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Chapter 2456 The Third 'Guidance'

Chapter 2457 The Third "Guidance"

The priest struggled to look up at the source of the light, and saw Shad's face appearing on the side of the hole above, followed by his surprised voice:

"We found the priest! I said that the ability to listen to the beating of the heart is the most suitable person to find in this situation!"

"Detective, get out of the way, I'll do it."

Another familiar voice sounded, and then the entire ruins shook. A few seconds later, two tall figures dug up the boulders and beams on the ruins, one on the left and the other on the right. Rat stood up and knelt at the bottom of the ruins.

August looked at Shade Hamilton and Bill Schneider with their backs to the sun behind the white fog, and together they stretched out their hands to him from a higher place:

"Priest Augustus, give us your hand and we will pull you up!"

At that moment, all the despair, doubts and coldness in his heart disappeared. The old man did not hold their hands, but looked at his right hand, then lowered his head and cried.

Shade looked at this scene in surprise, and then looked at the doctor. Bill Schneider, a professional psychiatrist, was also stunned, and then shook his head at Shade:

"It's okay, he needs to vent. Didn't you hear three other heartbeats? Oh, there, there are three children! Detective, hurry!"

After saying that, he jumped down, and Shade immediately followed. When he stepped into the deep pit, "she" in his ear said softly:

【Outlander, you have guided a hero, and you have some insights into "guidance".】

[Note that this is the third time that I have comprehended "Guidance". Next time I will definitely obtain spiritual runes, the type of which is determined by the content of my comprehension. 】

"Huh? What did I do? No one drew the sword this time, and I didn't discuss justice with anyone~"

The confused foreigner asked in his heart, "she" did not answer, but her laughter was gentler than usual.

The three unconscious children were quickly moved to the ground, and the crying priest August followed them out of the ruins.

At this time, the entire building of the Yuewan City Orphanage had completely collapsed, and a surrounding street was also severely damaged. Dr. Schneider went to help the priest find his luggage from the ruins. It was nearby, and there were some magic potions and spellcasting materials in it.


Shade first used holy water to treat the wounds of the priests and children, then used the liquid treated with [Full Food] to heal the wounds, and finally grabbed the [Night Watch] and raised it high:

“Sunlight Healing!”

Amplified by the [Night Watch], the warm yellow sunlight that was brighter and more pure than usual radiated from top to bottom in a cone shape and enveloped everyone. Even the uninjured Shade felt very comfortable when he was enveloped by this light:

"I knew that [Night Watch]'s power to increase the daylight series would be even more obvious."

Thinking in his mind, he found another towel and handed it to the priest. As for the three children, they were lying on the heating pad that Shade took out, sleeping peacefully in the sun.

"You guys, how did you find me?"

Priest August, who calmed down a little but still had red eyes, asked Shade. At this time, the doctor also came back with his suitcase, and answered the question for Shade:

"Although the detective and I both knew that you worked in an orphanage, we all thought that you had gone to the Red Heart Orphanage outside the city with the children. I was just in the city with the glowing monster and the vampire monster that came out of the sewer.

fight, then"

The blue-eyed psychiatrist frowned slightly, unable to describe the feeling:

"Light, well, like a halo that only appears at dawn, suddenly appeared in front of my eyes. I thought it was an illusion or a trap, or a strange relic. The detective said that there are a lot of such relics in the Moon Bay area recently. But

I still followed the light and walked forward. The light was really warm.

Then I met the detective flying in the air. After he met me, he also saw the strange halo that I was following. So we acted together and came here. The detective heard the heartbeat under the ruins, and the two of us almost guessed it.

What do I have to do.

The combination of the thaumaturgy of sensing heartbeats and [fossils turning into mud] is really convenient in this situation.”

"That strange halo has strong traces of miraculous elements, but I don't know what it is. But it disappeared after we got here. Its purpose should be to let us rescue you."

Shade said that [Sunlight Healing] is still maintained, and there is an increase in [Night Watch] during the daytime phase. The healing effect of this spell is perfect.

Priest Augustus did not ask how Shade had learned the thaumaturgy of the Church of the Sun, but said softly:

"Yes, I just prayed to my Lord [Mr. Dawn] that you might have encountered a divine revelation."

Shade and the doctor looked at each other in surprise. Shade was about to say something when Priest August shook his head:

"Detective, don't waste your energy on continuing treatment. I'm already cured."

He was originally sitting on the ground, but now he stood up while holding on to the ground. Priest Augustus always gave Shade the impression of an elderly man, but seeing him straighten up now, both Shade and the doctor clearly felt that he was an old man.

