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Chapter 2599 Adele and Adele

Chapter 2598 Adele and Adele

Although Miss Isabella answered her question immediately, the new problem was that the voice in the fog on the left seemed to appear right next to Miss Winslet's ear.

The gray-black haired witch turned her head and looked to the right. Adele Isabella's blurry figure in the fog clearly stood here. She did not speak, and it seemed that she did not hear the answer.

"Who was talking just now?"

The creepy feeling in her heart made her very uncomfortable. There had never been any dangerous situations in this corridor, but this time unreasonable things happened one after another. Her psychological sense of security was gone at this moment.

But before Miss Winslet could ask what was going on, the buzzing sound came from the door behind her again.

Turning around, I saw the huge black shadow approaching quickly in the fog. Miss Isabella on the right suddenly blocked Miss Winslet:

"Flora, it seems that your apprentice has gone to the parliament. You should leave here along the corridor first. Don't worry about me."

"Okay, be careful. There is something strange in the fog. I heard a strange sound just now."

The great witch of death also knew that staying here was just a drag, so she turned around and ran towards the corridor away from the fog door.

She had walked this corridor countless times since she was a witch's apprentice. The one-way passage without forks originally only required moving forward, but she hurriedly ran forward for more than ten steps, but she still couldn't.

I was surprised to find that the corridor branched off into two paths, one left and one right, in the fog ahead.

"This way."

She immediately stopped, but Miss Isabella's figure appeared next to her again, and the demigod witch disguised as a thirteenth-level witch patted her on the shoulder:

"Take the path on the left. The intrusion of these mists and the appearance of the narrow space of time have activated the defense mechanism of this ancient corridor. If you take the wrong path, you will reach other points in time. Follow me and I will take you out.


"But you"

Because of the "auditory hallucination" just now, the cautious witch was a little unsure of who was next to her. Therefore, even though she knew that time could not be delayed, Miss Winslet still stood and did not leave. Instead, she looked at the familiar figure and stepped back.

Small steps:

"Are you really the Speaker? Aren't you supposed to stop that bug behind me?"

The blond lady with tear moles at the corners of her eyes smiled and said:

"Very well, it's right to be vigilant like this. But I am indeed me, and the bug behind me has been temporarily restrained."

She then drew the holy emblem of the ancient god "Chaos Witch" in the air, and the golden light and shadow could actually dispel the dense fog at this moment. This is the power that belongs exclusively to the witches, and it is far more powerful than her. Miss Winslet then followed

She ran to the left.

Although there were forks in the corridor, the length did not change because of the thick fog. As the three of them moved forward, the scenery of the corridor gradually merged with the scenery in the corridor on the third floor of the Accordion Hotel in 1854, and when they took a certain step

In the blink of an eye, he was completely transformed into the hotel corridor.


The witch apprentice who had appeared from Room 317 immediately went to help the teacher, whose face was as white as her own. However, the red-haired girl did not see Shade, and looked at Adele Isabella in front of her with some confusion, and then

He frowned slightly.

She has no time talent, but the special state of "time curse" seems to activate some kind of power in her one-eighth elf blood.

In those rose-red eyes, the blonde witch in front of her was indeed Adele Isabella, but there was a sense of incompatibility that was incompatible with this world.

"Where's Shade?"

This is also Miss Bell's question. After all, Miss Winslet only guessed that Shade was coming, but the witch apprentice watched Shade take the ring and heard him sing the song.

But they couldn't ask Adele Isabella here, and at this time, in the white mist that covered the entire corridor, new footsteps were heard again.

All the ladies looked together in the direction of the corridor leading to the window, and then they all saw Adele Isabella's figure changing from transparent to solid, running towards them step by step.

"Your Excellency Isabella?"

Miss Winslet took Miss Bell and hurriedly moved away from Adele Isabella who originally appeared with them, but did not approach the Adele Isabella who had just appeared.

The red-haired girl looked at the two of them and immediately recognized that the one who had just appeared and was equally surprised was her friend, and there was definitely something wrong with the one who was still smiling when he first appeared.

"Who are you?"

The two Adeles asked each other almost at the same time. After waiting for a moment, they both took out their own gold hair accessories. There was no difference between the two identical pieces of ancient witch gold jewelry.

The current Miss Isabella was surprised and had a strange guess in her mind:

"Because of time confusion, I walked out of the passage at another time? Wait, did I go to the wrong time or did she go to the wrong time?"

Adele smiled and hooked Shade's hand next to her, and Shade obediently gave her the gold ring just now.

"Look at this."

Adele took out Miss Winslet's ring:

"Flora, before I showed you the way, didn't I meet your apprentice first? She temporarily handed the ring to me before entering the parliament."

