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Chapter 2559 A newspaper that travels through time

Chapter 2558 Newspaper that travels through time

"You can't leave a specific area, right? This is the same as what I guessed. Although the method you use to travel through time is not a time key, it is similar to a time key adventure."

Shade has the most experience in this area, and he asked again:

"So Miss Danister, have you tried to leave clues for us in this era? For example, find some people and tell their descendants to go to a certain place on a certain date; or bury notes or notebooks in

An inconspicuous place.”

Miss Denister had certainly thought of this:

"I had this thought, and I did so. I didn't know how many days after my disappearance you or others would come to the local area, so I told the townspeople to let them arrive one week after my disappearance.

I’ll look for someone in this hotel that day.”

The corners of her mouth slightly raised into a smile, and her rose-red eyes looked at Shade:

"But apparently you came faster than I thought."

"So are there things buried? Although it is now confirmed that you have indeed traveled to the past, I think you still need to dig out the buried things to completely prove this. After all, there are other possibilities, right?"

"Buried. In order to prevent it from being dug up during the town's expansion and renovation, I buried it in the forest. No, Shade, sit down, you don't need to go. I dug it out last night."

She shook the silver and ruby ​​ring on her hand at Shade:

"This is an alchemy ring I made myself, and it will not be imitated. If you are still not at ease, you can ask the descendants of the townspeople who I left the information with. Of course, that is provided they really comply with my request.

, and are still willing to carry out those actions."

Shade shook his head:

"There is nothing doubtful about traveling through time, but in this case, there will be no clues about how to remove the time curse."

"Past documents have mentioned this curse, but I have never seen anyone who defied time, so I have always regarded it as an ancient legend."

The sorceress raised her hand and touched her face:

"Since the question arises in Ximu Town, I believe the answer will also be here. I am definitely not the only time traveler in this town who has just arrived in the local area. I suspect that there are people in the local area who know the secret of time travel.

At the time of 1763, the 'time traveler' rumored in the town was probably true. My biggest gain in the past month or so was that I saw a copy of the 1852 "Music" in the town at that time.

"Voice Report". The discovery location was in the woods outside the town. I'm afraid it was blown by the wind."

Shade looked at her in surprise, but then felt that it was nothing.

Judging from the notebook found in Fat Owl's room, there were seven suspected "time travelers" in the past of this hotel alone.

"If there were other time travelers in the past, and the cupboard is now so casually placed in the broom room instead of a hidden secret room, this means that there may be more than one local time channel."

Shade analyzed, Miss Daniste nodded slightly, sighed and put down the teacup:

"So, we can now try to find other time travelers. Maybe some people stay in a time that does not belong to them forever, but I believe that there must be someone who has returned to their own time like me.

The time curse will not only curse me. If you find other people who are cursed by time, you will always find a way to expel the curse."

This is also Shade's idea. If there are really many "twisted tree holes" in this woodland, then this woodland must have special properties that they have not discovered yet.

Whether it is to help Miss Daniste, or to find a way to bring the witch from the past to the "present", Shade will not ignore this matter.

"After I went back last night, I actually thought about how to get rid of the curse on you."

After talking about Miss Denister's experience, Shade talked about it:

"This curse originates from time, and it naturally depends on time to solve it. For example, the origin of the curse is related to your illegal time travel. In this case, can the curse be purified through 'atonement'?"

This method was actually thought up by Shade for the long-haired Luvia a long time ago.

The eighteen-year-old sorceress asked:

"But I traveled to the past illegally, and now I'm back. Do you mean to ask me to go back to a hundred years ago again?"

"No, no, it's to catch other people who destroy the continuity of time without being punished. In other words, catch other illegal time travelers. Unfortunately it's not easy to find. The only one I know of is the Edwards family

The eldest son of the third generation, Enwy Edwards, but he has left."

Miss Denister nodded in understanding:

"This method may indeed be useful, but we still need to look for it in Vista City. Behind this city, I mean behind the long time, there must be secrets that we can't imagine. That 1852 "Xi Mu"

"Town Morning News" Do you want to read it? There's only half a page, but fortunately it's a half page if you have time."

Shade shook his head:

"Let's take a look at it later. I have a second thought about the solution to the time curse."

He took out a glass jar pendant from his pocket, wiped it with a handkerchief, and it turned into a real jar filled with yellow-brown preservatives.

