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Chapter 2641 The second time in 2025

Chapter 2640 The second time in 2025

Shade discovered that Vanessa's cooking skills were actually very good, and he guessed that Carina's recent early rise was related to Vanessa staying overnight at his place.

Sitting at the dining table, while the family was enjoying the penultimate breakfast of this harvest month in the sound of rain, Vanessa looked at Shad who was in good spirits and sighed with a smile:

"I only knew that you were busy during the day, but now that I am here with you, it seems that you are also busy at night. No wonder Miss Feliana said that we failed to take good care of you."

She didn't seem to realize that since she came to Tobesk, she has been here every night except Saturdays. This is why Shade has been busy at night recently.

"I probably didn't take good care of it during the day, but I should take good care of it at night."

The Duchess also said teasingly. Except for Sirius, whose face was slightly red, the other girls covered their mouths and laughed.

"Shadow, how was the situation yesterday? Has the Cumming family's matter been resolved?"

Luvia then asked again, and Shade took advantage of the breakfast time to talk about the identity of Father Francois yesterday morning, the nun, the paradox bug and the mythical lock in the afternoon, the evening concert, the dream and the rape that traveled through time and space.


This was not the first time that everyone had heard that Shade had done so many things in one day. So they just complained about Flora Winslet a few times, and then discussed "Moonfire".

Shade didn't hide anything about this new spell, not even Sister Devlin's evaluation. When he opened his right hand on the dining table and let the pure silver flame jump, all the ladies' eyes were attracted.



Even little Mia, who was having breakfast, raised her head. When her big amber eyes stared at the flames, her expression looked a little silly for some reason. The silly cat then pressed its right front paw like a white glove against the flames.

into the burning "moon fire", and then called out "meow~".

Everyone can tell that this is a cat's way of expressing comfort.

"The moon god blesses you, it's still during the Moon Dance Festival"

The two great witches exchanged somewhat obscure glances. Sirius was worried whether this power had a price, while Luvia frowned. Her purple eyes reflected the silver moonfire, and in the beating flames, she seemed to

Saw something.

It was a very familiar feeling, just like waking up from a dream and recalling the dream of the previous moment, only to find that your mind was blank.

At this time, the cat's left front paw also reached towards the flame in Shade's hand, and the purple-eyed fortune teller suddenly realized. In the beating moonfire, she clearly saw the cat that opened its mouth and swallowed the moon, facing the whole world.

It spit out silver flames.

Although he was in a hurry to go out, Shade still didn't forget this week's gift box.

Last week he took out a set of jewelry from the box and gave it to Miss Daniste, who had just turned eighteen, but Vanessa and Sirius hadn't arrived at that time. Now that Vanessa and Sirius are at home

, and then listened to Xia De describe the effect of this "artifact".

They were naturally surprised that Shad was considered a "child", but soon Vanessa covered her mouth and started laughing for some reason.

What Shade took out from the box this week was also an ordinary item. It was a coat and uniform of Kasenrik's "Captain Officer", complete with buttons and epaulettes. Naturally, the girls were not interested in this kind of thing.

.As for this week's task, Shade is required to wear his own "professional uniform."

There is no limit on the duration, and Shade's professional uniform as a "detective" seems to be the clothes he usually wears.

"Speaking of which, can [God's Gift Box] contain the twisted tree hole?"

Xia De suddenly had such an idea at this time.

Of course, the cabinets and wooden doors are too large to fit into this box, but the book "Opening the Forest Door: Our Animal Companions" obtained from the Cumming family can fit inside perfectly.

Because of this idea, Shade took this relic that had not been taken out of the house for a long time to the Vista Woodland. Because little Mia got into the box early and refused to come out, Shade also took him with him.

Arriving in the woodland.

When Shade came to Miss Elf's tree house, the three nuns and Miss Elf were still having breakfast. Sister Devlin and the Elf were sitting at one table, and the other two High Ring nuns were sitting at another table.

Seeing little Mia sticking her head out of the box that Shade was holding, holding the edge of the box with her front paws and looking at the breakfast on the table, the blond elf with pointed ears subconsciously wanted to reach out to touch it, but immediately withdrew his hand.

Shade noticed that she did not light the "cat-repelling incense" today, but because the cat was attracted by the delicious breakfast, it did not smell the scent of the elf.

"Okay, this one can contain that tree hole."

The elf didn't even listen to Shade's explanation of the specific characteristics of [God's Gift Box], and directly gave a positive answer, as if she also fully understood this relic:

"This is the safest containment method. This kind of divine creation is one of the few devices that can completely limit the effect of a tree hole. Even if the next tree hole you find is still so small, it can be put in."

"But I still need the conventional means of restricting tree holes that you provide."

"Yes, yes, so you have to find me another arrow, and then I will tell you the answer."

Although Sister Devlin didn't mention Shade's need to borrow an eyepatch last night, she obviously hadn't forgotten it either. After Shade and the elf girl finished talking about the matter, she motioned for Shade to come over, and then slightly lowered her head to take off the blindfold.

