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Chapter 2460 Lifting the Moon

Chapter 2461 Lifting the Moon

The whispering element suddenly increased the moment the water surface rose. When the height of the liquid surface stopped rising, its intensity level had reached a level that made Shade feel dizzy even if he didn't look at it.

In addition, he also had a very strange feeling. He wanted to drink the water in the basin.


A dark golden shimmer emanated from the scale turned into a life ring held by Iluna. With the power of the chosen one, Shade and the frowning Miss Daniste felt better.

"Red Moon Witch" is almost the pinnacle of ring warlocks in this era, but she also knows not to waste time:

"Let's just do it. Shade, grab the edge of the stone basin with both hands and submerge your fingers lightly into the water."

The two of them grabbed the relic, one on the left and the other on the right. The cold but gentle touch made Shade feel that what she was grasping was not like a stone at all. When her hand touched the stone, "she" had no reaction. When her fingers touched,

After reaching the liquid, "she" smiled softly in Shade's ear:

【Outlander, you feel the "whisper".】

[You touched the second fragment of the original moon, Thaumaturgy-Ancient Voice triggers:]

[The collapse of the original moon occurred at the end of the first era. There is no need to try to gather the fragments of the first moon, which is meaningless.]

There was surprisingly little information this time, but Shade didn't have time to think about it.

At this time, he and Miss Danister had released their own life rings, and Iluna, because she was right next to the two of them, could see the thirteen rings of the St. Byrons librarian the most clearly.

The life ring is gorgeous enough, but the size of her life ring is only about two-thirds of Shade's. This is not the largest state of Shade's life ring that Iluna has ever seen.

"Shad, you just need to remember one thing: no matter what happens, you must not try to put your body into the water, otherwise you will melt in the water."

The core spiritual runes [Red Moon] and [Silver Moon] of the two people have spontaneously projected spiritual light towards the water basin under the stimulation of the relics, and in that light, the originally empty water basin actually appeared.

The reflection of the pale moon.

Iluna looked up and found that the skylight had not changed at all.

"Xia De, do this with me next. If you feel something is wrong, please take your hand away immediately."

Miss Daniste continued speaking, and then she slowly slid her hand that was holding the edge of the stone basin into the bottom of the basin. The ripples caused by the smooth hands entering the water made the unclearly colored moon shadow in the water even more intense.

of solidification.

Shade also followed her movements, and when their hands were touching each other at the bottom of the stone basin, Miss Daniste, whose forehead was already sweating, took Shade's hand and slowly lifted it up.

At first, Shade could only feel a little pressure from the liquid, but soon he felt that he had touched an indescribable thing in the water. There was no touch, no specific shape, but there was indeed a weight.

The invisible object became heavier and heavier, and in the end, Shade even had to adjust his posture to more conveniently borrow strength from the ground at the top of the tower. Fortunately, other than that, Shade didn't feel anything else strange.

But he soon discovered that something was wrong with Miss Daniste's situation, because the parts of her hands submerged in the water were actually becoming transparent, and the transparent trend had even spread to her elbows after her sleeves were rolled up.

"Don't look at me distractedly."

The red-haired lady warned, her voice trembling, but Shade still just felt that the thing he was holding was a little heavy.

Iluna, who was holding the scale, naturally noticed that the two people's states were very different, but she said nothing. She just saw the four hands of Shade and Miss Denister emerging from the water with their fingers almost intertwined.

, and then curled his lips with some dissatisfaction.

The four hands held together held a shallow liquid, and in the liquid was the reflection of the silver moon on the bright night.

Although Miss Daniste was confused as to why she was stronger than Shade and the silver moon appeared instead of the red moon, she still continued her actions:


The arms continued to be raised, and even Iluna was unable to suppress the whispering element at this moment. In addition to their hands, the light of the silver moon appeared in the stone basin, and even on the ground. In the eyes of the people under the tower

, the top of the tower shrouded in thick fog at this moment seemed like a full silver moon rising.

What's more important is that in the space around the bodies of Shade and Miss Danister, whose hands are connected, a layer of rich night has emerged.

At this time, Miss Daniste's arms had completely turned into translucent silver, and sweat was flowing down her cheeks. Shade still looked fine except that his hands were wet with water.

"Miss Denister, you are going to fight in a while, please let it go."

He said softly, not to show off but because he really felt that there was nothing wrong with him, and "she" didn't even give any hint of physical or mental damage.

"It doesn't matter, as long as the moon rises, my arm can recover."