With that said, he threw the ring to the great witch of death, who immediately recognized that it was indeed the real thing.

Although owning this ring does not mean that she is really Adele Isabella, Miss Winslet was still a little biased at this time that Adele who appeared first was the real one. After all, she did not know that entering that

Who is that in the corridor?


But Miss Bell on the side knew that it was not her but Shade who entered the corridor. She couldn't figure out what happened at this time. She didn't know why the speaker became two. She didn't know where Shade went. She was even confused.

I was vaguely thinking about whether Shad Hamilton was Adele Isabella's doppelgänger or something strange.

"Maybe we are all real, but someone ran at the wrong time."

Demigod Adele said with a smile, and Miss Isabella's eyelids immediately twitched, feeling even more uneasy.

Flora Winslet was alert. According to Shade, Daniste Gustave, who was "lucky" and was cursed to become young, frowned at her. Young Charlotte Bell looked confused, and

The still immature self obviously thought too much——

For the witch in the past, the reappearance of these long-dead people really made her miss her, so she made a small joke. But at this time, Shade, who was standing next to her, squeezed her hand, and she

I have no intention of continuing:

"Listen, Adele, no matter who is real or fake, the bug is coming. Let us deal with it together first. At least that thing is our common enemy."

As the words fell, in the already thick fog, a huge black bug that could fill the entire corridor rushed towards the group of people standing at the door of Room 321.

"Jump Technique!"

The two Adele Isabella cast spells almost at the same time, and then the two of them disappeared together with the insect. The filthy spirit clearly appeared higher above their heads, and they were now in the clear sky in the autumn afternoon.


After Adele and Miss Isabella disappeared, Shade looked at him.

Miss Winslet, Miss Daniste and Miss Bell all looked at his sudden appearance:

"Shadow, what trick are you playing?"

Shade raised his head and looked at the ceiling with some worry:

"Both of them are true. Don't worry. I will explain more details later. At least I am true. But what exactly is that thing?"

Although the great witch of death was full of doubts, she still spoke cautiously:

"I don't know it either. Your Majesty the Speaker said it was an ancient evil thing - the Paradox Worm."

"Paradox bug? I just heard about this thing, and it appeared on its own."

Shade didn't want to be seen by the time witch in this world, so he couldn't participate in the battle this time. However, the group quickly arrived at the roof of the Accordion Hotel, and then saw two huge wheels over the city shrouded in thin white mist.

The golden dials are intertwined and blooming.

Ordinary people in the city cannot see the thick fog, nor can they see the battlefield of fierce fighting at high altitude. But they can see the flashing light. At this time, many people on the street have raised their heads and started talking, but they think this is...

It’s the fireworks set off during the day:

"Is this a warm-up before the Moon Dance Festival starts?"

Since the inexplicable white fog appeared, ring magicians from five churches in the city have been sent out to find the source of the white mist, but only a handful of local ring magicians were able to observe the fog.

Just when they were about to investigate the vicinity of the Golden Music Hall after spending a whole noon, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the sky and attracted everyone's attention.

The pitch-black carapace curled up into a ball shape under the clear blue sky, leaving only densely packed short tentacles exposed. The insect was fixed at the overlap of the two staggered dials.

The hour hands on the two huge gold dials were all pointing at the curled-up black insect. The two minute hands and the two second hands were rotating rapidly, and the clicking sound seemed like time was really accelerating.

But the insect cannot be captured so easily. With the shaking of the tentacles, the white mist continuously seeps out from the gaps in its carapace. With a loud click, the two dials in the air are like golden glass.


The person with long hair tied up is the current Isabella, and the person with long golden hair blowing in the wind is the past Adele.

So Isabella retreated while resisting the backlash of the spell, while Adele, whom Shade was familiar with, raised her right hand and switched counterclockwise. The broken light spots in the air immediately turned back time and turned into a huge dial again, turning the black

The bug was firmly locked in the center, but soon the bug broke away from the dial again, and then suddenly fled towards the sky above the golden concert hall.

Although the local ring warlocks didn't know what was going on, the black beetle looked like it was not a good thing. The three high ring warlocks who took off one after another stopped in front of the insect, but all the strange things they threw

All the magic passed through the insect's body, as if the insect was just an illusion.

And when the bug crashed into the three people, it immediately triggered a defense ritual in the city's sky.

The huge ceremony with five churches as its core formed a golden five-fold ring under the clear sky, but even so, it was still broken one after another under the collision of the insects. It really seemed like golden fireworks were set off at this moment.

So the three of them also knew that this monster was unusual, and they immediately dispersed and hid in all directions.

This chapter has been completed!
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