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Chapter 2612 The “Druids” in the Snow Forest

Chapter 2611 The “Druids” in the Snow Forest

Hearing "her" reminder, Shade quickly cut off a piece of the Baron's flesh with his right hand, letting the blood pass through his transparent body and spill on the table. He loosened his hand to prevent himself from being cursed, and then looked at

The baron completely disappeared from sight.

"Her" voice still continues:

[The curse of time will come to you in the form of "the time key is deactivated for a week". 】

[Outlander, you noticed the content of the other party's time curse in the narrow space of time: you cannot touch metal with a gold content of more than 95%, and you will die if you touch it. 】

"Let him run away!"

The white mouse in the pocket said, Shade shook his head:

"He can't run away, I'm going to find him right now. Also, I know the characteristics of his time curse."

He briefly explained, and Miss Mouse sighed:

"It seems that the time curse is indeed fair. Although he will be completely in his normal state as long as you pay attention to it, he will have to be wary of gold for the rest of his life. How are you going to find him? Use the tree hole here?"

Miss Winslet did not stop Shadd:

"He just traveled through time without doing anything. You must be careful, this person is weird."

"Do you know you want to come with me?"

Xia De suddenly asked, and the witch said doubtfully:

"Can I? I mean, although your cat has proven the feasibility last time, I thought you would exclude me from the adventure."

Shade smiled:

"Since we're here, let's go together. But before we go looking for the increasingly interesting Baron, isn't it more important to see this first?"

He pointed to the box on the table that Baron Cumming dug out from outside the city. It was a metal box. According to Miss Bell, the box was wrapped in waterproof tarpaulin when it was dug out, so the degree of rust was not very high.

The box itself had no lock. After a brief inspection, Shade reached out and opened it. Inside the metal box was actually a wooden box. After opening the wooden box again, there was a glass bottle embedded inside, and the bottle contained a bright green potion.

"What's this?"

Of course Shade would not open a bottle of unknown potion carelessly, and Miss Winslet certainly could not identify what it was just by the color of the potion. She had no knowledge of the great witch Megan/Audrey.

She is wise, and her age is not enough for her to accumulate experience like Granny Cassandra:

"Let's catch up first. The Baron obviously knows more than us."

"Opening the Door to the Forest: Our Animal Companions" was still in the drawer of James Cumming's room. After Shade found the book, he was ready to set off:

"May the World Tree protect us in infinite time."


The key was inserted into the door painted on the book cover——

[Outlander, you have opened a "twisted tree hole". 】

[Tips from the Father of the Infinite Tree:]

[Using the normal time key to open the door will connect to the following time point: 1802, the sixth era of the present world.]

[Note, any life other than you who uses this channel will be cursed by time. 】

[Note that you can enter the past 40 minutes through the abnormal channel here, and you must return through this channel after the time is over. 】

[Note, after using the key to open the door here twice, the passage will completely collapse. 】

Because the twenty minutes of defeating the "Paradox Worm" last time were extended to forty minutes, after confirming this information, Shade clenched the mouse doll in his hand, and then "pull" the door on the book cover outward.

The scene in the room of an aristocratic young man in 1854 was quickly replaced by the scene in a strange girl's boudoir in the classical era, but Shade, who was ready to cast a spell to stop time, did not see anyone in the room.

When the picture in front of him was completely stable, he immediately looked at the clean desk next to him. With a movement of his fingers, all the unlocked drawers were opened, so Shade reached out and opened the locked drawer, and then looked at

It’s time for “Opening the Forest Door: Our Animal Companions” which belongs to this era.

"Sure enough, it's here."

The mouse doll she held in her right hand was quickly transformed back into a real mouse and then into an owl. She was careful not to change back into a human form:

"I don't feel that my curse has deepened. It seems that this method of smuggling is indeed feasible. Your transformation is indeed not a simple transformation."

She said this, fluttering her wings and coming to the window sill to look outside:

"In 1802, Ximu Town was still Ximu Town. Is there any way to find Baron Cumming? Or I can find a way."

"Of course there is a way."

Shade stuffed the book into his pocket, and then took out the blood of Baron Cumming that he had just collected:

"Echo of Blood!"

Blood Echo can see the "echo" left by the blood owner within 24 hours, but this requires Shade to know where the other party has been.

In fact, Shade was not sure whether Baron Cumming arrived at the same time as himself in 1802, but the town of Ximu in this era was not big. Shade's idea was to know the answer by flying around the town.

In fact, he didn't need to do this at all, because as soon as the thaumaturgy was activated, the bloody afterimage already appeared in the space.


"I saw it. It's interesting. I couldn't see the Baron entering the door, only his leaving. He appeared directly here."

