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Chapter 2579 Father-son relationship

Chapter 2578 Father-son relationship

The three of them continued to sit at the table. When Miss Winslet called the waiter to take the order, she gently pressed the frame of the gold-rimmed glasses, and the hypnotic effect of the relic was activated:

"What did your boss come here to do today?"

The waiter, who was taking notes with a pencil, answered without hesitation:

"Boss Bennet is here to check the accounting documents with Baron Cumming. He has an office on the fourth floor of the hotel."

"Does your boss have a business relationship with the Baron?"

"Yes, the Baron is an important business partner of Boss Bennet, and Boss Bennet's eldest daughter, Miss Jane Bennet, is engaged to the Baron's eldest son. Mrs. Bennet is very satisfied with this and often speaks in front of us

Said her daughter was going to marry the future baron."

Miss Winslet nodded, and Shade asked again:

"Is the pineapple liqueur on the menu highly alcoholic? I'm not good at drinking, and I don't want to make a fool of myself in front of these two ladies."

So the red-haired girl patted him:

"I just like seeing you make a fool of yourself."

The waiter, who had recovered from hypnosis, silently wrote "pineapple liqueur" on the menu without realizing what he had just said.

Because of what she encountered at Bennet's old house yesterday, Miss Danister was worried that there were spies from the [Tree Hole Association] around the old Bennet, so after lunch, Shade asked someone to build Carina.

After switching the cabinets between the cabinet and the broom, and temporarily storing the cabinet that could travel through time in the witch's room, the three of them started investigating together.

But old Bennet is just an ordinary person after all. After the three of them spent some time to make sure that there were no detection rituals or relics around him, the high-level witch Miss Winslet used her glasses relic to hypnotize the room directly through the ceiling.

of six people.

After Old Bennet, Baron Cumming, Little Cumming, the two accountants and a servant who were doing the reconciliation all lost their minds, Shade, who was also in Miss Danister's room on the third floor, directly used "Raglai".

"Jump" went upstairs and came back three minutes later in the same way:

"There is no trace of the curse of time on old Bennet."

"Then why are you frowning?"

Miss Denister asked, and Shade was indeed frowning:

"That Baron Cumming and his son have traces of the curse of time on them."


Unlike the Bennet family, which has been rooted in the local area since the days of Ximu Town, the Cumming family is "outsiders" who came to the local area during the early days of Vista City. Moreover, the Cumming family did not settle in the local area. They are still kings.

The nobles of Willondale.

For example, Baron Cumming, who is over 50 years old this year, is the son of Baron Cumming who first came to the local area that year. He spends half of the year in Vista City due to business reasons, so he can be regarded as half a local.

As for him and old Bennet, who ran the hotel, they met because of business reasons, and because both families happened to have young people of similar age, they arranged to get engaged.

According to the hotel waiter, it was not the old Bennet who agreed to the marriage in order to woo the nobility. The 23-year-old Jane Bennet and the 26-year-old James Cumming were in free love and they met at a banquet.

Mrs. Bennet, on the other hand, used the fact that her eldest daughter was about to marry the baron's son as a basis for discussion, and hoped that the remaining three daughters could marry equally well.

Therefore, the Bennet family is very satisfied with this marriage, and the wedding of the two young people is scheduled for next spring.

"You said that the baron and his son had traces of a time curse on them?"

Miss Winslet asked incredulously:

"Could it be said that the treasures we found in Bennet's old house were hidden by the baron? No, this is wrong."

"The Baron's family are not completely local, which is really hard to understand."

Miss Denister also said that she did not suspect that there was something wrong with Shade's perception:

"Do they know they are cursed? Could it be that they accidentally got the curse?"

Shade shook his head:

"The intensity of the curse on them is stronger than yours. Although I am not sure what the content of the curse is, it is definitely not something that can be contracted accidentally."

"Originally I wanted to investigate Bennett, but now it's the Baron and his son."

Miss Winslet thought for a moment:

"After a while they finished checking the accounts and left, and I turned into a sparrow and followed them to see where they were going.

Shade, Daniste, you are waiting here for my news. I went to confirm the residence of Baron Cumming in the city, and then I went to investigate. I only knew them before and didn't know anything about them."

Old Bennet, Baron Cumming and his son stayed at the hotel until two o'clock in the afternoon before leaving. Then the gray sparrow flew out of the window, while Miss Danister and Shade stood at the window looking at the three people downstairs.

People boarded the carriage.

