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Chapter 278: Notes on the Anti-God

The appearance of [Moonlight Great Sword] was expected, but as for the other magical skill [Toy Manufacturing], it was completely unexpected.

Shade directly came into contact with the relic [God's Gift Box] and the spiritual rune [Toymaker] produced by the whispering element. This is another spiritual rune with a relatively specific meaning, and the potential for developing thaumaturgy is very low.

If [Moonlight Great Sword] is purely offensive thaumaturgy, then [Toy Making] is purely auxiliary thaumaturgy.

As long as Shade has enough spirit and a large enough cloth, he can turn any object that does not have extraordinary properties into a toy. As for a living creature, it must have enough trust in Shade to be turned into a toy by him.

Although the real owner of little Mia is not Shad, after living together for a month, this cat definitely trusts Shad enough, so last night it tried for the first time and turned it into a toy under Shad's clothes.

Of course, it may also be because the silly Mia cat is too innocent.

When Shade invited Luvia to test the thaumaturgy [toy making], even though the female diviner was well prepared, after using a bed sheet, no matter how the sheet was covered over her body, the thaumaturgy could not work.

"Human beings have richer thinking and are not as simple as small animals."

This is the explanation given by Shade. Luvia certainly trusts Shade enough, but this trust has not reached the level of Mia Cat who can trust everything.

"If I could be turned into a toy by you, I would also like to read the past stories you told me."

Luvia expressed regret for this, and so did Shade. The task of the ancient god was not easy. If he could bring a group of helpers, even if no one could face the gods like him, at least he could make many effective suggestions. And not only

Through the Time Corridor, he can even take people to travel quickly in Tobesk and Coldwater Port City at will...

"Speaking of which, since Mia can be turned into a toy, why not take her to see the sea when I have time."

This is what Shade thinks when he is bored.

In this way, Shade and Luvia spent a peaceful Friday morning together in St. Teresa Square. During this period, they saw groups of soldiers several times, following clergymen wearing priest robes, around the square.

Rushing through the road. After the cultist succeeded in summoning the god for the second time, but the god was expelled by another god, the [Lord of the Blood Feast]'s sect will remain dormant for at least twenty years even if it is lucky.

The God Summoning Ceremony is not that easy. The consumption of two times is enough to bankrupt a small principality. Coupled with the city-wide manhunt of the Righteous God Church, even if there is no "fair" duel witnessed by the ancient god last night, Shade does not have to worry about being violently attacked by the evil god.


The next time I see the [Lord of the Blood Feast] come to the material world, maybe Shade has been promoted to the Thirteenth Ring, or even become a true god.

In her free time, Luvia also asked Shade curiously and in awe how he felt when he was "with God." She listened completely to Shade's memories of last night, and carefully asked about various details, and occasionally exclaimed in amazement.


People in this world have an innate fear of God. Unlike outsiders like Shade who try to become gods and have a weaker sense of awe, anything related to God must be considered by people in this world.

Be very careful.

The God here is not a powerful person, but a high-dimensional existence in the true sense. Thursday's experience is a good illustration. If you don't have the power of God, it's best not to fight against God without overestimating your own capabilities.

"All unknowable level (level 0) relics must be related to gods, but not all relics related to gods are unknowable level. Even among unknowable level relics, as far as I know, there are only no more than

Ten pieces can have a weak effect on God."

Luvia enthusiastically told Shade these things that even ordinary ring magicians didn't understand, and thought that he was lucky enough to be the vessel of the old god. It would be wrong not to know these things.

In fact, absorbing and burning divinity did give Shade some fragmentary knowledge. But probably the divinity was absorbed too thoroughly, and the knowledge lay quietly in the deepest part of his head like golden gravel. "She" said she could try it

He is trying to piece together an understanding, but this is a very long process. Maybe he will be surprised at the right time, but it is best not to raise too much hope.

"Speaking of which, in addition to level 0 relics, are other dangerous level relics likely to have any effect on gods?"

Shade asked again. He thought it was impossible, but unexpectedly Luvia nodded:

"Things related to gods are rarely spread privately, but I do know an angel-level (level 1) relic that has a slight effect on gods. Shard, in fact, most students at St. Byrons know about it, because it belongs to

St. Byrons. Angelic relic [Notes of the Enemy God], belonging to the rumored thirteenth-ring warlock and founder of St. Byrons, Ms. Myrna Filiana. I don’t know the specific characteristics, but it is said that the holder

When encountering evil gods, you can get some effective escape ideas from the notes."

Luvia was sitting at the coffee table checking the letters, while Shade was sitting at the dining table holding the cat and reading the newspaper. At this time, he stopped petting the cat. He suddenly had a strange premonition.

