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Chapter 2615: Ximu Town Weaving Time (Please vote!)

Chapter 2614: Ximu Town Weaving Time (please vote!)

"You don't have to worry about me, I won't do anything bad to you or your family."

Now that he has shared his story, Shad also declares:

"I was just investigating the tree hole. It seems that you learned a lot from these hermits?"

After speaking, he glanced at the hermits who were busy working on their own. The baron was very grateful to them:

"When I first used this book to travel through time, it was completely out of my control. I didn't know about the curse at that time."

After speaking, he looked at Xia De, who nodded:

"I know about the time curse, and it manifests itself differently for everyone."

"Yes, I triggered the curse at this point in time and fainted in the forest under the scorching sun. Thanks to them for saving me. These hermits are good people. I informed them of my identity, but they did not explore it, or even

Some are afraid of hearing about the future.

They informed me of common sense about time travel and warned me not to continue doing this. They have probably encountered similar people before and know that I will not give up."

Shade understood:

"So you know how to make limited use of tree holes because the hermits shared their knowledge?"

"They probably thought it would be better to teach me something rather than letting me experiment randomly. I was also worried that they wanted that book, but they never had that idea. They were in awe of the power of time."

Shade took back the two talismans in the snow so that the following conversation could be heard by the hermits:

"They didn't ask for anything in return?"

"No, I just ask that I try not to destroy the stability of time, and if possible, never travel through time again."

Hearing the voice, the leading high-level warlock came over again and sat down by the campfire:

"You guys seem to be having a pretty good conversation."

He nodded to Shade:

"Formal introduction, Prada Ogg, the current Grand Elder of the [Forest Hermits].

We have another request for this gentleman. He can only contact us in one era. Now that we in 1802 have given him help, he can no longer go to us in his time. This is our way to protect ourselves.


Baron Cumming nodded:

"I kept my promise. I don't know much about time. I will abide by whatever you say."

So Shade, who originally had no time to talk in detail with the group of people in front of him because of lack of time, completely gave up on establishing contact with the [Forest Hermits Group] at this time.

Anyway, he already had Old John's letter, plus the goodwill gained from returning the Holy Emblem, so he went to find the hermits in the forest in 1854.

Therefore, the series of questions he originally wanted to ask could not be said at this time. Shade just asked:

"Mr. Ogg, do you have a way to travel through time directly without using a tree hole?"

The hermit shook his head:

"In addition to time keys and tree holes, there may be other ways to travel through time in the material world, but we definitely don't know. If you want to ask about the method he used to come here this time, he still used tree holes in essence, but

No direct contact is required.

But he paid an even heavier price for it, and fortunately it was not the enemy who pursued him."

"So what exactly is going on?"

Shade took out the box that the baron dug out in the woods in 1854 from his pocket, and the latter sighed:

"Just like you, someone else discovered my secret. The other person existed in the time and space seven years later in 1809. He found me and threatened me to help him deliver something to many years later. I know you are curious, so I went again

1809, I recently discovered some other things to investigate."

He pointed to the box:

"The man in 1809 was obviously different from you. He directly threatened me that if I didn't agree to him, he would kill my whole family. Although 1809 is only 7 years later, Mr. Ogg and I have agreed on a meeting time

, limited to the years 1801 to 1803. Neither in 1809 nor at our actual point in time could I find any help from the hermits.

So I was forced to accept his threat. The book had lost its power to go back to 1809 at our time. Fortunately, I had other methods. I went to deal with the box this morning and put it away in the afternoon.

After digging it out, and then you came, I originally thought that I could bring him to this point in time and let Mr. Ogg and the others help deal with it."

"I'll help you solve this problem."

Shade did not hand him the box, but collected it himself:

"Because of me, you are forced to pay the price of deepening the curse and this time comes again. Since you have paid the price, then I will help you solve this matter. Besides, I am also very curious about the other party."

Of course Baron Cumming would not refuse. Since the man with the owl in front of him was recognized by the hermits, he must not be a bad person.

"Mr. Ogg, I will not explore the secrets of time with you at this time, but at least please answer me a question: The Hermits in the Forest have been stationed in the Vista Grove. Is this related to the tree hole?"


