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Chapter 2684 Soul Flame and Mrs. Bronte

All the windows in the dilapidated auditorium were randomly nailed with wooden boards. There should have been brightly colored murals on the curved ceiling. Now those murals were corroded by moisture, showing a weird and terrifying abstract appearance.

The smell of dampness and decay hit their faces, and the fog inside the auditorium was not as thick as the outside. Therefore, both Shade and Cat saw the wall at the end of the auditorium that was engraved with the Bronte family tree. A tall undead heard the sound of the door opening.

He turned to look at them.

The pale green will-o'-the-wisp had lit up all the rusty kerosene lamps on the walls of the auditorium at the moment it set off, and the pale green spirit body had already shown that she was an evil spirit that had lost its mind.

The evil spirit looks like a slightly obese middle-aged woman, nearly three meters tall, holding a candlestick shaped like a human skull in her right hand, and wearing a black tattered skirt.

Probably because its mission was to guard this place, it started to attack when it turned around and saw Shade.

The candlestick was brought in front of its wide mouth, and then it blew violently, and the pale green soul flame rushed toward the door of the auditorium like a sea of ​​fire.

"This is the soul flame, don't touch it directly!"

The gray-black cat on the chest immediately reminded.

"Understood, ha~ Moonlight Slash!"

Shade clapped his hands together up and down and then pulled them forward suddenly, then a brilliant silver arc of light split into a sea of ​​fire and struck at the undead at the end of the auditorium.

But the undead disappeared in the flames, and then appeared in another corner of the sea of ​​​​fire that covered one-third of the auditorium. It lifted the candlestick and blew it again, and the surging green flames swept towards Shade again.

"Raglai's Leap!"

He stepped forward and appeared in the flame-less sky on the right side of the undead at the next moment. The moonlight ring on his right hand rotated and rubbed against the air, making a buzzing sound. However, the ring flew across the sea of ​​​​fire, and the undead moved again.

Another place in the sea of ​​fire.

It's not that Shade didn't use the "Space Stabilizing Aura", but obviously this time his opponent didn't use space movement at all.

"It moves in these flames. This is the special ability of special undead."

The cat on his chest reminded him again, and Shade threw out the [Sin Chain] and tied it to the remains of the chandelier above his head to prevent himself from falling to the ground.

The tall undead that looked like a woman then made a sound that sounded like laughter. Its figure became taller, and dozens of green fireballs rose up in the spreading sea of ​​​​fire, and then merged with the fiery red fireballs that appeared next to Shade.

They perished together on the sea.

"Do you need my help?"

Miss Cat was eager to try, but Shade shook his head:

"We don't need you to deal with such an enemy. So what if we move with the help of flames? This is not an open field with unlimited area. Just close your eyes."


"Three, two, one! Light spell!"

With the fingertips of her right hand raised high, the silver moonlight burst out in the small auditorium like the sun. Even though the Cat Witch closed her eyes in time, she still felt like she was melting into the light at that moment.

The cat's hair, whiskers, eyelids and even the tail hidden in the clothes all felt like the holy and pure moonlight had turned into substance at this moment. When the moonlight disappeared and she opened her eyes again, she saw that the auditorium that was so eerie just now was now

It almost seemed like it had been turned into a small sanctuary for enshrining the Holy Emblem.

The floor and walls were filled with a silvery shimmer, and the dilapidated environment and the strange plants growing here seemed particularly strange at this time. Under such high-intensity moonlight purification, the green sea of ​​​​fire was of course

It had disappeared, and even the evil spirit was huddled in front of the wall where it had just appeared deep in the auditorium, and its body gradually returned to normal human size.

"Can this also be called the Lighting Technique?"

The witch was greatly surprised:

"I have never heard of a light spell that can directly purify this special kind of undead. Which moon god's magic is this? Is this the magic she taught you?"

But Shade just rubbed her head subconsciously, not wanting to answer this kind of question here.

He led the cat to the evil spirit and found that its spirit body was full of broken traces. Shade raised his hand to give her one last blow, but was stopped by the cat again:

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, she is not a normal evil spirit, it was the environment here that made her lose her mind. Now that you have purified most of her power and resentment, I can temporarily restore her to normal."

She was about to jump out of Shade's clothes and cast a spell, but immediately changed her mind:

"Hold me above it."