"The witch of the fifth era had many strange experiences, and that relic, according to ancient legends, was the notebook used by Miss Feliana when she taught students around the campfire according to the more ancient mentor-apprentice etiquette."

The style of Miss Feliana's notebook quickly appeared in Shade's mind. During last night's time travel, the witch by the campfire was listening to Shade's story while writing and drawing in the notebook. No one could read it.

I finally understood the content and finally summarized some useful suggestions. Once this kind of item that records knowledge about God crosses the era, the possibility of becoming a relic is indeed very high.

"Oh, there are ring magicians like Miss Myrna Feliana, but in our era, the female ring magicians in St. Byrons are all admired... Shade, what's your expression?"

Luvia asked curiously, Shade shook his head and hid his face behind the newspaper.

The morning was spent in this way, and at noon, Luvia was still cooking in the kitchen. Her cooking skills were not as good as Miss Louisa who had also used this kitchen, but since someone is willing to help Shade and

When a cat cooks, he will certainly not say inappropriate words.

During lunch, Luvia shared with Shade what she learned when looking through the stack of letters. Most of the letters were written in cipher text, which required diviners to decipher, and most of the contents had nothing to do with them.

After briefly looking through it all morning, the only useful clue I got was the hiding place of the [Forged Philosopher's Stone]. This relic was the beginning of a series of things that Shad came into contact with, and after this series of things ended,

Only then did he finally appear.

"In the statue held by the Chief of Police in Ridwich Field, only the Silver Eyed One knows about it. The Chief of Police is actually related to [Mercury Blood]."

Luvia said while stirring her own vegetable soup with a spoon:

"Also, your client, Mrs. Lawrence, was also killed by someone he sent."

Shade stopped eating and looked at the couch in the living room. The death of that generous lady was what he regretted most at the moment:

"The police chief has a bright future, so what's the point of getting involved with these illegal organizations?"

"[Mercury Blood] is his thug, helping to deal with some inconvenient things. This also explains that [Mercury Blood] was able to do so many things locally, but it was not destroyed until today,"

Luvia said that she did not care about these things, but wanted to know from the letters that the vampire carried with him what exactly it was doing in the Tobesk area.

"You should tell the doctor about this relic as soon as possible. It would be bad for the church to be one step ahead."

Shade grabbed the bread and said, thinking about the doctor he met at the charity banquet.

Although Dr. Schneider left in time because of Shade's appearance, thinking about it now, the doctor's luck was really surprisingly bad. If Shade had not met him on the first floor, the doctor would have encountered the evil god at close range. Shade is now

He fully realized why when he met other members of the team, they all believed that Dr. Schneider had used a relic of overdraft luck.

"Doctors have really bad luck."

Tear the bread in your hand and dip it into the soup. This is a very common way of eating in this world.

"It's indeed so bad that it's abnormal. I think it may have something to do with the demon you mentioned. I haven't heard that demons can reduce luck. In short, there will definitely be a way to solve Dr. Schneider's matter."

Although the evil god's matter has been resolved, there are still many things waiting for them ahead.

The martial law in the city will not end until six o'clock tomorrow morning, and then there will be a curfew that will last for a week, so they are still not allowed to go out in the afternoon. Shade originally planned to take advantage of the time today to ask Luvia about divination knowledge and try

Try to see if you have this kind of talent. After all, the performance of the female diviner when breaking into the ruins was really impressive.

Unexpectedly, not long after lunch, there was a knock on the door downstairs.

"Iluna came back early?"

Shade asked suspiciously, walked to the living room window to take a look, and raised his hand to signal Luvia not to be nervous:

"The familiar carriage is that of Duchess Carina Cavendish."

The female diviner also followed Shade and looked downstairs. She had not seen the duchess's carriage, but she seemed to think of something and frowned:

"Shade, can you answer my question? Is that powerful sage-level (level 2) relic [the ancient witch's gold necklace] borrowed from the duchess?"

Xia De was stunned and shook his head:

"refuse to answer."


Those purple eyes looked at Shade inquiringly:

"So, is Carina Cavendish the Archwitch of the Witches Council?"

Sometimes Shade really admires her thinking ability.

"Still can't answer."

"Then I understand, that's how it is."

Luvia nodded slightly, then looked at Shade with the eyes of a magical creature:

"When did witches start getting close to men? How did you do it? Oh, no need to answer, I'm just expressing my feelings. But you have to be careful, the reputation of witches is not very good, be careful not to be deceived."

Shade went downstairs and opened the door, but the person inside the carriage was not the Duchess, but her personal maid, Miss Tifa Servit. She was still wearing the familiar and complicated maid dress, and she had her hands folded on her lap.

, seemed to be in a bad mood. She asked Shade to get in the carriage and follow her. Miss Carina was waiting for the young detective at the manor.

This chapter has been completed!
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