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Chapter 2499 Teacher and Teacher

Chapter 2500 Teacher and Teacher

The terrace of Belindell's Big Ben is the "private domain" of the blonde countess. It is not only used for stargazing, but also a place for her to have afternoon tea, so of course there is a round table under an umbrella.

The four chairs can seat four people. Before everyone sat down, Miss Daniste snapped her fingers, and a smoking teapot and a porcelain plate with afternoon tea snacks appeared on the table.

Then Miss Feliana and Miss Danist sat across from each other, and Shade and Fiona sat down next to them. The red-haired sorceress was obviously very uneasy when she sat down, and she didn't even dare to go directly.

Look at Miss Feliana.

Even though she was the Thirteenth Ring, when facing the legendary Myrna Feliana, she still thought that she was still the same academy student back then.

Therefore, Miss Daniste glanced at Shade uneasily, and Shade actually saw the meaning of "complaint" in it.

"Principal Feliana, Principal Drago, welcome you to this era. For reasons we all know, I am the only one here to welcome you two. On behalf of the current principal, Mr. Pigman, and the 1854 St. Byrons

Current and retired professors, associate professors, lecturers and students”

Miss Denister took the initiative to speak. This kind of speech was prepared in advance.

So Miss Feliana interrupted her politely:

"It doesn't have to be this way."

Her voice is really nice:

"What you want to know is my origin and how long I will stay in this era?"

Under the gaze of golden eyes, the red-haired sorceress felt extremely stressed:

"Yes, this is something that the principal, Mr. Pigman, entrusted me to ask. At the same time, the Five Gods Church, Zarath Literary College, and Serkses Higher Hospital also asked us these questions. Of course, your instructions are the most important.

.Oh, those organizations just mentioned are modern."

"Shad introduced these!"

Fiona said immediately, Miss Feliananna nodded slowly, smiled and looked at Shade sitting next to her:

"The reason why I'm here is very simple. I'm here because of the gentleman next to us, Shade Suellen Hamilton. Specifically, Shade is my dear student. I don't know if you fully understand the Fifth Era.

The witch-apprentice system, to put it simply, Shade’s status with me is the same as that of Brienne Olanold.”

Fiona on the side also said:

"Shadow is my friend's best friend."

Miss Danister had an extremely complicated expression on her face. Although she had long known that Shade always had all kinds of very beautiful girls around him, and also knew that Shade's "time adventure" seemed different from other people's, she still

She could never imagine that the student she chose would have that kind of relationship with the rumored most noble, powerful, intelligent, and elegant lady in the fifth era.

Of course, the witch with purple skirt and blonde hair didn't care about Miss Daniste's expression:

"To me, Shade is not an ordinary student in the academy. He is an apprentice who will inherit all my knowledge and experience, even if we live so far apart.

I know that he has encountered some troubles in this era, that's why he came here. I know that he is very capable, but as a teacher, I can't really ignore him."

She really didn't care what the red-haired sorceress thought at all, and grabbed Shade's left hand on the table:

"I do not intend to express any views or give any opinions on St. Byrons in this era, let alone have any impact on the situation of this era.

I just want to come and see Shade, see his life in this era, and see if the girls of this era have taken good care of him."


Shade was a little moved, but then he caught a glimpse of Miss Danister's "complaining" look again, and immediately understood how much pressure the other party was under now, so he completed the answers to other questions on his behalf:

"Miss Feliana and Fiona will stay here for about a week, and then they will return to their original point in time.

If St. Byrons is willing to host them, they can also visit the college of this era; if there is no time to go, I will accompany these two ladies to visit this era and they will stay with me after that."

As he said this, he poured tea for everyone. Miss Denister thanked Shade and took the tea cup:

"I understand, two principals, that the college will open its doors to you at any time. I will also keep Shade's affairs a secret. After I go back, I will only say that you came at the invitation of the God Summoner. After that, the college will also communicate with the Summoner.

God's cooperation."

She hesitated and then asked:

"So about the Fifth Age"

"Sorry, I can't say anything."

The golden hair swayed slightly as he shook his head:

"Please, like Shade, remain silent on this issue. We have to be respectful of time. Shade calls you 'Miss Danister'? Then Danister, you are a very outstanding girl, you understand me."

What do you mean?"

The red-haired sorceress was praised, she pursed her lips and nodded in honor, and Shade spoke again:

"Miss Feliana and Fiona are actually here just for traveling. Miss Daniste, the law of time cannot be violated, otherwise the big trouble caused will not be smaller than the evil god coming again.

