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Chapter 2435 [Moon in the Water]

Chapter 2436 [Moon in the Water]

The restaurant on the ship has not been renovated and is still used as a restaurant. After everyone sat down, Iluna gave Shade the small suitcase in her hand:

"For you."


After opening it, he saw the bright red stone embedded in it. Shade raised his eyebrows:

"The Philosopher's Stone again?"

Counting the piece left by Edwards and fused with the church's gift, and one of the three gifts obtained from Coldwater Port, this is already the third Philosopher's Stone in Shad's hands.

"Such a generous offer? What does the church want Shade to do?"

Vanessa responded quickly. This beautiful blonde opera singer has now taken time out and will stay here forever.

"It's just a small gift for the God Caller. I hope he can take action at the right time."

Iluna shook her head slightly:

"The church has no way to contact Shade directly, so it can only let me, a person who has had contact with the 'God Caller', try it. This situation is very special. When the righteous gods cannot descend, the only one in the material world

The only possibility for the non-evil god to descend is Shade. The church hopes that I can bring back a direct answer from the 'God Caller'."

"I think I'm fine."

Shade nodded.

"There are other rewards after the Battle of Moon Bay. This is just a deposit. I can get some good things for you when the time comes."

The eighteen-year-old girl said with a smile, while Luvia asked:

“Is the Church Ready for God to Come?”

"Yes, the righteous gods have given an oracle, and more than one 'unknowable relic' can be used this time."

These highest-level dangerous relics are the only way mortals can possibly restrict the gods. But even the unknown-level relics can only slightly restrict the gods in certain aspects. This restriction is not strong, but in Shade's view,

Something is better than nothing.

"I won't go into detail about the information about the unknowable relics. I couldn't stand hearing that information. But Shade, you should still remember the level 0 relic [Diesel's Sword], right?"

Iluna asked again, and Megan asked first:

"Are you talking about the relic that can temporarily confine the descended saint to a certain area and cannot leave?"

Shade also recalled:

"Of course I remember, on the night of Tobesk's arrival last summer, it was because of this relic that the [Lord of the Blood Feast] briefly stayed in the house where God descended, allowing me time to arrive."

"The broken sword has also been delivered and is stored in the holy cabinet. The diviners of the Prophet Association believe that the location of the divine descending ceremony is most likely the [Dragon Feast Sacrificial Site], which is consistent with Luvia's divination.

So once the descent of the gods begins, the relic is used to restrict the gods from leaving the sacrificial site in a short period of time, thus facilitating the transfer of the city."

"Can't we evacuate Moon Bay in advance?"

Shade asked, and then he knew it was a stupid question:

"Yuewan is really too big. The population here is on the order of millions or tens of millions."

"Yes, and there is not enough time. The cultists will definitely take the opportunity to cause chaos during the evacuation, and the situation will be more complicated by then."

Iluna agreed, but Vanessa still had questions:

"But the question is, can the church be sure that the god who swallowed the dragon must appear in the form of a saint this time?"

"I don't know."

Iluna shook her head:

"Of course, the more important thing is another thing. You all know about the unknowable relic [Moon in the Water], right? The flawless moon stone that Shade got some time ago is a derivative of this relic. [Moon in the Water]

In the area where it appears, the moon will appear in all water bodies at night, and this relic can actually directly transform day into night."

This is something that even the witches don’t know about, and this is the first time that Shade has heard of it:

"Didn't you say that this relic has been missing for a long time?"

"In fact, it was secretly housed by [Zalas Academy of Literature]. Everyone has their own secrets, which is understandable. The body of the relic is actually a basin of water, and there is a reflection of the moon in the water at all times. But if you want to activate this relic,

The day-night switching feature requires a high-level warlock with the power of the 'moon' to summon the moonlight."

Iluna said to Shade:

"Who else can you think of besides you?"

"Miss Denister, oh, I don't know if her affairs have been settled yet."

"The news given by St. Byrons is that the 'Red Moon Witch' Danist will definitely be able to arrive before the final battle. But the day-night conversion feature of this relic was activated last time, but in the early sixth era, who

We don’t know what will happen, so for the sake of insurance, the church hopes you can help.

The light at night is weaker than during the day, and the church hopes not to engage in divine warfare under the sun."

"After the characteristics of this relic are activated, can it be contained again?"

Meghan asked again:

"Once an unknown relic gets out of control, in my opinion, it is no different from a god descending."

Iluna shrugged:

"Now let's deal with the matter of God's descent first."

"That's okay with me. I also want to see the relic."