Shade thought this was a necessary step for casting a spell, so he pinched the body under the cat's front paws and picked her up. Then the witch shook her tail shyly, and moved her two front paws in the air a few times:

"The Witch's Secret Art - Charlotte's Mercy! No, not my assistant, this is the name of the ancient Witch Emperor."

In order to prevent Xia De from misunderstanding, she also specially explained.

Then the circular ritual matrix appeared on the ground where the undead were curled up, and warm white light rose from the ritual matrix, accompanied by some pure white luminous feathers falling from the void. The luster of the feathers repaired her soul and

Let her regain her sanity temporarily.

Shade took a few steps back and put the cat back into his clothes, and then watched the woman who had returned to the size of a normal woman climb up from the ground with difficulty.

The color of her soul had turned pure white at this time, and she looked up at Shade. She was a lady who looked to be about forty years old. She did not pick up the candlestick, and had no expression after standing up.

He is not angry that Shade was nearly killed just now, nor is he confused about who the stranger is.

She just nodded slightly and then asked:

"I haven't woken up in a long time. Please tell me, have you killed my son?"

"Sorry ma'am, who is your son?"

Shade asked suspiciously. The lady was silent for a moment, then turned to look at the Bronte family tree on the wall:

"Theodore Brontë."

The black-haired lady in 1821 said that Theodore Bronte in 1787 was Ben Bronte today, and Ben Bronte today was York Bronte in 1854. Three generations of the family

, except Theodore Bronte is a baron, the other two identities are the second sons of the family.

Grandfather and uncle are both York Bronte himself.

"Sorry, I haven't killed anyone in your family."

Sha De said this, and the lady lowered her eyes and faced Sha De again:

"So, do you belong to this time?"

Shade and the cat who raised his head looked at each other, knowing that they had found the key person:

"Ma'am, before we answer the questions, maybe you should also answer some of our questions. It's true that we came all this way because of your son, but there are some things we haven't figured out - what did he do?"

"Theodore, he fooled death."

Most of the long seats in the small auditorium had collapsed, but you could still find a place to sit. Shade sat down, but the lady's soul still stood in front of the wall.

She looked at the unfamiliar young man from the North with a cat head on his chest with an expressionless face. The purifying effect of the "Lighting Technique" could still last for a while, and she had always been rational during this period.

"I did come from the future. I discovered that your son has turned into an inhuman monster, but if I want to eliminate him from the source, I must find out what happened to him."

"Young man, what do you want to know?"

the soul asked.

"You said he fooled death, but what really happened?"

This story is much shorter than Shade thought, at least much shorter than the story of the Cumming family, and it is very simple, and the explanation is very calm:

"Theodore didn't want his father and I to die, but we died anyway; he didn't want his sister to die, but she died too. He also didn't want himself to die. Our successive deaths had driven him crazy, and he never

He was not a bold boy, so he thought of many ways to avoid death.

Theodore told me that he looked through the books at home and found a real 'Death' in the forest, hoping to gain a long life."

"He succeeded?"

"He failed. He was cursed by the mysterious being, and his destined death must come three years later, which is now 1787. So Theodore used the tree hole to skip 1787 through time travel. He was destined to

He died this year, so as long as his life does not pass through 1787, he will never die."

Shade and the cat on his chest both showed expressions of awe. Normal people would never think of such a solution, but it does explain the current situation:

"I feel like he succeeded. Are you sure that him being cursed with death was not part of his plan? Well, you don't know either, so he has never come back since then?"

"Death is attracting him back. Although he has fooled death, he cannot control time. He will occasionally be forcibly brought back, coming back with different ages and identities, but he will leave soon.

I have been confused since I came to this world, and my memory is not clear, so I cannot explain how often he comes back."

So when Shade pushed him back at the "Last Night" banquet in 1854, he didn't necessarily realize that this was not a natural phenomenon.

But at this point, Bronte's story becomes clear.

Theodore Bronte, who was trying to escape death, skipped his life in 1787, the year he was doomed to die. As a result, he was always a "time traveler". Then he lived in different eras and named himself different descendants.

He lived under the same identity until he was discovered by Shade in 1854, 67 years later.

The time paradox was created from the beginning, because Theodore Brontë was not supposed to exist after 1787, so the paradox bug was bound to be born.

"Excuse me, why are you here? Although this place is on the verge of life and death, as long as you don't die in the family cemetery, your soul should theoretically continue to walk on."

Shade asked again.

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