, now known as 'day sickness', has increased dramatically."

She sighed slightly:

"I really don't know what will happen in the future."

"On a brighter note, at least my psychiatrist friend's business won't be short of customers."

Shade made a joke that was not funny, paused and then said:

"Don't worry, I'm here."

"Yes, it's good to have you."

She pursed her lips and smiled, and suddenly heard an unusual noise at the entrance of the alley in front of her. Then the two of them saw an extremely huge "person" whose body was charred, with a glowing body, a stretched neck, and a glowing head lowered.

", jumped out from the alley.

"Lightbulb Man."

Megan took Shade's hand and moved aside, watching as a team of five Ring Warlocks chased him out of the alley.

A seven-ring life ring floated behind the ring warlock at the front, and the slender rope in his hand created large swaths of darkness as it danced.

So the monsters and ring wizards ran into the depths of the fog again. No one noticed Megan and Shade, but both of them felt their hearts become heavy inexplicably.

In this kind of weather, few people go out at night, which also means that even at night, few shops on the street still have their lights on. This is completely different from the prosperous scene that Xia De saw when he first arrived in Yuewan.

The "Merris Book Club" located in the south of the downtown area was one of the few shops with lights still on this Wednesday night. When Shade and Megan came here, there was only a pub and a hotel open near the club. Shade

I specifically checked the signboards of the two stores and was relieved to find that there was no word "rose" in them.

The decoration of the "Meilis Book Club" is very elegant and high-end. Even in the downtown area, an institution like a small library must maintain the dignity of readers.

The door of the club is single-opening, with frosted glass inlaid in the center of the copper-colored metal door. The logos of books, coffee and cards are drawn on the door with protruding lines. As for the door handle, it is a simple long strip of golden copper at both ends.


Opening the door, as the jingle bell rang, the rich aroma of coffee and black tea, along with a bit of paper, ink and books, and warm air hit my face.

Directly after entering the door was the open interior of the club, with rows of bookshelves under the gas chandelier. The lady behind the small counter next to the door smiled and nodded at the two of them, so Meghan took off her scarf and hood and handed over the advance card.

The club membership card I got.

Behind the counter is not a wall, but a wooden cabinet-style product display cabinet. In addition to books, there are actually six special card-faced Rhodes cards sandwiched in glass plates placed on the cabinet.

Shade's eyes were immediately attracted. Fortunately, he remembered to do business and did not linger in front of the counter to see what the local store's "inventory" was like.

There were not many guests in the library. There were less than ten people on the first floor of the three-story building, and most of them were staring intently at the books in their hands.

The place Shad and Nadia Foran agreed to meet was on the second floor, but it was still early and the vigilant lady had not arrived yet. So Megan proposed to temporarily separate from Shad, and the two of them went to the library separately.

Take a turn and confirm the situation here:

"Of course, you can also go to the counter and take a look at the Rhodes cards sold here. Although they are just special cards with no special rules, they should also arouse your interest."

She said this deliberately, and Shade took the initiative to point upward in order to prove his "innocence":

"I'm going to the second floor to take a look. Don't underestimate my determination in doing important things."

Meghan seemed to be smiling happily.

The second and third floors of the club require higher-level memberships to go up. The second floor is still full of bookshelves, but there is a row of long tables beside the table for people to sit and copy books. The third floor is half bookshelves and half quilts.

More than ten soundproof cubicles have been divided so that people in need can talk in them.

Just as he said, Shade and Megan temporarily separated and went to the second floor.

He had no special purpose, he just wandered around the bookshelves, occasionally stopping to read the words on the spines.

The books here are all in Carsonic. Although the library is not big, the categories of books it covers are really comprehensive. As Shade walked, he suddenly wanted to look for Dorothy's books here.

"Hamilton Detective Stories".

But after searching around the popular novel section, he couldn't find it. He could only comfort himself, maybe the library didn't include the newly translated novel.

I continued to walk aimlessly among the bookshelves until I glanced at the bookshelves. On the bookshelf under the "Philosophy" category, I actually saw a book called "Love and Roses" with the subtitle in small letters "Roses and Mermaids in Popular Culture"



Shade's interest was immediately aroused, so he reached out and pressed his fingers on the top of the spine of the book, and pulled out the book. The night outside was foggy and snowing, so this warm and comfortable library was more suitable for reading.

Kill the waiting time.

But when Shade took down the book with the gilded title, the book on the opposite bookshelf that happened to be right next to it was also taken down by another person at the same position.

Therefore, two people in different aisles saw the person opposite through the gap in the books.

The top of his head was very bald, leaving only hairy stubble. His skin was dark, and his eyes were extremely double-eyelid. Although Shade couldn't see the whole body of the person opposite due to the restrictions of the bookshelf, the other person was wrapped in a piece of clothing.

Common ones are the old-fashioned brown robes often worn by people in desert areas.

Shade was startled, and then said softly:

"Mr. Sean Asmon?"

This chapter has been completed!
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