"Follow me, I'll take you flying."

"Miss Owl" said while looking outside. The time at this time was the newborn moon of 1802, and outside was a small town covered in silver.

The owl is flying high in the sky with the cat, and the cat has the clerical relic [Eye of the Crow], one of the "Seven Rings of Mia", strung on its tail. Even at high altitude, the cat can clearly see the continuous red shadow on the ground.


Obviously, Baron Cumming arrived at this point less than half an hour before the two of them, but the owl did not even see Baron Cumming until it chased him out of the town.

So the two of them could only continue to go deeper into the forest. Fortunately, the owl flew very fast. At the eleventh minute after arriving in this time and space, they finally saw Baron Cumming kneeling in the snow in a small clearing in the forest.


The wound on his shoulder had been simply bandaged, but autumn clothing was obviously inappropriate in this midwinter season. He shivered and knelt in the snow, his head and shoulders were covered with snow but he remained motionless.

The shadow of an owl flew by him as it flew overhead, and then the silver cat fell from the sky, but changed into a human form before falling into the snow.

His shoes were submerged in the snow. Shade stood by the open space and looked at the kneeling Baron. He raised his hand and stroked the owl that fell on his shoulder in the air. He shook his head in disappointment:

"If this gentleman is just used as bait, isn't the trap too obvious?"

Seeing that there was still no reaction around him after he finished speaking, the owl flapped its wings violently, and the howling wind passed through the winter forest. The wind blew away the snow in the clearing, revealing the ceremony centered on Baron Cumming.

base array.

Only then did the rustling sound of boots crushing the snow appear from the surroundings, and six ring warlocks in robes walked out from their hiding place in the forest.

They are all dressed up in the same way. The monotonous linen robes and cloth shoes that don't look warm are incompatible with this season. The highest level among them is the tenth ring, and among the remaining five, one of the low-level ones has the fourth ring, and the rest are all


Seeing their attire, Shade was about to speak, but all six of them quickly moved. Everyone touched their hands on the snow-covered tree next to them, and the green light rising from the forest enveloped them, except for the low-level man.

Except for the Ring Warlock, the other five people all transformed into animals.

A gray brown bear, a huge tiger, an eagle with wings spread probably larger than Shade's height, and a coiled patterned python.

The transformation of the high-ring warlock is a huge alien creature "Owlbear" with "the head of an owl" and the "body of a bear". The creature is all white, and its strong body combined with the spell-casting ability of the high-ring warlock makes him absolutely perfect at this time.

It’s not just as simple as ten rings.

The low-level warlock who had not transformed was a woman with short hair. She led Baron Cumming, who was shivering from the cold, to retreat, while five animals surrounded Shade in the snow.

In animal form, they were still able to summon life rings. At this time, various amplifying magic techniques were shared and spread with each other. In addition, the forest itself seemed to be able to enhance them. The animals transformed by the five of them looked obviously very powerful.

Shade has never exposed any thaumaturgy with obvious traces of "God Summoner" in front of Miss Winslet, so naturally he will not summon the Moonlight Sword at this time.

As soon as he raised his hand, a blazing fireball appeared in his hand. But he immediately changed his mind and held his palm to extinguish the flames. He took a deep breath and used the magic power of the red dragon.

Shade originally thought that after absorbing the divinity of the "Dragon-Eating Demon", the spell would be sublimated into thaumaturgy, but in fact it did not. It was only some time ago that Sister Devlin experienced the "violence" of the First Fire, she shared

The flame given to Shade brought new changes to the spell.

With the use of the spell, his sudden rise in body temperature caused the owl on his shoulder to turn its head and look at him.

The originally silent first fire seemed to ignite the blood in the whole body. Although the skin only turned slightly red, the body temperature that increased with the increase in strength not only made "Miss Owl" shake like a sieve, but also caused the five people to use transformation.

The Ring Warlock instinctively senses danger.

The phantom of the red dragon flashed behind Sha De, and the increase in body temperature even melted the snow under his feet. So the three-meter-high owl bear transformed by the high-ring warlock came to Sha De first and saw Sha De

If it doesn't intend to use thaumaturgy, it doesn't use thaumaturgy.

The two collided purely with their bodies. Shade's punch made a sonic boom like a bomb exploding, and then with a crash like a dragon's roar, the snow-white owlbear flew backwards like a cannonball.

Even after experiencing such an explosion of power, "Miss Owl" standing on Shade's shoulders did not feel that his body was shaking under the collision of power. And being able to achieve such an exaggerated and overwhelming power advantage was only because of his own strength.

, the power of the earth and the power of the red dragon, also because it is winter now.

Winter blesses strangers.

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Owl Bear in the Snow".

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