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Chapter 2568 Mysterious Old God

Chapter 2567 The mysterious old god

【Outlander, you have returned to the present time.】


After stumbling out of the study, Shade immediately bent down and picked up the cat, which was still waiting for him. Before the cat could react, Shade pressed his face against the cat's back and rubbed it.

Come on.


The frightened little Mia immediately escaped from Shade, and Shade, who felt that he had regained happiness and hope from little Mia, finally recovered:

"As expected, it's better to be at home. That black beach is really Mia. Aren't you angry with me?"

Of course, the cat did not reject Shade's approach, but was frightened by his actions just now. Fortunately, it soon wandered to Shade's feet and did not struggle again after being picked up by Shade.

At this point, the first expedition of the time key of the Fifth Age in 2025 is over. Shade has almost figured out the rules there, and the ship that allows him to go to any time and place as long as he pays the ticket also gives him unlimited

of reverie.

Of course, before using that ship to achieve your own goals, it is more important to complete the past mission first.

There is no rush to go to Sister Devlin to borrow the "eye mask". Next Sunday is still far away. Shade plans to take time next week to talk to Sister Devlin, and then directly offer sacrifices at the top of the mountain next Sunday morning.

Field opens that door.

As for going to the doctor to ask about his sin, he was not in a hurry to leave immediately, but planned to go to the doctor in the evening to seek help.

Of course, there is actually another question in this Time Key adventure, which is who the "God of Ferryman" is. But Shade doesn't have to write a special letter to ask the "wise" witches Megan and Audrey.

, because there are people in Vista City who are willing to help him answer his questions.

Wearing a garland and walking through the forest, the carriage took Shade to the "Accordion Inn" at nine o'clock in the morning. Compared with Friday, the city center of Vista City on Sunday was more lively, and the Moon Dance Festival concert was about to begin.

, Margaret even asked Miss Sylvia to ask Carina to help send a letter to Shade through the parliament, saying that she actually wanted to come here to participate in the Moon Dance Festival.

Of course, Her Royal Highness the Princess does not have such free time.

When she knocked on the door and entered Miss Danister's room, she was sitting on the sofa and looking through the books in her hands. The coffee table in front of her was filled with various letters and books. This scene was very similar to her office in the library.


She was wearing the clothes that Shade brought yesterday, which made her look even younger than yesterday.

The chubby round-faced owl was also here at this time, but instead of standing on the birdstand, he stood on the small sofa and used his wings to read the book floating in front of him.

Seeing Shade coming, the red-haired girl put down the book in her hand, and the chubby owl transformed back into the young witch with gray-black hair in the gray-white fog.

Flora Winslet stroked the hair on the back of her head with her hand, looking very lazy:

"Don't ask me why I don't stay in human form all the time. That would be very tiring."

Shade imagined Miss Daniste spending the whole day with an owl reading a book, and tried his best not to laugh.

A small number of the books on the table are books about the history and folk customs of Ximu Town borrowed from the local library, while the rest are books sent from the college library that may be related to the "time curse".

The relationship between Miss Daniste and the Hermits in the Forest is not going smoothly. The eighteen-year-old red-haired sorceress is still waiting for news. The fat owl, Miss Winslet’s followers, are waiting for news.

It won't be here until tomorrow.

When Shade sat down, she took out her pair of plain gold-rimmed glasses from her pocket. These glasses were a relic, and the patterns on her round face when she transformed into an owl were probably these glasses.

"The lines on the glasses when in the owl state are just lines, not glasses."

The witch seemed to know what Shade was thinking, and asked Miss Daniste with a smile:

"Didn't you teach him the basics of Transfiguration?"

The eighteen-year-old red-haired sorceress shook her head while holding a teacup:

"I am only responsible for teaching about the moon, and I am not the only teacher of Shade."

"Well, one of the common sense of transfiguration is that certain relics that need to be 'worn' to be effective, are not limited to rings, glasses, etc. After transformation, they need to be re-worn in the transformed posture to be effective, rather than the relic itself being integrated into


She raised her two hands, grabbed the temples of the glasses she had put on, and shook them at Shade:

"I saw that you are so proficient in the transformation technique - the cat, and the transformation state is also very good. I thought you knew this."

"I didn't learn the art of transformation."

