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Chapter 2538 Two Princes

Chapter 2537 Two Princes

In this world where time is suspended, bright white light extends to the left and right in Shade's palm until it turns into the black staff.

There was a thud, and the bottom of the long stick hit the floor:

"Princes, I must warn you that using your infant bodies to perform the magic of time suspension will only accelerate the collapse of your body and soul."

He watched the two babies holding hands in the cradle, covered in traces of amniotic fluid and blood, wrapped in blankets and floating into the air:

"You don't want to fight me, do you?"

"Although I don't know who you are, as we just said, this identity is the nobility given to us by the world. This nobility should not be taken away by anyone. We are born noble, and this nobility will last until the end of time.


Shade didn't know if they really thought that, or if it was just the stubbornness of children with unsound thinking, but he knew very well that now was not the time to talk nonsense:

"I ask again, do you want to fight me?"

At the next moment, the two princes floating in front of Sha De almost turned into light, smashed the glass and flew out. After the glass fragments stopped contacting them, they sputtered and became still in the air again. Applying to

The effect of their own "time acceleration" is extremely astonishing, but it is not enough to surpass Shadna's "Ragrai's Jump" whose range extends to 100 meters.

Although he didn't bring any relics, he did bring with him spellcasting materials that could be easily concealed.

In the garden outside the window, Shade grabbed the blanket floating in the air and pulled it hard. The two princes wrapped in the blanket were thrown out and flew towards the left and right directions respectively.

The two clattering chains flew out immediately, but when they approached the two princes, they were affected by the delay of time and slowed down:

"After you are separated, the effect of the spell will indeed be weakened!"

Although the time is confusing, at least it is undoubtedly night in Yodel Palace at this time. Even if he does not search deliberately, the thaumaturgy [Glory Moon Realm] allows Shade to clearly see the two escaped princes after a large circle.

They met again on the roof.

The entire Yodel Palace was extremely quiet in this world where time stood still, so no one saw Shade turning into a red butterfly and flying up to the roof.

And when he looked forward under the moonlight, what he saw was not two babies floating hand in hand at all, but two red-haired young men wearing gorgeous golden robes.

Their looks are somewhat feminine, and they can be seen looking like Queen Diana. Their hair is long, with the ends of their hair reaching at least two fingers past their shoulders, and both of them look unusually weak.

The two princes were nearly 1.9 meters tall, slightly taller than Shade, but because they had to support each other to stand on the roof of the palace, their rickety bodies looked thin.

"Applying the power of time to yourself, making your body look like an adult in a short time? But this still won't prevent your body from collapsing."

The held [Yucdrasil Staff] has already jumped with silvery white lightning, and the two princes supporting each other have a dark red scepter and a dark red staff in their left and right hands respectively.

A silver-white rapier.

"They are all spiritual weapons. What exactly did you see?"

The three people under the moon were facing each other on the roof of the tallest building in Yodel Palace. As the thunder leaping on the [Staff of Yggdrasil] made the loudest thunderbolt explosion, both sides rushed towards each other at the same time.

The shadows under the moonlight followed their respective masters, but Shade's shadow suddenly disappeared, which meant that he suddenly disappeared in front of the princes during the charge. The princes were caught off guard and looked around, but the next moment Xia De

Germany dropped from the sky with a thunder gun in his hand, and the falling silver-white thunder struck the roof.

Boom ~ With a loud noise, the three of them broke through the seemingly solid roof and fell downwards. The two sin chains clattered and bound around the princes as the three of them fell. After they landed, they fell from the gap in the floor.

The moonlight thorn bush growing out of the middle of the room immediately sealed off which room it was.

"You are Carina's descendants, I don't want to hurt you."

Shade stood up holding the floor, and controlled the chains to leave them with the ability to speak. The princes on the floor wearing gorgeous golden robes could not move any other body parts except their mouths.

"Can we talk now?"

The long stick was pointed at their faces, but they still refused to let go. Two pairs of green eyes stared at Shade with indignation:

"Since Aunt Carina is willing to share her nobility and honor with you, you should know that nobility and honor should not be given up easily. That is the behavior of a coward."

"You even want to avoid the enemy by erasing yourself, and you actually say that giving up your power is a cowardly act?"

Shade sneered, then looked up at the top of his head.

