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Chapter 2648: Revisiting the Hermit

Chapter 2647 Visiting the Hermit Again

The person who went out with him that day was Miss Danister. This was not because Miss Owl was worried that the rain would wet her feathers, but because it was Miss Danister who accompanied the hermits the last time they met.

Moreover, the red-haired girl was still thinking that there might be more information about her teacher among the hermits.

So the witch stayed to prepare the potion - warm ingredients. The potion is not complicated to prepare, and the final step will probably be completed tonight.

Of course, little Mia will not be taken out by Shade, so Miss Winslet will still take care of her temporarily. It seems that the cat likes Miss Owl very much, which is different from Tifa. Shade feels that little Mia has

Maybe he thinks the great witch of death is the same kind.

Of course, in order not to hurt Miss Owl's self-esteem, Shade did not express his thoughts.

After bidding farewell to the ladies in the hotel, Shade and Miss Denister took a carriage out of the city, and then walked to the village of Little Miguel in the forest.

Because it was raining lightly, both of them held umbrellas. When the carriage was in the city, Shade chatted with her about their future plans. When they walked into the woods together, Shade asked about the elves.

"Nightsong elves? Yes, there is indeed this elven clan in the college. There are many such students in the School of Library Management, but what do you want to do with them?"

Most elves maintain the tradition of matrilineal clans, so Miss Danist also uses female personal pronouns.

"I want to know something about the Fifth Era."

"I understand, this is your time adventure again, right? I guess the potion formula you gave Flora is also the harvest of your adventure."

The red-haired girl asked with a smile:

"But the clans of Nightsong elves are now widely distributed, and the academy's clan doesn't know everything. What do you want to ask specifically?"

"Did the Nightsong elves live together in the fifth era? If not, where in the old continent do they live today? Oh, I only need to know the result before next Monday."

Miss Denister walked side by side with him on the path in the forest, holding an umbrella:

"This question is very simple. You know that I also have elf blood. Although I didn't have much contact with my relatives before, I have also studied elf history. In the Fifth Age, elves of the same clan lived together, even if they lived separately.

, are also scattered in a certain area, such as the relationship between towns and villages.

The Nightsong elves are a relatively independent elf clan in the academy, but their history is very clear. In the fifth era, didn't those elves live in the forest below us?"

Shade found that he was not as surprised as he thought:

"Vista Grove?"

"Yes, Ximu Town did not exist at that time, and the area of ​​the forest was much larger than it is now. This ancient forest is not just the night song elves, there are also many weird or secret alien communities living in it.

At the same time, because the forest was ancient and dense at that time, many ancient relics are still preserved today. Have you never taken any elective courses in the School of Political Science and Economics? If you have time, you can actually choose one or two courses to study.

Anyway, you don’t care about tuition fees now.”

She teased, while Xia De raised his umbrella slightly so that he could look at the gloomy forest in the rain:

"The black mist with the suspected power of the Angel of Death attacked Miss McConaughey in this area. So, is it still here now?"

The rain had already turned from light rain to heavy rain when Shade and Miss Danister arrived at Xiaomige Village. Although they both carried umbrellas and wore waterproof boots, they still stepped on the puddles to cover each other while trying to get through.

Entered the village tavern.

The red-haired girl seemed to think this was very funny. When Shade handed the token of meeting the hermits to the tavern owner in front of the wine-stained counter, she stood alone under the rain cover at the entrance of the tavern, smiling behind her hands.

He looked up and watched the strings of raindrops falling under the gray sky.

Shade felt that this scene was more worthy of being recorded as an oil painting than throwing the moonlight ring.

Shade had just helped Miss Danister block the rain blowing from the side, so his entire left shoulder was soaked. But he didn't want to use thaumaturgy in the village, so he simply wiped his hair with a towel.

Go take care of the clothes.

Miss Daniste did not use a new towel. Instead, she took the towel that Shade had used and wiped her hair and side of her face. Then she thoughtfully wiped Shade's left arm with a wet towel.

Wet clothes actually don't have much effect.

Monday morning was supposed to be a busy time for farming. Although it was raining, few villagers would go to the tavern to rest. Since there were not many customers, the tavern owner asked for Shade's coat and put it on the tavern with a wooden stick.

Help with drying on the fireplace.

So Shade could only sit near the fireplace wearing a white shirt, and the red-haired girl sat next to him.

