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Chapter 2470 The Mysterious Doomsday City Tobesk

Chapter 2471 Mysterious Lock·Doomsday City Tobesk

[Calling her is against the rules.]

"She" said with a chuckle.

"What's the punishment?"

Shade, who had consumed too much spirit and was still facing the gods, asked, at this moment the dragon's claws were slapping down again.

[The black time key cannot be used for a month.]


The dragon's claws pressed firmly against the ground of the sacrificial site, and five thick cracks spread out in all directions with the contact point between the claws and the ground as the center. After the smoke and dust cleared, Shade's figure was no longer visible, and the blonde countess subconsciously covered her head.

He kept his mouth shut, but he didn't see the elf girl beside him staring into the sky with her eyes wide open.

The fog appeared out of thin air, and she was wearing a somewhat shabby floral skirt. As she stepped out of the fog, black patent leather high heels made a rustling sound in the high-altitude wind.

The long golden hair was specially braided into an extremely complicated hairstyle and tied behind her head, and then covered by a large beige hat with a wide brim. The four witches present followed Emilia's gaze and saw her.

I was startled, but I didn't immediately recognize who this familiar silhouette was.

Shade was gently held in her arms, and the demigod witch Adele Isabella kissed his forehead tenderly, and then looked at the sacrificial field below.

She understood the situation at the moment with just one glance. She stretched out her hand and the [Night Watchman] on the ground came into her hands. Then the long sword drew a circle in front of her, and the rotating star sea pattern appeared behind the two of them:

"The Principle of Regression."

This is not her own regressive principle, but the regressive principle belonging to Shade. The sea of ​​stars twinkled, and the light in the eyes of the evil gods entrenched in the sacrificial site dispersed their phantoms, applying "time back" to themselves to realize

The two people who moved through space returned to the ground of the sacrificial site again.

"Shadow, let's start."

At this time, there was no need to say anything more. The witch with the tear mole at the corner of her eye said softly, leaving Shade alone on the ground, and took the [Night Watch] and flew high into the sky to meet the god.

The five chosen ones who had not taken action because of the incident just now immediately started to cooperate with the unknown lady. Naturally, the other four people did not know who she was. Only Sister Devlin's silver eyepatch "see"

He turned to her, but said nothing.


Shade poured a whole bottle of pink essence into his mouth. The huge spirit that almost made his soul swell and ache immediately aroused endless distracting thoughts.

Shade grabbed the staff of Yggdrasil with both hands, took a deep breath, and slammed the long staff to the ground:

"Mystery Lock - Bell Tower Lovers!"

Taking advantage of the short-lived state and huge spirit after promotion, as the long staff fell to the ground, the bell sounded again throughout the sacrificial site.

Among the bells, the loud rumbling sound represents the huge bell tower rising from the ground of the sacrificial site.

Shade looked up at the blond lady in the air, held the silver thunder in his right hand and exploded. Then he threw it upwards, and the thunder instantly penetrated Miss Adele Isabella's body.


On the clock tower that stood behind Shade and even tilted like a ruin, the three hands of the clock neatly moved back one step at this moment. The blond lady fighting in the air exploded into countless pink crystals and disappeared in the thunder.

There was no trace, leaving only the big beige hat fluttering downwards.

The strong wind mixed with yellow sand blew the hat fluttering and rolling down, until it fell into the rolling yellow sand on the ground.

People's eyes followed the fallen hat unconsciously, and when they realized something was wrong, they looked around again. Although this was still the ancient sacrificial site with the gray stone building, something seemed very wrong about the environment.

The radiant summer noon sun has disappeared. Directly above the head of the black dragon god is the dim sky. The black sun with fiery red threads flowing downwards shines here with its decaying light. The strong wind mixed with yellow sand blows the human face.

The blowing made me feel sore, and the ground under my feet was filled with such dust before I knew it.

Obviously there are still many living people here at this moment, but everyone feels that there is no life and no hope here. It is not silent here, but it seems that everything is destroyed.

Even at this moment, even the sense of oppression brought by the evil god's presence has completely disappeared. It seems that there is nothing here anymore.

The wind rolled up the lady's big hat again, and then it was caught by a hand reaching upwards.

The wind blew the shabby brown robe that Shade was wearing, and the scarf around his neck with traces of flames on the edges also swayed back with the wind.

He shook the lady's big hat gently, shook off the gravel on it, and then put it on his head. The strange outfit might make people laugh in other places, but in this dusty and yellow sky

Next, this outfit seems to be very ordinary.

He raised his head and looked at the god who for some reason did not continue to attack anyone at this moment. His left eye was the silver moon, and his right eye was the slowly rotating clock dial.


