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Chapter 2472 Cat of the Sun

Chapter 2473 Cat of the Sun

Emilia, who still didn't understand what was happening, was carried by the little unicorn and flew around in the air due to the shock wave. Her pointed ears were drooped in fear from the loud noise and dazzling white light.

And when the little unicorn stabilized her body in the air, she was about to turn around to ask about Luvia's situation. When she turned her head, her eyes happened to see Shade, who was falling head down from the air with his eyes closed, and them.

It passed by and fell downwards.

At this moment, the wide-eyed elf girl felt that something in her soul was completely broken.


Without any pause, the black dragon god flying above the sacrificial site raised his head to face the sun again, and then spewed black light at the city below again, heading straight to the location where Shade's body fell.

"hold head high!"

The trembling young unicorn raised its glowing horn at the unavoidable light. Behind the dull-looking Luvia, a transparent long-haired figure with a sad face appeared above them, holding out a finger.

Pointing to the falling bunch



That sad meow almost spread throughout the Moon Bay at that moment. Among the rubble of the ruins of Belindel Manor below the sacrificial site, little Mia jumped out of Tifa's arms and bit Xian Xia.

Half of the [Philosopher's Stone] fell down in one step, and then he raised his head and howled into the air.

The sound dispersed the clouds in the sky and shook the already unquiet earth. Even the roar of the earth due to the attack of the gods was calmed down by the cat's meow.

But the one who felt the cry the most was Emilia riding a unicorn. Because the armor she was wearing actually left her body automatically after the cat meowed. The parts of the armor turned into

More than a dozen golden streams of light that were faster than the black light, together with the dazzling golden light flying from the ground, blocked the heads of everyone.

Amidst the loud rumbling sound, a huge bright yellow ball of light like the sun erupted from above their heads, perfectly blocking the god's second attack. The black light escaped, and it could even be said that it was blown away by the hot and exploding golden ball.

The light evaporates completely.

It was as if the newborn sun had completely awakened at this moment, and the little unicorn and Emilia who were closest to the light had begun to tremble. The infinite light and infinite heat made them unable to think of anything else except the "sun".

As for Luvia, she didn't care about this. Instead, she jumped off the unicorn and hugged Shade's lifeless body as they fell downwards.

In the blazing and brilliant light, the existence that blocked the god's attack gradually appeared.

The golden lion armor wraps the giant little Mia's body in the shape of a "golden lion". The size of the armor fits the cat's fur extremely well. The cat's tail sticks out and swings with the chains around the armor. It looks like a golden light like the sun.

Released from the armor and the cat at the same time, the amber eyes turned into gold. After the weak and cute little Mia grew into the size of a lion, the sense of sacredness, power and majesty made Emilia and the witch fly together.

They even felt like it was a dream.

Shade "died", and little Mia put on his armor.

Standing in the void, with golden light emitting from its whole body, the sacred golden cat in armor looked upward. The people on the ruins below only felt that the surrounding white fog was all dispersed by the blazing sunlight. The dazzling light that illuminated the earth even made the surrounding temperature rise.

Rapidly improve.

It seems that all evil and evil have been driven away by the light of the cat, and the angry cat has raised its head and pointed at the sacrificial ground above:


The golden light accumulated in the roaring cat's mouth turned into a beam of light in the next moment and penetrated the ground of the sacrificial site. After penetrating upwards, it directly evaporated the right wing of the black dragon god flying higher up, before the god fell to the sacrificial site.

At the same time, the blazing light continued to penetrate upwards through the sky.

Although Emilia, whose head was feeling dizzy, could not see what effect this blow had, she and the little unicorn both clearly felt the terrifying power contained in the light emitted so close.

The air became scorched, and the heat wave continued to affect the sky of Yuewan after the golden light dissipated. The bright golden trace in the air lingered for a long time, and the golden cat "meowed" and rushed downwards.

, went to check on Shade.

"Little Liana, we can't lose to little Mia! No, I don't want Shade to die in front of me. I haven't said what I want to say to you yet."

The little elf girl held up the [Ocarina of Time] that exuded emerald green light. The little unicorn she was riding seemed to feel the sadness and determination of its owner. It turned around and passed by the big golden cat, rushing towards it to frighten it.


"So, if this is the justice you're trying to show me, I think I've got it."

Ptolemy Albert in the air watched the two hugging bodies falling from his side, and then looked at the [Blood Sorrow] in his hand that glowed with blood.

"Sacrifice for others, I think this is probably the justice I pursue in Yuewan."

John Flynn, who evacuated to the ground with the church, looked up at the golden light penetrating the sky, and looked at the [Wind King's Sword] in his hand that emitted a green light.