Due to various reasons, the Fifth Era and the Sixth Era should not have been connected in the first place. I also have many questions like you, but I really can’t ask these questions."

Miss Daniste pursed her lips and picked up the teacup to hide that she was actually thinking. But by the time she put down the teacup, she had already figured it out:

"If so, then welcome you to our time again, Principal Feliana, Principal Drago. On behalf of Mr. Principal, I would like to invite you and Principal Drago to visit the current college.

After you and the previous principals left, we in the Sixth Century are still teaching and educating people, inheriting your ideals, and generations of St. Byrons students are still passing on your knowledge."

With that said, he took out a rather formal invitation letter and put it on the table. The wax seal on the invitation letter was the school emblem of the college.

The demigod witch glanced at it, but this time she did not refuse directly:

"Xia De also said just now that we will go if we have time. Leave the invitation here. If there are any arrangements for a visit, I will let Sha De inform you directly. We haven't visited Sha De's home or the college yet.

I’m afraid I have to push it back.”

Miss Denister glanced at Shade again and recalled the furnishings and decorations at No. 6 Saint Teresa Square that she had seen when she went to his home before the end of the year last year. She was worried that this would neglect the two ladies. But she thought

They seemed to care not about the house but about Sha De, and they felt that they would not neglect him:

"I completely understand. You can deal with important matters first. St. Byrons will always open its door to you. We will find ways to cover up any inquiries from the church and other forces about you. You don't need to worry about these issues."

"But isn't it summer vacation now? If Miss Feliana and Fiona are going to visit, is there anyone in the academy?"

Shade asked curiously. Knowing that Shade didn't know much about college life, Miss Danister explained:

"St. Byrons in our era is at least five times larger than it was at the beginning of the Fifth Era. The utilization rate of the huge ice sheet originally designated by Principal Feliana has now reached 10%.

Three (Note).

Although it is summer vacation, more than 95% of the students in the academy live in the academy city. Therefore, although there are no classes during the holidays, there are libraries, dueling grounds, magical creature habitats, classrooms for self-study, potions and

There are actually students in the alchemy workshop."

The remaining 10% are exchange students from Zarath Academy of Literature and Xerxes Higher Medical School, children of field ring warlocks sent out by the school, students like Emilia who need to participate in summer practice, and other situations.


When it came to the issue of college students, Miss Denister asked Xiang Shade:

"Speaking of which, when does Miss Siam Nord plan to return to the academy?"

"She plans to go back with you. Of course, the little unicorns will also go back together. They have been a great help this time."

Afterwards, Shade talked with Miss Danister about other details of the "Battle of Moon Bay".

This lady originally invited Shade to meet her in order to clarify the unsolved mysteries of the war. It was just an accident that Miss Feliana and Miss Drago came with her.

It is normal for others to have questions about this "Battle of Moon Bay". After all, before that magical Sunday, no one knew the true plan of the "God Caller", which was to call three new evil gods to join him.

Fight against [Dragon-eating Demon].

"I knew from the very beginning that I was no match for the evil god."

Although everyone knew it, Shade still did not admit his identity:

"The evil god - [Dragon Devouring Demon] is the first dragon created by the ancient god [Dragon of Glory], and is the 'unknown eldest son' of the ancient god. No matter how strong the moon god summoned by the god caller is, he is not currently

The opponent of the evil god who existed in ancient times."

He confessed his thoughts at the time:

"The God Caller has dealt with the [Lord of the Blood Feast] many times, and he also had a relationship with the [Vampire God] last year in Mibao.

As for the [Lord of the Scarlet Spiral], the God Summoner actually had no hope at that time. He only knew from ancient secrets that all the ocean gods had conflicts with the [Dragon-Eating Demon]. He got three gifts in Coldwater Port. Thinking about it now

, the choice I made at the beginning was to decide which evil god would descend."

Shade recalled the past:

"But no matter which one it is, the body of the god that the cultists are eyeing is [the evil thing in the deep sea - the player of the seven tails]. The function of that copper whistle is to notify the cultists that the evil thing has been defeated. The deep sea

The evil thing is inseparable from the power of the sea, so theoretically speaking, it is definitely the best body of the saint."

PS1: This refers to the land that was traded from the God of Night during the [Eternal Night City] incident. Only 13% of the land has been used in the Sixth Age.

PS2: Comment on Miss Denister in this chapter and the previous chapter. Which chapter has better illustrations?

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