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Chapter 2574 Soul Fire

Chapter 2573 Soul Fire

"here it is"

The somewhat dazed witch opened her mouth to remind her, but was rudely interrupted by Shade:

"I know this place better than you do."

The door of death is not so easy to open. Miss Winslet did not completely fall into death just now, so retreating quickly at this moment means that they have returned to the world of the living.

Death has no intention of embarrassing Shade at all. The witch even feels that the man around her is more adaptable to this pure cold power than herself. But he can never be the spokesperson of death. The thing that comes from the soul is almost driving her crazy at this moment.

The temperature was hotter and more intense than the first fire I had ever seen on Sister Devlin.

Standing on the edge of life and death, it was easier for her to perceive the soul of the man next to her. It was extremely pure, extremely powerful, extremely hot, but extremely gentle. For a moment, she was in a daze and even wanted to

But at this time, the soul of the seven-ring warlock who was swallowed by darkness appeared in the water again. The evil spirit silently stretched out his hand towards them, and then was impatiently pushed by Shade:

"Don't keep those who should go!"

The soul melted into the light of the dark moon and continued to take five steps back quickly. The sunlight became clearer;

After taking another five steps back, only the outlines of the transparent shadows on the water remained, and the forest surrounded them;

Finally, after taking five steps back, the darkness completely dissipated, and the two of them were still standing in the cemetery outside the deserted village.


As the gray-black-haired lady breathed, cold white mist exhaled from her mouth, but it soon dissipated in the residual heat of late summer.

Shade did not ask her about her situation immediately, but with a serious expression he released his grip on the witch's arm, pulled out the badge from his chest and walked forward, muttering a prayer while checking to see if all the deaths were really gone.

If because of their actions today, a new "edge of life and death" is formed in the material world, then the trouble will be huge.

Fortunately, although Miss Winslet's luck was not very good just now, at least death has really left. When Shade breathed a sigh of relief and looked at her again, he found that she was also looking at him with her lips pursed:

"Well, I am still lacking in the power of death."

"Don't talk about this yet."

Shade stretched out his hand to support her who could not even stand still:

"Let's take a rest first and sit under the tree. There is sun over there."

Shade suggested, and the pale witch pursed her lips and nodded. She did not transform back into an owl, but let Shade help her walk to the tree.

After laying out the tablecloth and taking out the cushions, the two sat down against the big tree. Shade looked at her feet wearing brown short boots under her skirt, and a flash of blood appeared on the latter's pale face:

"I was careless this time. I'm sorry for causing trouble to you."

"No need to apologize. After all, no one knew that this curse would reduce spellcasting ability to this extent, and we didn't expect that the stability of spellcasting would also deteriorate."

The witch sat sideways and raised her skirt slightly to let Shade see her feet. After Shade helped her take off her shoes and socks, she saw her purple-black feet.

Miss Winslet's mood was even lower:

"When I first inherited this position, I had similar marks all over my body, but they were not so obvious."

Shade said nothing, found a bottle of holy water and poured the holy water on her feet:

"Can you rub it yourself?"

He did not deliberately take advantage. After Miss Winslet, who pursed her lips, took action, she raised her right hand again:

“Sunlight Healing!”

The sun's rays shone on the two of them, and the outlines of their bodies were dyed golden, and the coldness of death quickly faded.

Miss Winslet felt the temperature of the famous Sun Church's magic, and realized that even the radiance of the sun was not as hot as the temperature of Shade's soul that she had just felt.

Blushing, she was still embarrassed to ask Shade to help her rub her feet. After all, they had just met, and the girl's feet were a very private part.

Shade didn't notice her complicated psychological changes. Seeing that he didn't need to draw out the flame with the power of the first fire, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said with a light smile:

"This risk is well worth it. Did you hear what he just said? The Chosen One! [Tree Hole Association] This organization must have some key fragments of poems. After the incident in Moon Bay, Xin

The story will unfold here!

Oh, don't look at me like this, Carina must have told me these things, I am an eighth-level warlock after all, and I am qualified to participate in this kind of thing."

Her golden eyes held a bit of confusion, stubbornness, shame and self-doubt. At this time, she never thought of questions like "Did Carina talk to Shad Hamilton about the Chosen One?"

Shade's good mood at the moment was not an act. No matter how much he doubted that the eighth chosen one would appear in the Vista Grove, he didn't really have the evidence until now.