"Death is not terrible, but I don't understand, detective, you who know death best, are you really worth sacrificing for them?"

The old priest stood on the ruins and once again threw the glowing [Angel Right Arm] to the angel phantom that appeared behind him.

At this time, Iluna, who had returned to the sacrificial site, lowered her head and said nothing. Even the originally glowing [Pale Justice] in her hand had extinguished its light.

Her long brown hair swayed back in the strong wind, and countless golden lightning bolts continued to appear out of thin air above her head and behind her, chopping down in all directions like wild snakes. Even the power of the evil god could not suppress it at this moment.

The power of an angry and sad girl.

She is like the golden sun, she is like a god walking in the world. She has a sword in her right hand and a scale in her left hand. The black lightning that exploded above the sacrificial site was intertwined with the golden thunder. As Iluna stepped forward, those golden thunder actually

Together with the black lightning controlled by the power of the gods, the sacrificial site was divided into two parts, one on the left and one on the right.

It's not that she's not as powerful as the other chosen ones, she's just

Roar! Boom!

Three golden thunderbolts fell from the sky. In the three dragon roars that sounded from the void, John Flynn, the phantom of the dying angel, and Emilia riding the little unicorn, holding cyan,

The three swords of light, gray and emerald green, returned to the sacrificial field together with the coroner.

The guardian of the earth and the butterfly-winged girl also appeared beside Iluna, and then the thirteen-ring warlocks who had left the scope of the sacrificial site also took the risk to come here again.

Facing the four chosen ones and the four swords of light, facing the strongest among mortals in this era, the gods spit out lightning of destruction.

The four holy swords of blood, blue, gray and green were swung out together, perfectly blocking the power of the god with one blow.

The god's body expanded rapidly above the sacrificial site and got rid of all restraints. The cat did not pursue it. The god wanted to complete the ultimate goal of this divine descent.

But at this moment, in the hidden dragon nest on the outskirts of Yuewan, a ray of golden light quickly flew out from the gap in the golden dragon egg above the altar.

The last descendant of the fourth son of the ancient god, the last strength he left behind before his death was awakened by Shad. At this most critical moment, he left the dragon's nest and flew into the sky, turning into golden thunder amid the roar of the saint.

Tie it tightly so that its size can only be maintained at its current size.

Carina, Vanessa, Megan, Miss Belinder, as well as Miss Sylvia and Miss Aurora, who had hurriedly returned from the sea battle that was about to end, also flew to the sacrificial site together at this time.

The chosen ones and the holders of the Sword of Light surrounded the black dragon god who was bound by the golden thunder, the power of the earth, the division of space, the holy sword waving, Iluna's hair flying on the ground of the sacrificial site, and the gold.

The thunder continued to bombard each other with those black thunders. When the golden scale was raised high, thousands of "sunshine guns" were thrown out from behind her, and the roar of God resounded through the sky.

The six witches saw at a glance that Adele Isabella, who had passed through the thirteen rings of life with the thirteen golden steps suspended behind her, was waiting for them quietly by the stone pillar dividing the inside and outside of the sacrificial hall.

"Speaker, was it really you just now? But why are you here, you are a demigod?"

Miss Aurora asked in disbelief with her eyes widened, and the other ladies also looked at her in surprise.

The blond witch with tear marks at the corners of her eyes said nothing, but took out the golden hair ornament that symbolized the speaker's status.

The third seat, the twelfth level, light, Sivi Aurora, the golden ring of the ancient witch·first from the right;

The fifth seat, the twelfth level, knowledge, Audrey/Megan Edwards, the ancient witch's gold earrings·right;

The seventh seat, the twelfth level, balance, Carina Cavendish, the ancient witch's golden necklace;

The ninth seat, the twelfth level, the earth, Vanessa Benanis, the golden ring of the ancient witch·first from the left;

The tenth seat, the eleventh level, destiny, Bella Belindel, the ancient witch's gold bracelet·right;

Seat 13, level 11, space, Emma Sylvia, ancient witch's golden ring, second from left.

as well as--

"In the name of Adele Isabella, chief of the Witch Council, demigod, and time witch!"

The seven great witches gathered together, and the golden glow generated by the resonance of the seven witches' jewelry formed a huge holy emblem symbolizing the ancient god [Chaos Witch] at their feet.

Seven people formed a circle, shoulder to shoulder.


The blond lady in a floral skirt looked at them. Everyone's eyes had turned bright gold, and her seven hands held their respective jewelry and stretched forward to put them together:

"For Shade—"

The sad and determined voices of the ladies rang together in the clouds:

"May the hidden chaos protect me, who is also a witch."×7

And in that chaotic and dark place——

"God of cats! God of cats! Open your eyes, God of cats!"

This chapter has been completed!
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