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Chapter 2660: The Morning Witch and the Key to the Sixth Time

Chapter 2659 The early witch and the key to the sixth time

The mark left by the thaumaturgy "Eternal Fire Seal" is usually invisible and will only appear when the mood changes drastically and the spirit becomes violently agitated. Therefore, it is normal for Carina to find the mark on Luvia that night.

Shade really didn't expect this this time, and the red-haired witch who inquired about the effect of this thaumaturgy really didn't want to be left behind. Of course Shade didn't want to agree, but this time it was Luvia and Carina who made the request together. Stranger

He is never afraid of strong enemies or scary monsters, but he is unable to resist the girls who make demands on the bed.

In the end, he had no choice but to leave the third fire mark. The Duchess also chose the beautiful silver moonfire, but no matter what she said, Shade did not agree to leave the fire mark in the same position as Luvia, or even

Promise to stay closest to her heart:

"It can only be the arms, yes, there is no negotiation this time. You are a witch, and the body's current posture is the most perfect. I don't want you to have more messy 'tattoos'. This is a serious blasphemy against your unparalleled charm.


He gave this reason, and Carina had to reluctantly accept it. So before going to bed that night, the Duchess had a small "moon seal" on the outside of the upper end of her right arm. She did not complain about Xia Xia.

De was "partial", but condescendingly "warned" Xia De:

"If Lesia and Vanessa are treated differently than me, I will definitely be angry!"

If she couldn't get it, she didn't want anyone else to get it. But she didn't see Shade's reaction to this sentence because he was busy kissing Luvia at this time.

The end of Tuesday also means the end of September 1854, which is the end of the Harvest Moon. Although this year cannot be said to be a "harvest", no matter what, time is always fair and continues to move forward, which is the same for everyone.


When the early morning bell rang at home, the day of the Moon of Dead Leaves officially arrived. Shade, who was playing with Carina and Luvia, immediately realized that the black time key that was punished and could not be used was also there.

It can now be used again.

However, he failed to use the key immediately. This was not because he did not want to do such a thing at night, but because the two ladies would not let him leave. Not saying "I will leave temporarily for three seconds", even if it was just for one second.

It will also seriously affect the relationship between them, so the chance to see Adele again can be left until tomorrow.

In the early morning of the first day of the Moon of Dead Leaves, Shade was woken up by the rumble of thunder outside the window. However, although there had been thunder all morning, surprisingly there were only a few drops of light rain, which greatly relieved the city hall.

You should know that due to heavy rains in the past few days, the water level of the Terrarel River has risen above the warning line.

Iluna, like Shade, has a good habit of getting up early, so Carina, who has always hated getting up early, actually ordered Tifa to wake her up earlier than Iluna this morning, so that she could return to her side as early as possible.

Lying down.

She didn't want to lose face with Iluna.

But this also means that this morning Tifa got the right to enter Shade's room without permission. When she walked in on tiptoes, Shade was already awake, and Shade could not describe how attracted she was by this man in a black and white maid outfit.

The black-haired head maid, how did he feel when he saw the naked Carina and Luvia in his left and right hands respectively.

But the head maid was indeed professional enough. She tilted her head, smiled, winked at Shade with her left eye, and then gently woke up her mistress:

"Miss, it's time to go back."

"Is it already dawn?"

The sleepy witch squinted her eyes as if she hadn't woken up, but still kissed Shade, then hurriedly put on her nightgown and rushed back to lie down on her side. She would have to sleep for a while before getting up to have breakfast.

Alarmed, Luvia squirmed a few times with her eyes closed, seemingly not fully awake yet, so Tifa's eyes curled up because of the smile on her face, she bent down and gave Shade a deep kiss, and then used her gentle lips to

After tapping his forehead, he bent down to pick up the Duke's clothes on the carpet and turned away with a smile.


The cat who lived downstairs with the maids took the opportunity to walk in from the door, then jumped on the bed and lay on the pillow where the witch was lying just now. The cat also closed its eyes. It was not yet six o'clock.

I also need to sleep a little longer.

The weather outside the window was gloomy this morning, but this did not affect Shade's good mood. The family had breakfast together, and Shade went downstairs to say goodbye to Iluna, Luvia, Carina and the maid.

They took out the black time key hanging around their necks:

"I haven't used this for a month and a half. I don't know what kind of enemy I will face this time."


"No, the doomsday era is too dangerous, you can't go no matter what - may the World Tree protect me in infinite time!"