The sorceress said with a trembling voice. Shade did not doubt that she could indeed recover, but the war was imminent. For the sake of safety, there was no need to let Miss Danister consume too much here.

"Iluna, please pull Miss Denist away."

"Miss Bayas, I'm fine."

Two people have two different opinions, but the girl holding the scale just blinked, then grabbed the scale with one hand and reached out to Miss Daniste with the other.

For Iluna, there is no need to hesitate about this kind of thing.

She just gave a symbolic tug, and the helpless Miss Danister took the initiative to leave all the liquid in her hand to Shade, and took her hand out of Shade's hand.

Sure enough, after withdrawing her hands, the rich night darkness around her body disappeared, and the abnormalities in her arms quickly recovered. She withdrew her life ring, rubbed her shoulders and looked at Shade with Iluna.

Shade looked up at his raised arms. After his hands reached their highest point, the librarian lady also gave her final instructions:

"Imagine the moon rising into the night sky, and imagine the night hanging over our heads."

Almost at the moment her voice fell, the "moon" in the liquid held by Shade flew high into the sky on its own.

It carried the night around Shade's body and disappeared into the sky above their heads. The three of them raised their heads together. Just a few seconds later, the skylight suddenly dimmed. And half a minute later, the thick and insoluble night had already shrouded it.

Above the head, even though the entire city was filled with glowing white fog, no one doubted that the long night had fallen.

Above the thick fog, the bright three-wheeled moon can be directly observed with the naked eye. In the stone basin between the three people, the clear and luminous liquid still has the reflection of the silver moon.

The moon in the water seems to be touchable, but it is just a shadow.

[Outlander, you successfully created the night with the help of the power of the relic. 】

【You have some insights into the "dark night".】

"Well, if I remember correctly, when I was in [Eternal Night City], I had already realized the 'dark night' three times. This is the fourth time, and I haven't obtained the spiritual rune yet?"

[It is only a high probability to obtain spiritual runes after three realizations, you have to learn to wait.]

"She" smiled softly in Shade's ear. Shade felt as if he was being hugged from behind, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to see anything even if he turned around.

Iluna was still looking down at the moon in the stone basin, when a flash of silver suddenly flashed in her peripheral vision. She looked at Shade in surprise, but found nothing:

"Am I too stressed lately?"

"It was successful. I didn't expect it to be so smooth."

The red-haired sorceress shifted her gaze from the moon above her head to Shade's face with a smile on her face:

"You are better than I thought."

Shade was a little embarrassed:

"Does anyone need to supervise this relic here?"

"After you leave later, the church's ring magician will be in charge here. But tomorrow morning, newspapers all over the world will report on this sudden 'solar eclipse'."

"How do you explain the moon? Will the moon appear during a solar eclipse?"

Shade asked again curiously. Just as Iluna was about to explain to him, she suddenly stretched out her hand to catch a drop of rain.

In just a few seconds, heavy rain mixed with blizzards covered the city under the dark night. Iluna asked in shock:

"I know it's raining and snowing in the marina and harbor areas, but not in the city."

"It's coming."

Shade stood on the commanding heights of Yuewan City and turned to look to the south of the city:

"The evil thing in the deep sea - the player of Nanao is here."


"Iluna, you stay here. According to the information I got, the divine descending will definitely happen in the city. You must stay here."

After speaking, he asked Miss Denister:

"Want to go together?"

When he left the manor just now, Shade said that if something unexpected happened, he would not return to the manor and would directly join the battlefield.

The sorceress nodded naturally:


As he spoke, he extended his hand to Sha De, meaning to take him and fly over. But Sha De shook his head, walked a few steps quickly and jumped off the top of the tower.

A few seconds later, amid the exclamations coming from the fog around the tower, silver luminous scales first appeared across the ground on the terrace at the top of the tower, and then the huge "Moonlight Dragon" faucet emerged from under the tower.

Shade's unique serious look could still be seen in his golden and silver eyes. Shade had the last bottle of "Transformation Reduction Potion" he got from Emilia, and he transformed it without any hesitation.


Eyes larger than the sorceress's own looked at Miss Daniste, she smiled, and then as the dragon spread its wings and flew into the southern night sky, it turned into a red light and flew behind it.

Iluna was left unhappy, holding her scale with one hand and watching them disappear:

"Really, it's not my turn this time"

Dissatisfied, he kicked aside the gravel at his feet, and then picked up the [Pale Justice] inserted in the crack of the floor tiles with his free hand:

"I want to see who is the first to offend me next!"

This chapter has been completed!
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