The hermit in Gaohuan nodded, but then shook his head:

"I know what you want to ask. Yes, we have indeed been helping innocent people who accidentally travel through time, or who have to travel through time.

We have done similar things many times since the Sixth Age, and the cult has been implicated and almost destroyed several times. This is not a task given to us, but this kind of thing always needs people to do it.

We don’t want to travel through time, nor do we want to get involved in the grudges and stories of time travellers. We just warn them of some basic rules. Since we can’t stop it, we at least let them know what the consequences of what they do will be.


"Ximu Town has been home to many time travelers since ancient times?"

Shade asked again, and this time the Baron answered him:

"I have investigated this matter. Although the Cumming family is not a local family in Ximu Town, because of my wife's relationship, they can be regarded as half locals.

I couldn't find any paper information. I can only say that the water in Ximu Town is deeper than anywhere else. Every one of those families who have been entrenched in the local area for a long time is suspected of having come into contact with tree holes.

From the current perspective, everything in the city is normal and developing prosperously. But all of this is because of the accumulation of complex stories like mine, which have been woven into the ‘now’.”

"Yes, this place in Ximu Town is very strange, quite strange."

The hermit in Gaohuan also nodded in agreement:

"I can't tell you more things. Just like the next generation of hermits will not know this gentleman's story, the past stories have never been circulated, only leaving records of 'once upon a time'.

The Vista Woodland with Ximu Town as its center may be the place with the weakest time stability in the entire material world. If this gentleman can come, if you can come, others should be able to come too."

“Did the local church not know about this all along?”

Shade frowned and said, Mr. Ogg threw the dry firewood on the side into the fire:

“During the time when Ximu Town was first built, the Natural Church’s church has always existed here.

The Sheriff of Ximu Town, the Mayor of Ximu Town, the chairman of the Lumberjacks Association, and the bishop of the local church are the four pillars of the town. Those things that ordinary people may know, you guessed it, everyone in the local church,

Don’t you know any of them?”

"But there has never been such news in the natural church."

Shade stopped talking. Either the Holy See of the Church of Nature has always concealed this shocking secret from partners such as the other four churches, the three major colleges and the Prophet Association, or it is an insider in the local church who has never let this secret happen.

The news left Vesta Grove.

Rather than questioning that there is something wrong with the top management of the Natural Church, Shade is more willing to believe that the local church is hiding something.

"You don't look like you're going to ask for help from us in this day and age."

The hermit by the fire interrupted Shade's thoughts:

"I must remind you that although we are giving reminders to those time travelers we can meet, we only help those who have not done evil things because of greed and desire, and we do not tend to help non-ordinary people."

He paused:

"You and your animal companions are very powerful, or more powerful than all the ring warlocks I have seen in this town. If you want to communicate with us in the future, don't show that you have traveled through time at the beginning, otherwise it will arouse alertness


"Then if I just take out the garland like I did just now, can I gain your trust?"

Shade asked again, and Mr. Ogg shook his head:

"I don't know what will happen to us in the future. I have elf blood so I can see that this is a wreath recognized by the forest. But if there are people like me among the hermits in the future, you can only find the answer yourself."

Shade nodded, calculated the remaining forty minutes, and asked the last question:

"Since you know the secret of the tree hole, have you really never used the tree hole in the entire sixth era?"

The hermit did not answer immediately this time, but remained silent for a few seconds:

"There is no way to avoid the curse of using a tree hole, so hermits throughout the ages have known not to use this power.

I can only guarantee that no one of my generation has used it, and the information does not say that the hermits of the past have used it. I can’t guarantee you anything else. After all, it is really powerful to travel through time to change those regrettable things.

So tempting.

The ring sorcerers of the Order should be able to resist temptation, but there are more than just ring sorcerers in the Order. Everyone has regrets, but the size of the regret is different. Even if you don't change the past, you just want to see the relatives you didn't see for the last time, go

That's pretty much it, rushing to that date that is destined to be fruitless and watching the truth that everyone is hiding."

"Sir, do you have no regrets about the past?"

The Baron then asked Shade, and Mr. Ogg also looked at him. Shade opened his mouth, and then smiled at them. There were many meanings in that smile that they could not understand:

"I didn't go there."

PS: Please vote~Please vote~

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