The eighteen-year-old red-haired girl suddenly had a flash of inspiration. She took out the monocle she had used at noon, put it on her eyes and looked down, and then grabbed Shade's arm in surprise:

"Red moon! What did I see?"

"What do you see?"

Shade immediately looked down, but everything was normal at the hotel door.

"Baron Cumming and his son have a father-son relationship."

The sorceress said in surprise, so Shade looked at his teacher in confusion:

"I'm sorry, is this weird?"

"She" chuckled in her ear, and Miss Danister held Shade's hand tighter, glaring at him with her rose-red eyes:

"That young man, James Cumming, son of Baron Cumming, is Baron Cumming's father!"

Outsiders must admit that they did not immediately understand what she said:

"Sorry huh?"

He took a deep breath, rudely reached out and took off her monocle, and then pressed his hand on her forehead:

"Your spirit is very stable, and the whispering element of the relic has not fluctuated much. Are you saying that the 26-year-old young man James Cumming is the father of the 51-year-old Baron Cumming?"

Miss Denister pushed away Shade's hand and covered her forehead:

"I know you're surprised, and I'm definitely as surprised as you are."

"Wait a minute, so is Baron Cumming the father of little Cumming?"

Shade asked again. It took Miss Daniste two seconds to understand what Shade wanted to express. She immediately shook her head:

"No, if there is such a relationship between the two parties, these glasses should also remind me. Their only blood relationship: young James Cumming is the father of the old Baron Cumming. This relationship is one-way."

After speaking, both of them looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

They left the window and sat down on the sofa, with almost the same expression on their faces.

"So, little Cumming is not the biological son of Baron Cumming? No, no, this is too sinful. He is the father of Baron Cumming, and of course he cannot be his biological son. Otherwise, the origins of these two people would form a paradox.


Although the outsider's imagination is very rich, this matter is somewhat beyond his understanding:

"Someone passed on blood through time. James Cumming, who is about to marry Miss Bennet, actually already has a son, and his son is his unrelated father. Okay, let's sit down and think about it carefully.

Anyway, I think we all caught the big fish."

When the owl flew back three hours later in the evening with flapping wings, the stranger thought for a moment that it was coming to deliver a message.

Then, the owl jumped off the window sill and turned into the gray-black haired witch. She greeted the two of them cheerfully:

"Sorry for coming back late, I"

"Can you answer these questions?"

Shade stood up and took her wrist and pulled her to the sofa. When the witch lowered her head to look at his hand, Shade had already thrust a piece of paper to her:

“First, we discovered that little Cumming’s biological father is not Baron Cumming, but Baron Cumming’s biological father is little Cumming, so it’s completely normal that they look alike.

But who is little Cumming’s biological father? Is Baroness Cumming his biological mother?”


The witch who had been following her all afternoon looked at the master and apprentice in surprise, but the master and apprentice, who had been reviewing the logic all afternoon, thought much faster than her:

"Second, who traveled through time? Little Cumming? If his biological mother is still the Baroness, then the Baroness is both his mother and his daughter-in-law? If this is really the case, what will happen to Baron Cumming?

It's a bit sad, because his wife is both his wife and his grandmother.

If the Baroness was not little Cumming's biological mother, things would be a little simpler for this family."


This taboo topic made the witch look at the master and apprentice even more surprised, her thoughts still stuck on the first question.

"Third, if it is little Cumming who travels through time, then why does Baron Cumming also have a time curse? Is it because Baron Cumming was born against time? But what if it is Baron Cumming's mother who travels through time? The old lady

When I was young, I came to know little Kaming now, and then took the child back to her time."

The witch stopped talking. She had given up on following the train of thought to think about this kind of problem. She reached out to stop Shade from continuing to ask questions:

"Give up your questions. Please tell me now, what have you discovered?"

The red-haired girl sighed and pointed to the relic monocle placed on the pile of papers on the table:

"I have said this more than ten times this afternoon: young little Cumming is the father of Baron Cumming; Baron Cumming is not the father of little Cumming."

Even though she was a witch who claimed to be smart, her mouth trembled at the moment, then she covered her face and sat down. She thought for a while before looking at the two masters and apprentices who looked at her inquiringly:

"I've been tired all afternoon and I want to rest! My apprentice has arrived and is downstairs. I'll introduce her to you two first, and then we'll have dinner together.

Give me some time to think about what you are talking about. If this complicated father-son relationship is really caused by time travel, then I can only say that things in the Vista area are even crazier than I thought."

This chapter has been completed!
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