The three hands on the dial of the dilapidated and crooked clock tower behind him once again turned upside down. The dusky sky became more oppressive, and the sun, with its rays of fire flowing downwards, seemed to be about to fall.

No one is talking at this moment, no one is doing anything at this moment.

Only "her" voice still sounded gently in Shade's ears:

[Outlander, you have mastered the mystery-the city of the end, Tobesk.]

[The only characteristic of this mystery is that this place is the end of the world.]

Before Xia De could ask the question, "she" added another sentence:

【Don’t try to get power from the black sun again.】


Shade answered obediently. At this time, everything about Miss Isabella had been integrated with him. Although at the end of the Battle of Green Lake, he had used this mystery lock to fuse many people, but the demigod witch was still


The soul of the blond lady with the tear mole at the corner of her eye was hugging him behind him at this moment. And compared with the warm souls of other people, her soul was so cold and empty.

But there is no doubt about the power contained in the soul. The two merge into one. The witch who walked out of the apocalypse returns to her peak state as a demigod. Shade, who has just been promoted to the eighth ring, is also at his peak state, which has surpassed OnePlus.

The effect of one.

The Mystery Lock has been unfolded, but under the control of Miss Isabella, in order to accommodate the gods, the Mystery Lock has not completely displayed the scenery of the city buried in the yellow sand.

But even this was enough. The five chosen ones who were still fighting side by side with Shade in the air had quickly fallen to the ground. The effect of this mystery lock was also fatal to them.

And in the yellow sand blown by the wind, the saint entrenched in the center of the sacrificial site, which was larger than the mountains, finally abandoned all worries for the first time since his arrival and launched an attack on Shade with all his strength.

It was no longer spitting, clawing or sweeping. God's gaze was directed at Shade in front of the bell tower, so all the matter in the space where Shade was was completely shattered, and then turned into colorful black with a click.


But after this sound, the shattered space was restored again. A two-story-high, two-headed, four-armed monster jumped out of the hole in the shattered space, and then appeared in front of the god in an instant.


The continuous sound of space shattering resounded in the yellow sand, but it did not affect the dancing of any yellow sand. [Disaster Solitaire·Twin Lovers] completely resisted the god's blow to annihilate the space, and when the dark dragon god wanted to

When the insect was crushed to death, the ground cracked.


Huge gravel worms emerged from the ground of the sacrificial site, which was mostly covered by yellow sand, and wrapped around the saint's body. The twisted and weird power created a spiritual pollution that was even more serious than when the saint first appeared just now.

[Disaster Solitaire·Sand Worm], although the monster born after the end of the world still cannot turn the saint's body into yellow sand, with the worms entangled in the gravel on the saint's body, it actually succeeded in fighting the worm.

Together they temporarily restrained this evil god.

Wandering in the sacrificial hall, the hymn that had gradually become inaudible due to the emergence of the Doomsday Mystery suddenly sounded again at this moment. The dragon's body began to expand, and thousands of crimson red liquid burst out from the gaps in the dark dragon scales.

Destructive light.


Another loud cry came from the air, shooting out in all directions. The light that tried to destroy the entire mysterious space was attracted by the sound, and seemed to be deflected to the sky under the action of gravity, and all of them hit the dragonfly.

The same six-winged "angel".

[Calamity Card·Light Petitioner], a monster born from the light, is fearless of the power of light. All the Saint's attacks hit its body, and its pure white body also glowed with red light, Ang~'s

There seems to be more sadness in the cry, but at least it has not disappeared.

In the sealed and disturbed space of "Twin Lovers" at this moment, Shade's figure has completely disappeared, so the god sprays black breath towards the people gathered at the edge of the mystery, trying to force Shade, who brought the doomsday, to appear.

But behind the ring warlocks, strange shadows had already appeared.

The moment the black breath was about to hit them, deep black enveloped them, and the giant black murloc, which was about the same size as the saint, blocked the blow on their behalf.

[Calamity Solitaire·Shadow of the Deep Sea], the fish-man collapsed into a large ball of sea water in the breath of the god, and then it took shape again in the shadow of people.

The appearance of the "Shadow of the Deep Sea" made the sacrificial site under the dusky sky become colder and darker. The huge black figure also moved towards the gods. After a loud bang, it joined the "Gravel Worm" and "Twin Lovers"

, firmly fixing the god in place.

Yellow sand is flying in the wind in the sacrificial site, and amid the strange chants under the dark sun, the evil creatures of the doomsday have surrounded the descending evil god.

PS: At the beginning of the month, please vote!!!

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