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Chapter 2609 The Timeline of the Cumming Family

Chapter 2608 The timeline of the Cumming family

Although the investigation revealed that Baroness Cumming was an "abandoned baby" found in the woods by an old timber merchant and his wife, Gray Gloves did not find out how the Baroness ended up in the woods.

The timber merchant didn't want everyone to know about his loss of fertility, so he kept claiming that the current Baroness Cumming was his biological daughter. If Gray Gloves hadn't found the old servant who used to drive the merchant's cart, he wouldn't have even "

"A crying baby girl was picked up in the forest" cannot be investigated.

"According to the information, after the timber merchant and his wife fell ill and died one after another, according to the will, two-thirds of the property was left to the merchant's brother's two sons, and the other third was given to Baroness Cumming as a dowry, so

Only now the Cumming family, as 'foreign builders', are qualified to intervene in the local timber industry."

He read the information, and Miss Winslet handed him another document:

"As for Mrs. Bennet's situation, it is easy to investigate. Her family used to be very prosperous, and they had their own farm and lumber camp.

My girls went to the village on the outskirts of Vista City to find her former neighbor. The old woman who was in good spirits said that Mrs. Bennet's mother did give birth to a child before she gave birth to her, but

The child disappeared in 1809 when he was one year old."

Shade raised his head:

"Is the time when the child disappeared close to the time when the timber merchant and his wife found the child?"

"Very close, or rather, the same morning and afternoon on the same day in the summer of 1809.

The current investigation results are only these, but it can be inferred that Baroness Cumming, who is one year older than Mrs. Bennet, was stolen and then deliberately placed on the path of the old timber merchant and his wife.

Otherwise, since Vista Grove is so big, it makes no sense that they happened to see the baby. Moreover, the child was taken away in the morning and adopted in the afternoon. This is really a coincidence."

These things are only related to Mrs. Bennet and Baroness Cumming. Although they seem to have nothing to do with the strange "father and son" relationship between Baron Cumming and Little Cumming, since there are problems, Shade feels that there is a high probability that they can still be involved.

Baron and Son:

"What are the results of the investigation into the missing baby case?"

This time Miss Winslet shook her head:

"At that time, Ximu Town was still in the stage of transformation into Vista City. It was a small place and there were not many police officers. The sheriff of that town sent people to search, and the only clue they got was that there were people in the town at that time.

A strange man appeared.

After the investigation, no one knew where the outsider came from or where he went. It was summer, there was no rain locally, and he didn't even leave any footprints."

"Does that mean there are no clues?"

"No, there is another person who clearly saw the thief who stole the baby back then. But the brain of a one-year-old baby is not fully developed, so it is probably difficult to fully display the memory."

Miss Danister reminded, and Shade understood:

"Yes, Baroness Cumming must have seen the other party's method of retrieving memories back then. Are you ready?"

Both women laughed:

"I knew you would ask this. We had breakfast this morning and went out together before you came.

Retrieving memories from infancy requires a lot of professionalism. Although none of us are magicians who specialize in this, Daniste casually borrowed the alchemy items made by the professors from your academy."

Miss Bell went to the window and closed the curtains. There was no need to turn on the lights during the day, so the room suddenly became dark.

There was an Erlenmeyer flask in the hand of the red-haired girl, and a ball of warm white light was shaking in it:

"The reason why we don't use relics is to prevent ordinary people from being exposed to the whispering elements. We don't know if there is content in this memory that we need, so let's try our luck."

Miss Bell placed the water basin on the coffee table, and as Miss Daniste put the light from the conical flask into the water, the four of them saw an illusory projection appearing above the water basin.

A series of discontinuous images flashed rapidly in the dark room. The early memories of Baroness Cumming's life were more broken than Shade had imagined.

Fortunately, Miss Daniste still had a way. She tapped her fingers in the air twice, and all the pictures that flashed quickly unfolded, and soon hundreds of different pictures were spread out in the room.

Most of the semi-transparent images with a faint glow are blurry, requiring great patience to carefully identify the scene.

Then Miss Winslet said to her apprentice:

"Call all the girls who are not out on missions to come up. Whoever finds the key picture, I can let her choose a secret technique in the middle circle to learn."

"That's not necessary anymore."

Shade raised her hand and walked forward, so the three ladies followed her. "She" told Shade the results of his investigation, and Shade pointed to a picture that was probably a child's perspective looking at the nursery:

"Can I zoom in?"