Two umbilical cords that were entangled with each other were floating in the preservative. Shade handed the jar to Miss Denister:

"Try it, this thing can stabilize time."

The latter took the jar with a slight surprise, and immediately felt the ancient miraculous element:

"This is it!"

She turned her head, and together with Shade and the round-faced owl, looked at the life ring that appeared automatically behind her. The original thirteen-ring life ring now turned into seven rings, and as she hugged the jar of umbilical cord, seven rings appeared.

The ring of life was hidden in the depths of the steam mist as it rotated rapidly and began to deform until it turned into twelve rings.

Shade immediately looked at her face again, only to find that the sorceress in front of him still looked youthful and beautiful at the age of eighteen:

"It seems feasible, but it's a pity that it has not been restored to the thirteenth ring, and your appearance has not changed."

Miss Denister nodded, not disappointed at all:

"The curse has not disappeared, it has only been partially offset by the thing you took out. This is enough, which shows that this curse is not completely unshakable."

She returned the jar to Shade, and as her face suddenly turned pale, the twelve-ring life ring changed back to seven. Not only that, she then covered her mouth and coughed twice, and then

Shade saw the blood on her palm:

"It seems that you can't do this often. The curse seems to be getting a little worse. Sure enough, you can't take shortcuts."

“Oh, don’t talk yet—sunlight healing!”

The golden sunlight shone down from the raised fist, and the somewhat weak sorceress asked doubtfully:

"Where did you learn the magic of the Church of the Sun?"

Fortunately, she only suffered internal injuries due to the ups and downs of the curse's power. After resting for a while, she was able to continue chatting with Shade:

"Shadow, can you tell me who these two umbilical cords belong to?"

If the chubby owl wasn't here at this time, Shade wouldn't mind briefly explaining it. But he didn't trust the new witch yet, and he didn't want to disturb the two princes' ordinary lives from scratch, so he just shook his head.

Shake his head.

Miss Daniste didn't ask any further questions. She got up and wanted to get the newspaper she had brought back from the past, but Shade asked her to sit on the sofa and rest. He got up and helped her get it.

The crumpled half of the newspaper was the front page, and the headline of that day was the news that King Lion Lion reorganized the Parliament of the Kingdom of Kasenlik and re-appointed the speaker. Because the newspaper only had half of it, the news and the photo of His Majesty the King

All only the top half.

It is worth mentioning that the Speaker, Marquis Hussein, who took office in 1852, still holds the position of Speaker of the United Kingdom. Moreover, he is Margaret's uncle and the queen's biological brother.

Shade then continued to talk to Miss Danister about what she had seen a hundred years ago. The winter of 1763 sounded particularly cold. People who were eager to go home were waiting for the arrival of their students in the almost deserted mansion, and for

To the townspeople who knew nothing about it, it was another ordinary winter.

Although Shade did not ask about the owl immediately, as the chat continued, he inevitably asked about the origin of the owl:

"Okay, I'm still curious about it. Is it your pet?"

"You know? I've been waiting for you to ask questions since you just walked in. Shade, you are more patient than I thought. This is a compliment, you don't need to explain."

The young red-haired sorceress said, motioning Shade to look at the owl.

The owl on the birdstand also flapped its wings and flew towards the sofa, but in mid-air it was enveloped by a cloud of gray-white mist. As the gray-white mist spread, the figure wearing black leather shoes emerged from there.

He walked out of the mist.

She has long gray hair mixed with black strands, and the ends of her hair even hang down past her waist. No lady around the stranger has such long hair.

Her left hand was placed on her chin, and her face was indeed small, making her look like she was no more than twenty years old.

But her clothing is simple and exquisite. Her upper body is a white lace women's shirt, and the cuffs are as eye-catching as her slender waist. The long black skirt is neat and close-fitting, making her figure appear more slender. Her height is actually

Not as good as Carina and Miss Aurora, but still 1.7 meters tall.

The warm autumn sunshine shines through the window, casting soft shadows on her profile. The autumn morning wind blowing from the window makes the long hair sway slightly. And those golden eyes have a certain uneasy look.

She looked at Shade with an elusive smile, which at least showed that her attitude was not hostile.

A little arrogant, but also like a lazy cat basking in the sun, this was Shade's first impression of Flora Winslet.

"Hello, who are you?"

Shade asked suspiciously.

This chapter has been completed!
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