After all, the fourth candidate appeared directly in Tobesk before, which made him suspect that there was going to be trouble again in his home city. But now it seems that this time the trouble is still happening in another place. Of course, he is happy for this and feels sorry for Weiss.

The citizens of Tajikistan are worried.

"The Chosen One"

It's just different from what Shade thought. Miss Winslet's face did not show excitement or thoughtful expression after she recovered. Instead, she suddenly became less interested:

"I met him this time."

"You seem a little unhappy?"

Shade asked tentatively. The witch lowered her head and looked at her feet, which gradually regained their color:

"I never care about the chosen one. I have been avoiding several major actions of the parliament even if I have time. Besides, I like this city of music. If the chosen one really appears here, it means that the city

A catastrophe is about to happen."

"So, do you want to leave the area?"

Shade asked again. Flora Winslet looked up at Shade again, with a complicated look in her eyes:

"The curse has not been resolved, so I can't leave. Besides, I owe you so much now. After the matter in Vista City is over, I want to talk to you in detail. Then I will help you paint a set of oil paintings, at least five.


Her eyes were wandering, and she felt confused for some reason. Her cold soul and body were grasped by hot hands and returned to reality. She felt that the temperature she had been looking for seemed to be this.

Of course, she will never tell her true thoughts.

"We'll talk about the oil paintings later. Do you know what else I discovered just now?"

Shade smiled and asked:

"When the evil spirit of the seven-ring warlock wanted to attack me, I noticed that he also had a time curse on him! But it was quite slight compared to you."

"[Tree Hole Association] must have done some forbidden experiments in order to travel through time. This is normal."

The witch said, and then immediately understood what Shade meant:

"Since they have also been exposed to the time curse, they may have a way to solve the [time curse]."

"Yes, so don't worry about curses and out-of-control spellcasting. These can be solved."

He looked around, and the witch looked at him.

"The harvest from this trip is greater than I thought. We are not in a hurry to go back. Let's sit here and rest for a while. Miss Danister will definitely be surprised by what we found out today."

He smiled in the sun, and the witch looked at him in the sun. After nodding lightly, she moved her eyes in other directions, then pursed her lips to let her thoughts empty, but she still couldn't refuse to recall that time.

Temperature, the temperature of the soul that is hotter than the first fire.

She put on her shoes and socks herself, and Shade turned her head in a gentlemanly manner to avoid suspicion. The two of them spent the entire afternoon in the woods outside the deserted village far away from the hustle and bustle of the city.


They talked about many things, but most of them were about Shade asking about the city of Vista. Miss Winslet came to this city almost every autumn. She knew a lot of things and was willing to answer any questions Shade had.

By the time they returned to the Accordion Hotel, dusk had already illuminated the city, and Sunday was over.

When Shade entered the room holding the sleeping black and gray cat, an eighteen-year-old red-haired girl was sitting on the sofa holding a book, her side face illuminated by the brilliant sunset outside the window.

She glanced at Shade, wanting to ask him what happened to the cat, but Shade carefully placed the cat transformed by the witch on the short sofa:

"She was exhausted today. We encountered some troubles, but fortunately we gained a lot."

He spoke in a low voice and briefly introduced the activities of the whole day.

"She fell asleep on the way back, but I guess she'll wake up soon. I'm leaving now. I have something to do in a while. See you tomorrow, Miss Daniste."

Shade waved his hand and would go to the doctor later to ask about the sin.

"See you tomorrow, Shade, you had a hard day today."

The red-haired girl also smiled and waved, watching her handsome student tiptoe out of the room and carefully closing the door.

She sighed, closed the book in her hand, placed it on the corner of the coffee table illuminated by the setting sun, and then said to the "sleeping" cat:

"Shad has left again, and I haven't had time to ask him to stay for dinner.

You spent a lot of effort last night to convince me to let you go with him to investigate today. How about it? What was the result of your test? I just heard from Shade that your adventure today was really exciting.


The cat opened its eyes. After a burst of thick fog, her face was still a little pale, but she was almost fine. Flora Winslet folded her hands on her lap and sat elegantly on a single table with her back to the window.

On the sofa.

The light from behind seemed to penetrate her skin that could be broken by blows. She also looked at the red-haired sorceress, looking particularly lazy and melancholy:

"The adventure is indeed wonderful, but I made a big fool of myself in front of your students."

This chapter has been completed!
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