I suddenly became much younger.

The steam mist dispersed behind Priest Augustus. In the whistle and the death-like bells, the priest's four-ring life ring appeared. The core spiritual rune [Glimmer] bloomed with faint light, and the priest gently pressed it.

After tapping his right shoulder blade, a special light appeared and then went out.

Priest August closed his eyes and let out a long breath, and the strange shadow of spread wings flashed behind his life ring.

Both Shade and the doctor took a step back in surprise. Priest Augustus, who opened his eyes, shook his head again and said to Shade:

"Don't worry about that bone anymore, it's fine."

"Although I still don't quite understand what happened, it's good that it's okay. The bones belong to you."

Priest Augustus said to the doctor again:

"It will take about half an hour for my strength to fully recover. Could you please accompany me to send these three children to the Red Heart Orphanage outside the city?"


Dr. Schneider naturally would not refuse:

"I'm not worried about you being alone. I don't even dare to think about what would have happened if the detective and I didn't show up just now. If those three children died in front of you, you probably wouldn't say anything about it. Oh, detective, I'm with you now.

The priest will go out of the city together and come back after dropping off the children. Don't worry, we can catch up and help you no matter what."

"Don't be so anxious. There are no signs of God coming now."

Shade shook his head. In fact, he was also worried about them. He didn't want to call all his friends to help, only to have them seriously injured in the end.

Without further ado, the priest and the doctor took their three children and set off immediately. But before leaving, the priest told Shade one more thing:

"These lights and fog are very strange. The departing souls are imprisoned in the fog."

"What's the meaning?"

Shade asked, and the priest just explained in a low voice:

"Since this morning, the souls of all the people who died in Yuewan City have not gone to where they should go, but are bound by the light in the fog. Because the breath of death is completely suppressed by the light, there will be no wave of resentful spirits.

, but this phenomenon is very wrong.”

Shade suddenly thought of the memory in the "past life" where Miss Brown's soul melted into light and finally became a "Petitioner of Light".

"Have those souls dissolved?"

"No, at least not yet."

"I'm more worried about detective you than that."

The doctor raised his eyebrows at Shade:

"Can you really solve what happens next?"

"believe him."

Instead, it was the priest who spoke for Shade, which shocked both Shade and the doctor. After all, at times like this in the past, the priest was always more worried than anyone else.

Although the old priest's eyes were still a little red, his hand on Shade's shoulder was extremely strong:

"Since the detective has chosen this path and chosen to stay here, he has his own reasons. We just need to help him as much as possible. The future is in our own hands and we believe in him."

Dr. Schneider couldn't help but sigh:

"If we had known earlier that your trip to Yuewan would be so effective in treating psychological problems, we would have let you come a few months earlier. Well, detective, you should be more careful and we will leave first."

"Be careful."

Priest August also said to Shade, and threw him a bottle of No. 2 holy water. Then he and the doctor walked to the Mist Orphanage with the three children in their arms. The horse pulling the carriage was killed by the collapsed stable.

Shade watched them leave, then turned around and prepared to return to Belindel Manor:

"The priest seemed to have completely figured it out. If he told Dorothy about this, I wonder what she would think."

But following the doctor and the halo here, he went around the city in a big circle.

Other buildings on the street where the Yuewan City Orphanage is located were also damaged, but only the orphanage building completely collapsed, so Shade didn't need to think about helping.

And when he found the alley and was about to turn into a red butterfly again in the alley, another person came from the exit at the other end of the alley.

The other party had a large black birthmark on his face, and he was holding a very strange thing in his hand. Above the rectangular bronze handle were four dragon heads facing in four directions, and the eyes of the dragon head facing Shade were shining in the fog.

glowing red.

Shade was startled, and then he recognized the other person as a ring warlock with black dragon scales on his face who had fought against him many times in the Dragon Feast Order.

I don't know whether the other party recognized him, Shad, but the other party was obviously much stronger than the previous two meetings. After seeing Shad, the cultist suddenly stretched his neck without any hesitation, and then the human head immediately turned into a

A huge black dragon head with extremely disproportionate body proportions opened its mouth and sprayed out blazing black flames in Shade's direction.

The flames rushed along the alley like water rushing along the river, but as a brilliant moonlight appeared, the sword light split the sea of ​​​​fire and rushed towards the head dragon, but was blocked at the last moment by the strange bronze detector in the hands of the cultists.

With a clang~, the detector was knocked out and inserted diagonally into the wall of the alley. Shade took a step forward and came directly in front of the cultist. He swung his sword and chopped off the black dragon's head.

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