Shade explained, then asked the two ladies if their current condition and curse had worsened, and then asked:

"I will set off to officially start the investigation in a moment. However, I have also encountered some troubles myself. Can I ask you some questions?"


Miss Daniste put down her tea cup and stared at him with her rose-red eyes, while the witch joked:

"If you didn't say you needed help, I probably would have really thought Denise was your student."

Apparently she was happy to help, too.

"That's it. Do you know the old god [God of Ferryman]? That god is also called [The Ferryman of the narrow room]."

Miss Danister immediately frowned:

"Where did you hear about this god? This old god left in the middle of the Fifth Era and is the god with the least information so far.

If you know a god, you will be affected by the power of the god. This is most obviously reflected in this god.

Only those who are most disappointed with life and those who most want to leave this world will know this great man. And those mortals who spontaneously know this god will end up either committing suicide or dying somewhere.

The sky suddenly disappeared."

In other words, the "Black Sand Pier" is just one of the places where the god appears, and the normal "ferry" does not need to go through there.

The witch added:

"Because knowledge of its existence may be dangerous, this god is also one of the few gods without a religious order and large-scale believers. Probably only a few ring magicians with special powers will believe in him. Hamilton, among all the old gods, this god

Not only does he have the least information, but he can also be regarded as the most mysterious one.

We [Witch Council] have an ancient heritage. According to the information I have read in the council, this god has been regarded as a terrible rumor in the earliest era. People at that time believed that excessive sadness would lead to darkness, darkness

The gods will take away their souls.

The god did not explain his existence, and ancient documents indicate that it was not until at least the middle of the Second Age that mortals knew what kind of power this god had."

Miss Winslet asked Xiang Shade very worriedly:

"Didn't you hear the voice inviting you to board the ship for a long journey?"

"Of course not, my life is very happy."

Shade shook his head hurriedly:

"And didn't that god leave in the fifth era? I just want to ask: apart from the more obvious, taking away those who are tired of life and the world, what else does this [God of Ferryman] have?

the power of?"

"Bless the ferryman. Note that he is not a sailor or a fisherman, but a boatman who holds up a small boat and carries people for a fee."

Miss Daniste didn't know much about it. It was Miss Winslet who answered Shade:

"And it is said that this mysterious god has the power to penetrate time and space. Taking away people who want to leave the world completely is just a way of showing his power. Are you asking us to find out whether this great man wants to use the power of the old gods?

Power to solve the time curse?"

Shade has never thought of this idea, but it seems feasible:

"Through that cabinet, you can return to 1763, the year when the tree father thinks you should exist, and then use the ferryman to take you back to the current year of 1854. Yes, it sounds good, but I feel that this is worse than directly solving the curse.

It’s going to be difficult.”

Both ladies laughed, but in any case, Shade even thought of such a mysterious god in order to help them, and they were still a little touched in their hearts.

After confirming the general conditions of the old gods he encountered in the past, Shade was ready to set off to start his investigation in Vista City.

But Miss Denister stopped him:

"We discussed it yesterday. Based on our experience, it is very easy for one person to fall into a dangerous situation and not even be able to pass on information, so I do not recommend that you act alone in the Vista Woodland area."

"Do you want to go investigate with me?"

Shade asked in surprise, but Miss Daniste motioned Shade to look at the witch aside:

"I only have seven rings now, so I can't help you by following you. Flora said that her followers haven't arrived yet, so she is willing to help.

You guys will go out together in a while, she can be considered a high-level person in her owl state, no matter what you encounter, I think at least the news can be spread."

Shade looked at the witch suspiciously. He didn't believe that she really just wanted to help. At the same time, he was more curious about how the witch persuaded Miss Danister.

But this arrangement does sound reasonable. If you have such helpers around you, the investigation will obviously be more convenient:

"Miss Winslet, are you following me in owl form, or are you acting with me in human form?"

The gray-black haired witch stood up:

"It's definitely not an owl. Carrying an owl around the city will make you the center of attention everywhere. I would like to use a human form, but my beauty is too impressive, and the consumption is too great.


So I will turn into a small animal and follow you, and considering the urban environment, you shouldn’t mind if I turn into a cat and follow you, right?”

This chapter has been completed!
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