[Outlander, please note. A message from the "Father of the Infinite Tree": You are allowed to carry two additional relics this time. 】

“Perfume vial and”

He hesitated between [Night Watch] and [Star Trace]:

"Perfume Vial and Star Trace."

He didn't even go upstairs, but directly opened the door of the house at the end of the hall. Behind the door was the endless white mist. Shade temporarily put the other items on the shoe cabinet and patted little Mia before walking in.



【Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time".】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree":]

[The past life, the sixth era, the old continent, the city of the end, Tobesk.]

[Event: Tobesk, the Last Era.]

【The duration is arbitrary (6/∞).】

【You have obtained additional information.】

【You have stepped into a history that does not exist.】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you.]

[Note that during this exploration, you cannot leave the area of ​​Saint Teresa Square. 】

[Note, you are allowed to bring any casting materials into this period of time. 】

[Note that you can return to the "now" time by defeating any powerful enemy with the Time Key. 】

Even though it was already the sixth time, when Shade appeared in the dilapidated apocalyptic home, he still covered his forehead and squatted down because of the discomfort.

After a long time to calm down, I stood up, looked around the cold and damp living room, and then walked quickly towards the stairs.

Outside the door is a sky full of yellow sand, with huge buildings surrounded by storms and the dark sun suspended in the sky. The bright red line "dropping" from below the black sun seems to be the original color of the sun, and looking around the sky

After confirming that the moon was not found, Shade was almost certain that Luvia's statement that "little Mia swallowed the moon and spewed silver flames toward the world" was probably true.

There was nothing interesting about the familiar scenery. Shade took out Adele's pocket watch, and then looked at the string of luminous runes on the gravel-rolled square floor tiles under his feet:

"Adele Isabella."

As the contents of the rune string were read out, the translucent lady stood up with her skirt lifted. When she raised her head, her body was completely solid:


She opened her arms and hugged him, and Shade also stretched out his arms to hug her. The two souls hugged each other tightly. The once lonely stranger was no longer lonely, and the great witch of time who was not lonely in the past was now.

Everything is lost except him.

It was precisely because he understood her at this time that he understood the meaning of this hug to her after they reunited again.

"You were called to my time last time. Do you miss it very much?"

He waited for a while before asking softly. The blond witch hugged him and nodded gently, then took a deep breath, as if she wanted to inhale all the breath of Shade's body from the pre-apocalyptic era into her nose:

"I miss it very much. Whether it's those people or the scenery, I can smell Carina's perfume now. This is also very nostalgic."

Shade also laughed and continued to hug her tightly:

"One day I will find a way to bring you permanently to the present world. Didn't the last incident prove that there is no problem with you and the current Miss Isabella appearing at the same time? Even the time curse does not exist.


"This must be Lu"

"This should have nothing to do with Luvia. Luvia's method of going to the 'next era' is not a true time travel."

Adele nodded slightly, let go of Shade and took a step back slightly. Seeing Shade looking at her, she was quite embarrassed:

"It doesn't matter even if I can't live in your era. As long as you can keep visiting me, it's actually okay for me to live here."

"Do you want to be told by the long-haired Luvia that you are actually my lover hidden in another time and space? You will definitely be laughed at by her."

Adele thought for a while and thought that what Shade said made sense, so she put her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. She did not close her eyes, but kept looking at him with blurred eyes.

At this moment, the outsider understood that even if he could never find a way to take her away, she would always be here waiting for him to appear again and again. For Adele Isabella, who was waiting here alone

, this is the real "until the end of time".

In the past month and a half, from the aftermath of the Battle of Moon Bay to Vanessa's promotion, from the time story in Vesta City to the recent Moonfire, Shade has many things he wants to share with Adele, but

This needs to wait until he defeats this powerful enemy.

In the first five arrivals, Shade has faced the disaster of space - the twin lovers Mr. and Mrs. Smith, the disaster of darkness - Mrs. Flamel, the shadow of the deep sea, the disaster of death - the undead ghost Mr. Bernhardt, and the disaster of the earth.

Disaster - Professor Drake of the Sand Worm, Disaster of Light - Miss Brown, the Petitioner of Light.

Shade was actually very curious about whether different types of evil things would appear under the same disaster, but at least this time he had no chance to test his idea, because this time it was a new disaster.

Leaving a gentle kiss on the side of Shade's face as a blessing, Adele leaned against the wall of No. 6 St. Teresa Square and watched Shade walk step by step against the wind and sand towards the square filled with rolling gravel.

This time the wind was stronger than the previous times, especially when Shade walked into the square, he even felt that the wind was blowing him up.

This chapter has been completed!
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