Shade suspected that the relic was also one of the fragments of the "Primordial Moon". The huge moon suspended in the [Silver Moon Library] was just one of the debris, and probably the largest one. And Shade had been looking forward to entering the library again, through

If you touch the wreckage, you have a "probability" to see the ancient god of Silver Moon.

There is currently no chance to enter the library, but it is still necessary to see the unknown relic.

"Okay, I'll bring the news back. The best place to use [Moon in the Water] is at a high place. In the end, it will probably be on Belindle Big Ben. Wait for my news then."

Iluna came and left quickly, but she said that tomorrow was Saturday, and in order to prevent problems early on Sunday morning, she planned to spend the night on the boat tomorrow night.

As for the reason why she left the church, it was easy to find. She just went out to investigate with Sister Devlin. The church would obviously not doubt the request made by the two chosen people.

After Iluna left, Shade stayed on the boat for a while, then threw away his glass slippers and went home. He took Dorothy and Lesia to Belindle Manor in turn. Dorothy, who arrived first, went to the boat and wore

Wearing a summer dress and wearing a large beige hat, Lesia looked like she was traveling and staying at Belindle Manor.

Agelina, who knew that her sister was coming, was waiting in the foyer in advance. Seeing Lesia and Shade appear, she immediately ran over and hugged Lesia. Lesia smiled and asked, "Ajie."

"Lina, how are you doing?", the little princess felt a little guilty and did not dare to look at her.

After all, she had recently spent a lot of time reading novels with Emilia, brushing the little unicorn's hair, and exploring on the "Brilliant Messenger", and not much time to really do serious things.

Lesia knew her sister very well and could tell what she was thinking right away. She glanced at Shade who was helping her carry the suitcase, signaled him not to speak, and then said to Agelina:

"When you're done with things here, tell me what you did this summer in Moon Bay."

She took off her hat and handed it to the maid beside her. Her long, silky red hair looked even brighter under the light of the manor's foyer. However, the smile on the princess's face was not "bright" at all. She stared at her sister:

"I suddenly had an inspiration recently and have already thought of a way to punish you."

Agelina lowered her head and tried to cast a look at Shade for help, but was immediately noticed by Lesia:

"Remember those books of yours I confiscated?"

Of course Agelina will not forget it.

"Before you left Tobesk, I asked you some questions. When we get home, if your answers don't satisfy me, Agelina, I will hold a reading party."

She smiled, still staring at her sister:

"How about staying at Shade's house? In Room 2 on the second floor. Close the door, tighten the curtains, put a few comfortable chairs in the living room, and put wooden candlesticks between the chairs for lighting. You are wearing underwear,

Stand in front and read your "extracurricular books". Me, Dorothy, Shade, and Carina are drinking tea and eating snacks, listening to you "reciting" those articles. Oh, and maybe inviting Luvia

, Helen and Grace are coming too."

Agelina's face turned red just by imagining that scene. Although she and Shade both knew that Lesia was definitely joking, the little princess also almost understood that her sister might really be a little bit this time.



Shade said immediately, but the princess flicked her hair:

"Knight, you don't need to be a good person. I have a sense of proportion."

As he spoke, he strode towards the stairs, but paused after reaching the first step:

"Of course, if you can answer my questions well, Agelina, I will not be stingy in giving you some of the rewards you have always wanted."

After saying that, she continued to walk upstairs. The little princess bit her lip and looked up at Shade, who also looked at her. After looking at each other for a brief two seconds, Shade quickly caught up with Lei who was going up the stairs.

Qiya, her apartment is still the same as Dorothy's last time.

Agelina was left to turn around and look at them, then looked down at her hands.

(Little Mia is running)

Night, six fifty.

The thick fog in the urban area of ​​Yuewan City has gradually spread to the Black Forest area far away from the city, and the woods at the foot of Crow Mountain are also hazy.

The bell rang, followed by the rhythmic sound of horse hooves trampling on the forest path from afar. A motorcade carrying fresh vegetables, fruits and meat slowly moved forward in the forest, and each carriage was hung with a

Horse lanterns and the guards following the convoy also carried firearms. After all, the forest at night is not a safe place.

The path extends upwards, and at the end is the overly armed Helmington Castle on the mountain. Before reaching the castle, people came out of the forest one after another to check the convoy, focusing on whether there were people in the big baskets or the cars.

Is there anything hidden underneath?

After confirming that there was no problem in front of the ravine outside the castle, the patrolling guard blew the whistle hanging around his neck. The sharp sound frightened a large number of crows, and with a squeaking sound, they blocked the castle gate.

The wooden bridge in front was slowly lowered when the hook lock was released.

This chapter has been completed!
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