The red-haired girl stretched her hand forward, and all other pictures disappeared. Then she pinched her fingers and pointed at the picture pointed out by Shade. As her fingers slowly opened, the picture also expanded. Finally, she flicked her wrist to zoom in.

The picture moves to the wall. Foreigners feel that this operation has a sense of déjà vu.


All four people gathered close to the wall. The details in the enlarged picture were still very fine, but the originally blurry areas were still blurry:

"Who is this?"

In the corner of the picture is the window of the room. I don’t know if the window glass has not been wiped for a long time or for other reasons. The face that appears outside the window is strange and hazy, but at least it is clear that it is a man.

“Can you think of a way to make this clearer?”

Shade asked again. He didn't have any hope at first, but he didn't expect Miss Daniste to nod:

"Yes. There are professors in the college who specialize in the restoration of ancient murals. When it is difficult to reverse time, the picture is divided into different points according to the remaining pictures and color traces. Combined with the color distribution of the same type of murals, through a series of

Complex calculations can simulate what that painting might look like if it were complete."

Shade felt that this line of thinking also had a sense of déjà vu.

"Of course, this method is only effective for scenes that do not contain elements. Fortunately, Baroness Cumming is just an ordinary person, and her memory has not been deleted."

She gestured at the glowing picture a few more times, and the blurry man's face gradually became clear, as if it was filled with colors and details layer by layer.

Before the face was completely clear, Shade recognized who it was, and his eyes widened:

"Looks like a young man, James Cumming?"

"No, don't jump to conclusions so early."

Miss Winslet stopped her, her golden eyes fixed on the face that was undergoing final repairs:

"It does look a lot like today's James Cumming, but there are differences if you look closely.

I specialize in animal transfiguration and am very sensitive to the characteristics and details of living things. If Danist's hair color, cheekbone shape and eye size are correct, this is not James Cumming, this is Kane Cumming



Shade was startled, and then Miss Charlotte Bell reminded her softly:

"The son and non-biological father of James Cumming, who is now Baron Cumming."

Now everyone was shocked, and Shade asked again:

"Baron Cumming is about the same age as his wife, right?"

"There is a difference of five years, so when the baby was stolen when he was one year old, the Baron should have been only six years old, not in his early twenties as we saw."

The red-haired girl nodded, while Shade covered his forehead:

"So Baron Cumming also has a time curse, and it's not at all because he was born through time travel. If our speculation is correct, then there is a high probability that he has also used tree holes? What is going on with this family?"

Miss Winslet quickly used thaumaturgy to draw the restored face from the memory scene. Everyone sat down again, and Miss Danister came up with a new idea:

"Since the third tree hole "Opening the Forest Door: Our Animal Companions" that Shade saw was once in the hands of Baron Cumming's mother Erica and is now in the hands of James Cumming, then there is a high probability that this book

Appeared in the hands of Baron Cumming."

Miss Winslet picked up the report again:

"Baron Cumming's mother died when he was a teenager, which makes sense. But if the Baron also discovered the secret of the book, why would he give it to his son? Well, to his father? Or

Tell me, what did he learn through that book?"

"Let's summarize the current situation."

Shade rubbed his face:

"In chronological order, in 1802, a girl named Erica met James Cumming, who traveled through time, and then..."

"In 1803, Baron Cumming was born, and she was already a baroness at that time."

The witch holding Baron Cumming's information said.

"Then in 1808, the present Baroness Cumming was born. In 1809, when she was one year old, she was stolen by Baron Cumming, who traveled through time, her future husband and actual grandson, and was adopted by an old timber merchant and his wife.

.Her biological sister came later."

The witch continued to add:

"Her biological sister Mrs. Bennet was born in the autumn of the same year. Then eight years later, in 1817, Erica died. Baron Cumming, 14, discovered the secret of the book at an unknown age, and in his twenties

years, that is, the 1820s and time travel to 1809."

Miss Bell cast a spell to make a whiteboard float in the air, and she drew a timeline based on everyone's stories.

"In 1830, the 22-year-old Baroness Cumming gave birth to James Cumming with an unknown person. Of course, the child was regarded as a son by the 27-year-old Baron Cumming. But whether the Baron knew the truth, none of us can tell.


Two years later, in 1832, Mrs. Bennet and Mr. Bennet gave birth to their eldest daughter, Jane Bennet. Then 22 years later, James Cumming traveled through time and met Erica from the past.

And that year he became engaged to Jane Bennet."

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Time·Cumming Family Timeline".

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