She took off her blindfold and handed the metal with her warm body temperature to Shade.

During this period she didn't say a word, and after taking off her blindfold, she turned her head away from Shade.

The elf girl snickered on the side, still feeling that the relationship between the two was very interesting. Shade rubbed the surface of mithril with his hand, thanked the nun and prepared to set off:


"Well, you two, see you in three seconds."


The cat jumped on Shade's shoulder, obviously wanting to follow him. [Black Sand Pier] does not seem particularly dangerous at the moment, although happy emotions will continue to be lost and negative emotions will increase on the beach and water areas, but there

You can maintain your normalcy by a campfire.

Shade then patted the cat's head and agreed to its departure. After making sure that all the "cowardice" he had absorbed was on his body, he stuck Sister Devlin's blindfold on his upper arm, and then took it out and used it once.

The key is pointed at the door of the tree house:

"May the World Tree protect me in infinite time."


The fog door appeared behind the open wooden door. Shade turned the cat into a toy and strode in.

【Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time".】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree":]

[Summer of 2025 in the Fifth Era, Western Continent, Black Sand Wharf.]

【Event: Farewell.】

【Duration fifty minutes (2/3).】

【You have obtained additional information.】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you.]

[The ancient god of time gives you a test:]

【Waiting with mortals for those who are about to leave.】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you a reward: Miracle Spirit Rune-Tree.]

"Fifty minutes? Wasn't it thirty minutes last time?"

[This is not the first time that time has changed.]

"She" said softly, Shade nodded, but stood in the fog and did not step forward immediately:

"When I went to see Sister Devlin in the Woods last night, was there something wrong with my mood?"

【You seem to be angry because of the dream.】

"She" continued to speak softly. Shade stood in the fog and still did not move forward:

"Do you think I'm right to be angry?"

"She" smiled softly, like the night wind blowing on the water. The ripples were silent but beautiful. It seemed that someone was hugging him from the fog behind him. Shade did not turn his head, staring at the fog in front of him.

, it took a long time before he shook his head:

"You'll always see me."

Stepping out of the fog, the calm and monotonous sound of the tide was first caught by the ears, and then the scene of the black beach with a light mist and the endless water in the distance appeared together.

Obviously before coming here, Shade was in a good mood because there were many ladies at home this morning. The shy look of the nun just now was very interesting, but the conversation in the fog made his mood a lot gloomier. At this time, his extremely depressed mood became even more intense.

It made him take a deep breath.

Except for the sound of the tide in the distance, there is not even a sound of wind here. The mist has a cold feeling that makes the clothes cling to the body. This kind of coldness can be endured by even ordinary people, but psychologically it further aggravates the loss and world-weariness.


The silver eyepatch stuck on his upper arm shone slightly at the moment, and warm heat poured out from the eyepatch. At the same time, the feeling of being hugged from behind reappeared, and a little silver light seemed to be swaying behind him.

This was not the first time he came here. He did not look around like last time, but walked directly towards the monotonous black dock in the mist in the distance.

The soles of his shoes made a rustling sound when they rubbed against the black sand. Although he obviously had no problem with his physical strength, walking on this black beach still made him breathe heavily.

Even people without psychological problems may become Dr. Schneider's patients if they come here. Even Shade cannot resist the infection of people's emotions by this environment. In other words, attributes such as mental resistance are ineffective in this scene.

You can only use your own good memories to prevent the spread of negative emotions.

He didn't say a word, didn't complain a word, and just silently brought that silver light to the small black wooden pier at the end of the beach. The burning bonfire added a touch of brightness to the low and depressing environment, and the bonfire

There were actually not two figures on the side, but three.

In addition to Mr. Frank Nielsen, a dirty black-haired man who is waiting for his wife, and Ms. Aniya Bullock, the thirteenth-level "Death Witch Candidate" whose sister is a fire-wielding nun, there is another person who looks like a second-hand man by the fire.

A young girl in her teens.

You can tell from her appearance that the other person is also a witch.

The two familiar companions didn't seem to have changed much, except that Ms. Bullock's spirit was obviously more depressed. They also noticed Shade, but they didn't seem to see the glow behind him. After nodding to each other, Shade appeared.

I sat down by the campfire, closed my eyes and shivered, took a long breath before opening my eyes, looked behind me and saw that the silver glow was dissipating, and then I complained softly:

"I just hate this kind of place without the moon."

As he spoke, he took out the little Mia toy again. When the fluffy cat appeared in his hands, even the other three people beside the fire felt that the surroundings seemed to become much warmer.

There was still mist lingering on the black beach and water. Amidst the clattering sound, the tall black figure stood motionless on the wooden boat docked on the left side of the pier. The cat opened its mouth wide and yawned, then lay down on Shade.

Look around your body.

Shade looked at his companions:

"As promised, I brought back the sin of cowardice."

There was not much time and he did not exchange too much greetings. He asked about the physical conditions of Mr. Nelson and Ms. Bullock, and then looked at the young witch who was only at the third level:

"Who is this?"

This chapter has been completed!
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