After waiting for more than half an hour, when the only other guests besides the two of them left the tavern, Mr. Bell Van Buren, the hermit whom Shade met last time, finally opened the door of the tavern.

He put the black umbrella he was carrying at the door and walked towards the two of them. Shade then put down the map in his hand. He had just confirmed that he was using "Powerful Space Perception" and "Inextinguishable Fire Seal" at the same time while holding the map.

, Xiao Mia’s location was displayed on the map directly in his eyes.


While he was talking about this thaumaturgy with the red-haired girl, the hermit came in, so after the hermit sat opposite, he handed over Old John's letter:

"This is our mutual friend."

Mr. Van Buren wiped his hands before opening the letter. He read the letter carefully, then raised his head and asked Shade:

"Mr. Watson, what do you want from us?"

"Remember my question last time? About the tree hole."

He smiled:

"It has been a week since we last met. I happened to find a tree hole that can be used to travel through time in the city, so I want to ask you hermits for some advice on related issues."

The man in his forties looked up at him:

"Did you use it?"

"No, I am a cautious person. Besides, I can't think of what I need to do there."

Shade said, and the hermit who had just sat down stood up again:

"You two, please wait for me for a moment, I will be back soon."

So Shade and Miss Denister continued to talk about the thaumaturgy, and then had lunch together. When the tavern owner even cleared the table and Shade put on his dry coat again, Mr. Van Buren

I just came here with an old hermit from the eleventh ring.

This was not the hermit they had seen last time. After the two sat down, Mr. Van Buren introduced:

"This is Mr. Meloni, the secret keeper of this generation of the Hermits. It is better for him to handle the matter of time travel. I'm sorry that I didn't know what I said last time. That was the necessary caution."

Mr. Meloni, who looked as old as Father Augustus, held in his hand the letter from old John:

"If I hadn't received his letter some time ago, I really couldn't believe that [The Priory of the Light Guide], which is more conservative than us, would actually cooperate with outsiders."

The letter stated that John Watson was not a member of the Priory.

"I just happen to know a few gentlemen from the Priory."

Shade folded his hands together and placed them on the table:

"I won't say any more pleasantries. Mr. Meloni and Mr. Van Buren, since I came to you with a letter for the second time, you can probably guess that I already know a lot of things."

He looked at the two of them in turn:

"[The Hermits in the Forest] has been helping ordinary people who traveled through time due to 'tree hole accidents' since the sixth era, and guiding them not to abuse the power of tree holes. By coincidence, I was finding the tree hole in the city.

When I was there, I met an old man you helped in the 1800s.

Don’t worry, I didn’t make things difficult for him. He voluntarily handed over the tree hole to me. He said that time has closed the loop.”

Mr. Van Buren said nothing, while Mr. Meloni sighed:

"No one has given us such a responsibility. This is just to maintain the peace of this forest. You said it yourself. We usually don't help ring warlocks. Past lessons show that this will cause big trouble."

Mr. Prada Ogg, the leader of the Hermitage in the Snow in 1802, also said the same thing. He trusted Shade because he had elf blood and could recognize the power of the wreath. Of course, this also coincided with the amazing uniqueness of the "animal companion".

Related to the transformation of horned beasts.

But obviously this trick cannot be used at this time.

"Isn't it possible to rely on this letter?"

"Of course we won't doubt anyone that Old John recognizes. What do you want to know?"

But it seems that instead of the garland and unicorn, Father John's face and the holy symbol returned by Shade are equally effective.

"I want to know some basic knowledge about time travel. Of course, before that, please allow me to ask a question: The old man who was once helped by you said that using tree holes for time travel will lead to being cursed, so this kind of

Is the curse really unbreakable?"

Shade believed that the two hermits must have guessed something through this question, but at least they did not show it.

"It cannot be broken, but there are ways to slow down the power of the curse. The elves have an ancient potion, but we don't know the formula; there are a few relics that can suppress the power of the curse. We can make a list for you if you need it, and"

The hermit paused, but this was not to create any drama:

"The reason why time travelers are cursed is that time travelers destroy the stability of time. Some people are simply involved in accidents, but more people really have regrets in their hearts. Mr. Watson, are you sure that you

Friends who want to break the curse will never use the power of the tree hole again in the future?"

Under the table, the red-haired girl had already grabbed Shade's hand. She didn't let Shade speak and said:

"He wants to break the curse for me, you don't need to test this.

If I could really see my elder in the past, even if the man next to me stops me, I will definitely use the tree hole again!"

This chapter has been completed!
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