Outside the hole in the roof blocked by thorn bushes, Carina and Lesia have already arrived. After all, the effect of time suspension has ended because the princes were blocked by the chains of sin.

Shade temporarily withdrew his thaumaturgy to let them in, and then sealed the place again to prevent anyone from disturbing them in the last few minutes.

Carina pulled Lecia and held her skirt downwards, and then she understood what was going on at a glance.

After Lesia made sure that Shade was okay, she continued what she had just left unfinished:

"Shad, our soothsayer said, use your key to kill them, and then pray to the Tree Father. You have to explain that they violated the rules and manipulated time, and then ask the Tree Father to strip them of their power. You can store it in three ways.

The stripped power and storage cannot be obtained now, but must be obtained during the last cycle.

The first option is this.”

Then he handed over the handkerchief. Wrapped in the handkerchief were two very fresh umbilical cords. The two umbilical cords were entangled together, about ten centimeters in length.

"Sister, you shouldn't do this."

The princes on the ground sent out requests, but Lesia ignored them at all:

"The soothsayer said that this can only give stable power. The second option is to peel off their eyeballs. Their four eyes will transform into magic eyes, giving people the top extraordinary ability to see the future."

"I don't have this kind of hobby."

"The last method is to forcibly capture their souls. The fortune teller said you have a big book that records the knowledge of demons. Of course, neither she nor I recommend you."

"I don't have this kind of hobby either, and after all, these are your brothers."

Shade took the handkerchief with one hand, while the princes on the ground were still talking:

"Sister, we are born noble just like you, we are destined to be"

"I was not born noble."

Lesia frowned and interrupted them, because time was really running out:

"I am noble because of myself. You don't understand at all that blessings that are not caught are just curses. If you are really noble, the one standing now is not Shade but you."

Carina looked at Lesia with some surprise, and nodded slightly to acknowledge this sentence. Lesia did not say what she meant in her heart: "The one who is truly born noble is Shade":

"Brothers who have not yet been named by their father and mother, I only see your cowardice and arrogance. Facing the future, you actually think of using death to escape. When faced with the real solution to the problem, you actually use 'born noble'

To refuse for this reason is that you have given up your honor. If it were not for the fact that you are still children, I would definitely use worse words to criticize you.

By the way, since Shade chose the umbilical cord, as long as you voluntarily hand over your power, you will be born normally. And with your souls burned like this, it is unlikely that you will become a ring warlock in the future. From now on, you will be a ring warlock.

The world has nothing to do with you, and you don’t have to worry that the future you see will become reality.”

"Lecia, don't talk to your family so cruelly."

Lesia has finished being the "bad guy", and the Duchess naturally plays the "good guy":

"Give us your power. The fate of the chosen ones is too difficult for children like you. Sleep well, and then live this life as an ordinary person. I will protect the Cavendish family.

This is also the promise I made to my brother, your grandfather."

After saying that, the three people standing stopped talking and looked at them. Of course, the silver-white thunder on the long staff in Shade's hand did not disappear either.

"If you take away this power, you must bear this fate."

Because time was really running out, the prince's voice appeared again after more than ten seconds of silence.

Shade breathed a sigh of relief:

"I understand, and I don't want to possess this power, I just want to solve this unfortunate incident tonight. In the future you see, who is the first candidate for time?"

While asking, Shade loosened the chains that bound them, but the chains still stopped at their feet.

The princes helped each other with difficulty and stood up again:

"You know, this can't be said. But we can tell you this: we are definitely not the only ones who have the power to travel through time. Regardless of whether this 'traveling through time' is true or false, the future is not a secret to them.

Take away this power, take away this curse. Crazy time is malicious to everyone. I hope that when you reach the ending we have seen, you will not regret your current choice. Time is a circle

, no matter how much the forward pointer turns, it will eventually return to the original point."

Shade looked at them:

"The hands of the clock are spinning, and although it does seem to be going full circle and back to where it started, we all know that this is actually moving forward into the future, right?"

The princes lowered their eyes:

"Final warning: Never try to play with time."

"I understand - may the World Tree protect us in infinite time."

Then the head of the [Yectrasil's Staff] was pointed between the two princes, and as gray-green light spread out from their bodies, the huge Holy Emblem of the World Tree appeared on the ground.

This chapter has been completed!
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